From Heart to Heart (doki doki)
Swiper nervously wiped his hands on his pants, but in a cool suave manner so that he wouldn't look like a nervous wreck in front of her, Dora, who he had called to blueberry hill, somewhere in a quiet park. Grasping the letter in his hand Swiper held it up to his face and sighed at it. He never intended to bring it with him, the letter was basically his confession to Dora if he couldn't get the balls to say it to her himself verbally. Swiper then took a deep breath and thought about anyway his confession would go well. However with things like that he started thing in the opposite direction. What if she doesn't even come over? What if she rejects me because how shitty I've been to her? What if i can't even utter the words to her??? Well I guess that's what the letter is for- Then Swiper is cut off by the biggest concern of all... What if she took that god awful Boots with her?!. At this point he was overthinking the situation, Swiper was getting super over-worked over that idea, that idea his head started pounding, heart beating so fast he would need a heart monitor. Swiper clasped his hands on his head, pulling at his ears, cold sweat coming down his face.
"Swiper? I got your text and I was a little concerned that I couldn't trust it because it didn't look genuine bu-," Dora says walking up the hill. "Are you okay? You look terrified!"
Very slowly Swiper took his hands off of his ears, not only was he super worked up and was pulling on his ears so hard, he had completely had not heard Dora's foot steps. Swiper didn't even have the time to get his shit together again. As his gaze set on Dora it felt as if all the time in the world had stopped. 1 second. 2 seconds passed. 3 seconds passed. Swiper could feel himself coming to a blush as if setting all of his worries aside the fact that he was not standing in Dora's presence was so breathtaking that Swiper nearly fainted from the overload of emotions running through him.
"Uh, hey what was that 'thing' you wanted to tell me that you couldn't tell me over the phone?" Dora says loud enough for Swiper to hear, as she tilts her head.
"I- Uh- I- Mmmn," Swiper murmurs trying to find the words and the balls to confess.
Dora puts her hands up to motion Swiper to slow down with a small look of concern on her face, "Okay okay, this must be really important, so just take a deep breath and just tell me no need to be scared to."
"Yes Swiper I know, that's my name."
Taking the advice given to him Swiper inhales and exhales and then looks Dora straight in the eyes,"No wait I just- okay Dora lately I've been feeling this thing lately towards you. It's not anger, disgust, none of those. These feelings have been eating at me for a while and for the last few days I myself haven't even eaten because-"
"WHAT?!" shouted a loud sharp pitched voice from behind a bush.
"B-Boots!?" Dora says a little shocked.
Boots stumbles out of the bush with a half eaten hot dog in his hand,"Geez Swiper if you were so hungry you didn't have to tell Dora in person. Wait. Hold up...ARE YOU GOING TO EAT HER?! THAT'S TERRIBLE!!! YOU CAN'T BE TRUSTED WITH DORA ALL ALONE!!! I ALWAYS KNEW YOU WERE CRAZY!!!"
Dora shushes Boots, "Boots! You're causing a scene! And no, Swiper is not going to eat me why would you think like that?"
"Shit, what kind of crack fanfiction are you reading?" Swiper growls under his breath feeling quite offended.
Swiper would have asked to continue at this very moment but Swiper wasn't expecting Boots to be here, well he kind of did but at this point Swiper was still questioning why Boots was hiding in the bush hiding to repeat in the bush. Some anger and embarrassment were going through his mind. Dora looked the same at Boots but it was an obvious fact that she knew Boots was behind the bush.
Feeling betrayed Swiper turned away, coughed literally about to bawl and scream his head off managed to choke up the words, "I need to go I just remembered that I have some overdue books that I owe to the library."
Noticing Swiper's absolute bullshit Boots looks at Swiper then at Dora, "Leaving so soon? I thought the 'thing' was important."
"Boots!" says Dora.
"Ah yeah, the books- I just wanted to ask when the library closed," Swiper quickly states.
Dora shoots Swiper a confused look, "But Swiper couldn't you have searched that up on-"
"Okayokaygottagobye! Uhtalktoyousoon! PeaceoutDora," Swiper shouts fleeing the scene.
