ii. Mission Accomplished
𝓶𝓲𝓼𝓼𝓲𝓸𝓷 𝓪𝓬𝓬𝓸𝓶𝓹𝓵𝓲𝓼𝓱𝓮𝓭
Harry really wished Sadie hadn't come over and tried to get him to dance with her, because now he couldn't take his eyes off her.
He watched the blonde as she danced with her friends, a large smile on her face as she twirled and sang, not having a care in the world how she looked. He was still puzzled - why did she come over and start speaking to him? They'd never spoken before. And why did she want him to get up and dance with her? It wall so confusing.
Ron was in even more of a foul mood after having an argument with both Hermione and his friend from Potions. It was even worse when, near the end of the night, Hermione sat back down with the two boys and they started again. Harry felt trapped, literally right in the middle, and his eyes flicked around looking for someone else to go and talk to.
But almost everyone was still dancing, or sitting with their dates. The raven haired boy hesitated, after his eyes landed on the blonde girl that had tried to get him to dance before. She wasn't dancing at this second - she was standing alone, having a drink. It couldn't hurt, going to talk to her? - it's not like she was dancing right now. Maybe he could find out why she all of a sudden wanted to dance with him.
Anything will be better than listening to these two, Harry thought to himself, before standing up and heading over to her. Ron and Hermione were busy fighting to question where he was going.
"Er... hi," he said once he'd reached her. She gave him a smile and let out a small laugh.
"I knew you'd come around,"
"Wha- no... I'm not dancing... I just thought I'd join you... you looked lonely,"
Sadie took a sip from her bottle of butterbeer.
"That's kind of you," she told him. "Where are your friends?"
Harry turned and looked over his shoulder at Ron and Hermione, who were, very obviously, still arguing. Sadie followed where he was looking and soon caught on.
"Yeah," Harry replied.
"What about?"
"Erm... well, Ron's kind of..."
Sadie could see Harry having some trouble trying to explain, and so shook her head.
"Never mind," she said. "It's none of my business."
"They argue all the time," Harry explained. "We all do actually, It's nothing big."
"That's normal," said Sadie. "So do we - well, not as often, now I guess. But, in our second year, I had a fight with Chad and we didn't speak for six months,"
"Really?" asked Harry with raised eyebrows. Chad and Sadie had always seemed inseparable.
"Yeah! What makes it even more funny is that we can't even remember what it was about, now. It was probably something stupid,"
Harry let out a chuckle, feeling a lot less awkward now. Sadie was a good talker.
It was then the Weird Sisters started playing a new song, and Sadie's entire face lit up. She let out a noise that probably would've been a scream if she wasn't in the middle of drinking her butterbeer. Harry wasn't quite sure what to do.
Sadie grabbed his arm and dragged him onto the dance floor - he didn't get a choice whether to dance or not.
"Er..." he began, but she ignored him.
The blonde was jumping around swaying her hips happily, as she watched Harry try and dance, since she wouldn't let him leave. She let out a laugh, but stopped almost immediately. She didn't want to put him off.
"You're thinkin' too much, about it," she said. "Loosen up!"
Sadie grabbed both his hands and forced him to sway and jump in time with her - and before Harry knew it, he was actually dancing.
He kept looking around, checking nobody was staring or laughing at him. But nobody was. Everyone was happily bounding around to the music, not caring who was around.
"You don't know these songs, do you?" she said, after a short while of Harry struggling to dance to a beat he wasn't familiar with.
He shook his head.
"I grew up with muggles,"
"So did I," the girl responded, with a shrug.
When Sadie was in her first year, she made sure she knew all the trends of wizard culture at that point in time, for she didn't want to miss out just because she was muggleborn. Marianne introduced her to the Weird Sisters, and she spent ages memorising the lyrics so she could take part in bonding over her friends' interests. They were quite a good band, as well.
Sadie's smile grew wider as she noticed the boy's confidence growing slightly as soon as he realised nobody cared how he danced. He was still awkward, no doubt about it - but a grin was starting to creep up on his face as he danced with the blonde girl.
"See! You love it, really," the girl said, extremely proud of herself for just getting him on the dance floor. He laughed.
Harry was mesmerised by the girl at first - how she danced so freely and carelessly, as though nothing mattered more in that moment than having the time of her life. She was so merry, it made Harry certain she was definitely one of those people of which her happiness would rub off on anyone nearby.
Harry was sure Sadie could make someone as grumpy as Filch smile.
But, as a few songs passed, he became more and more distracted, by two things. One was Cho and Cedric dancing together behind Sadie. She didn't notice he was staring at the girl in the year above, she was too busy enjoying herself. She'd just thought he was still a bit self conscious.
The second distraction was Ron and Hermione now stomping, and still arguing, out of the Great Hall.
"Oh, no," Harry muttered, before taking off.
"What?" Sadie called after him in confusion. "Where are you going?"
She watched him follow his friends, admittedly a bit disappointed. But her friends weren't far - and they were still filled to the brim of energy. They weren't going to stop dancing anytime soon. She pranced over to them, and they greeted her with jolly yells and smiles.
"Did I just see you dancing with Harry Potter?" asked Chad, both a frown and a grin on his face.
"Maybe," Sadie replied.
"Reckon Sadie's the first person in the world to get him up dancin'!" said Seamus with a laugh.
"Awe," Marianne teased.
"Shut up,"
Sadie and Marianne didn't leave their beds for hours throughout the next couple of days, their legs still aching from dancing and their voices hoarse from all the singing.
It was a crisp winter's day, and after finally making an appearance in the Great Hall, mainly because they were hungry, the two girls decided to head outside, where most of their year were covered in bundles of layers to keep warm.
