Chapter 3 - The Date
Erza's POV
I was awoken by the squealing of Lucy. She ran into my bedroom and started bouncing on my bed. I rubbed my eyes and slowly sat up. It was only 7 in the morning, on a Sunday, so I wasn't feeling too awake.
"Erza! Erza! Erza! It's Sunday, and you know what that means. Not only do I have a date but you have one too!" Lucy started screaming.
My eyes shot wide open. That's right: today I had my date with Jellal.
* Flashback *
Ring Ring, Ring Ring.
What the hell? Who could be calling at 12:00? People are meant to be sleeping now.
Ring Ring, Ring Ring.
I quickly picked up the phone before it woke up Lucy. I didn't even bother to check the caller ID when I took the call.
"Hello?" I asked quietly.
"Hi Erza. It's me, Jellal," he said.
"Oh. What do you want?" I lamely asked. I face palmed. Why did I have to be so blunt and rude?
"I just wanted to ask you if you would go on a date with me tomorrow or today, I mean. Basically on Sunday, today," Jellal told me.
"I'm sorry for such late notice but I couldn't wait to see you again. Maybe at 5:00pm I could pick you up?" he continued. He couldn't wait to see me? That was the sweetest thing anyone has ever said to me.
"5:00 sounds great. Where is it?" I asked curiously.
"It's a surprise. I'll pick you up anyway so you don't have to worry. I also know your address so don't worry about that either," Jellal told me.
"Okay, thank you. I guess I'll see you then. Bye," I said.
"Good bye. I love you," Jellal said and hung up a second later.
Oh my god. That was the best phone call in my life. Now I need to get some sleep so I can be ready for my date.
* End Flashback *
"Wait a second. How do you know that I have a date today?" I asked Lucy. I never actually told her I did because I got the call at midnight.
"Um. I may or may not have been listening to a call last night," Lucy admitted.
I sighed but didn't bother telling her off about how she needs her sleep. She ignored me and when I stopped talking, she started rambling on.
"So, it's at 5:00pm so you have plenty of time. I'm going out with Natsu at 4:00pm. My clothes are all sorted on my bed because I want to be ready. I have to wear something casual but not too casual," she droned on and on.
I rolled my eyes and ignored her. Like Lucy, I had to sort out clothes as well. I know what you're thinking, "you have like, 10 hours!", but I had to be ready as well. I got out of bed and headed to my closet. What should I wear? Casual but not too casual? Jellal didn't even give me details so I have no clue of what we are doing.
"Erza? Sorry, I shouldn't have been rambling on," she apologised and then she jumped up. "Are you choosing clothes now? I can help you! We can also call Juvia and Mirajane to help."
I opened my mouth to say "no" but she already ran off with her phone. Oh well, at least I'll get expert advice. I returned back to looking for clothes. Maybe a casual dress? Maybe a blue dress to match Jellal's hair? Oh god, now I'm sounding creepy.
"Erza! We're here to help," I heard a female voice call.
I turned around to see Juvia, Mirajane and Levy enter my bedroom.
"Ooh, lucky you. I can't wait until Gray asks me out on a date," Juvia said dreamily. We all know that it would take a while for that to happen.
"Let's look for something nice for you to wear," Mirajane said and the three girls plus Lucy head over to my closet.
They start pulling out clothes and accessories and throwing them onto the floor. They're making a mess in my bedroom!
"Try this," Levy instructed as she thrusted something into my arms.
I glanced at the material that I caught. It was a red top, white jeans and a cream cardigan. I did as told and went into the bathroom to try it on. When the outfit was fully on, I studied myself in the mirror. I did look pretty good but it didn't feel right.
"Erza? Are you done yet?" Mirajane called. I told her 'yes' and returned to my bedroom. The other girls looked me up and down for a few minutes. I huffed impatiently.
"No, it isn't right. Here, put this on," Juvia finally said and gave me a casual dress.
I went back to the bathroom and tried it on. The dress had a white top part and a red skirt part. Overall, it looked really good. I went back to my awaiting friends.
"Yes. Perfect," Mirajane declared and the others agreed. "Now. All you have to do is put on these and we'll do you hair tonight."
In her hands were a pair of red flats, the ones from yesterday. I was excited and ready for my date.
"Well, what do you think?" Mirajane asked.
She was the expert at doing hair and it looked fabulous. My scarlet red hair was pulled into a messy but stylish bun. I was wearing the red and white dress that we chose earlier and it was a gorgeous fit.
"Wow! You look beautiful," Juvia gushed.
"Jellal is one lucky man," Levy added.
I blushed at the comments. If only Lucy was here. She left an hour ago with Natsu for her date and she looked absolutely gorgeous as well. I checked the clock in my bedroom and realised that I only had a few more minutes to freak out.
Ding Dong! My eyes widened as the doorbell rang; Jellal was a few minutes early.
"Quick! Get your shoes," Levy instructed.
