episode 9
3 months later…
In these 3 months…many things have changed….swayam used to talk a lot with sujata…sujata had to hide this from the family…
Today was a very big day for everyone…as today was the business award function…best businessman award… who had the right on this?
Of course, one from the nominated people..where sanskar and dp is also nominated…
All the members are very excited…as this function happens once in 5 years…
@karma villa (Sanskar’s small bunglow)
Scene starts with swara applying vermilion (sindoor) on her forehead,…
Swara- swayam!! Sanskar!! Are you ready!? Or still playing..come we have to go…
Sanskar comes from back and hugs her…
Sanskar whispers in her ears- you look beautiful…
Swara- sanskar plz leave me..swayam will come..
Sanskar- let him come..he will understand us…
Swara- sanskar…plzz!!
Sanskar instead tightens the hug..
Swara becomes angry,…
Swara- sanskar..!! why don’t you understand!!??? I said leave me..!! huh!!
Sanskar- fyn..fyn…leaving you..
He parts and sits on the bed…with his hands resting on the bed and his legs stretched…
Swayam came running and sat in sanskar’s lap…
Swayam- wow!! Mummma…ur face is glowing..!! you are very beautiful..
He runs to swara and kisses her cheek..
anchor- so the best business man award goes to- the only and only sanskar maheshwari…
sanskar comes on the stage..(he didn’t receive his award till now)
sanskar- I feel very blessed to win this award..this couldn’t be possible if my wife wouldn’t have their been by my side..she has been always there was for..she has been my backbone, my support..my everything..when I was in coma, she only handled everything..so I wanna give this award to her..
swara happily went on the stage…both of them received the award..swayam was the most happiest kid…who saw their bonding…
everyone present there appreciated their chemistry, love and purity….
They were the youngest to be In the business world…
In the audience, there was someone who felt very much proud..durgaprasad maheshwari..!! he felt very proud..!! on his son…on his daughter-in-law who he always considered his daughter…
In this also, he was very guilty..for what all he did with sanskar..even thought when he was not at mistake..he came to know the truth before 3 months…and he is continuously trying to find swasan…through detective, business and many more…
As soon as they went down, everyone came around them and appreciated them..but the first one was their symbol of love “swayam”
As soon as swasan came down the stage swayam ran and hugged both of them..
Swayam- wow mumma daddy…I am sooo happy for you both…
Sanskar picked the little one in his arms…
Sanskar kisses his cheek..
Sanskar- thank you my champ..
Swara- thank you my baby…aww!! Umaahh (she kisses his left cheek)
Swayam- oh god..!! now everyone is coming to appreciate you..they all will pull my shoofttyyy cheeks… need to go…bye mumma daddy…
He jumped out of his daddy’s arms…and swasan both chuckled on his antics…
Swasan could hear many types of comments..
“omg…what a heavenly pair they are..!”
“she is mrs. Maheshwari…omg…she is very beautiful”
“congratulations mr and mrs maheshwari..”
“we need to congratulate them twice…”
“why mrs. Raichand”
As we were going to hear her ans, sanskar tapped swara’s shoulder…and excused her…
Sanskar with worried face- swara did u see swayam? Is he with you?
Swara- sanskar…he must be here only..
Sanskar- no swara..i swear..i searched for him everywhere…there is no corner where I didn’t search for him…
Swara gets scared..
Swara- lets make an announcement..
They make an announcement..but no one knew anything….
Swara- sanskar…sanskar..lets ask the watchman…
Sanskar- y-yess….c-comee…
Both were sweating….swara was on the edge of crying..
While going towards the watchman, they heard someone say that a boy of around 4-6 had an accident that too in front of the hotel only..
Swara started to cry by now..hearing all this…
Swara- sanskar..see there nah!! I think there that accident must have taken place..what if my sway..
She couldn’t speak more..her voice chocked, cracked…
She just pushed everyone in the croud..just some people more, then she could see the victim’s face…but before they could push anyone, they heard a familier voice..
Voice- mumma!!
Swara just looked the voice’s direction…and what her eye’s caught was swayam..
She just ran towards him and hugged him…sanskar also ran to them…and picked the little one in his arms..
