Whoever is happy will make others happy.
Whoever is sad will also make others happy.
These two sentences have an intense meaning. However, a person who has a generous heart can do this not everyone.
When a person is happy they try to make others happy because they share their happiness, they spread their happiness all around.
When a person is sad they try to make others happy because they try to gain happiness by spreading the happiness they desire to have.
But then come people who have happiness and are too stingy to share. Then come people who are sad and hurt others because they want others to be sad as they are.
God has made a mixture of people. There are many species of people in this world, some are selfish, some are careless, some are carefree, some are lovely, some are peaceful.
Mishti is my peace!
Sometimes, the presence of a person makes the day. Just like Mishti makes my day by entering the office every morning at 8:57 or 8:58, directly entering the login time near the reception table she hurries to the elevator.
It's not startling that she is not aware of my gaze on her because she is always unaware of her surroundings.
One thing which I can't stop admiring about her is that she doesn't back off from helping anyone. Few employees from the Financial department are kind of jealous of Mishti because of the praises she gets from Foziah. What makes it amusing is she doesn't give a damn about their useless bitterness and is happy with whatever she does.
You'll never know the importance of anything or anyone until you gain it or lose it.
I thought I am happy with my life, I don't need anything but my perspective differed after I saw Mishti's photo. I didn't know I desired a spouse until I met her. Our conversations are often small, from morning greetings to night greetings. Till evening we are busy in the office, at night I don't call her because I have seen how exhausted she gets when she departs the office so I prevent contacting at night.
Everything was going fine, two days ago I got a call from Mishti and I was stunned because she is calling me! After a formal conversation she mentioned, 'I am ready for engagement'.
This was something I didn't anticipate! I mean we had talked on call for once then for 4 days 'Good Morning' 'Good Night' type of message that too they were from my side and she got ready for engagement is something genuinely unexpected!
All of my queries got a simple answer from her, 'I like your behaviour and it's a week I don't have any reason to reject you.'
Isn't this something cute? I mean she liked my behaviour! At that moment I couldn't stop myself from smiling like an idiot.
But this doesn't stop her from plotting to kill me, she gets mad at me for accepting her.
She didn't get any reason to reject me just like that I got everything to accept her.
Tomorrow is our engagement and my family is going crazy as hell. One thing I love about my family is they support me, always.
We all wish to be independent, elders teach us to not depend on others but that's impossible! We can just be independent with our money, which economics defines as - Medium Of Exchange.
In reality, we all are depended on each other. We are on this earth that's because of our parents. We have learnt to be crazy that's because of our siblings and friends. We all are dependent on our loved ones with happiness and tears. Somewhere, we are dependent on our haters as well because they teach us important lessons of life. Doesn't all of this mean we all are dependent on each other?
However, we should learn to be independent with money. Few families have outstanding bonds but they break because of money! When we are independent then there will be no conflicts connected to money and bonds will be strong, forever.
Humans will improve only when they try to limit their bad deeds and do unlimited good deeds. It's bizarre, we all do one good deed and be proud of ourselves, we do thousands of bad deeds and never feel humiliated of ourselves.
A soft knock on the door bought me back from my thoughts, "May I come in?" Neha entered in as she sat on the bed making me roll my eyes. What was the need to ask when she couldn't even wait for my response?
"Nanu wants you to try all these outfits." She kept few suits beside me as she tucked her legs beneath her.
"You happy?" She smiled at me, "Of course you are! It's written all over your face." She chuckled making me roll my eyes.
"Why do you ask when you know the answer?"
"I love to question and answer myself." She pokes her tongue out at me.
"So? You never said me how your date was with Mishti?" She arched an eyebrow at me with a teasing smile.
You should never share any confidential with Neha because at the successive moment all the family will know about it and I don't think Mishti will appreciate it if I say our thing to her.
"It's our thing so I can't say you." I give her a spiny look with finality in my words.
She frowned as she went into deep thinking then asserted, "I didn't know you both are so fast. I mean on the first date only you guys decided to snuggle into bed?"
"What?!" I scowl at her as I try to understand the true meaning behind her words, "Ms Neha Rajvansh, don't use your mind too much!"
"Mr Abir Rajvansh, chose your words wisely, what will a person understand if you say It's our thing so I can't say you? She rolled her eyes at me, "You should say it's our secret so I can't say you."
"Both are the same for me." I look away from her, "How you comprehend matters!"
