First Return
hes so hot omfg
Tell Keith to come on the channel more!
#Shiro'sBabes ship #Klance
Pleeease do more collabs with him!!!
Does Lance have an insta?
"Good grief," Shiro groaned, scrolling through the comments on the video he and Lance made. Klance? Keith and Lance? Shiro hid a smile. He had to admit, they'd be cute together, but they showed no interest in each other so what was he supposed to do? Play matchmaker?
He decided against telling the two boys that half of his subscribers now shipped them, but the two would find out eventually if they watched the video. The same thing had happened when Shiro had Matt do a collab with him, even though their ship name, Shatt, was awful. It had died down after a while but seriously made Shiro re-evaluate his relationship with his friend.
True, he'd had feelings for him once, a while back when they'd both been experimenting with sexuality and shit, but that had been years ago. Shiro liked to think that it made them closer, even if it was awkward to think about.
Anyways, Lance wouldn't be watching the video anytime soon- as soon as he got off work he was going to the ocean for the "weekly check-in" the King guy made him do. Shiro was still pretty clueless about the going-ons of Lance's world, but he supposed that it was probably for the better. He'd been sworn to secrecy, so Lance probably thought that it would be easier for everyone if the amount of information they knew was less rather than more.
Lance also wouldn't be home until the next day. He'd gotten the job at McDonald's despite his minuscule resumé that only included "has cooked before" and a recommendation from Shiro. Surprisingly, he'd been asked to come in the next day.
Lance had been ecstatic, going on and on about "being a real human" and "a productive member of society". His hopes had been squashed at work, and he'd headed straight for the bath when he'd gotten home. Shiro walked in on him- asleep underwater, bubbles floating from his lips, tail flopped over the side of the tub.
"It wasn't that bad," Lance had admitted, but he'd presented the oil burns on his arms and hands with a troubled expression, "I think I need gloves of some kind." But anyhow, he'd gone back, deciding to stick to it and work through the hard parts. He didn't have another choice, anyways.
Matt and Pidge were out getting supplies for their new machine project, and Keith was at work. With just Shiro alone in the house, there was only one thing he wanted to do.
And the giant stereo was perfect for it.
Taylor Swift dance party? On.
Lance felt his heart beating faster as he and Keith approached the ocean. Lance didn't even mind clinging to Keith's back as they drove to the beach, the purr of the motorcycle thrumming under Lance's thighs.
Keith had picked Lance up from work to bring him to the ocean since he was the only one available, but he was still a bit moody since it was his break time and here he was, driving a mermaid to the beach so he could go and swim to his mer-village and talk to the mer-King. Keith rolled his eyes internally.
It all seemed like bullshit, and he'd been convinced that Lance was either crazy or on drugs (or both) until he'd shown everyone his tail, and then he'd convinced himself that maybe he was the one that was crazy. But Shiro, Matt, and Pidge had seen it too so maybe they were all crazy.
Lance was jittery with anticipation- he could practically feel his scales poking through his skin, his sail lifting on his spine. His arms were tight around Keith's skinny, warm waist, and he wore baggy shorts and a T-shirt, just in case something got ripped by accident.
"When will you get back? Shiro wants to know," Keith called over his shoulder to Lance. In truth, he wanted to know too, but he wasn't going to say so. Lance tipped his head to the side, thinking.
"Hopefully tomorrow morning. Will you pick me up?"
"I surf in the morning. Shiro can probably pick you up after his run. But seriously, you need a car."
Lance bit his lip, "I don't know how to drive!" He shouted over the wind. Keith visibly deflated, annoyed.
"Of course you don't..." he mumbled, rolling his eyes as they pulled into the beach's parking lot. It was already crowded as fuck, and he had to slowly putt down the long rows of parking to find a space to squeeze into.
Lance hopped off the cycle gracefully, a big smile clear on his lips. "Anyways, I'll probably be back around 8 or 9. See ya!" He waved to Keith, then sprinted to the sand, running down the beach with excitement. His homesickness had only grown over the days, and he was anxious to be in the real sea again. True, the bath with its warm water and jet pumps were like a dream, but the harsh, sharp seawater had its own appeal.
The only problem was... the beach was packed. People were everywhere, tanning, talking, laughing. Little kids ran around sandcastles, hot college kids lounged in skimpy bikinis and bright shorts, aging couples sat under umbrellas with wrinkled skin and sunglasses. The beach was alive, and the ocean was crawling with nosey humans.
Lance wrung his hands, turning around slowly. How would he be able to change out here? One mistake- being fully submerged- could expose his secret. He couldn't take the chance with so many people.
Suddenly, someone tapped his shoulder. Turning, warm happiness spread through Lance body. "Lonce!" Allura exclaimed happily, pushing her accent out. She was in her human form, brown skin shimmery with sunscreen. Her slim figure sported a floral bathing suit, and a large, floppy sunhat covered her poofy white hair.
"Allura!" Lance breathed as her long, warm arms slid around his shoulders in a hug. She smelled like flowers and the ocean, and when she pulled back, Lance saw her wink behind her dark sunglasses.
"Come with me," she said happily, leading Lance down the beach. As they picked their way through the crowded beach to the lesser packed rocky area, full of jutting rocks covered with sea moss and snails and barnacles, Allura let her excitement shine through. "Sooo? Tell me everything. We still have a bit of a way to walk before we get to a safe place to change."