I obeyed and put on my red flats. The girls quickly ushered me to the front door and now I was facing it. The one thing that separated me from Jellal. I fixed my hair and smoothed my dress. When I nodded my head at Mirajane, she opened the door and the three girls rushed back to my bedroom to give me privacy with Jellal.
"Hey Jellal," I greeted him.
"Hello Erza," he replied. Jellal looked me up and down and what he said next brought a blush to my face. "You look beautiful."
"Thank you. You look great as well," I said. That sounded kind of lame.
I checked him out and saw that he had dark jeans with a blue button up shirt. His blue hair was gelled to be more spiky than usual and the red tattoo on his face looked amazing, as always.
"Are you checking me out?" he smirked.
"No," I denied but my cheeks said otherwise.
"Let's go," Jellal simply said.
We got into his car and I kept asking where we were going but he wouldn't tell me anything. I watched the cars and buildings go by as we drove. Minutes went by and then the scenery changed. On the left, was a beautiful, sandy beach. Jellal drove into the parking by the beach and we stopped there.
"The beach?" I asked for confirmation and he nodded.
We got out of the car and walked down some steps to the sandy shore. His hand slipped into mine and he intertwined our fingers. It was then that I realised the beautiful weather. Nice and sunny. There were small waves that washed upon the shore from the blue ocean. The water sparkled as if from a fairy tale.
"It's a nice day, isn't it?" Jellal started conversation.
"Very," I agreed. We walked along the sand, parallel to the water.
"I haven't been to the beach in a long time," Jellal admitted.
"Don't worry. I haven't either," I nudged my shoulder against his in a playful manner.
"I remember when I used to always come here and once, I fell into the water with my clothes on. It was freezing but I pretended it wasn't and we had a sandcastle competition," Jellal told me.
That reminded me of a time when I was little and then we just started telling stories and stuff about us. We walked back and forth along the beach, past couples and families who were enjoying the nice day.
"I booked us a reservation at Beachside Restaurant for dinner," Jellal informed me.
"I've always wanted to go there. Thank you," I said.
"Look at the sunset," Jellal suddenly pointed at the horizon above the water line.
It was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen. The sun was bright yellow and surrounding it were oranges and pinks. You could slowly see the sun go down and the sky darken. Then I got an idea.
"Jellal, let's take a picture," I suggested and got out my phone.
Since I didn't want to ask strangers, we took a couple of selfies with the beautiful sunset in the background. Those pictures were going to make a nice background for my phone and other things. When it got darker, we headed over to Beachside Restaurant and sat down in our reserved seats.
"Are you ready to order?" A waitress asked after we had a few minutes to look at the menu.
We ordered a seafood platter and a salad. While we were waiting, I took the time to look around. It was a cosy and warm little restaurant with only a few people.
"Here is your food," the waitress returned with some plates in her hands.
She placed them on the table and we dug in. The seafood platter was so fresh and the salad was delicious. When we weren't eating, we were getting to know each other more and catching up.
"Dessert?" Jellal asked me with a twinkle in his eye. Did he know I wanted dessert?
When the waitress came around again, I ordered a strawberry cheesecake. It came to our table pretty quickly and I ate it really quickly.
"I see you still love strawberry cheesecake," Jellal laughed at my mouth that was covered in cheesecake. I wiped my mouth, embarrassed. Jellal paid for dinner and we walked outside.
"Thank you for the date, Jellal. It was the best day of my life," I told him when we reached his car.
"I enjoyed it as well, Erza. Now, let's finish what we started," he whispered the last sentence.
Then he leaned forward and closed his eyes; I'm glad he did because my cheeks were as red as a tomato. I leaned forward and our lips touched. Jellal slowly moved his lips against mine and then the kiss became more intense. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he put his arms around my waist. There were sparks as it got passionate but then we pulled apart for a breath.
"Erza, will you be my girlfriend?" Jellal asked me. Oh my god. My heart started beating a thousand times faster. This must be a dream come true. Jellal's girlfriend?
"Yes," I finally breathed out. There was nothing more I wanted.
"I love you with all my heart. Here, I got something for you as a present," he said and gave me a necklace.
I looked at it closely. It was a silver chain with a silver heart that had a red gem in the middle. What I loved most was the shade of red: scarlet, just like my hair and my surname. The sweet gesture made me blush and smile widely. I was honestly just so lucky to have him in my life.
"The gem symbolises your hair colour, and your surname: scarlet," Jellal said, voicing my thoughts. He put the necklace around my neck. "There, beautiful."
It was the best present someone ever gave me. I kissed him on the lips and pulled back but he pulled me in for more. After that, well, we drove home so we could sleep because we had school tomorrow. That was the end of my first and best date ever. Too bad he wasn't my first kiss...
Aww! Such a sweet date! That was probably my fastest update ever! Please Vote and Comment!! Thanks all for reading :D
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