Hello. This is from the admin- yes, Sydney- and not Alex, Blaine, Elliot, Sam, etc etc.
I'd like to say one last thing before I sign off forever- as my account is now ready for hiatus- a permanent one, I guess.
That is the most important thing I could ever possibly say here.
I acted out of anger, sadness, and emotion. My brain was clogged. Now of course, this will never, ever be an excuse for my actions. There is no excuse for anything I've ever done. See, an excuse is just.. just.. a lie used to make yourself look.. good. Look innocent. Look as if you had done nothing wrong.
I'm tired of using excuses. Some may be accidental (that is not an excuse, believe me.), but most are just plain ol' fat excuses.
Now, see, I'm very sorry. In no possible way will this ever be any if you guys faults, ever. I take the full blame. The only reason this happened is because of the incorrect things I have done and the terrible ways I have acted. I take full responsibility for all of this. Feel free to accuse me of everything and anything you'd like, because I deserve every single word of it.
This may sound like an excuse, but believe me, it is not.
I am trained to like drama. I am trained to pull out a problem from thin air, if that makes sense. That's how I keep myself popular; how everyone does, for that matter. Honestly, I had finally realized that not everyone likes drama like the popular kids do. It just took me way to long to figure this out, and I am so fucking sorry.
See, me leaving is kinda like the paragraph above. I left because I couldn't help but make drama at every corner. I mean, yes, a small part of it is because I'm a cowardly pussy and don't want to deal. But mostly it's because I'm tearing friendships apart, people apart, and stressing people to their limits. I was even trying to relax, with 6 days before I go on "hiatus", and then I still start drama. Nobody needs that. Nobody needs me to be here causing them pain and stress.
I am in no way asking for a pity party. If that's what you were going to comment, or say, or that's why you're here, please leave. I don't want any pitiful lies from my friends like 'you aren't stressing me out!' Or 'but we all love you!'. Once again, I do not like lying. See, the majority of the people that will read this don't even know half of the story behind this message. That's why you have no right to give me this pity. It's unneeded, and if you knew what happened, your party decorations would be gone in an instant.
I'd like to say I'm sorry to everyone I tore apart. Ama especially. Everything I did to everyone (especially you) was extremely uncalled for- and forgiveness for these actions would be so strange. I don't expect it at all, so don't you worry. Calling you out was horrible of me- sure, you anger me a bit sometimes, but that was the worst possible way to deal with it. I know you're a genuinely nice person, and you, Bubbles, Rocky, Chip, Eliza, and everyone else deserved none of my lashing out and asshole moves. And yes- I skimmed some of the things I was told- I am intimidated by you. I know, it's strange, and I'd rather not talk about it, which is selfish and rude and basically why I am writing this message.
None of you deserved any of this- and what you did was not your fault, and probably what was nessicary.
From all the things I've done in that group, I knew it was only a matter of time before I was kicked out, or something like this happened.
I needed a break anyway. I'm not even allowed to have wattpad, and hiding it had been very hard.
I really can't ever apologize enough to fix this. It's not possible. This is un-fixible. (Is that supposed to be one word?) This is a problem that none of you innocent people should have been dragged into. I know I'm a bitch ass hoe, a phrase I use often. I use it because- oop. There I go with attempting to use excuses. See how I don't even mean it? I mean sure, I do. But sometimes it really is accidental.
Dammit, that sounds like an excuse.
I hate that word now, you know. The word "excuse". I hate a lot of things, but you guys are never going to be one of them.
I'm leaving to benefit other people, not just for my own selfish reasons.
So.. I guess I had a good 2 (?) months on wattpad. And if you must contact me, please contact me at @[email protected]
Anyone blocked will be unblocked.
And to my friends who have suffered through my pathetic attempt at an apology- I love you so much. Thank you so much Sam, Lily, Kate, Hazel, Anika, Celina, Natalia, Blaine, Lizzie, Elliot, Sammy, Ariana, and everyone else.
Signing off for the last time,
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