"If for you how I comprehend matters then for me how you speak matters!" She exclaimed as she threw a pillow at me, "Oh my naive mind had gone on some dirty trip for a while." She fake cried stroking her forehead.
"Drama queen!" I mumble to myself, "Hey, you please keep your mouth shut in front of Mishti okay?" I give her a crucial look.
"And why do you think I'll obey you?" She raised an eyebrow, "I'll make sure she always stays on my side. My cute face is used to trap people!"
"Why will she be on your side? She's mine okay?" I shoot a glare at her side feeling slightly offended.
"Aww!" She kept a hand on her heart, "She's yours? Aww!"
"She is going to be yours." She chuckled softly, "So till then keep your words and hormones under control." She chuckled at my flustered state.
"Are you blushing?" She arched an eyebrow at me as she flung her head back and laughed.
"Shut up, Neha!" I exclaim as I got up to flee.
"I want to aww at you for some time so sit." She tugged me back on the bed, "You should take a look at your face because you are looking like an idiot!"
Clearing my throat I cover my blushy utterances, "Okay, enough of this, now you go and study."
"Why don't we get a subject called Aww? Under that subject I would wish to learn how to make your brother blush then I'll use that tricks on you because I genuinely want to Aww at you." She cackled like a manic.
"You sit and Aww on yourself." Rolling my eyes at her I walk out of the room, in the background I hear her saying 'How can a person Aww on themselves?' If I continue to argue with there will be no stop to our conversation.
Reaching the terrace I look at my face on my phone screen as I rest my back on the railing. Why was I blushing? I look at my cheeks which are slightly pink or red. Suddenly To Be Wife popped on my screen, with a smile I answer her call.
"I want to meet you." She uttered as soon as I answer.
"But why?" I clear my throat as I try to sound normal. Come on, I can't let my small mystery game go wrong before engagement.
"Because before engagement I want to see your face. Sorry that I have not mentioned it before but I lost the envelope which had your photo." She exhaled deeply, "Will you be free after 7?"
"It's fine that you didn't see my photo and let's meet in person tomorrow at the engagement." I nod my head as I try to keep it reasonable.
"But isn't it kind of necessary? I mean we should at least meet once." Her voice came out bewildered.
"No, it's not necessary! Don't tell me you are desperate to see me?" I chuckle with a hint of tease in my voice.
"You meet me once in person, I'll make sure to kick your ass!" I cringe a little when I hear her ferocious voice.
"Okay, okay, sorry!" I mumble softly, "Tomorrow is Monday and you had mentioned you have your first presentation tomorrow so focus on it. We'll meet tomorrow, fine?"
"Fine." She muttered, "Are you sure no one in your family is aware of it?"
"Mishti, I respect your decision so I have made sure no one gets aware of it." I assure her, "One thing I want to clear to you is our thing-- sorry, our secrets will always be ours and no one will be aware of it."
After a little silence I hear her voice, "Are you attempting to be sweet or you actually are?"
"Whatever you think." I chuckle as I rub my neck with a shy smile well she called me sweet that's some achievement, right?
"I think," She conveyed, "You are," I keep my focus on her words, "Cheesy!" She clamoured she as giggled.
My face hung low but her giggling voice demolished it and fetched a smile to my face.
"Sorry sorry." She uttered between her laugh.
"It's fine, now start preparing for your presentation." I shake my head to distract my mind, "All the best!"
"Thank you and I am happy that you consider my work important." Hearing her words warmth spread across my heart. Whenever she says she's happy I feel happy, and when she says she's happy for my sake then my happiness multiplies infinite times.
I just love to see her happy face, in-office she smiles only with Sara. However, for the past two days, Foziah and Kunal are kind of her friends as they share a lunch table with her. I can't help but feel jealous I am not sitting with her but soon I'll be sitting next to her, forever!
"So, disconnect the call now." Hearing her voice I chuckle, this is our third conversation on call and three times also she has asked me to disconnect the call but she never disconnects it.
"What if I don't?" I give her a demanding response.
"Badi maa." She starts screeching.
"Hey, stop! I'm disconnecting." I remove a sigh of relaxation when she giggles and stays silent, "Take care." I add before disconnecting the call.
Tomorrow, my life will be filled with Sweetness Of Love.
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How was it?
This is one of the parts which I enjoyed writing because somewhat it's related to my life as well.
Thank you for all the love in the last chapter.
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Thank y'all.
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