Swords of Wisdom
Kristoff walked up to the deck where Jack and Maria were. Jack and Maria were sitting on stools while in the middle was a small table. They both were playing Chess. Jack smirked and moved the white horse to the side while removing the black one. He smirked at Maria. Maria smirked back while moving her black horse forward, removing the white one. Jack frowned when he saw that he was blocked.
"Beat that, brother," said Maria, smirking at Jack.
Jack folded his arms while looking down at the chess in concentration. Maria moved her head to the side with a bored look. "I'm so bored."
"Then you shouldn't have come," muttered Jack.
He moved his hand forward but then stopped. Maria looked at him. "Stop taking so long!"
Jack furrowed his eyebrows. "Did you guys feel that?"
Kristoff furrowed his eyebrows while Maria scoffed. "Very funny, you're not fooling anyone," she said.
"No I'm serious," said Jack.
"We did not feel-"Maria was interrupted when the ship moved rapidly. Jack stood up along with Maria. The waves were hitting the ship hard at the side making it move from side to side. "What's happening?"
"I don't know I think something's-"Jack stopped when he saw black dust in the sky. ''What's that?"
Down came black horses; there were many of them. All the guards came and stood down at the deck with spears and swords.
"Are they dangerous?" asked Kristoff, pointing at the black horses. The horses came and attack the guards. Five guards flew to the top where Jack and the others were. They all stared down at their dead bodies. "I'll take that as a yes."
Jack took his staff; Kristoff took hold of his axe while Maria removed two of her daggers.
Jack flew up and fought with the black horses, sending blast of crystal ice. Kristoff jumped up and brought his axe down, axing all the horses that were coming to attack him.
Maria shot some daggers to the horses that were coming her way. Some came up from the deck behind her. Maria glanced at them before turning invisible. The horses looked around, trying to spot her. But before they could do anything, daggers were shot straight at them. Maria revealed herself and looked at Kristoff who axed two horses. They both gasped when they saw hundreds of horses coming.
"Where are they coming from?'' asked Maria.
"I don't know," said Kristoff. They both got into a fighting stance and waited for them.
Jack spins his staff creating a blizzard and sending it to the group of black horses. He heard the thunder. He looked up and gasped. There was a huge round of black sand forming in the sky.
"Black sand," whispered Jack. His eyes widen in realization. He flew up to see. When he reached the top, he saw a black figure. The figure sent a blast of black sand but Jack dodged and sent a blast of ice to the black figure. "You're the one who killed my father!"
He heard the figure laughed and soon it revealed himself. Jack gasped with wide eyes. "Pitch?!" he exclaimed with utter shock.
"Hello Jack," Pitch said as he smirked. "Surprised?"
"How?" asked Jack. "It was you all along?"
"Huh yes," said Pitch. "It's about time you realized it!"
Jack balled his fist in anger. "My father trusted you!'
"It was his mistake!"
"You planned all this!"
"Yes. I planned to get your father killed. When I knew that you were the Chosen one, I knew I had to get rid of you too. Once I'm done with you, your mother will be next."
Jack growled. "Not if I kill you first!" He charged right up to Pitch.
Meanwhile, down at the ship all the horses were underwater. Maria and Kristoff looked confused as to why the horses were going underwater. Suddenly, the ship was lifted up. Maria and Kristoff tried to balance themselves. Maria looked up and saw Jack fighting with someone. "Jack!!"
Jack stopped and looked down. As soon as his eyes locked with Maria's, the ship crashed in the water. Before it could crash completely, Kristoff hugged Maria and jumped out of the ship.
"No!!" yelled Jack. Pitch lifted up the black sand up and it crashed down at Jack, just like he did to Ronan and Idan. He smirked. But the smirk was removed when the black sand glowed blue. Jack uses all his energy and sent a huge blast to Pitch, sending him out of the black cloud and away. While on the other hand, Jack fell down to the sea. The waves carried him straight down and his head bumped a big rock that was underwater. His eyes were shut as he was left underwater unconscious.
(Next Day)
"Maria?" Maria felt her body aching. She could hear a voice, calling for her. She tried to open her eyes. "Maria!" She opened them and saw Kristoff.
"Kristoff?" she whispered.
"Yes, it's me," said Kristoff, taking her hand. "You alright?" he asked.
"Yeah," said Maria. Maria got up in a sitting position. She looked and saw that they were at shore. "Where are we?"
"I don't know," replied Kristoff. "I didn't have time to figure it out."
Maria held her head but then grabbed Kristoff's shoulder, realizing that her brother is missing. ''Where's Jack?''
Kristoff's face fell." I don't know."
"What do you mean you don't know?"
"I mean I don't know! When I woke up, it was just you and me here alone."
