Chapter 3
A week had passed ever since their kendo match.
Ever since that day, they had two more matches.
For some reason he kept making those strange poses before she clobbered him. Not too hard of course! After all, he was still recovering.
She was certain that he had gained fighting skill from his time in SAO. Still, she didn't know what happened to Kazuto in SAO.
It was something that bothered her throughout the day, and even when she lay in bed as she was doing at that moment.
"When will I know more about you, Kazuto?" she asked into the darkness.
As she waited for the answer, she heard a knock on the wall.
Curious, she stared at her door, wondering if someone was knocking on it.
Then she heard it again!
It's coming from Kazuto's room!
Without hesitation, she ran out of her room and straight to his.
This time, his door was closed, but that wasn't gonna stop her!
She easily opened the door and saw,
Kazuto having a fit.
His hands were balled up into fists as he kept turning on his back - As if trying to hit an invisible enemy.
"Kazuto!" she called.
But he didn't respond to her. Or at least, the words he spoke made her hope he didn't.
"Your fault! All your fault!" he mumbled.
He hit the wall again, but his eyes were still closed.
"Stop!" she yelled as she ran to him.
"Never accept you!"
Skillfully ducking under it, she grabbed one of his flailing arms and pinned it to the mattress before jumping at the other.
His struggles continued in her grip, trying to free his arms as his body thrashed about.
"Wake up! Please wake up brother!" she begged him. "Wake up Kazuto!
All of a sudden, he opened his eyes. They were still glazed and unfocused but he was awake.
"It's not your fault," he mumbled as his unfocused eyes rested on her face.
Slowly, his gray eyes came into focus and he stared at her in the darkness.
"Sa-?! Sugu?" he asked in confusion. "Sugu! What are you doing here?"
"What am I doing?! What are you doing?!" she repeated incredulously. I'll tell you! You were freaking out and hitting the wall in your sleep!"
"I was...?" his eyes widened before he turned his head away from her.
"I had a bad dream," he mumbled. "Sorry, Sugu," he apologized.
"A bad dream?!" What kind of dream could make you act out like this?
"I've actually been having a lot of bad dreams lately," he confessed. She gasped as it made her recall the other night when she comforted him. "I just didn't want to worry you..."
"Of course I'd be worried!" she tightened her grip on his wrists.
"I know..." he moaned guiltily.
She silently stared at him as he continued facing the wall, unable to look at her directly.
"But first, can you please get off me? I don't need to be held down anymore."
Honestly, despite the situation, she was enjoying the physical contact they were making and she didn't want to get off.
Reluctantly, she let go and did so.
She sat on the edge of his bed. At the same time, he grabbed his blanket and covered his head.
"What were you dreaming about?" she asked, desperate to know what could make him act out like this.
There was silence in the room. He didn't say anything for so long, she thought that he wouldn't answer at all.
"...My last fight in SAO," he answered hesitantly.
She nodded her head as if satisfied, but she realized something,
You were blaming the one you were fighting. Were you fighting a player?
"I-I'm sorry, Sugu, can you please go? I don't want to talk about it anymore."
She didn't want to!
She wanted to stay with him and make him feel better!
Let me stay!
But it wasn't the right thing to do right now, she realized when he noticed his figure slightly shake.
"Please, Sugu," he begged, sounding close to tears. "I-I can't stand you seeing me like this, please."
She didn't answer. Getting up, she smiled at him reassuringly, as she stepped out of his room - Even though she knew he couldn't see her from under his blanket.
I have no notes or comments to add on to this chapter... Uhhh... I hope you enjoyed it?
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