Hello there, readers!
Dipped in hues of love and trust has come the festival of Holi.
Make a splash this Holi to spread cheer and joy all around.
Colour your mind with positivism and happiness! Happy Holi!
Rushing down the stairs I directly enter the cafeteria. Rajvansh Corporations does have better facilities but waiting for an elevator is something I hate so I'm pissed off right now, and when you are pissed off you should eat something to cool down yourself.
It is my Day 1 in this office and everything is going good. Financial department manager Ms Foziah is so sweet and assisted me with everything, I was damn nervous, it's my first day it's natural to be nervous but Ms Foziah made me relaxed all the while.
However, at the last moment, I found out she is Sara's sister. Sara is in the same department as me but Ms Foziah not even once gave her special treatment. She was being a little strict with her.
"Thank you." I pay cash for my food, holding the tray I walk back and settle on an available table.
Checking my phone I sigh in relief there's no message from Abir's side. In the morning he messaged 'Good Morning' except that there is no other message from him. I was expecting some back to back messages and I was ready with few awesome words to reject his proposal with an excuse that 'I find him acting desperate!'
But he seems quite an understanding person, he is not rushing and even agreed to my demand for not meeting. I don't want to take a lot of time to understand him because most of the time we can understand a person through their conversation.
I feel he is sensible though he is a little cheesy and foolish too. But then, no one in this world is as pure as milk! With yesterday's conversation, I got to know he is a good listener and a good listener is a good speaker.
I believe, a good listener :
1. Solves situations easily.
2. Thinks before answering.
3. Doesn't judge people in half conversation.
4. Accepts the opposite individual's opinion.
5. Takes decision wisely.
Listening patiently is also somewhat respecting the opposite person and Abir has indirectly given respect to me. What I liked most about him was that he didn't interrupt me nor he ignored any of my words.
Another thing I adore about him is that he didn't ask me to reply 'Good Night' to him and disconnected the call understanding me without my words and because I liked the understanding behaviour I messaged him.
A good listener is a good speaker and a good speaker can win hearts and just like that he won my heart!
Sara hopped on the seat opposite me as she tried to calm her breaths.
"Everything alright?" I give her a concerned look, she is cute and she gets hyper easily for no reason.
"Yeah, I was hungry and before lunchtime gets over I should finish lunch so I was running and got tired." She said in a go as she took a large gulp of water.
"Why didn't you come down when lunchtime started?" I chuckle at her.
"Do you think my sister will let me go without completing the given task?" She rolled her eyes, "She is sweet at home but here she is acting as my maths teacher!"
We both laugh as we munched on our food. If I am honest, yes, she was behaving as a math teacher with Sara.
Sara is quite an amazing personality. She is a little shorter than me, her silky hair fall to her shoulder. That dimple on her left cheek on her fair skin makes her the cutest girl.
While her sister Ms Foziah is the opposite. She is tall, her hair falls to her waistline which somewhat looks amazing to me. There's a dimple on her both cheeks on her extremely fair skin.
Their skin colour made me assume, Sara uses Fair and Lovely and Ms Foziah uses Glow and Lovely. Haha.
"Do you have any relation with the head?" She enquired in between eating.
"No, why?" I raise a question.
"He was staring at you while you were working and my sister was giving him smiles when she caught him staring at you." She frowned tasting the sauce.
"Mr Rajvansh was staring at me? And I wasn't aware of his gaze?" I widen my eyes, "Why didn't you tell me that time?"
"Well, you are almost unaware of your surroundings," She snickered, "My sister would have kicked my ass in front of everyone if I interrupted between work."
I went down into an intense thought, I guess I should teach him a lesson! I don't care if he will throw me from the company because I seriously don't like to have a secret admirer!
"I'll scold him today, he will not even be able to look at me." I clench my jaws, this manly demeanour is so strange.
"You should do that!" She nodded her head remarkably, "But out of the office because here if you do you might be knocked out of the company."
"He is a good person." She spoke after drinking water, "My sister appreciates him a lot but not all good people are very good people. Sometimes, they turn bad."
"Is he married?" I lean on the table as I whisper.
"No, he isn't." Sara leaned near me as she whispered, "He is single, are you willing to mingle?" She arched an eyebrow at me teasingly.
