Ugh, August is going to be the death of me. Getting work done has been near impossible to do. I went to my brother's graduation in Florida the first weekend of August and then immediately after getting back we took a 3 hour drive and headed to the mountains to visit my husband's family. After that I had all of I think two days to work and then I was off to Delaware to help my brother move into his new home. After that it was more family stuff with my in laws (my brother in law is here with his family from Japan so we don't get to see them often), but that was cut short because my son developed some nasty bug that was making him miserable for a few days. Yesterday, I was back to work but my drawing tablet stopped working and I spent the majority of the day troubleshooting before (metaphorically) flipping the table over and stomping off.
So, my deadlines are looking a little grim right now... I've ordered a new stylus for my drawing tablet which should fix my problems (though it should have been covered by a warranty, but we're not going to get into that). Until then, I think I can work on other stuff, but that doesn't change the fact that I still have a lot going on this month including taking a trip to Michigan for a wedding.
I need it to be September. Then things will be quieter and we'll move into my favorite time of year. And you know there's this thing called seasonal affective disorder which is where people get really depressed during the winter. I have like the reverse. Summer is so rough on me and I swear, the first fall like day is like someone turned on a light inside me. So hopefully with everything out of the way and the seasons shifting, I'll be able to regain control of my life. Right now, it's a bit like riding a bull.
In other news, I realized I never documented my decision in regards to how I would be handling book releases. I've decided that I will in fact do KDP Select. From what I've read, romance readers are often subscription holders and so not being a part of Amazon's subscription service could really hurt me with reaching my target audience. I will give a one month warning before a story is pulled from here. However, I will return it as an excerpt so it won't vanish completely. Also, I will continue to publish future rough drafts here as normal. And those will stay on here until a month before they are published, so there will always be free books available in their entirety at any given moment!
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