The Treehouse
Leaves and twigs were hoplessly entangled in my hair and tiny scratches covered my scrawny pale arms. Blue,green,and brown blotches of paint were splattered on my clothes and my jeans were ripped with small holes.
James didn't look so well either. His once sexy hair was sticking out in all sorts of places along with green paint that did not go along with his light brown hair. Although, he was far from looking as worse as I did.
The black t-shirt he was wearing clung to his body because of the water, and framed his figure perfectly. Even the ripped part of his jeans looked fashionable on him. Unlike me, he didn't look like a homeless that went in the middle of a violent paint ball game.
And trust me, they can be very violent. Like R-rated material, when I play it.
I gagged at my own smell. The combination of manure,old paint,trees, and mud did not suit me well, and neither did it suit James. I pinched my nose and tried breathing through my mouth.
Big mistake.
Well anyways, I guess I should explain how we even ended up in this mess in the first place. After all, I owe you guys an explanation of how the both of us smelled like horse poop.
It was after his piano lesson. Its been a week since he took me to the graden of daisys and flowers. Now I have at least three more weeks till school starts. Yay(sense the sarcasm.)
I twirled a lock of my soft cinammon colored hair between my fingers.
"You did alot better. Its fluent and flows, But you need to work on actually putting your emotions in the song." I commented.
"Okay. I just don't get how though."he responded, his eyebrows furrowing,
Then he shrugged and stopped playing. "I'm tired. You wanna take a break?"
I nodded."Sure,why not?"
James delicate blue eyes twinkled with excitement.
"I know what we're gonna do today!' the boy exclaimed suddenly.
I felt my eyes rolling and I frowned. "You sound like Phineas."
Now it was James turn to roll his eyes. 'What ever. Can't believe you still watch that."
"Can't believe you don't." I argued back. Phineas and Ferb is down right awesome.
"Anywayy,"James continiued, dragging the y.
"I wanna take you somewhere. Its my secret hideout." he added.
Okay, so this boy makes fun of me for watching Phineas and Ferb, yet has a secret hideout like Perry the Platapus ,I thought to myself.
"I guess you have a point." James admitted. Wait, did I just say that out loud? Gee, I need to work on thinking thoughts, not speaking them.
"So where are we going."I asked.
"Its not a secret if I tell you." the boy with blue eyes said mischieviously.
I was amazed at what was standing thiry feet above me. Nobody would have noticed it in this small area, partically in this shady area of the forest.
A small, cute tree house made of wood hung on top of the two thickest branches, which was at least as thick as how tall iIwas.
"Did you build this?" I asked the boy with sapphire eyes.
"Yup. On my free time. No one hardly comes here, so that's why I built it."
My eyes were as wide as saucers. "You built it?"
"Did I stutter?"he mocked.
"Yeah, I did build it. Myself, not to brag, but I had no help." James continued. "But I'm not done."
I cocked my head to the side,"And you're saying...?"
"I need your help to paint it. Duh."he remarked.
And that was when I noticed the paint brushes in his right hand, and the bucket of paint in the other. I frowned at how oblivious I was. How did I not see the huge bucket of bright blue, green, and yellow paint, I don't know.
The ladder on the tree was basically just a rope that was tied together in some sort of wacky looking way. James assured it was "safe" for me to climb.
I was climbing half way up about fifteen feet above the ground when I heard a snapping sound from inside the ropes. "Eeep!" I shrieked, clutching on the rope for my dear life for about the hundredth time.
"Don't worry! Just hold on the rope tightly and you'll be safe." James yelled from the bottom.
Safe my ass. I almost died thirty times on this stupid piece of rope.
I leaped onto the floor of the tree house and breathed out a sigh of relief. Secretly congratulating myself for surviving the climb.
The tree house shook, trembling hard, and I screamed in terror.
the first thought that popped in my head was,"I'M GONNA FREAKING DIE ALONE!" and the image of my tombstone flashed through my mind. "R.I.P Emma Davis. Died sad and alone because of a falling tree house that was claimed to be 'safe' some what." was engraved in the rock.
