Allies and Enemies✨️
Am I past the deadline that I said I would publish this chapter? Yes, yes, I am. But at least it's not months late, so that has to count for something, right? Also, I changed some major plot points, so check back the chapters.
Justice League HQ
Diana POV.
In an instant, things can become unimaginably disastrous.
I am unfortunately well aware of such a fact. I have lived decades amongst humans and even longer fighting the horrors of the immoratal world.
That's why the curse against the Fates on my tongue abandoned me so easily when Annabeth had uttered those words. That is why I combed my hand through my head, ignoring the confused gazes of my colleagues. Another prophecy. With the Justice League.
"How bad is it?" Percy had asked, his arm folded and face stern. The room seemed to chill as his question reverberated off the fortified walls. "No world ending dilemmas mentioned, but she said something about a slumbering danger." Jason nodded his head, squeezing his girlfriend's hand that made its way to his thigh.
"A rundown of what's going on would be appreciated, thank you." Of course, Bruce had to be the one to break the silence. The man is curious about a fault. "Well, the Oracle of Dephi has spouted a prophecy, a riddle of sorts that details the future. As Annabeth said, the prophecy has mentioned the Justice League, so I'd say we continue this show on the road. Annabeth, you wouldn't mind I-Ming Chiron, would you?" Clearly, the majority of the room was displeased with the way the meeting was going. They obviously didn't account for their questions not to be answered immediately.
"I still want to hear about this war. I want to know how these children are connected to that if you don't mind." Murmurs of agreement spread across the room at Dinah's statement. No doubt I wouldn't be able to leave the room if she didn't at least get this out of me. "And you will know. But first, we need to talk to Chiron, and yes, all of you will be privy to the conversation. Annabeth, Percy, if you will."
With that, the duo stepped into the central point of the room and conjured up a rainbow with the help of a prism and torchlight, which Annabth never leaves the house without. "O, Iris goddess of the rainbow, show me Chiron at Camp Halfblood." The drachma was thrown, and an image of the ever so familiar centaur shimmered in front of the Justice League.
"Annabeth, I see we have some new faces with us today." The famed trainer was at his favourite spot, the Big House porch, the one place he can overlook the Ares and Hermes cabins in case of any explosive accidents. "Chiron, these are the Justice League members Diana is associated with. I'm assuming you are expecting them in accordance with the prophecy?" Annabeth responded, her gray streak peeking out from its usual place as she gestured around the room.
"Ah yes, the prophecy. It goes like this,
North of the dead, the heroes must travel,
With fates' trio and the undertaker's spawns in tow,
To covet the claw in the crater,
While followers of the Ancient Sleep search,
To unleash the slumbering danger,
On the end of tyranny,
The dark shall engulf,
As the witch's past is brought affront.
The air within the room seemed to vanish for a brief second, like a vacuum appearing out of nowhere. The glow from the Iris message appeared a tad brighter, casting shadows on the grim faces. The reality of the situation settled into fabrics of the demigods' minds, and I could identify the pained stares Piper and Jason casted towards their comrades. I quickly gathered my thoughts, well as quickly as the situation would allow, and cleared my throat.
"I trust that you are preparing for us to arrive. We will finalize the personnel who will travel with us and hastily make our way to Camp. I hope peace finds you until then." My arms were folded as I stared at my uncle, his worn face that had witnessed the fall of great nations, and even greater heros, had a miniscule smile etched onto his face.
"Thank you for that, Diana. The Athena and Hermes cabins are dealing with preparations, and Rome has been notified of Hazel's involvement. The Senate will send her over, along with some supplies, but they're asking for their Pontifex Maximus to report on his findings," Jason nodded at that, mktioning for Chiron to continue " Zeus knows the others have yet to process the events of the past few years, much less the war that unfolded last month. I pray to Rhea above that this dilemma will only be a net positive. "
Chiron let out a solumn sigh, just briefly, before he continued. "We'll discuss things further when you arrive. As of now, I'll be overseeing the departure of Willhiam and Frojer to their scouting mission in Brooklyn. The Nomes have had some unsavory encounters with hellhounds, so their asking for some assistance."
Annabeth curtly swiped through the mist, not seconds before nodding at the centuar's final statement. "Questions?"
That seemed to provoke Canary as she launched up from her seat, "A war in less than a year, Diana! Less than a month! And Arthur, you knew about this!" Her face seemed almost Crimson as she yelled, faintly reminiscent of the tinge of the Ares Cabin. Not that I remember it well. "I'll give the summerized version. Years ago, during World War Two, a prophecy was uttered by the Orcale of Delphi. It was a terrible rhyme that shook the very cores of the Greek and Roman worlds. It's a great prophecy. "
Somehow, I ended up pacing the room, garnering the wandering gazes of the League to fixate on me even more. "This caused a pact to be made between the three highest gods on the Olympian council, forbidding them from fathering anymore children. This was because the prophecy foretold the end of Olympus by their hand. Yet, it was broken. Last summer, after five years of constant turmoil, the prophecy was fulfilled. The Titan war was waged on the 1st of August, through the streets of Manhattan unnoticeable by the mortals. The soilders, children of the gods not older than eighteen, and the enemies, their former comrades, monsters, and the Titan of time himself. That day was the birthday of the Hero of Olympus. Perseus Jackson."
