Chapter 7
Being in love, as it turns out, was more difficult than anyone could realize.
It's even worse when you already live with the object of your affection!
For the next few days after making her resolve, Suguha couldn't bring herself to leave her room at her usual time - especially since it would involve running into him.
She'd spend an extra hour in her room, wrapping herself in the blanket that she stole from Kazuto's room, which still had his scent.
"Mmmm," she moaned as she was wrapped in his aroma.
*Knock* *Knock*
Panicked, she shot up at the sound and stuffed Kazuto's blanket under her own, hiding it in case anyone entered the room.
"Hey, Sugu." She heard the voice that made her heartbeat quicken. "Breakfast is ready."
He didn't say anymore and a few seconds later, she heard his footsteps receding.
Staying in place longer, she reluctantly got up. Stashing his blanket under her own, she walked over to the door and pressed her ear against it, making sure that he wasn't waiting outside her room.
Once she was sure he was gone, she hesitantly turned the handle and popped her head out, checking both sides of the hallway before daring to exit.
He's gone... she thought with relief.
Silently but alert for any sounds, she went down to the dining room.
On the table was a plate of fluffy blueberry pancakes as well as syrup and butter to go with it.
It was a simple breakfast, probably made fast with the intention of finishing it soon... But knowing who made it, Suguha couldn't help but love it!
When she was finished, she sat at the table for a bit longer. Despite, being comfortably sated, she kept a sharp ear out for any approaching footsteps. Thankfully (or perhaps not) the house was quiet and he was not around, meaning that she was safe... for now...
I wonder if he wants to see me...
After that time, maybe he was just as embarrassed as she was about their night together...
Then again, he did hint that he does have experience sleeping with someone else...
The ugly feeling of jealousy returned to her as she imagined that scenario happening when she wasn't around. Sorry Sachi, but if you don't want to lose him, you better see him soon!
Quickly changing into her training dogi, she went into the yard and pulled out her kendo equipment.
Even if she was in love, that was no reason for her to slack off on her own activities.
As she went through her drills, her thoughts couldn't help but go back to the boy in her house,
I want to talk to him more, she thought as she swung her wooden sword with even more ease than ever before.
I want to understand his world, she considered his obsession with computers and technology. For him, his obsession was as strong as her passion for kendo. Getting to learn about it would help them get closer, especially considering the recent interest he was showing in kendo, it would be fair for her to make that effort. Actually, I have a way to connect with him on that! she recalled the game that she played for a bit before he got back from the hospital.
There was something else that she wanted from him. I want Kazuto to come and watch my competitions.
Changing from her practiced strikes, she began to move her shinai as if she was fighting an invisible opponent - pantomiming a fight, she imagined the scenario. He was cheering her on. She could almost hear his encouragement as she defeated her opponent... and then he'd run down the stands, grab her in his embrace before, right in front of everyone ki-
"EEEEEEEK!" she shrieked in ecstasy at the fantasy.
Unable to contain herself, she brought her hands to her cheeks, accidentally pressing her shinai into one of them, but she didn't care.
I love you, Kazuto!
She shook her head around, enjoying the thought of finally being able to do such a thing with him.
Eventually stopping, tentatively, she took a look to Kazuto's room window...
And surprisingly, she could see him! Folding his arms on the windowsill with his chin resting on them, he was looking in her direction.
No, wait! He's not looking in my direction! He's looking at me!
Despite the distance, she could tell that his grey eyes were focused on her, his head making slight motions to keep up with her.
He was watching me... the whole time... she realized. All of a sudden, she felt extremely bashful.
Continuing to stare at him in return, the two of them merely looked at each other for quite some time.
Then, without really knowing the reason why, she started waving her left hand at him.
He continued staring at her for a bit longer before returning the wave with one of his own.
She sped up her motion as her smile broadened.
He did the same but instead he put up both hands and waved.
Not stopping the motion of her hand, she put the tip of her shinai on the ground and let it rest against her hip. With her now free hand, she joined him in his dual waving.
I love you! she mouthed. Naturally he didn't hear her and as far as she knew, he couldn't read lips, but it was still wonderful to hint at her feelings towards him.
Deciding that her practice was done for the day, she stopped waving and retreated into the dojo where she stored her equipment.
I want to see him... the thought kept repeating in her head. I want to be with him!
