Chapter 24 - Our path
Erza's POV
It's our destiny!
Okay, I must have been drunk on cheese or something because that was really cheesy (or maybe it was corn). But basically, this was my second chance. No, not at life! At Jellal of course. It was a horrible few weeks without Jellal but now I'm not going to make a mistake. First, it was a misunderstanding, then jealousy and then let's just say... an electrocution. Yeah, we can all agree that it wasn't the best relationship.
But relationships aren't complete without the ups and downs. You know the saying 'there's no love without hate'? Well, I think that's a saying and it's just saying to have love, you need hate. That's why you tend to get fights in relationships but that's how you become a strong couple.
"I'm so happy for you, Erza! You and Jellal are so cute together!" Mirajane gushed. "You guys are my OTP! Jerza!"
We were just hanging out at the mall in the food court on the last week of the holidays.
I blushed. "Thanks. What about you? Any boys?"
"Of course not. None are cool enough for me" she flipped her hair jokingly but I'm pretty sure I spotted a faint blush on her cheeks.
"It's him, isn't it?" I asked knowingly.
"W-what? Who?" Mirajane stammered, avoiding eye contact.
"Sis! Mirajane!" Lisanna came running up.
"Hey Lisanna" Mirajane sighed with relief from avoiding my question. "Where's Elfman?"
I wasn't just hanging out with Mirajane; I was hanging out with the whole Strauss family.
"Oh, he's hanging with you-know-who" Lisanna replied as she dropped down into one of the chairs at our table and putting her elbow on the table, she rested her chin on her hands.
"Who's you-know-who?" I asked confused.
Surely you-know-who isn't you-know-who. If you get what I mean. Did you understand that? Basically let me translate to English. Surely Lisanna isn't talking about Voldemort.
"It's Evergreen" Mirajane whispered in my ear.
"Doesn't Elfman have a crush on Evergreen?" I asked.
"Yep" Lisanna nodded.
Even if I didn't like Evergreen, I ship her with Elfman. They're the best couple and I think that Elfman brings out the good in Evergreen. She's actually not too bad. I guess we're kinda getting along and I can now say that I don't mind being in her presence.
"Eww! What are you doing here, you ugly tomato?" Evergreen said as she walked up to us with Elfman in tow.
I take back what I said. I really don't want to be in her presence.
"You're calling me a tomato? You look like a mouldy avocado" I retorted.
And you think Mirajane and I used to be this bad. Or you thought Natsu and Gray were this bad. Nope, we're the ones who argue most. It was kind of true though. With her brown hair and green clothes, she reminded me of an avocado.
"No I don't!" Evergreen snapped. Yeah, great comeback.
"Yeah you do!" I countered.
"Hey! Stop arguing and be a man!" Elfman interrupted, causing us to all sweat drop.
"We're not men" Lisanna said.
Ignoring his sister's comment, Elfman sat down on another chair at our table and pulled Evergreen into another chair. It was dead silent as they sat down. The awkwardness was so thick you could cut it with a knife.
"Sooo, when is your date with Jellal?" Mirajane broke the tension.
"It's tomorrow actually" I replied.
"That's great! You guys are my OTP!" Lisanna exclaimed.
"Well, Evergreen and I will come over to help you get ready" Mirajane decided on her own accord.
"WHAT?!" Evergreen and I both cried.
"Yep" Mirajane said. "Oh, look at the time. Lisanna, Elfman, we have to go now."
The three siblings left me and Evergreen alone on the table. I opened my mouth to politely say good bye but Evergreen walked away without a sound. Well that was rude. I calmly stood up and went back home.
I thought Mirajane was joking when she said that Evergreen was coming over to help. Evergreen thought she was joking. Lisanna thought she was joking. Elfman thought – you get the idea. We all thought she was joking and I was hoping she was. And . . . she wasn't. So that's how I am in my bedroom with Mirajane and Evergreen sorting through my closet. Mirajane treated my clothes with care but Evergreen was throwing them around with little care.
"See what I mean? Your clothes are so ugly. No wonder you look like a tomato" Evergreen wrinkled her nose in disgust as she threw a red dress on my bed.
"The only reason I look like a tomato is because of my hair . . . and maybe because I wear red a lot, but my clothes are not ugly" I defended my clothes in a rush. Lots of them were presents form people, including Lucy and Mirajane.
"Stop it you two. I brought Evergreen here so you could get along with each other" Mirajane demanded.
"Well that backfired" I snorted.
"Erza, where are you going for the date?" Mirajane asked me.
