The End of Swipergelion
Burning, cooling, burning again,
The rain was beating down on the hospital. People could be heard making a commotion inside. Rain. Noise. Dora. Boots. The accident. Diego. Me...
Swiper gasped, inhaling the damp, moist, rainy air around him. He coughed, he could barely move. Swiper looked around and found Diego a few feet away looking more crushed than a caesar salad. I must've landed on him and rolled a few feet Swiper thought. He felt a vibration by his hand. Swiper was getting a call. He gingerly picked up the phone. It was Dora! He picked up.
"...H-hey!" Swiper said eagerly into the phone
"Ah Swiper I'm glad you picked up. I wanted to know where Diego went, he's at the hospital, right?" Dora replied.
Swiper swallowed, it felt like fire,"Y-yeah"
"Oh okay thanks I-"
"Hey... Dora"
"Yes Swiper?"
"D-do you think you could meet me at Blueberry Hill? I know it's raining but I have something urgent to tell you. I really do."
Swiper could hear Dora giggle on the other side,"Haha okay for sure! It's just like last time."
Swiper smiled but then it faded away as he looked at the soil. Him asking her to meet him... it was just like last time... he didn't mean to tell her to meet him... but something out of instinct made him just say it. It was time. Time for him to finally tell her his feelings. There was nobody in the way now, only him and her. Swiper stumbled and got up despite probably fracturing and breaking a bunch of his bones, but he stood up with the resolve of a golden sunrise. He stumbled through the rain, blueberry hill was only about a 10 minute walk away.
(now insert komm kazoo todd)
So much has happened since the last time he met Dora on that sunny, warm day on blueberry hill. It was the perfect day for him to tell her his feelings. But no... NOO that was all ruined by that God awful Boots. It's not like Swiper hated Boots it was just that he was there at the most inconvenient time. Then tragedy struck... like a motorcycle, and just like that Boots was gone from this world. But to Swiper, deep down inside, it was an obstacle removed from the road to him telling his feelings to Dora. And then... AND THEN there was Diego. God that sick fuck. To think he of all people liked Dora in that way. It was sickening. It made Swiper's stomach bile turn inside out. But now he's gone too. They were all gone, all who stood in Swiper's way... were all dead.
(okay cut music now)
Swiper could see blueberry hill on the horizon, he was slowing down but as he saw it he got faster, not caring about his injuries, he just wanted to see Dora.
Swiper called out with his burning throat, "DORA!!!"
A figure on the hill turned around and called back,"Swiper!?"
Swiper stumbled onto the hill and fell before Dora's feet.
"Swiper! Oh god! What the hell happened to you?" Dora said kneeling next to Swiper.
Swiper laughed, he couldn't feel anything. Nothing at all.
"It's nothing, just a scratch. You worry too much Dora."
Dora stared in awe.
Swiper struggled to get on his feet. He gave Dora a smile and took her hands in his. Dora squeezed his hands.
"Dora... I've been meaning to tell you this for the last few days. My heart has been aching because of it," Swiper started.
"S-swiper... "
He continued," After all these years I've realized I've come off as a jerk and yet you still give me the chance to continue to be your friend and I'm just so happy I could be familiar with someone like you."
Swiper looked down getting a bit emotional,"And something about being with you... Something grew... and I have just really wanted to tell you..."
"Yes Swiper?"
Swiper looked up looking straight into Dora's eyes,"I love you, and I want to be more than just your friend."
Dora's eyes widened her cheeks turning a shade of red. She smiled warmly at the injured Swiper. For a moment for Swiper, it felt as if the whole world had paused for them at this moment. Any sounds of cars, rain, or wind where just muted in the moment. Swiper put his face closer to Dora's kind of waiting for her to let his words set in. She finally spoke...
Dora laughed with bliss,"Oh Swiper, I'm just so happy."
Swiper smiled with such joy he felt like he could start crying from bliss. His heart pounded waiting for her to continue.
"But it's just that I don't see us like that... I've actually had my heart out for Isa."
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