Hello everyone!
If you all have been wondering where I was then I was writing this Chapter.
This is the only chapter I wrote, deleted, wrote, deleted, wrote deleted. Normally, I write a chapter in a day or two but this one took a week. And I don't know why maybe you'll find out when you read.
Thanks to Google for giving me pregnancy-related information. I had no idea when the ultrasound is done and all.
Sometimes I wonder how would my life be without Google because mostly I find myself Google random and important stuff.
PragyanBiswal Thanks for helping me out with the question to which Google couldn't give a direct answer.
Okay, now be alert.
This Chapter has a total of 5498 words.
Take breaks in between or get free time to read or do as you wish.
Hope you enjoy it!
There is a period in life where we are just exhausted of everything, sometimes we cry and sometimes we sit and overthink. And sometimes we learn to share it with someone and get over it.
Abir has been that someone for me in the past 2 and half weeks. I don't know why it felt like everything is slipping from my hands, I cried for no reason, and I was happy he didn't push me to respond to why I was crying. I did share my unknown fear feelings with him other than that I didn't know what to say.
Frankly, I didn't have an answer. It's just after the tiring day we lay on the bed with our arms around each other, my mind would start overthinking and tears would run down my eyes.
The next day after my encounter with Rayan, Abir found out he went to London already and he had cursed under his breath when Kunal shared the news with him. He says he wanted to give him some special treatment.
I had left his car near the gate and it was taken off the next morning. Though me being emotional made Abir call Rayan and he talked to him politely asking him to stay away from our lives. Rayan was silent in the whole conversation and at last, he said he has a meeting and will think about it.
We haven't heard from him since then and I overthink that situation as well maybe that's the silence before the storm.
I don't fear for my safety, I can take care of myself I don't need any hero to save me in a fight, I am capable of saving myself. All I need is someone to hold me in every phase of my life, share my life with him, and I want to enjoy it with him, like cherish each moment. I know that someone is My Abir and I hope to be that someone for him. I fear leaving him alone if anything happens to me by any chance and I think I cry because I don't want him to cry. We promised to hold each other when we cry and I look forward to fulfilling it.
I also fear leaving Badi maa and my in-laws who are the people I have started loving. And my friends, Sara, Foziah, Asad.
Kunal and Foziah have always been caring and sweet towards me. Kunal is the one who gives me information about Abir. Kunal and I share another level of bond, we don't usually talk but the moments we spend are always him being by my side and Abir acting all jealous saying I took his brother from him.
Foziah is kind of my advisor. If at all I am confused in personal or professional life she helps me out. Something I like about her is she is straightforward.
Asad and I see each other very rarely, sometimes when he comes to pick Foziah, sometimes when we plan to have lunch with everyone in a restaurant usually Sundays. He holds smiles with him and each time I meet him he makes sure to make all of us smile. Asad and Sara together can make you go ROFL.
I think Sara is my only best friend to date because I never made best friends in school or college. I had friends but not best friends. It's good to have a best friend sharing some stuff about her life and I feel glad when she decides to take my opinion. It feels good to have a person joking around you just to make you smile.
Neha on the other hand is like my sister. She is my ice cream partner and I can count on her whenever Abir and I fight. We start on random How was the day to How to decorate our rooms. It starts from the north and ends at the south, haha!
I look at the door when I hear a knock, "May I come in?"
I smile and nod at Nanu. He smiles back and comes in.
"What are you doing?" He asks sitting on the edge of the bed.
"Collecting memories." I let out an excited giggle as I put all our photos from our honeymoon in our marriage album.
He hums as he watches the album. "I heard you are not well so thought to stop by." He says after a while. "How are you feeling now?"
"Maybe fine." I shrug. I took leave today due to serve headaches and nausea.
"Don't want to see a doctor?" He looks at me and my heart warms at his gestures. It definitely feels good when someone is here to look after you.
"I will see if it's too much. I'm fine now." I smile. He nods giving me a warm smile.
"Take care." I nod and watch him walk away.
I catch my head as I start feeling dizzy, closing the album I shove it aside the last thing I want is to throw on it. I run to the washroom as I feel I'm about to throw up. I hold my hair as I throw up in the toilet. I wash my face with water after I'm done, closing my eyes I inhale deeply as I feel a cramp.
I am walking out of the washroom and I hear my phone ringing before I can answer it disconnects.