They spotted Chad sitting with Seamus and Dean on one of the rocks near the black lake, all chatting happily, and joined them. Sadie sat down, curling up into a ball and wrapped her cloak around her, her Ravenclaw scarf on top, so only her head was visible. Marianne huddled up to Seamus, who asked them,
"Do you know what the Second Task is?"
Both girls shook their heads.
"You're the one with a champion in your house," said Sadie. "Surely you'd know before us,"
Dean shook his head.
"Harry opened it and all it did was scream,"
"Sounds lovely,"
Sadie turned her head, as she looked around in interest, wondering who else was around. It was then she spotted a particular raven-haired boy standing on the bridge, looking out at the grounds with Hermione. Throughout the rest of the time spent sitting outside, Sadie sent many glances his way, in case he ever looked at her. He didn't. Perhaps she was too far away for him to notice.
"Have you done the potions essay yet?" Chad asked. Sadie shook her head.
"I can't be arsed, I'll just do it the night before,"
"Sounds like a plan," said Marianne. "No way am I wasting my Christmas holiday with Snape's crap,"
"I think it should be illegal to give homework over the holidays," said Chad.
"Please become Minister of Magic," said Dean. Chad laughed, and Sadie's eyes widened.
"If Chad was Minister of Magic, I think the world would be a very dangerous place,"
"I agree," said Seamus.
The cold winter months flew by, and it was soon February. Sadie was sitting in the library with Marianne and Chad, all trying and failing to finish their Defence Against the Dark Arts homework.
"I really don't see why we're still here," said Marianne.
"I've read the same paragraph forty seven times because I can't concentrate!" Sadie said with a frustrated look.
"You can't concentrate because you can hear Harry Potter on the other side of the book shelf," said Marianne, not even looking up from her work. Chad let out an obnoxious laugh.
"Shut up, Marianne!" Sadie hissed, igniting the girl's comment. "If we can hear them, they can hear us, and I don't think they'd appreciate the lies coming out of your mouth,"
Marianne exchanged a smirk with Chad, as Sadie scribbled some notes down.
"Look, I'm just saying, you're not very subtle about it. Half the time you're looking at him, hoping he'd catch your eye. I just don't get why you don't go and speak to him?"
"Because the poor boy's got enough on his plate at the moment without me trying to make friends with him," Sadie replied.
"I'm sure he's got room for you in his busy life," said Chad, adding a bit of sarcasm.
"Doubt it. It's not like I'm crushing on him, or whatever you two think - he's just interesting, that's all. I reckon he'd be fun to be friends with,"
"Ah, yes, because being friends with the boy who's practically cursed seems lovely,"
"You know I don't mean it like that! I just mean, everyone's so used to his 'famous exterior' I want to know what the real Harry's like."
"Probably boring, I dunno why you think he's some sort of mystery,"
"Well, he's more interesting than some of the other boys in our year,"
"It's not their fault they didn't slay You-Know-Who,"
"I've told you, that's not the interesting bit. If anything, it's the least - it's not like he duelled him, he was a baby."
"Forget it, Chad," said Marianne. "We both know there's no stopping her - if she's set on becoming friends with someone, she'll become friends with them, or die trying. Look at us, we're living proof,"
"That you are," said Sadie. "Although, I wasn't really plannin' on you two, that much. I just thought you were funny."
"Comedic geniuses, that's what we are!" Chad said loudly, receiving a hush from the two girls so that they wouldn't get told off.
"Speaking of geniuses," said Marianne. "There's no way we're gonna get all this done tonight, I vote we go back to the common room and go to bed,"
"I'm backing Marianne up on this one," said Chad, turning to the blonde. "And that's rare, because we both know I hate her," he teased, receiving a kick from Marianne under the table. Sadie laughed.
"Yeah. I'll put the books back," she said, looking at the massive load they'd piled out over their table. "I'll meet you back at the common room?"
"Yeah, alright, Potter-stalker," said Chad, knowing perfectly well she was staying because he knew Harry was still there. Sadie whacked him on the arm with her textbook.
"Ow! What is it with you two and physically abusing me, I literally do nothing wrong and I just get attacked-"
Chad's voice faded as he and Marianne walked out of the library. Sadie stacked up the books, and began to walk to the many shelves, putting them back. One of them, which was actually coincidental, belonged to one of the shelves Harry Potter was currently sitting next to. Sadie sent a little glance his way as she put it back, although the boy was staring straight ahead with tired eyes. Ron Weasley was practically asleep and Hermione was pacing.
"Y'Alright?" asked Sadie, causing the three to jump and turn to look at her. She wasn't sure where to look, and felt a little shy having all their eyes on her. She focused on putting her books back.
"Hey," Hermione was the first to speak. "What're you doing here so late?"
"Oh," Sadie smiled. "My friends and I were trying to do our homework, but we're a bit thick, so it took a while. We gave up in the end,"
"Defence Against the Dark Arts?" Ron asked, clearly struggling with the same piece himself.
There was a short silence, until a large figure appeared at the end of the isle. Moody was standing in front of them, and Sadie prayed he hadn't heard her talking about his homework. But he didn't even look her way, much to her relief.
"Professor McGonagall would like to see you in her office. Not you, Potter," he added, as Harry was about to stand up. "Just Weasley and Granger,"
"But sir!" Hermione protested. "The Second Task is only hours away, and-"
"-Exactly. The only way to prepare Potter now is for him to get a good night sleep. Go. Now!"
The two scurried off, leaving Harry and Sadie glancing at each other awkwardly.
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