"Fucking Hell"
Armani stood outside the school, she usually rode home with Sage, but the girls friend was staying after school to beg her teachers for extra credit, so Armani figured Jonathan would take her as that seemed to be their usual line up.
She had soon realized that Jonathan was not there. He had, according to some, skipped with Nancy Wheeler. Armani's foot tapped an unfamiliar rhythm, she figured her best bet was to walk home, it would take a while but her dad wouldn't get home from work until later that evening.
Suddenly, a car stopped infront of her. Steve rolled down the window, he peeped through it and gave her a small smile. "Need a ride?" He asked.
Armani gave him a nod, before hopping into the passenger seat. "Was it that obvious?" She asked, putting her bag in the back seat.
"A bit" Steve spoke quietly, as if something bothered him. As the two rode away from the school, Armani remembered seeing, and hearing, him and Nancy argue.
"I'm taking it that you and Nancy aren't in a good place?" She asked cautiously, Steve shook his head.
"It's— It's weird. I know I left the party too, but it was to help you. I was going to go back for her but I didn't want to leave you alone. And before you say anything, it's not your fault, okay? Jesus, I told her to tell me that she loves me." He ranted, "I, I don't even know if I wanted to hear that! It's like everytime one of us says it it just sounds so, fake. so forced. I don't know why. I just wanted reassurance that I was doing that right thing."
The car ride remained silent for a few minutes, Armani trying to find words that would help Steve.
"I'm sorry. I really am. I don't think theres anything I can do." She muttered, Steve only responding with a nod.
The rest of the car ride was spent in mutual silence, the radio played low as Armani looked out the window, watching the houses that rolled by.
When Steve parked the car infront of the girls house, she reached to open the door before he finally spoke up, placing a hand on her shoulder.
"Armani" his voice cracked from not speaking, "Thank you, for sticking by me."
Armani gave him a small smile, "I'm sure you'd do the same for me."
The air around them seemed to tighten as the two found themselves face to face in the car. Their breaths were held, cheeks reddened slightly.
"Thanks! For the, uh, ride." Armani turned quickly to open the door, she took her bag and stepped out of the car. "I, uh, have to get inside. Loads of homework, you know." She took a deep breath, Steve nodded furiously.
"Yeah, yeah. I know. Bye. Uh, if you ever need a ride anywhere. Just, let me know" he gave the girl a wave which she returned.
Armani turned back only once she had gotten inside her house, she glanced out the window in time to see Steve pull out of the driveway. With a deep sigh, she went to her room, where her bed was undone from the night before. Sitting on the mattress, she looked over the pictures on the wall.
"So, you and Steven?"
Armani momentarily froze, the statement, or rather question, caused her to stop chewing on her food. She swallowed hard, looking up at her father who sat infront of her.
"sorry, what?" She asked, her dad looked up from his plate.
"Oh, I just meant, you know" he stopped for a second, as if he was thinking deeply. "I notice the way you two look at each other, Mani. Even, you know, before last year."
Armani blinked twice, she had never had a conversation like this with her father. "Do you think Steve's my boyfriend?" She gave a nervous chuckle, Bob shaking his head.
"No, no! Of course he?"
Armani couldn't help but laugh at her dad's awkwardness.
"We're just friends, dad" Armani stated, "besides, he just broke up with Nancy, I don't think he's looking for anyone right now."
Bob nodded, since his ex-wife had left the two, he had more experience in talking to her about certain things, but that didn't mean he was good at them. "Okay, I was just wondering" he paused.
After a couple minutes, Bob spoke again. "Sweetie, you know. I trust him. Steve, I mean. He's good for you."
Armani opened her mouth to stop her father from embarrassing her, she didn't even like steve.
"I know your mother would think so too." Bob continued, rendering the teenager speechless.
She hadn't heard her father speak about her mother since she left, years ago. For the first time since her father started seeing Joyce Byers, Armani understood the effects of it.
Armani swallowed as she felt her hands begin to feel shaky, the sudden wave of emotion made her heart race. She blinked away the tears that had begun to form, looking up only when her dad spoke.
"Hey, hey. What's wrong?"
She shook her head, "it's nothing dad, it's just stupid" she forced a light laugh.
"Is it about your mom?" Bob reached across and took his daughters hands in his. "I know it's hard, I know. We have to move on, for her sake as well as our own. I know you and Joyce don't have a perfect relationship, but maybe we could take steps to fix that?" He explained, hoping that Armani wouldn't turn away like she had done so often.
"Yeah, yeah. I guess so" she nodded, although she wasn't clearly aware of what she was agreeing too. Bob stood up, he walked across the small table and pulled his daughter up into a hug. "You know I love you, dad" Armani's words muffled.
"I know. I love you too." Bob pulled away and kissed her forehead before turning to pick up the plates.
"Hows about we do something, what do you say? I've got work tomorrow but the next day, lets take a road trip" Bob suggested as he washed the plates.
"Yeah, that'd be fun" Armani grinned. It had been a while since the two had gotten a day to themselves, and she was glad to see her father making an effort not to forget about her amidst his relationship.
Maybe everything would change, she might even end up closer to the Byers.
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