Ciels precious sweets 
Sebastian let out a small sigh as he noticed some of the sweets missing from the candy jar ciel must have sneaked down to the kitchen again while he was out dealing with the usual criminals that were trying to rob the manor or kidnap his young lord.
Ciel had been eating more and more sweets each day at first it was one or two pieces of extra candy which Sebastian didn't really mind but then it went to five, ten, fifteen, and so on.
The raven head had no other choice but to stash away all the sweets in the manor, he could only imagine how his bocchan would react but hopefully he doesn't do anything rash.
When morning came and it was time to wake ciel up to do his daily tasks, Sebastian couldn't help but mentally scream for what's about to go down.
As he made his way to the midnight haired males chambers he saw the other servants getting up for the day, as they passed him they said their cheerful good mornings before happily walking away to get to work
It didn't take long for the raven head to reach his lords bedroom.
As he entered his room he glanced at ciels peaceful face, he was reluctant to wake him since he knew once those ocean blue eyes opened his peaceful demeanor will change to a sweets loving demon.
Last time ciel didn't get his sweets he tried to strangle him with his bare hands not that it did much, when strangling him didn't work he tried to stab him with a knife, and when he took that away he went after him with a fork a bloody damn fork.
After letting out one last sigh he went over to the window, opening the curtains letting in the sunlight. As soon as the light hit ciels face he immediately groaned and pulled the covers over his head obviously not wanting to awaken so early.
"Bocchan it's time to get up" he called out to him
"Shut up and let me sleepppp" he stretched out the p for effect
"Truly sorry bocchan but I have already let you sleep in for seven minutes and now it's time to get up" he replied
"Ugh fine, what's for breakfast" he groaned yet again
"Today we have some earl gray with some scones"
"I want cake oh how about you make me some blueberry cheesecake"
"Bocchan you know you can't eat any sweets you'll spoil your appetite"
"If you won't give me any then I'll get some sweets myself" ciel took one last sip of his earl grey before running out of the room not bothering to change for the day
"Ciel! Get back here!" Sebastian ran after him
For someone who has short little legs he sure can run because by the time he caught up with him he was already in the kitchen trying to find the sweets
"Sebastian where's my candy jar" he Turned to face him
"I hid it since you've been eating to many sweets"
"That's such bullshit!" Ciel growled
"Language young master" Sebastian said calmly
"If you hadn't been sneaking sugary snacks at night then I wouldn't have hid them" he added
"Sebastian give me back my sweets!" Ciel yelled quite loudly getting the servants attention
"What's going on in here" Finnian along with Baldroy and Mey-Rin walked into the kitchen
"Do you guys happen to know by chance where Sebastian here hid my jar of candy" his eye twitched
"Sorry young master but I don't" the strawberry blond shook his head
"Me neither" the magenta haired girl responded while baldroy simply shrugged
"Imma just go I don't feel like witnessing a murder today" the dirty blond left the kitchen
"Good luck Sebastian" Finnian followed suit
"Don't go to hard on him young master" and with that May-rin left
"Cie-" before Sebastian could finish his sentence his young lord came at him with a knife
"Where in the name of hell did you get a knife!" He screeched barley dodging the knife
"William" he replied simply before going after him again with knife in hand
'Damn reaper' the raven head mentally cursed as he dodged his knife with ease
"How about we mix it up" the midnight haired boy pulled out a hand gun
"Where were you hiding that!" His honey colored eyes widened
"Wait I'm a fucking demon why am I so scared of a child"
"Dunno probably because this child has a gun and a knife not to mention a grenade"
"I'm sorry a what"
"Bocchan give me that" he extended his arm out
"Ugh fine...." he paused a devilish smirk growing on his face "Think fast!" he yelled as he pulled the clip off the grenade and tossed it into Sebastian hands
"Are you serious" He groaned, quickly throwing it out the window not caring that there's now a hole in the window
"Are you trying to get yourself killed that little stunt could have killed you!" Sebastian began scolding the boy who seemed to not give a care in the world
"I would rather die then live without sweets" he rolled his eyes as he saw Sebastians dumbfound expression
"Your joking right?" His eye twitched
"I'm deadly serious"
"You know what I'm not dealing with this" the raven head grabbed the candy jar off the top shelf in the kitchen and handed it to the midnight haired boy
"I'm done I'm freaking done I'm canceling today's plans and I'm going to go snuggle with a cat"
❤︎ 𝗘 𝗡 𝗗 ❤︎
❤︎ 𝗪 𝗢 𝗥 𝗗 𝗖 𝗢 𝗨 𝗡 𝗧 ❤︎
❤︎ 𝗡 𝗢 𝗧 𝗘 ❤︎
I hope you enjoyed this little one shot of ciels and Sebastian friendship
For now this will only be a one chapter story but if I get more ideas I may add to it, also if you'd like me to add more to this book please comment to let me know and feel free to correct me on things or suggest things you'll like to see
Also makayla if your reading this don't kill me please I know I'm supposed to only write one story at a time anyway Hope you have a wonderful day or night
꧁ꪶꪮꪜꫀ ꪖ𝘴ꫝ꧂
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