It has been 24 hours since Swiper's failed confession. He was sure that if didn't tell Dora his feelings soon that his heart would burst. Swiper clutches his chest as he walks out of his apartment and out into the street. It was about 8 pm as Swiper exited his apartment to take a walk. As Swiper was walking he felt as if somebody was watching him, he knew somebody was watching him. Swiper starts to gradually pick up his walking pace then altering his direction to throw his follower off path. However these efforts do not work but do expose the person at Swiper's tail. There's a loud bang, someone had knocked over a trash can. Swiper fwips around to find that the person trailing him was... Boots!?
"You!" Swiper saying a little shocked.
Boots had been following Swiper and happened to trip and fall over a plot convenient trash can. Boots was now on the floor rubbing his knee, "Ow ow ow OW!"
Swiper crouches down to make eye level eye contact with Boots, "You're a sad sad little monkey boy. Now, why are you following me hm?"
"Fuck you."
"What?" Swiper growls a little caught off guard hearing that from a person like Boots.
"I know why you only wanted Dora at blueberry hill yesterday. You wanted to confess your feelings to her didn't you! Disgusting!!!" Boots yells squeezing his eyes shut.
Swiper sighs and figures the situation out quickly, Boots was angry at Swiper because Boots also likes Dora too but Swiper happen to beat him to the confession.
"You're just mad because you couldn't get your shit together to tell Dora that you love her didn't you?" Swiper says with a blank but focused look on his face.
"Hmph I was gonna until your low-life ass came and took her from me before I got the chance to. Guess you really tried to swipe Dora away." Boots scoffed.
"Low-life? Really? At least I'm not a two-faced joke who wore the same pair of crusty ass red boots since he was in the womb," Swiper says squinting at Boots.
Out of a pure act of rage for shitting on his precious boots, Boots, will all of his strength punches Swiper in the face. Swiper stumbles back a little a bit shocked from the punch. Boots gets up about to land another blow on Swiper. But instead gets a hard elbow in the face.
"Hey calm down, I as much as I would want to kick your ass right here right now, it's just not the right time for it. Boots just calm down okay?" Swiper coughs.
"N-no! I can't just let her slip to you like that!!!"
"But I didn't even confess to her all the way why are you so worked up? If anything you were the one who interrupted me, in fact you're the reason why I'm here right now trying to convince you to chill! Maybe if you didn't tag on Dora's tail like a lost puppy all the time the maybe I could've been able to tell her my feelings and you would be more mature than to try the next guy who has feelings for Dora!" Swiper exclaims, speaking his mind out loud with a vigorous anger boiling within him.
Some blood started to fall from Boots' nose as he started to stumble back as well into the back alley but then running back in to give another shot at Swiper, "Dora doesn't think I'm a nuisance! I'm her best friend. I don't understand! How the hell of all people did you, Swiper get feelings for Dora huh?! You don't know jack shit about her!!! If anything you're the biggest annoyance of all! All you've done is take from others for your own good!"
Boots' second punch lands smack in the stomach. A heavy urk escapes Swiper as he toughs that out and back hand bitch slaps Boots followed up with a knee in the rib. The force of the knee was hard enough to blow Boots into a broken mirror by a dumpster. Seeing his surroundings Boots grabs a shard of glass and comes at Swiper with it. Swiper being quickened by the last few blows is lucky enough to dodge as Boots sucks at any shape or form of fighting. All of the wasted energy Boots spent waving a piece of glass around got him tumbling back into the alley street.
"I-I I'm really tired. I just wanted a chance to say how much I love Dora, but I didn't because you beat me to it, y-yeah I'm admitting that much," Boots says falling to his knees in exhaustion, "I probably stand no chance anyway. Dora probably only sees me as a good friend and not as a lover."
Boots' eyes start welling up with bubbly anime girl tears, "You're so cool, suave, and somebody that Dora would like, but you're such an asshole Swiper... you really are."
That was a well stated fact about Swiper but seeing all of these things come out of the usually enthusiastic and joyful Boots was kind of heart killing. However Swiper stood his ground and slowly approached Boots. At this point in time Boots is bawling his eyes out and it looked like all of the salt in the sea could equal all of his tears. Now Swiper is actual shit at consoling people. However as he was right at the edge of where the buildings reached the streets a roaring sound and a flash of light ran in. The moment was like a blink, neither Boots or Swiper could've seen it coming.
"BOOTS!!!" was all that could come out of Swiper's mouth.
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