Maria let go of him and stood up. ''Where the hell is my brother?!'' she glared at Kristoff and turned around. Kristoff didn't want to repeat himself, so he just kept quite. He too was worried about Jack. What happened to him? Is he dead? No, he did not want to believe it.
"Who was that man on the black sand?" asked Maria. "Was he the one responsible for my fathers' death?" She waited for Kristoff's answer but there came no reply. "Kristoff?" she turned around and found Kristoff lying on the sand while two men were standing in front of her. Her eyes widen. She felt someone tapped her shoulder. She quickly turned around and saw a tall guy. He quickly put chains on her hands. Maria looked up at him and the guy knocked her out with his elbow.
Kristoff opened his eyes when he felt someone pinching him. He saw Maria. "Maria, what happened?"
"We got captured," said Maria.
Kristoff got up in a sitting position. They were in a cage like prison. "There's someone else in here," said Maria.
Kristoff gave her a confused look and looked behind her.
"Long time no see, Kristoff."
Kristoff gasped in surprised at the person he did not see in a long time. "Merida?" He stood up and looked at her. The last time he saw her was at her 14th birthday. But now she looked to be seventeen. She was in a green dress and her red curly hair had grown big. "Wow, Merida! Look at you!" Kristoff hugged her.
"Is nice to see you too," she said as she chuckled.
"What are you doing here?" asked Kristoff.
"She got kidnapped," said Maria.
"Really?" asked Kristoff with a raised eyebrow. "When did that happen?"
"When I was hunting," said Merida.
"I don't think Queen Eleanor would let you do something like that."
"Oh she did," lied Merida.
"Really now?" said Kristoff, not believing her.
"Fine, I sneaked out," said Merida, giving in. "I was pretty bored."
Kristoff looked down at his hands and saw the chains. "Why did they put the chains on us?"
"So that we won't be able to use our powers to escape," said Merida. "Those chains are called Mystic chains; wear them and you're powerless."
The door burst open and in came the men that had kidnapped them.
"What do you want with us?" asked Maria, glaring at them.
"We're just doing what we were told?" said one of them. There were three of them; they were all dressed in a black clothes like ninjas.
"Who sent you?" asked Kristoff.
There was a loud noise in the other room. ''Ouch!" They heard someone yelped. "Why is it that every time I teleported to a place, I always bumped into something?!" Kristoff and Merida smirked when they both realized who that voice belonged to. "Oh I'm going to kill her when I find her!" The door opened and in came a girl who looked to be in her early twenties. She was in a yellow dress while her ginger hair was up in a neat bun.
Her eyes widen when she realized that she wasn't the only one in the room. She glared at Merida but smiled at Kristoff and Maria. "I never thought that I would find you guys here in this dump. Hello Kristoff, and...Maria! Oh my, you have grown."
Maria waved while Kristoff smiled. "And who are you weirdos?" Crystal asked as she scanned the three men up and down.
"Get her!" said the middle one. The two of them ran to her. They both attacked but Crystal dodged and kicked the other on the ribs while the other one a punch on the face sending him down. The last one tried to punch her but Crystal caught his fist.
"Don't you know it's not nice to hit a lady?" said Crystal. She then furrowed her brown eyebrows. "Then again, I'm no lady." She kicked his knee making him kneeled down, then a final knee-kick to the jaw, knocking him unconscious. She straightened her dress and looked to the three people who were locked in the cage. "Now let's get you out." She opened the cage and let them out.
"Thank you," said Maria stepping out.
"Yes, thank you," said Merida.
"Do I always have to save you?" asked Crystal with a frown.
"Not always," said Merida.
"You're grounded."
Merida frowned. "You can not ground me!"
"Oh yes I can; I'm older!"
"You're not my mother!"
"Your mother told me to look out for you till she's back!"
"Okay Ms. Babysitter, you saved me. Do you want a medal for being a control freak?"
"Excuse me-"
"Can we go now?" interrupted Maria. Crystal and Merida looked at her.
"Yeah, we should get back," said Crystal. They all walked out of the house and down to the hill.
"Oh by the way," said Merida, stopping them. "Where's Jack?"
Kristoff and Maria looked at each other. Maria looked away while Merida and Crystal had on confused looks.
"Did something happen?" asked Merida.
Kristoff sighed and looked at both of them. "Something happened to Jack, and we need your help."
Merida and Crystal shared glances and looked back at Kristoff. They both nodded.
A/N: I couldn't update last weekend because some idiots stole my phone. But luckily, I was able to remember my Wattpad password so I used my IPad to log in again😃 Thank goodness! I thought I would never be able to get in!
So anyway, this chapter has a little action so I hope you like it!
By the way, Crystal and Merida's dresses are up on the media.
Love you all, readers😘
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