2 missed calls from Badi maa, I dial her number as I lie in the middle of the bed.
"How are you?" Her voice sounds worried. "Abir said you are not fine from last night."
"I don't know, nausea, vomiting, headache, cramps." I exhale tired as I clutch my stomach.
"Mishti." Her voice slows, "Have you considered taking a pregnancy test?"
"Pregnancy test?" I ask as I sit up straight. My hand rests on my flat belly as I look at it with interest. This should have been my first thought.
"Yeah. I suggest you do it." A smile crept on my lips as I hear her.
"Okay, I'll see you later. Do inform me."
"Yeah!" I disconnect and let out a squeal. My first thought is to call Abir but I let it slide he may be working. I think of informing Mom and Masi but I don't want them to get discontented if it comes negative.
I hurry to the washroom when I feel I'm about to puke, if I'm not pregnant after this then I don't know what I am.
Wiping my face with the towel I sit on the bed. There are only two people I can rely on and it is perfect they are together right now.
"Hello!" Sara answers the call.
"Are you guys done apologizing and all?" I ask impatiently and hoping everything is sorted between them.
"Yep. We are done." I hear Neha. "This was so not a big deal."
"I know right." I try to chuckle. "If it's done can we change the topic?" I ask impatiently. "I need help."
"Wow. Everything alright between you and CM?"
"Yeah, we are doing fine."
"What help can we do?" Neha asks hurriedly.
"I need a pregnancy test kit." I blurt out as I clutch my stomach. "I can't order now and I don't think Mom or Masi will let me go out when I'm not fine."
"Wait, you are pregnant?" Neha's voice came hushed on the order side.
"I don't know, I think, I am." I shrug as I look down at my stomach. "Could you guys get one?"
"Yeah, sure. We will." Sara screeched.
"Don't say anyone until we confirm it, please." I don't think anyone of them heard me saying because the last thing I heard was them squealing.
"I am nervous!" I look at both of them.
"It's fine. You can always do it again if it's negative." Sara rolls her eyes.
"No, I am still nervous!" I shake my head as I look down. "You guys check the results and let me know. I can not see it."
"Fine." Neha exhales. "I'm a bit excited."
It's funny that they both got tests and were fighting she'll use mine, she'll use mine so I had to use both.
I rub my palms together as they both look at the result.
"What is it?" I look impatient.
"Am I supposed to be a little dramatic?" Sara arches an eyebrow at me and I roll my eyes at her.
"Neha?" I look at her hoping she would answer.
She walks to Sara and they whisper something to each other before they look at me. "Congratulations, it's positive!" They blurt out before a smile stretches on their lips. Something bursts in me, for some reason I laugh and cry at the same time as they hug me.
"I can't believe your flat belly is going to be fat in no time." Neha chuckles as tapped it with her fingers.
"Can you please say it in some other way?" I laugh slowly. "Like I can't believe you are going to be a mother in no time?"
"I can't believe I'll finally be able to see CM changing diapers." Sara grinned at me.
"Talking about him, I'll call him and maa." I reach for my phone but Neha snatches it away.
"They deserve a surprise."
"What type of surprise?" I arch an eyebrow.
"So, you are going to call CM and Ms. Maheshwari and ask them to come home because you are not feeling well." Sara looks at me carefully.
"I am not doing that." I shake my head. "They both have business responsibilities."
"Oh yeah! I know." Neha rolls her eyes as she dials someone on her phone.
"Hey, Abir." I am about to snatch the phone from her when Sara slaps my hand and keeps a finger on her lips asking me to stay quiet.
I glare at her and turn to look at Neha but a sudden cramp shuts my mouth. I let out a whimper as I clutch my stomach.
"You heard that right?" I hear Neha. "Come home quickly!"
"You guys are unbelievable!" I shake my head as she calls Badi maa.
"I'll inform Masi and Mom." I get up and walk out of my room. I feel proud and happy as I walk to their room.
It is a common thing, we make love, we have kids and it's completely typical stuff but what makes it different is how we take the next steps to develop this process.
This is the only phase where only mothers bear the pain and only they can feel all the contentment.
They feel the pain while others hold them.
They feel the baby moving while others can't.
They feel the baby growing while others watch.
Mother Kid bond is born the second Kid starts breathing in her and Mother knows it. If the mothers are happy with the baby they enjoy it even though it makes them crazy. A part of the credit should be given to a good family and husband for supporting them all the while.