The gazes were now shifted to the front row of the meeting room. The son of Posideon's eyes had glossed over, not aware of his new popularity amoungst the audience. No doubt he was recounting some unpleasant events in his head. "This July, Mother Earth had tried no rise. Seven brave demigods had been prophesied last year by the current Oracle to thwart the plans of the primordial of the Earth. This included battling against Giants and all sorts of monsters from the ancient lands. Ignoring all of the details, as these events are still fresh in the minds of four of the seven here with us today, Mother Earth was defeated and now sleeps."
"Just one question. Why is all of this happening in America? Is Olympus not in Europe?" The Flash asked, his quizzical gaze surprisingly well translated despite the mask on his face. Annabeth turned to face him, readjusting a stray curl simultaneously. "Well, that's simply because Olympus moves where the flame of Western Civilization is. Greece, Roma, Britain, and now do United States of America."
"Olympus is here, and so are their enemies."
Camp Half-blood Boarder
Dinah POV
After that intense meeting, three members of the League were chosen to travel with Wonder Woman to meet with the camp and partake in the prophecy. Of course, more members wanted to go, but Diana had made the importance of threes in the Greek and Roman traditions quite clear.
"Three is the number of the gods." She had said in a no-nonsense manner, which quickly shut up everyone who were even thinking of opposing, "Three Eldest brothers, three sisters of Fate, the Moriai and three virgin goddesses It is the sacred number that is observed on every quest lest the prophecy strictly says otherwise."
The logic was sound, compared to most other systems the League were exposed to, so they just went with it. That's how myself, Bruce, and Oliver ended up at what appeared to be a large strawberry field in the middle of nowhere. To be fair, they did say the 'Mist', the magical veil vetween worlds, was obscuring their vision, but I had some doubts about that one. "If we can see the weirdness that results from the Sorcerers, why can't we see the Camp without any assistance?"
The blonde girl, Annabeth Chase, spun around to face them from the hill a little ways ahead of them. Super hearing, then. I trekked to where she was, the others not far behind. "Well, we're you able to see that before or after you were aware of them? Only a few mortals are cursed with the ability to peer through the Mist, and only older demigods can see the true faces of monsters instantly. Some better than others. Even then, there are different layers to the Mist that not even demigods should be exposed to. And that's a good thing." I threw a confused look her way because really it was not clicking. Would you not want to know about the enemy?
Annabeth somehow noticed my expression, despite the dark of the forest around us, and contined. Enhanced sight too, I guess. "Mist. Duaat. Glamor. Whatever you know, it has been around for a millennia. It protects the mortal mind from fracturing and acts as a shield from monsters. That's why some parents will put off telling their demigod child about their heritage until a certain age. That is, if their scent is weak enough. Once you know about what goes bump in the dark, you'll know forever."
It's really sounding like the best choice is to remain oblivious. It's a shame she's already too deep into hero work to step out now. Think about the traumatized kids, Dinah. "So, how are you going to see this camp of yours then?' The Night Crusader, terrible nickname I should mention, inquired. Annabeth smirked as she motioned towards her boyfriend a little ways in the distance.
"Well, Mist manipulation is a tricky thing to master. The children of the goddess of magic, Hecate, are the ones at Camp that are the most skilled. But I know a few outliers like a Roman Centurion, Hazel Levesque, she'll be on our quest by the way, a daughter of Zeus, Thalia, and my boyfriend. But he's only started learning three weeks ago, so our first stop within Camp should be to see Lou Ellen, head councilor of the Hecate Cabin. Percy, you're up."
The swimmer built teen stepped foward, and positioned his right hand to form a claw with three fingers. "Warning, since I'm a rookie, expect to feel a tad lightheaded and disoriented." The heads up was quite appreciated because as soon as he jerked his hand foward, it felt like a layer of my brain was being peeled back, and for a split second it felt like I was upside down. Then suddenly, it felt like my mind was deep cleaned, and when I blinked there, it was; the Demigod Camp.
A heard Oliver gasp beside me, and I found myself with my mouth slightly ajar. The scenery was a lot to take in. No doubt it was miles more impressive during the day, with buildings spanning over the large area to the right and strawberry fields to the left. "Okay, before you go all ballistic, we have to get some sort of identity for you in order for you to cross the magical border. " I glanced around at the others at the dilemma. What a pickle this was.
"I will speak for their entry Chase." Dianna stepped forward to the Grecian pillars and spoke in a hushed tone. Not a minute later, I felt the energy in the air shift as Diana beckoned us to her."Welcome to Camp Halfblood!" Piper announced, pointing toward the sign above the archway that was written in a script unknown to me. Most likely Greek, though. "We should hurry to Lou and then go to the Big House."
"Yeah, before Gretel the Harpy decides that she's too impatient for curfew and tries to eat us."
"She only does that to you, Percy."
Maybe I should've opted out.
Word count: 2094
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