"No!" I slap her hand, throwing her head back she laughed.
"C'mon, let's finish our food soon and move back to work before my sister decides to call my mommy and say I'm busy eating and has not even done a single work!" She threw her hands in the air making me laugh.
"As soon as he comes out take action," Sara murmured as she stood beside me.
We have currently made a ridiculous plan to hit Mr Rajvansh's ass! Pain in the ass is something really unbearable, I mean you can't rub over there in public so you bear the pain.
"Don't you think he's too talkative?" I turn to look at Sara.
"He's discussing about some meeting." She lightly slapped my shoulder.
"Mishti, if at all my sister catches us then I'm blaming you, my mother will make sure to not give me any of the chocolates if she gets to know about this." She maintained her face considerable.
Rummaging through my bag I give her chocolate, "Here, take the blame on yourself because if at all my mother gets into the business meet with Mr Rajvansh he may complain her and my mother will make sure to hit my ass and give me the pain he felt!"
"Oh, so sad of you." She ate the chocolate, "We'll see that later."
"How mean--" I stop in mid-sentence when I hear footsteps and few employees walk out. It's almost 7 in the evening and everyone have left now.
Peeking in I see Ms Foziah and two Rajvansh brothers standing near the reception table as they gossip about something. Since Mr Rajvansh is on the right side I open the bottle and throw the water over there.
"Fuck!" I shut my eyes when the water falls in the middle instead of the corner.
"You were praising yourself too much, I don't miss the point and blah blah blah." Sara rolled her eyes, a pained expression settled on her face when we hear footsteps.
"Go and stop your sister before she hurts her ass and your mother puts a prohibition on your chocolates." I give her a cheeky smile.
"We were together, we are together, we will be together." Sara declared as she pulled me with her and stood near the doorstep.
"Ouch!" Hearing the hissing sound we both look at each other, we suddenly don't dare to look in front. We could have hidden somewhere but Sara had to drag me.
"You okay?" We turn back to glimpse at the front, Mr Rajvansh supports Ms Foziah sit on a chair.
"Yeah, this low blood pressure issues." As soon as these declarations leave her mouth I find myself withdrawing a sigh of relief.
"For the first time in my life, I feel my sister's low blood pressure issues is useful." Sara sighed, I give her an astonishing glance.
"Fouzy, you okay?" She shouted at her, Ms Foziah rotated to look at her as she passed a sweet smile.
"All fine." She voiced as she drank water which Kunal sir handed her.
Mr Rajvansh flashed a smile to me as he stared at me, I hastily look away he has a staring problem!
Sara tugged me in with her, I smile at Ms Foziah.
"You guys didn't leave?" She arched an eyebrow at us, "It's almost half an hour you guys left."
"We were roaming here just like that." Sara gave me a cheeky smile when I raise my eyebrow at her.
"Besides, Fouzy, Mishti accidentally spilt water near the doorstep so be careful." She added without further delay.
"No problem." Mr Rajvansh interrupted, "Someone will clean it."
"Since the office time is over you are no more our boss right?" Sara questioned him.
"Kind of.." He shrugged with a frown.
"Yeah, Mishti wanted to say something to you." Sara nudged me, "Go ahead, scold him." She murmured.
"Bro, I'm leaving." Kunal sir handed a file to Mr Rajvansh as he went from there giving me a nervous smile. I hope my face doesn't look horrible now? Because the person who used to give me that attitude look is giving me a nervous smile.
"Kunal sir." I call him out, "Thanks for selecting me."
"You were capable of it." He smiled as he glanced at Mr Rajvansh, "Besides, you please call me Kunal, no sir, it's a request." My mouth hung low, why the hell he is requesting me?
"I think, even he has started liking you." Sara whispered, "His bossiness is now nervousness, something is fishy!"
"Sara!" Ms Foziah punched her arm, "Just in case you don't know, your elder sister can hear everything."
"So what? You are no more my Ma'am office time I over, I'm not terrified of you now." She shrugged nonchalantly.
"I'm going to call you Kunal sir only! If you have any other intentions that are not going to be fulfilled." I pass a tight-lipped smile to him, "I have a boyfriend." I glance at Mr Rajvansh who is giving me an amused smile with raised brows.
