Last week I went on vacation to a local lake that we always go to this time of year and I made an effort to take a step back and reevaluate my process. Which, if you haven't noticed, I do a lot. And for a long time I considered that to be a problem, that I couldn't find my method, but I think that with life always changing, the method of getting by is going to have to always be changing. So looking at things with that in mind, it helped me reprioritize how I'm going about life.
And so, I've decided that the best thing for me, right now, is not about maintaining deadlines, but cleaning up mess. And when it comes to mess, I find I work best when I just start at one corner of the room and make my way to the other. So, I listed out all the things that are currently hanging in the air in regards to writing -- books that need to be edited, published, covers that need love, etc. Then I put them in the order I wanted them done, but without any time expectations. Which means, I'll tackle one thing at a time, cross it off when it's done, and then move on to the next thing. The clutter is just bogging me down right now and I need to clean that shit up.
Once I make it through my list, which is honestly quite long, I will begin writing new books. Which kills me because I have several stories waiting to burst out that I want to do, but I just can't do them with all these unfinished projects lying around. I realize some people are capable of just walking away and moving on, and I totally support that if that's what a writer wants and needs to do, but I, at least, must see things through to the end or else I'll go crazy.
Long story short, I spent vacation sorting myself out and making a game plan that I felt would work best for me in this moment. And then life laughed at me and hit me with a cold that knocked me on my ass.
So ever since I got back, I've been miserable as well as cranky because I was so ready to get started on this new effort to forge forward with writing stuff. But, I'm trying to accept that this is more proof that I can't keep myself to rigid deadlines right now and that I need to go with the flow one step at a time.
So that's life right now. Hopefully next week I can charge forward. For now, it's chicken noodle soup time.
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