"Where's the oil?" I ask as I look around the kitchen.
"Here." Mishti passed me the can, I poured some in the pot to heat it. Mishti made a dough standing beside me as she hummed the song running on the speakers.
The yellow saree looks effortlessly charmed on her. She turned around as she finished and looked at me with raised brows.
"You look beautiful." I smile at her, she smiles back and looks at Neha standing in the other corner of the kitchen before leaning in to peck my cheek.
"McCain." She curtly nods at the frozen McCain before walking to the fridge. I shake my head with a smile then get back to fry McCain.
It is Sunday, a day where we all enjoy ourselves with family. In Nanu's words, Sunday is our day.
Since Mishti had offered to teach cooking for Neha they both walked into the kitchen to cook. Mom, Masi and Nanu planned to watch some old movie which is the best according to them. Kunal settled on watching that movie while I strolled into the kitchen to help my wife.
I set the fried McCain in a bowl and put another frozen one to cook. I watch them turn from frozen to crispy.
Now, when I look back I realise how changed my life is now. It was frozen without Mishti and it's crispy with her.
Nothing is perfect in life so is our relationship but one thing is for sure we are perfect for each other and that makes our relationship perfect despite our arguments.
Mishti loses composure in anger, she doesn't think before saying and that's something I keep in mind when we argue though it doesn't diminish the hurt.
It does fade away the moment she apologises and rectifies herself after speculating about it. Not that I want her to apologise and stuff but it feels good to know she didn't mean them back then.
The argument we had on Foziah and Asad's wedding day was one of the worst ones. That night as we laid in the bed she apologised and said she'll give it a second thought. In the morning she had said she wants to speak with him about it but I asked her not to.
Come on, what will she ask?
Hey, Rayan, do have some feelings for me?
That would be the nastiest! Even if he didn't have it, he may start having it.
A relationship gets terrible if both don't understand and keep arguing, keeping this in mind we both promised to solve matters before going to bed no matter how horrible a day we had. We also vowed to listen to each other before getting to conclusions.
"Here, mom." I keep the McCain bowl on the table and walk back to the kitchen rolling my eyes when I see Kunal grabbing the bowl.
"Who the hell chops veggies with a scissor?" I hear Mishti laughing as I enter in.
"Uh, me!" Neha grinned.
"And why would you do that?" She tried to bite back her laughter.
"Because you know, I may accidentally cut my finger." She gave a pointed look. "Since I couldn't find any chopping machines I got this idea!" She said in a somewhat proud tone before getting back to cut it.
"You should have asked me." Mishti shook her head before opening a cabinet and grabbing a vegetable chopper and passing her.
"I wanted to ask but I thought to try this one." She responded placing the vegetables in the chopper. "Looks unique."
I roll my eyes at her foolishness. Mishti walked towards me with a bowl of ice cream. The pale yellow saree with cold-shoulder white blouse suits her a little too well.
"Here." She took a spoon full of ice cream to feed me, I stare at her as I eat it.
"You are staring a little too much today, you know." She raised her eyebrows teasingly.
"What can I do when you look so beautiful?" I encircled my arm around her waist pulling her into me.
"Abir." She gasped gripping the bowl as a boundary between us.
"What Abir?" I arch an eyebrow as I took a spoonful of ice cream. "I just want to feed my wife."
She rolled her eyes eating the ice cream. I roam my eyes all over her face and I realise how blessed I am to have her. She may act adamant sometimes but she is my everything.
She takes care of me even if I don't want her to. We both work but she manages to organize everything for me. Getting my morning coffee in the morning to plugging in my phone for charge in the night.
I have days where I am tired as hell, one look at me and she volunteers to drive the car. She pulls the car to a beach where we just sit in silence brushing our arms.
There are days when I am pissed off at employers for the delays. She doesn't interfere there but she eliminates the Apple juice plan and we go to my favourite bakery.
I just sit silently to gain more of her attention, she sighs and orders all of my favourites. It's a fact she doesn't have sweet tooth yet she comes there for me and it melts my heart for her.
And as she grabs the spoon to feed me the pastry I get the feeling of being loved in every possible way. Though I'm not a kid she Googles some of the jokes to make me laugh.
In reality, I don't find them funny she says the lame jokes which Google provides and I have heard most of them but as I see hope in her eyes I laugh my heart out, the fake one turns genuine the moment she starts laughing.
"You need to get a haircut." She combed my hair with her fingers. "And shave."
"Yeah, I'll do," I say putting a spoonful of ice cream in her mouth.
She took another spoon and instead of putting it in my mouth, she spread it across my jaw making me groan.
She chuckled, "Go shave."
I set the bowl aside and lean in brush my jaw against her skin when Neha interrupted.
"Okay, you guys need to stop." She looked at us with crossed me. "I thought it would be fun watching my brother and sister-in-law romance but uh, it's not settling with me." She shrugged.
Mishti pulled away, "If you are done with chopping we can start cooking."
"Yeah, unless you both don't want to use the bedroom urgently?" She raised her brows and quickly added. "I mean, there's too much temptation here."