Cravings can drive others crazy as hell.
Well, that's the least all can do for mothers, fulfilling their cravings!
Sadly, not all of us think about the pain our mothers went through just to give us birth. I was one of those once.
Most of the credit goes to Fathers for reproducing them, haha!
The way mothers are considered everything, fathers should be given the same love and respect. He is the man who would look after the entire family and suppress his needs to fulfill theirs. It's not always money fathers sacrifice for their kids, sometimes it's their choices. They may have planned to go somewhere but they would cancel it and go to the place where the kids decide.
Children can't look after their parents like they do but the least we can do is figure out their favorites and surprise them just to make them happy. A small present would mean a lot.
And I will make sure my children illuminate Abir's world.
"What is this?" Abir arched an eyebrow as Sara handed him a gift pack.
I look on curious as I sit beside
Badi maa. We weren't able to fool her and she had asked me directly, "What was the result?"
Mom, Nanu, and Masi went all excited and blessed me. Sara and Neha plan to surprise Abir with gifts and I have no idea what is present in them.
"Will you guys come clear?" He looked at both of them a little irritated. "I came all the from office just because Mishti is not fine and now you tell me she's fine and you have a surprise for me."
"Hey, Mister, I'm on leave today you aren't my boss keep your voice low." Sara clicked her fingers in front of him a bit annoyed.
"Neha, what is this?" He sighed looking at her.
"I don't get why you are irritated." She frowned. "Would you mind apologizing to us?"
"Agreed! Apologies us." Sara kept her hands on her hips as she glared at him.
"Mishti." He groaned as he tilted to look at me.
"Mishti." Sara mimicked him, everyone laughed.
"I think, you should just open the gifts you'll understand." Badi maa uttered.
"Right!" Abir nodded. I sit straight to take a look at the gift, it's so huge. They went shopping just for an hour and managed to buy gifts for him.
Why am I not getting one?
"A diaper box!" He exclaims unbelievably. "What is this for?"
"Did we forgot to get baby wipes?" Sara conveys a doubtful look to Neha.
"No, we planned Abir would get that when the baby finally arrives." Neha gives her a pointed look.
Abir looks at me with a frown, I shrug with a smile before I look down at my tummy and back at him.
"Wait. Could you guys give me a moment with my wife?" He asks his gaze still fixed at me.
"Not until we finish these sweets." Masi comes from the kitchen with a big smile. Neha and Sara straight away attack the tray, Mom talks with Badi maa as they eat sweets. Abir is nowhere interested in them and he appears to get back in his stare mode.
"What are those gifts?" I point at them as Sara feeds me a piece of sweet.
"Ask your husband to open them." She chews sitting on the arm of the couch.
"I'll open them later." Abir rolls his eyes as he walks towards me, his gaze holds warmth as they hold mine. His hand strokes my cheek as he looks at me with some expression which I can't define.
I close my eyes as I feel his touch. I am foreseeing his lips touch my forehead when Sara snaps her fingers between us.
"Room's upstairs!" Her lips twitch up as Abir glares at her.
"Such an RK!" He mumbles under his breath.
"You guys will not tell me what's this RK?" I look at them with raised eyebrows.
"You tell me what's CM I'll tell you what's RK," Abir declares stubbornly.
"It's Cheesy Man," I say wanting to hear what's this RK.
"It's Romance Killer." He grins proudly and I laugh out loud.
"Remind me to never keep secrets with you two." Sara rolls her eyes.
"I'm not your CM." Abir looks at her amused. "I don't throw cheesy lines at you."
"Do you think I care?" She sticks her tongue out at him. "I find it cool."
"You can change the full form you know." Neha offers as she sat beside me where Badi maa was sitting.
"What do you suggest?" Sara looks at her with curiosity.
"That's for you to decide." Neha shrugged.
"Do one thing, think, and let me know." Abir exhales. "Leave my wife for me now."
I laugh as he grabs my hand, he's about to drag me when he loses his grip. "Sorry, need to be gentle." I smile at him as he throws his arm on my shoulders and walks us to the room.
"You didn't tell me anything about it." He states as we enter our room.
"I wanted to but Neha and Sara planned a surprise. Mom and Masi agreed to it."
He nods as he locks the room door, groaning he answers his phone when it rings.