Swara was caressing his head…
Swara in cracked voice- swayam!! Baby where were uh?you would have told me nah!! U know how scared was i? Ha? Tell me where were uh?
Sanskar was too shocked to say anything…
Swayam- mumma!! I am sorry…but It was crowdy inside so I went out to take fresh air..but I forgot my way…these people told me the way to get inside..u know that aunties and uncles were soo sweet…one was like my chachi, one like chachu, then badi mom, bade dad, n 2-2 dada’s and 1 dadi..
Swasan got a little clue about the family…
Swara- where are they beta!?
Swayam points to the right…they see maheshwari family there..
Sanskar gets shocked and froze right there…sanskar put swayam down and swayam hold swara firmly..in such a postion that swayam is hugging her.. swara was also shocked..
Then dp came forward..
Dp- I am sorry beta..!! for whatever I did.!! I was wrong…I always felt guilty for that..but I felt evn more guilty when I came to know it was not you creating rift in our company…it was malhotra… that malhotra..who..
Sanskar was about to cut him but ram only cut him off…
ram- no sanskar…today let us speak…let us apologise..we know we did such a big mistake which is not even forgivable..
Lakshya- yes bhai..!! we did this…we blamed you for the crime which you didn’t even do..!!! our one sorry isn’t enough for you..
Ragini- yes sanskar ji!! We are sorry for whatever we did..
Ap- yes beta..!! we were very wrong at that time..!! plz cme back beta..we..
Ap was cut off by dp’s continuous coughing…everyone got worried…especially sanskar
When he removed hand from his mouth, sanskar was shocked to see blood coming out..
The first one was sanskar who came running to him to save him from falling unconscious..
Sanskar- someone take him to hospital…
Lakshya- I will take out the car..
Sanskar- bade papa…don’t worry…we are going to hospital..come..
Swayam gets scared and starts crying a bit..
Swayam- ah..!!! aa!! Mumma!! Whats happening..!? I am scared!! Mumma!!
Swara pats his back and consoles him by saying- no baby!! See nothing bad is happening..
Ragini also comes forward to console him- swyam..!! don’t worry beta!! Nothing will happen…come we will also go..!!
Swara-sanskar we will come in my car,..
Sanskar nods..sujata who went to find swasan and congratulate them, atlast found them…but she saw was dp apologizing to sanskar…yes..she heard all their talk,..
Doctor came out..
Sanskar- what happened to him doctor ?
Doctor- actually he was worsening his health..he didn’t take proper meals and medicines..!! that’s why..it happened…I wrote some medicines…give it to him..you can meet him now…
Sanskar- bade papa! What do u understand yourself ha? You wont take care of urself nah!! U apologized to me…didn’t allow me to stop you…you did wrong!
Dp- that means you forgave us!?
Sanskar- I am not angry at you bade papa..if anyone was at ur place he would have thought same..
Dp- thanks my son…!!
Everyone were happy..
Dp- this is your son nah sanskar!!
Dp asked pointing towards swayam who is still fearing and hiding at swara’s back..
Sanskar- swayam!! Cme here!! See meet your family..
Swayam peeped from swara’s back and looked at swara through questionable eyes..to which swara nods and he goes towards sanskar..and looks towards everyone..
Sanskar held his hand and introduced him to everyone..evryone pulled his cheeks, kissed him,blessed him…
uttara- aww!! Our prince is soo cute,..
ap- and sujata..!! you didn’t tell us anything..very bad ha!!
Sujata- jiji who..!!
Sanskar- achcha mom!! Ma..we have one more very happy new for you..
Swara understood what he was going to say..she bit her lower lip and shyly lowered her head…
Sanskar (Also shyly)- I and swara are going to again become parents..
And.. the happiness was there!! Because they were perfect for each other..
Happy ending, happy ending
Everybody’s looking for the happy ending
Happy ending, happy ending
Har kahani ki ho happy ending
The end
Did u guys like it?? I hope u all did.. it's the end😢😢😭😭
Well epilogue will be posted very soon.. and guys sorry but I've dropped the idea of one shots.. i have some other plans which will be declared soon!! Till then wait for the epilogue 😘😘
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