I shake my head and walked to the bedroom leaving Mishti to deal with her.
"Not really." I shrug. "I mean, I did have some crush back then when I was a teenager."
"So you did have eyes for someone before?" Neha laughed as she teased me. I glared at her my wife isn't liking this conversation.
"I remember, he had a crush on the hockey player from 9th grade." Kunal laughed at my face enjoying the food.
"Who doesn't have crushes as a teenager?" Mom entered the conversation, "Back in high school even I..."
She bites back her words realizing her father is sitting here. Everyone chatted on random stuff as we munched our dinner.
"I believed when you said, you are the only girl I loved at first sight," Mishti whispered to me.
"You need to believe that because that's the truth. I had a crush at first, second and third sight as a boy." I whisper back trying to cool her jealousy for my non-existent crushes.
"Crushes my foot!" She hissed smiling at Nanu who was looking at us. "I will kick your ass each time you try to flatter me."
"The dessert is luscious," Nanu commented to which all agreed.
"I still recall, when the first time I asked you to cook dessert you denied saying that's not your cup of tea." Masi smiled at her sweetly.
"Well as I learnt it's my husband's favourite I wanted to learn it." She glanced at me before looking at Masi and smiling.
"Now, that's called the Sweetness Of Love." Neha cheered before aiming her phone camera at Mishti and me.
Soon after completing our dinner, Mishti fled to Kitchen with Masi behind her so I went back to the room and waited for her.
As I hear her and Neha greeting each other good night in the corridor I laid on my side and pretended to sleep. I don't know why I did that, maybe to see her reaction?
I hear her footsteps as she entered the room and shuts the door.
"Are you sleeping?" I hear her say. Then for few minutes, I don't hear her then I feel her, she actually kissed my forehead before she whispered I love you.
I feel wetness behind my eyes, sure she loves me but I don't know why I am feeling sentimental. I gulp slowly making sure not to make any other movement. As soon as I hear her locking the washroom door I open my eyes and sit straight on the bed.
It is true gestures mean a lot. As I realize we both love each other equally a smile spreads on my lips. When someone's feeling is reciprocated it is a blissful feeling.
Is this how she does when I feel tired and fall asleep before her?
The thought alone makes me sad, it's only the Sunday's night we devour with each other. Rest of the days I end up working late at night or I fall asleep before she returns after gossiping with Mom and Bebe. The three always have gossip in the morning and night in the kitchen.
I hear the shower stop and minutes later she walks out.
"You woke up." Mishti threw her clothes in the laundry basket, she was dressed in her long sleeve white nightgown. I like how she wears the nightwear I got for her.
"I wasn't asleep." I shrug as I walk towards her.
"Then we should discuss your infatuations you know." She sat on the chair in front of the mirror rolling her eyes.
"Come on, I didn't go to any one of them and say, Hey, I have a crush on you and stuff." I pick the hairdryer and start to dry her as I usually do on Sundays. "Nor did I praised anyone or flirted with them or passed cheesy comments."
"I don't believe it! You are a pro at it." A smile tugs her lips.
"Says the one who once said stop being cheesy!" I tease her, it's a fact she does like it when I am a little cheesy.
"Besides, who tutored you to braid hairs?" She raised a question as I braid her hair.
"It's about the experience," I chuckle as she raised her eyebrows.
"So you have braided girls hairs in high school?"
"Of course, not!" I shake my head as I sit in front of her, "I mean, I have seen you braiding yourself and learnt it by observing."
"See! You need to stop being so good." She shook her head with a smile and I got a glimpse of the tears in her eyes which she quickly blinked away.
"Sometimes, I feel, I am not worth it." She whimpered lowering her gaze.
"Don't say that." I clasp her hands in mine over her lap.
"Let's not be emotional now." She got up and walked to the closet before grabbing the jewellery box from the dressing table.
I sighed and strolled to the bed knowing I can't just force her to talk when she doesn't want to and as we laid in bed she turned to her side and faced the wall.
Why are women so complicated?
I sighed facing her back, I reached to touch her arm but hold myself back wanting to give her space.
Okay, I can do this.
Even if you are soulmates, you are love birds, you are besties, you are a human and every human tends to keep few things to themselves. They are their confidences. No matter if you love each other like there is no tomorrow but the only individual who can understand you is yourself.
I close my eyes but sleep seems stranger to me when my wife isn't in my arms. Her presence is peaceful but her feel is comfortable.
Moments later my phone beeped, I open my eyes abruptly but close it thinking it's not the time. I open my eyes again when I get a glimpse of the screen. Mishti is using her phone, is she texting me?
Haha, weird.
I turn around and look at my phone which is charging on the nightstand.
━━━━━━━━━━━ ★ ━━━━━━━━━━━
So, I'm not particularly satisfied with this update but I didn't want to delay it.
I don't know why I am out of ideas.
Hope I don't fall into writer's block now. This would be a terrible time for that moment.
Thank you for all the love and support in the last chapter.
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Thank y'all.
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