A familiar light brown head of hair popped into the entrance of the tree house.
"Chill out.God, my poor eardrums." James complained.
My heart was rapidly beating against my ribcage. I was surprised I didn't get a heart attack right at the spot.
"YOU SCARED ME! I thought the treehouse was gonna fall..."I stuttered.
James chuckled."The look on your was priceless."
I smacked his arm. How could he joke around at a time like this? I was almost scared to death. LITERALLY. Oh that boy...
Maybe if he "accidently" fell out of a tree house.And his body was magically hidden among the depths of the forest. With insects feeding on his rotting flesh, enjoying the bitter taste of his blood.
As you can tell, CSI tought me alot of things.
I snapped out of my wonderful daydream, when a brush came flying to my face.
"What.the.HECK!?" I screeched, catching it just in time.
"Just helping you with your reflexes."the boy snickered.
I groaned and picked up the brush lying on the floor,dipped it into the blue think liquid, and began to the house. Following my example, James started to do the same.
After what felt like hours, there was only a small friction of the wall left. Deciding which color was best for it, I decided that green was the best color. I picked up the last portion of paint left in the tray and moved to there, when a hand stopped me.
"No,brown is better for the that place." James recommended.
A frown made its way to my lips."Nu-uh, I think green is better. Since it matches more with the blue." I reasoned.
"Seriously, yellow looks nicer."
"Ugh, blue and green go together, not brown." I said, saying the word brown like it was some type of nasty disease.
James rolled his eyes and made a grab for the tray. I gripped the edges of it tighter and made sure he wouldn't take it away. And it was super hard. Since it was like playing tug-of-war with an oversized elephant.
He would tug it towards him.
I would yank back.
He would pull to the right.
I would pull to the left.
He'd play dirty and try to step on my foot so I'd drop it.
I'd fight back and try to kick his shins.
This went on for a couple of minutes.
"Let go!" I spoke through my clenched teeth. James shook his head, and kept pulling, being the persistant jerk he was.
With all my strength from all those times I actually excercised, I made an attempt to yank it out of his grasp once in for all.
And now was the perfect time James decided to let go, using no effort to stop me from taking it.
In an instant, I was doused from head to shoulder with bright green paint. I spat out a glob of green paint that managed to sneak its way into my mouth.
My guess was I probably looked like Christmas. Looking green from the paint, and red from how angry I was turning. My left eye was twitching in some sort of freaky way and I was shaking with white hot rage.
James eyes was wide as saucers and he backed away from me.
"Shit! Emma, I swear I'm so-" his apology was cut off by a bucket of tan-brown colored paint being splashed onto his perfect face.
"Yeah, you're right. Brown does look better."I sniggered.
Glowing with rage, the now-tan boy picked up a brush filled with blue paint and flicked it towards me. Filled with madness, I too, picked up a brush and flicked some more brown paint at him.
And that was the beginning of World War III.
It was after we drank several cups of paint that I finally called a truce.
Running fingers through my sticky, hardened green and blue hair, I started to laugh hysterically.
Confusion crossed his handsome features.
"Hahaha-James-You-look-hahaha-your face!" I exclaimed through giggles.
"Wha?" he asked, squinting and cocking his head to the side.
"You-hahahaha-look-like-haha Brock! From Pokemon. Your squinting and your all tan like him." I managed to say.
He opened his mouth to say something, then closed it. Realization dawned on him and he started to laugh like me.
Together, the both of us started to laugh, creating a chorus of laughter and giggles. I clutched my sides that were burning and saw that James was doing the same, when a ringing came from his phone.
"Hello? Who is this?" he asked to the caller.
His smile dropped and shock was written all over his face.
"Oh hey. Its me! And I'm back from Colarado. Miss me much, James?" the voice taunted playfully.
And it was a girl's voice.
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