"She is fine, Kunal." He walks to me and sits beside me on the bed. "She is pregnant."
"Yeah, you can come home and congratulate her. Now, cut the call."
"That was rude." I point out as he disconnects.
"They don't let me have a proper conversation with my wife. It's our happy moment." He loses his tie and his arms go around my waist.
"I can't believe there is a baby in there." He looks amused at my stomach.
"You should believe." I bite back my smile. "After all it's you who lay it there."
"I said you I may have created something." He grins at me and I laugh slowly shaking my head.
"How do you feel?" He kissed my forehead.
"I feel..." I look down at my belly. "... Enthusiastic."
"There is something excited and there is fear as well," I admit. "A small mistake can cause this small life." I caress my stomach as I bite my lip not willing to cry. I don't even know why I am emotional.
"We will get through this. Remember, I may not take your pain away but I'll always be by your side to hold you." He entwines our fingers. "I'll be honest, I am worried too and I don't have an exact reason."
"But it's all about holding each other. Call me when you need me, I'll call you when I need you." His eyes stare into mine as he brings our hands to his lips and kisses them.
"I will." I smile as I lean to peck his cheek.
"I love you." I smile shaking my head as I press my lips against his.
"And I love you." He chuckles slowly after we pull away.
"Oops!" I laugh as he leans to kiss me and his phone rings.
"If I didn't worry about meetings I would throw my phone somewhere." He shakes his head.
"Yes, Foziah." He keeps it on the loudspeaker.
"Seriously?" Her voice came out annoyed. "You guys didn't even tell me about the good news?"
"I just came home. I was about to tell you..."
Foziah cuts him off. "Liar!"
"Okay but eventually we would have told you."
"Whatever! Is Mishti around?"
"Hey, Foziah," I say in a small voice.
"Congratulations, buddy!" She cheers and I smile.
"Thank you."
I hold my head as I feel dizzy, "I'll see you soon. Will visit you tonight with Asad."
She disconnects the call and I rest my head on Abir's shoulder. He wraps his arm around me, "You okay?"
"Yeah." I nod closing my eyes.
"Hey, I wanted to talk something with you." I hear him whisper.
"I'm listening," I mumble.
"Have you ever considered getting our home?" I open my eyes as I hear him.
"I thought about it once but I let it slipped from my mind as we got busy with stuff in our life," I say to him honestly.
"So what do you say?" I pull away to look at him.
"You sure you want this?" I look at him carefully.
"Of course, I am." He states with a smile. "All of us have a dream to build our family, live a normal life, call it ours."
"What do you think will be the family's response?"
"Nanu would be a bit dramatic." He laughs. "Mom and Masi will bless us for sure."
"I would love to have our home but I don't want to leave now." I shake my head. "It would be mean to them."
"How?" He frowns.
"All are excited. Neha wanted this, I can't just go away now and upset them all."
"So we will leave after the baby arrives?" He arches an eyebrow.
"I don't know. I think we should take time to think about it." I explain. We can't rush now, we need to think about it.
"Okay! We'll discuss this with the family." He nods understanding.
"Okay, let me go out now. Maa came from the office I need to talk with her before she leaves."
"Careful." He holds my hand as I stand up.
"Washroom," I mumble as I sense I am about to puke. He comes behind me as I run off to the washroom. I pinch my eyes as I throw in the toilet and he holds my hair.
"Thank you!" I say tiredly as I wash my face and he hands me a towel.
"You shouldn't run." He asserted and I nod knowing I should be careful from now.
"Rest here, I'll get Badi maa." He helps me to sit on the bed and puts a pillow behind me.
If anything is constant in life it's time. No matter how the situation is happy or sad it keeps going.
When we enjoy it we say, "Time is going so fast."
And when we don't enjoy we say, "Time is going so slow."
These dialogues are mostly used by students who don't enjoy a particular period. I have been there and I didn't enjoy Maths period at all. I was happy when I understood the sums and I could solve them but when the teacher puts one equation with another and does a sum that fills the entire blackboard I swear I used the dialogue, "Time is going so slow!"
But right now I don't understand which dialogue to use. Time has been good and bad both in the past 8 weeks. My in-laws, Friends, Badi maa, and Abir have been my strength all the while.
I don't know how but lately I have problem with everything. I throw tantrums and give orders. I remind myself to be in control but hormones drive me crazy.