The environment turns silent, I and Sara look at each other with a clueless face. Ms Foziah tried to control her laughter but couldn't.
"I'm sorry!" She mumbled trying to stifle her laughter. Kunal joined her as he clapped his hand on his mouth to prevent himself from laughing.
What? Can't I have a boyfriend?
I look at Mr Rajvansh whose cheeks are now turned somewhat pink as he bites his lips to control his laughter.
"Hey, stop making fun of my buddy." Sara kept her hands on her hips as she gave everyone a strict look which looked nothing but sweet.
My phone beeped, I look at the screen to find 'Hey' from Abir.
"Who is it? Your boyfriend?" Mr Rajvansh arched an eyebrow teasingly as he slipped his phone into his pocket.
"Yeah!" I screeched as I clutched my phone, certainly worried that he'll ask me to show my screen and I don't want to show him because I have saved Abir's name as Cheesy man!
"I'll leave before I collapse beans." Kunal Sir hurried out.
"There's water, see and run," Sara yelled at him.
"I think, I should leave. I can't control myself from laughing. Mr Rajvansh, good luck!" She winked at him as she got up to leave.
"Aren't you coming?" She looks at Sara with a questioning look.
"I'll come with Mishti." She grabbed my arm as she hid behind me.
"I expect you to be home before 8:00 and help me with dinner work or I'm going to complain mommy about your water stumbling plan. I can catch your lie sweetheart, elder sister for a reason." She beamed at her, "And I'll make sure mommy hits your ass with the pan."
"You know you are so cruel." Sara whined, "Mishti, see you tomorrow, you already heard what I'll be going through if I don't leave now."
"I'm also leaving, Sara. Let's go." I smile at her.
Sitting in my car, I lean out of the window to wave bye to Sara who is screeching 'Bye, Mishti'. As soon as her car pulled out of the parking lot, I start the engine.
"I have a girlfriend." My eyes shoot up in surprise when I find Mr Rajvansh walking towards me with a mischievous smile, "Just like you have a boyfriend."
"Good!" I exclaim fixing my gaze at the steering wheel.
"Ms Agarwal," Standing near the window he puffed out deeply and now I feel like I have heard this voice.
"Look at me." He demanded, I shift my gaze at him as I try to figure out where have I heard this voice.
"Whoever your boyfriend is, he is lucky and will be happy." Pulling my cheek he chuckled softly at my stunned expression. Smiling like an idiot he went from there.
My cheeks heated up, looking in the rear-view mirror I slap myself when I find the pinkish glow on my cheeks.
"I have a boyfriend!" I exclaim to myself, "Well, he is a type of boyfriend only."
"Pull your car off the parking lot, I am getting late." His car halted beside me as a delighted smile is settled on his lips.
"You go!" I exclaim looking away from him.
"There's no one here, you'll be alone." I hear his concerned filled voice.
"It's fine." I smile, shaking my head I try to keep a straight face, "I can fight for myself."
"I know but for my peace I want you to leave before me." After hearing him I move out of the car and stand, time to trouble him.
"Ms Agarwal, obey your boss." He peeked from the window.
"Office time is over!" I roll my eyes at him.
"You are so adamant." He chuckled which amazed me because he should be annoyed with me right?
"If you want to spend time with me you should say it directly. You don't need to make plans." Standing next to me he folded his arms.
"Seriously?" I tilt my head to look at him, I couldn't help but notice his arms. Somewhat I find it cool. Folded sleeve arms, cool!
We dwell silently for few minutes, understanding he won't leave me alone and go I get back into my car. Accepting this as a clue he walked back and sat in his car.
"Let's go together. There's something called equality." I peek at him from the window.
"And I love equal rights, so let's do it." He grinned at me as we turned on the engine.
Almost half of the way we have driven side by side. In the traffic area, he verified he has a staring problem. He was so engrossed looking at me he didn't even notice the light has turned green.
"Good night, Ms Agarwal." He screeched as he took right and drove off.
"Good night, Mr Rajvansh," I mumble to myself.
I think I should say Abir I'm ready for engagement before I decide to reject him because somewhat Mr Rajvansh looks charming. I will have to focus on Abir because he is my boyfriend, haha!
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