"Am I dreaming or is that you, Harrington?"
Billy Hargrove's smile was infuriating, at least from Steve's point of view. The car had come to a rough stop, and when the mullet wearing asshole stepped out, Steve could feel his blood practically boil.
"Yeah, It's me. Don't cream your pants." Steve spoke loud enough for the other boy to hear, his hands lay on his hips along with a rough expression. Billy blew smoke out of his mouth, taking off his leather jacket which he tossed inside the car, slamming the door shut. The two teens walked towards each other, the tension in the air was almost unbearable.
"What are you doing here, amigo?" Billy asked, Steve's chest puffed out as he tried to remain calm. "I could ask you the same thing." he crossed his arms over his chest, "amigo."
Armani heard only bits of the conversation, as her head leaned on the doorway. She furrowed her brows at the younger teens, "get down!" She hissed at them, they lowered their heads away from the window. "Stay here, and stay down." She warned, opening the door and walking out.
"Armani! What, is this your place? What's a girl like you doing with a guy like Steve?" Billy laughed, Armani rolled her eyes, "Shove it, Hargrove."
"You know.." Billy sighed, "I don't know, this.." he clicked his tongue as he tried to formulate what would irritate the two the most. "This whole situation, Harrington. It's giving me the heebie-jeebies." "Oh yeah, why's that?"
"My thirteen year old sister goes missing all day.." Billy blew smoke out again, his face contorting into mock disgust, "then I find her with you, in a strangers house, Newby's arms are full of bruises. To top it off, you lie to me about it."
Steve chuckled lightly, his voice deep as he tried to remain cool, "Man, were you dropped too much as a child or what? I don't know what you don't understand about what I just said. She's not here."
Billy's eyes narrowed, he pointed his cigarette at the window of the house, "then who is that?" He muttered. Steve and Armani turned to see the younger teens duck from the window. "Shit" Armani opened the door to yell at the four, but she turned back once she heard Steve hit the ground. "Hey!" Armani began to run over, stopping in shock only once Billy slammed his foot down, kicking Steve in the stomach.
"Fuck off, Newby." Billy said as he began walking towards the house. "You're already banged up, I don't want to hurt you more." Armani felt her breath shorten as she stood face to face with him, she looked back quickly but Steve wasn't getting up. "You're gonna have to go through me." She spoke, her leg lifted up as she kicked Billy where it hurt the most. The teen stumbled back, a painful yelp left his lips as he fumed with anger. "Are the rumors of you true? Your mom left your family and you became a slut?" Billy spoke through the pain, he came towards Armani again, grabbing her bruised arm and pulling her closer to him. "I'd love to see some proof," he spoke in her face, pushing her on the floor harshly, he stepped over her and burst into the house.
Armani got up and ran towards Steve, who was trying to steady himself. "Come on!" She pulled him up, and the two ran inside the house, Armani in front as Steve lingered behind in pain. Armani stopped as she saw Billy attacking Lucas, she stepped in front of the other three teens, looking towards the door as Steve came through. "You are so dead, Sinclair! You're dead!" Billy yelled, his voice rang throughout the small house, Steve stepped behind him, pulling Billy off and turning him around.
"No. You are." He said, punching Billy in the face, "Steve!" Armani yelled, pulling Lucas behind her with the rest of the kids. Billy turned back, maniacal laughter filled the air as Billy yelled. "Looks like you got some fire in you after all, huh! I've been waiting to meet this King Steve everyone's been telling me so much about!" His arm motions were over the top as he mocked Steve, who put a two fingers on the others chest. "Get out." He spoke calmly, pushing Billy lightly.
Billy swung quickly, Armani closed her eyes as she backed up further, but opened them when she heard no impact. Steve had ducked, and punched Billy back. "Yes! Kick his ass, Steve!" Dustin yelled enthusiastically, Armani sent him a disapproving glance. Steve continued to punch Billy, "Kill that son of a bitch!" Dustin yelled again, only stopping once Billy smashed a plate on Steve's head. "Billy stop!" Armani yelled, turning to Billy in time to see him swing. "Shit!" Dustin yelled as Billy's fist came towards him, Armani pulled him down quickly, then yanked him back away from the two fighting teens.
Steve backed away into the living room, the blonde followed as he continued to pound him. Billy grabbed the other boys shirt violently, almost ripping the material, pulling Steve close to him. "No on tells me what to do!" He hit Steve's head with his own, sending Steve across the room and onto the floor.
"Whoo! Get up!" Billy yelled, Armani felt sick, but she had had enough.
She ran towards Billy and turned him around, her fist hit his face, causing him to back up before laughing. "A girl with some flare, I like that!" He yelled, "but I have a job to finish." He pushed the girl against the wall, "and you're going to let me finish it." He grabbed the girls injured arm, twisting it so that the pain shooting through was unbearable. Armani screamed with pain, her knee lifting up and hitting Billy yet again, but not before a distinct pop was heard from her arm. He backed up in pain, but Armani couldn't do anything as she dropped to the ground, holding her arm as she winced.
Billy turned back to Steve, smiling as he screamed. He leaned over, pummeling Steve with all his strength on the sides of his head. Everyone else's screams filled the air, Steve felt his hearing reside and his vision blur. "You're going to kill him!" Armani yelled, she tried to get up but found herself unable to. "Stop!" Her screams were desperate, and her face was flushed with anger as her vision filled with tears. She looked away from the two, and instead to the kids, "do something!" She yelled.
That's when she saw Max grab the needle. The needle, that was used to make Will go to sleep so he wouldn't spy on them. Max walked past the others, standing behind Billy, she stabbed the needle directly into his neck and inserted the substance. Billy grunted, he stood and turned back as Armani stood up leaning on the wall for support. Billy took out the needle, looking at it in worry, "what the hell is this?" He stumbled forward. "You little shit, what did you do," his words slurred as the kids backed away from him. With a final thump, Billy fell back on the ground, a laugh coming from his lips.
The teen inched towards him, she looked up to see Max holding Steve's bat, and handing Armani her own, holding it with her right hand as her left hung limply at her side. "From here on out you leave me and my friends alone, do you understand?" The red head warned, "screw you." Was all Billy said, Max and Armani locked eyes before the both swung the bats down on him. Max's in between his legs and Armani's next to his face.
Billy's eyes widened and his breath hitched, he looked to the side and slowly raised his head to look at the other bat between his legs. Both the girls raised the bats up again, "Say you understand!" Mac warned, "say it! SAY IT!" The redhead yelled, Billy muttering a low "I understand." Armani leaned closer to him, "what?" "I understand." He spoke clearly, "and DON'T, think you're going to get away with doing that to him" Armani muttered, looking over at the unconscious Steve. "or me." She dropped the bat all too close to the boy's face once she was sure he was unconscious, and turned over to Steve.
"Steve, come on." she muttered, running a hand through the boys hair to get it out of his face. "Armani, here." Mike stepped closer, handing her a clean washcloth and taking her arm, quickly wrapping it up in a bandage. "Thanks, kid." She muttered, swallowing the pain before turning and cleaning some of the blood from Steve's face.
"Let's go." Max said, holding up the keys to the car. "Shouldn't Armani drive? She's the oldest, since Steve can't." Dustin asked, "I can try, but I can't do much with this arm." She held up her arm weakly, "I'll do it." Max nodded.
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