With that thought, she immediately rushed back into the house.
As soon as she got into the house, she immediately ran into her bedroom to grab a change of clothes before dashing to the bathroom. As much as she wanted to immediately go to Kazuto, it wouldn't be good if she was still sweaty after a workout. Quickly stripping off her clothes, she immediately jumped into the shower to rinse off the perspiration she accumulated.
It wasn't long before she exited the tub. Wrapping a towel around herself, she couldn't help but stop in front of the steam covered mirror.
Wiping some of the steam off the reflective surface, she took a good look at the face staring back.
I don't resemble, him anymore. The same thought as always went through her head...
But this time the thought made her smile.
If I don't look like him... and he knows that we aren't actually brother and sister...
She began to realize that this thought that once plagued her was now a blessing.
Unable to stop herself, she styled her wet hair a bit in a way that she hoped looked nicer.
As she took a look at her slightly altered appearance, another thought popped into her head.
And if I may look like... the girl he loves... then maybe... she grinned with a contented expression on her face. I may have a better chance than I realize.
A few minutes later, Suguha found herself standing in front of Kazuto's bedroom door. From behind it, she could hear the slight sounds of keys being pressed on a keyboard at a rather slow speed. It reminded her of those times when she was younger and she would just sit there while her mother was doing her work.
Hesitantly, she raised her hand and brought it to the surface of the door... however it made contact without a sound. I'm so scared... As much as she wanted to be with him, she couldn't shake off her fear.
However before she knew it, a hollow sound rung out, bringing her back to reality. Looking at her hand, she realized that she knocked on the door.
For a second, she wanted to run and get away... but her legs refused to move.
Before she knew it, she heard light footsteps approaching her position.
Unable to bring herself to move, the door opened in front of her. When it was opened, her eyes were still on the ground, giving her a view of a pair of feet in front of her own.
"Did you need something?" a beautiful voice spoke to her.
Hesitantly, she looked up to see Kazuto standing framed in the door, the light of the sun gently shining on him.
"U-um..." she hesitated. Her eyes immediately focused on the face of the boy she loved more than anyone or anything in the world. "I-I wanted to..."
On the surface, his face seemed bored and his eyes were sunken in and sad, but they still had that slight light in them when she looked closely.
Nervously, she pushed him a bit to the side and walked past him into the room.
"Hey?" he said a bit confused.
Quickly, she sat down on his bed before looking back to his dumbfounded face. "I just thought..." It was difficult to get the words out. "...When was the last time we spent time together?"
Without waiting for an answer, she laid down on his bed and opened the book she brought from her room about Greek mythology, pretending that she didn't care about his arguments. However, from the corner of her eye, she took a look at him. His face didn't change very much, but he looked subtly guilty.
"Fine, just take my bed," he snarked. "It's not like you aren't familiar with it already."
Lowering her book over her face, she tried her best to hide her blush from him.
It was only one night! she wanted to say, but couldn't due to her embarrassment. ...So far...
It was embarrassing... but she truly wanted to spend more nights sleeping with him.
"Whatever," he sighed. At the same time, he returned to his desk and sat on his chair.
Still glancing at him from the corner of her eyes, he saw his fingers go over the keyboard to the computer. Briefly glancing at her, he put his hand on his monitor and slightly turned it away from the bed.
What are you hiding, Kazuto?
Turning her head a little more, she had a better look of Kazuto. For a second, their eyes met. As soon as they did so, they exchanged a grin before looking away bashfully.
Turning her attention back to her book, she heard Kazuto resume his typing. It was slow - which was a bit strange. Sure she didn't know too much about computers, but she knew that Kazuto did and he could type fast, almost as fast as their-her mother when she was reaching her deadlines.
She wanted to ask him the questions that she needed to know from him, but at that moment, she didn't want to interrupt the peace that was there as they both did their own activities.
As she pretended to go through her book, she couldn't help but constantly look away from the pages to get a glimpse of her love.
He had a solemn look on his face which was illuminated by the light of the screen. His grey eyes, while reflecting the light from the monitor, seemed slightly dark and lifeless as they focused on the computer... but sometimes they would flit towards her for a few seconds and when they did, they seemed to brighten ever so slightly.
You may think you're being stealthy, but I notice you Kazuto darling!