Morning sickness, nausea, heartburn, frequent urination, and difficulty in sleeping are all the issues I have gone through.
Masi makes sure I have small frequent meals because that helps regulate blood sugar and alleviate nausea.
Abir takes me on a morning walk before he leaves for the office. He has clearly said no to the office and I don't argue because I really won't be able to work and focus. Though I requested to do some work from home to which he said he'll think about it.
Neha and Sara had given us some gifts that day and one of them was a Pregnancy journal. When I get bored I sit and write in it and I kinda enjoy doing that.
Late in the night when I am not able to sleep Abir reads whatever I have written and we end up discussing each topic. I don't even know how we manage to drag a simple topic. We are genius!
Sometimes we snap photos and print them to pass the time then I paste them in the journal and randomly write a quote or my emotion.
Badi maa, Masi and Mom say me the Do's and Don't's. Badi maa has been frequently visiting me these days and it's good to see her.
Nanu gets some fruits for me and it feels so good when he calls and asks me if I need anything else. He's always stuck to healthy food and I know it's good for both me and baby.
Kunal visits me every day in our room after he comes from the office and he always brings sweets for me. Lately, I have sweet tooth and Abir goes all proud that his baby will have sweet tooth like him. Whatever!
Sara visits me twice a week and she gets ice cream tubs for me. We sit in my room and chat for a while as we finish ice cream tubs. I eat more than her and she lets me eat confessing, "I am giving it to the baby, not you!"
My late-night cravings partner is Neha. It so happens that I ask for ice cream but then I don't need it so Neha cheerfully accepts it. She has so many things she wants to do with my baby, I feel truly blessed to have her. When I said her how happy she makes me feel she went emotional and for some reason, we cried and then laughed.
And then there is Sara, I said her how much her support means to me and she went teary. She smacked on my arm and said, "Don't give this speech of how much I mean to you because as much as I like to hear you praising me I hate to be emotional. My tears are so precious."
Foziah confirmed her pregnancy a week after me and she is also on leave because Asad denied her to go to the office. She is currently at her parents' home as Asad stays busy and he thinks it's risky to leave a pregnant lady alone. Sara is all happy with Foziah staying with her.
Abir on the other hand appointed a new finance manager. He said me he'll be promoting Foziah when she joins because she has been working from the start and she deserves it.
Something weird is Abir and Asad keep chatting on phone and it's irritating when Abir hides it from me declaring, "That's our secret conversation. Please give some privacy."
Foziah and I share things, almost our pain journey is the same and I think if anyone understands us better it's the two of us.
We mostly talk in the afternoon and our conversation is like, "Exactly! Happens with me too!"
Though most of the time I feel I have more issues than her.
I think I'm glad to share the journey with her because somewhat we both enjoy it. We share our routines, exercises, and health tips.
Sometimes I fear miscarriage, it is a terrible thing. The thought itself terrifies me so I make sure to take care of myself.
Half of my fear would go away if I pass this stage where miscarriage is not an option anymore. As the day nears I feel excited and nervous because let's face it, it is not easy to give birth. But I heard it's manageable.
I exhale as I stand in front of the mirror and look at myself, I have started to show. Running my hands on my stomach I look at it keenly. Shrugging I brush my hair with the comb. We are going for our first ultrasound today along with Foziah and Asad.
"Shall we leave?" Abir stood behind me as he buttoned his shirt. I turn around and nod with a smile.
I watch him clasp his watch then he sprays perfume on him. I inhale and walk to him. His eyebrows shoot up as I encircle my arms around his neck.
"You are way too busy these days to romance." I point out.
"Is it?" He laughs slowly putting his arms around me. "I thought you are tried these days and romance is the last thing you want."
I look at him carefully, I don't know how he manages everything. He listens to my tantrums, whinings, scoldings, chatters. What makes him the best is he listens to me every time before speaking. He rarely cuts me and says what he wants after I finish saying, he respects me more than he loves me.
Listens to my decisions then shares his and at the end, we do what we both agree on. Though Rayan's situation has always slipped out of our hands and we are being careful since then.
Don't bring the evil in good moments.
"Thank you." I caress his light stubble. "For being so good."
"Okay!" He smiles. "And thank you for being mine."
I look down and shake my head, he somehow uses better words than me. "Stay mine." He whispers before his lips touch my forehead. I exhale and close my eyes, his kisses lit up a spark in me at the same time they soothe me.