Lance began from the beginning, of course, mentioning how he'd shown everyone his tail in the tub, how Keith seemed like a mysterious asshole, how hot Shiro was but how Lance thought that he belonged with Allura. How Pidge didn't seem to have a gender and how Matt was going to teach him about memes and swearing. How McDonald's was nasty but how good the heaven sticks (French fries) were, how the hot oil had already burned his hands. How makeup had felt on his face, how Keith had reluctantly agreed to paint him, how he missed the ocean but loved the land.
Allura listened with interest, eyes wide as they walked through the jagged rocks. "So do you think you'll make it up here? I know it must be hard anyway, even with all those amazing things," Allura looked away, "I'm a little jealous. I mean, everyone is. You're the most popular boy in town now. Who knows, maybe you'll have a coming-home parade." The tone of sourness bittered her voice, and Lance stopped.
"Hang on, Allura. What's that about?" His voice was calm and quiet, trying to understand his best friend's words. Something sad and envious flashed under her eyes.
"Father says that... after my next birthday, I'm not allowed to visit the surface again. He says I need to 'get my priorities straight' and to stop being so 'enamored with the human world'. He says it's not healthy. But what about what I say? I want to go on adventures up here! I know I'm supposed to lead the village, but now you're up here, having the time of your life, and I'm stuck down there with government lectures and diplomatic meetings." Allura sighed, turning away, "Don't get me wrong... I'm sure I'll love to lead, just like my father, but there are some things that I'll never get to experience because of this." Lance's eyes softened.
"Allura, don't say that. Seriously, I'll talk to your dad, I'll ask him if you can come up with me next week, if only for a few days. You deserve it! You've worked so hard, you should at least be able to come up with me for a few days. Plus, you know better what to look for in a society than me, so you'll be able to bring more information to your Dad relative to what he wants to know. I'm just a commoner, princess."
This made Allura smile, pushing her hair behind her ears. "He might not buy it, Lance," she said slowly. The population of the beach began to thin the father they walked down the coast of the water, towards craggy cliffs that towered above the ocean, waves dashing against their sides as seagulls circled overhead. Soon, they'd be far enough away to change in the ocean without being seen.
"Well if not," Lance said happily, "I'll just have to kidnap you."
"Ahh, Mr. Mcclain," Alfor said, swimming forward to clap Lance firmly on the shoulder. His eyes held curiosity and interest as he looked down at the young mer, and he lingered for a few seconds before swishing up to his podium, addressing the rest of the semi-circle of the Council. "Fellow Council members. As I'm sure you remember, last week we sent Mr. Mcclain up into the human world to repent for his transgressions against the merworld. Might I say, Lance, your reputation has only grown around here. You'll be happy to learn that Mr. Ulaz and Thace of the Marmora clan have returned to your housing cove just in case." Alfor's eyes narrowed.
"Just in case, sir? Are you saying that there has been controversy?" Lance asked anxiously. What did it mean that Ulaz and Thace were there?
Alfor laughed humorlessly, luminescence flashing, "Of course there's controversy, boy! What do you expect, a special ruling for a mer that broke our number one rule to go unnoticed? Everyone on this side of the coast knows your name! And not everyone is happy with my choice, let me tell you. I've been swamped with work for the past week." Alfor exhaled a quick, short breath, then recomposed himself, smoothing back his hair into its short ponytail.
Lance felt his hands shaking and he pressed them firmly to the sides of his tail. "I'm sorry to have caused you trouble, sir, I really am." He flashed the pattern of stripes on his shoulders traditionally used for apologies, fast and slow. Alfor flashed them back, accepting the offer.
"It's not your fault, Mr. Mcclain, that some mers cannot see reason in this area. Please forgive my outburst. Anyways, please tell me about your week. I'm very interested in your discoveries, considering you've been productive, Allura tells me." Lance glanced at his friend, lingering to the side of the podiums instead of at her normal spot beside her father.
Lance breathed in deeply, thinking back again through his week for key details. "I have alerted 4 humans of my secret," Lance started shakily, and some of the Council members shuddered, leaning forward, "But they've been sworn to secrecy. I trust them, and it was the only way I could deduct that would allow me to gain access to a living space and people who could teach me about the world. I don't plan on telling anyone else unless the need is urgent." Lance spoke with easy formality, constantly glancing from face to face, podium to podium, observing reactions and postures.
"No one had the slightest idea that we live off the coast, no one believes we're real." It hurt for some reason, saying it out loud. It stung that billions upon billions of beings didn't believe in you, even if it was for the best. "They all think we're some sort of myth, and I didn't see or hear anything around town that denoted to us. We've done well hiding, Alfor, congratulations."
Lance continued, "I live in a house with the four people, all around my age, and I have a job. They're all- well, except one who I think may be non-binary- men, so there's no chance of me getting anyone pregnant, and they're all very nice too. They helped me get new clothes, access my bank, which, by the way, is very full so thank you, and find a job."
Alfor leaned forward, raising an eyebrow, "And where do you work?" The Council whispered to each other. It was then that Lance noticed that his occupation may not be the best thing to brag about.
Biting his lip, Lance started, "I handle the financial and service work at a multi-million dollar food industry." It wasn't a lie.
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