Time passed as they continued their actions. Despite moving around a lot in the bed, she didn't want to go anywhere else. Maybe they weren't doing much or even speaking to each other, but she enjoyed being in his presence at least... After all, it was more than what he allowed before...
All of a sudden, there was a light humming sounding in the room.
Getting up, she looked to Kazuto who had his eyes closed as the song emanated from him.
It was the same Christmas Carol that he hummed when he got back from SAO...
'Sachi... I'm so sorry...' With a tremor in her heart, she recalled the words he had mistakenly spoken to her, under the belief that she was Sachi...
She didn't want to feel jealousy or hatred for the girl whom Kazuto loves... but it was difficult when it seems like all he could think of was her!
Suddenly, Kazuto opened his eyes and deliberately looked to her. Caught off guard, she could only hope that her jealousy wasn't showing on her face. She also hoped that she could control her blush.
He smiled at her gently. ...Now she was certain that she was blushing! He's so adorable! However despite being flustered, she couldn't help but notice that his eyes betrayed some sadness. In fact, it almost seemed like he was ready to cry...
She continued to watch him without restraint as he turned back to his computer and typed on it for another minute.
After that, he pushed his chair away from his desk and stretched out his limbs.
"Finally finished," he whispered.
He kept his rather toned arms in the air a little longer before bringing them down with a groan.
She could only watch him, wondering what he was working on.
Then without warning, he turned to her, that same melancholy smile on his face.
"Thank you, Sugu," he whispered. "I'm so glad I could see you... that I could meet you again..."
She could only stare at him, caught off guard by the powerful emotion that he was giving off.
...Why does it sound like you're saying goodbye...?
All of a sudden, he walked up to her. Taken off guard, she tried to back away, but her body stayed in place. He got closer... bending down to eyelevel with her...
Her eyes unintentionally went to his smiling lips which were getting closer!
Wait... She shut her eyes in panic. Not so close! I'm not ready!
Suddenly she felt a hand petting the top of her head gently.
"Heeey," she whined, both relieved and disappointed. "Don't treat me like a child."
He smiled at her gently as he brought his hand away. Once it was gone, she couldn't help but miss his touch.
"Why not?" he asked with a coy grin. "You'll always be my little sister."
Her heart clenched as he said that. ...Is that all you'll ever see me as...?
"And I'll always love you for that," he continued wistfully. "No matter where I am... no matter how much of a jerk I can be..."
She couldn't help but smile wryly at that. Sure, she thinks he's a bit of a jerk... But you're my jerk.
The two of them looked at each other for a bit. Suguha was the first to back down, unable to keep calm under his continuous gaze.
"...I'm sorry..." he whispered under his breath. "I have to make things right..."
Why? she wanted to ask. What are you talking about, brother?
"So, Sugu," he spoke uncharacteristically cheerfully. "I'm getting hungry, so I'll cook, my treat. You can just wait here."
She stared at him, wondering his intention. Recently, he's been doing a lot of the cooking... Then again, it's not like he leaves the house much anyways.
"Okay," she agreed.
Without stopping his smiling, Kazuto walked back to his computer and moved the mouse around. A few seconds later, the low sound of the house's printer started sounding from outside of the door.
After that, he went out of his room, leaving her alone.
Sitting there for a while, she slowly got up, left her book on his desk and walked into the hallway.
It didn't take long for her to see Kazuto who was placing something in his pocket.
"Let's cook together," she said as she passed him quickly.
She could feel his bewildered gaze looking at her as she walked quickly.
"You don't need to-"
"I want to," she cut him off.
He stared at her a bit longer before answering. "Okay..." he whispered a bit quietly. Then he said in a louder voice. "Let's surprise mom with a full meal."
She smiled at him, although it was a little odd. Strange, he doesn't usually care to specifically include our parents all the time.
When they reached the kitchen, they quickly washed their hands.
I guess being without us for a while has made him appreciate his family.
She watched him as he got to work, cutting the vegetables, making her smile.
As long as I'm with you... As long as we're together, that's enough for me...
He returned her look with a gentle smile, and for once she felt like his entire world...
And soon enough, I'll help you with your past, my dear Kazuto.
This is another chapter that wasn't in the outline. It just didn't feel right to go directly to the next chapter planned right after Sugu's epiphany. Also why is it that the unplanned chapters always end up longer?!
It was nice to break out of the Night-DayAfter pattern I was unintentionally following.
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