"Maybe you don't realize how important you are in my life. I am truly grateful for your support and understanding despite us going in the wrong direction sometimes."
I open my eyes to look at him. "It was our mistake and we solved it hope we won't repeat it."
"Yes!" He nods. "And you look beautiful with our baby." He trails his fingers on my small baby bump.
I don't even know why I am comparing but Foziah isn't showing and I am already showing.
"Yeah, I know." I frown at him. "Am I looking weird?"
"Yes, you are." He pecks my lips. "Spread a smile on your lips and dismiss the frown you'll look perfect then."
"Whatever!" I roll my eyes and slap him but eventually, I smile when he nuzzles his nose on my cheek.
"Ultrasound, Husband." I push him as I laugh. "Ultrasound."
"Yeah!" He exhales heavily running a hand through his hair. "Let's go."
"It's twins." Dr. Mehra smiled at the computer. I let out an exciting glee as I hold Abir's hand.
"Wow!" Abir chuckles silently. "Tell me how awesome I am." He whispered to me but I am sure the doctor heard us because she laughed.
I roll my eyes at him then fix my gaze back at the screen. I stare at the screen as Dr. Mehra points at the babies on the screen, my heart melts as I see tiny creatures there and it feels more intense when I understand they are inside me right now.
Abir carrying sharp ears heard two heartbeats while I could just listen to one in the beginning, but then as both Dr. Mehra and Abir went silent I could hear both.
As I watch happiness in Abir's eyes I comprehend how much it means to him. Some nights we find ourselves discussing how to behave with our baby but now it will be babies.
One thing we share in common is we prefer our kids to love themselves before loving anyone else. Life gets much simpler if you love yourself, hating yourself directs you nowhere but builds unwanted issues in your life.
Another thing we decided is to enlighten them to not be so selfless that you sacrifice your happiness but be so sensible that you manage to do what you love and not hurt others with it.
If someone is not happy with what you are doing you don't need to sacrifice it to make them happy you just need to keep them out of it. In this way, you get your happiness and others won't have issues with you.
I agree relationships mean a lot but it doesn't make sense we change our goals and dreams to please them. Either they need to understand or you should take a stand for yourself.
Come on, there is one life stop sacrificing start relishing.
Foziah and Asad meet us in the waiting room. "I am having twins," I tell Foziah excitedly.
"Really? Wow!" She looks down at my stomach. "I was wondering if my baby isn't growing after noticing your baby bump."
I laugh, "How was it inside?"
"It was incredible!" She presses each word indicating how much she means when she says.
"Okay, let's leave." Abir looked at us. "You can talk at home."
"Yeah!" Foziah rolled her eyes. "I am not talking to you."
"What did I do?" Abir scowled at her.
"You did nothing!" She shrugs. "I just... Don't want to talk to you."
"Let it go, bro!" Asad laughs patting Abir's shoulder when he makes a confused face.
"Stop laughing at her." I scowl at Asad, he looks dumbfounded for a moment before his eyebrows pinch together.
"Let it go, bro!" Abir laughs patting his shoulder. His face turns serious when we glare at him, they both clear throat before laughing out loud.
I look at Foziah, she looks at me and we shrug before walking from there and they follow us.
Foziah and Asad join us for lunch. Since it was Sunday Neha was home and Sara joined us after lunch. We sat on our bed seeing the scans and trying to figure out parts of the body.
Everyone is happy to hear the twin's news, I like that all are really happy and they aren't faking their happiness.
Foziah and Asad left around 4 to their home, Sara stayed saying she'll leave by evening.
"What will you name the kids?" Sara looked at me genuinely interested.
"I thought to name the baby boy Aryan and baby girl Arya. I am not sure, we will think about it."
"What if both are boys?" Neha frowned.
"Then Aryan 1 and Aryan 2." Abir laughed.
"Arya 1 and Arya 2 if both are girls." Sara rolled her eyes at him, I laugh.
Arya - Honorable.
Aryan - Noble.
━━━━━━━━━━━ ★ ━━━━━━━━━━━
Finally, it is over!
Okay, how was it?
Does it get boring to read long chapters?
How many here forgot Sam and Shreya?
Start remembering them because they are on the way!!!
Thank you for all the love in the last chapter.
Do vote, comment, and share your views.
Thank y'all.
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