"I don't know."
"Try this on" she threw a red dress at me, which I caught and examined.
Mirajane brought some of her clothes in case I didn't have any good clothes, which seems to be the case. I went into my bathroom and changed into the dress. When I finished, I heard them talking so I put my ear against the door. I could only make out snippets of their conversation but I think Mirajane was telling Evergreen to make an effort at getting along with me. I opened the door and walked out to show them the dress.
"Well?" I spun around and showed it off.
"Hmm..." Mirajane thought.
"Definitely not" Evergreen said.
Mirajane shot her a look.
"What? That was nice. I was telling her that that dress makes her look ugly" Evergreen said.
Mirajane rolled her eyes. Evergreen gave her a pointed look.
"What? Did I roll my eyes out loud?" Mirajane asked.
"Yes" Evergreen sighed. "Here Erza, try on this."
She handed me a black skater skirt, white t-shirt and denim jacket. I went back into the bathroom, changed and walked back out. Evergreen silently walked over to me and as I mentally prepared for my death, Evergreen tucked my white t-shirt into the skirt.
"Thank you" I said.
"No problem . . . you look good" Evergreen faltered but managed to compliment me.
"Aww, that's cute. Now hurry up! Jellal will be here soon" Mirajane ushered us out of my bedroom.
We went downstairs, where Mirajane handed me a pair of converses which I slipped on. I fixed my red heart necklace from Jellal, which sat around my neck, and right on cue, the doorbell rang. Evergreen and Mirajane opened the door and there on the front step, was Jellal in casual jeans and top but looking amazing as always.
"Bye Erza! Have fun!" The two girls chorused and pushed me out the door.
I was about to say "bye" but decided not to since they shut the door after pushing me out. They basically locked me out of my own home. They better look after it well!
"You look gorgeous, like usual" Jellal said smoothly.
I looked up shyly and pushed my red hair out of my eyes. "Thanks. You look good too."
"Are you ready for the date?" Jellal asked.
I exhaled. This was my second chance date. This was the date to becoming Jellal's girlfriend again and it felt like it was my first date all over again. Butterflies in my stomach, lump in my throat and heating up with worry.
"As ready as I'll ever be. Where are we going?"
"Would you like to go to the movies, dinner, or the beach?"
"Hmm, that's a hard decision."
"That's alright, because we're going to all of them."
So we hopped into his car and we drove to the movies. It was a surprise movie and so we sat down in our seats with some popcorn and I was excited as to what he chose.
"What movie?" I asked, popping some popcorn into my mouth.
"It's a surprise" Jellal whispered.
The lights dimmed and the ads played on the screen. Once they finished, the movie on the screen showed and it was a romance comedy with some action. I was dying from laughing while stuffing my face with popcorn.
"Can I have some of that action?" Jellal whispered in my ear when there was a kiss scene.
I blushed but leaned over and placed my lips on his. His lips were warm and tasted salty like popcorn. It's been so long since I felt his lips and I missed it so much. I wanted – no, I needed this amazing feeling again and I finally have it. It made me feel complete, like we were meant to be. Our lips moved in sync and all I could feel was love, passion, warmth and fireworks.
"Erza, I love you so much that it's crazy. You're my oxygen, my life force and my everything. You're all I need" he said into the kiss.
"I love you too Jellal, just as much as you love me. You complete me" I breathed out.
"And you complete me."
After the movie, we went to a restaurant down the street and sat down in our reserved seats. The menu was very big and I was excited for dessert. When the waitress came around, I ordered my food, lemonade and Jellal ordered his food and water.
"So, which beach are we going to later?" I asked.
"The same beach that we went for our first date" Jellal replied.
"Because it was our first date and it would be nice to remember the good memories of back then."
"Yeah, I remember walking on the sand and taking selfies."
"Those were the good days."
"I love you Jellal. I'm sorry for electrocuting you and I'm sorry for, for ... I'm sorry for everything" I apologised.
"Stop saying sorry, you apologetic mushroom" Jellal demanded.
"Okay. I apologise for saying sor- for apologising a lot" I managed to say.
Jellal just chuckles and leaned over to kiss me. The waitress returned and put our food and drinks on the table. It was gone pretty quickly and soon, the waitress came back to get our dessert requests. We both ordered the ice cream and when it came, we ate it quickly.
"That was nice" I patted my full stomach.
"Yeah. Are you ready to go to the beach? It's just a short walk" Jellal said.
"Of course I'm ready" I slowly jumped out of my seat.
We paid for the meal and exited the restaurant. As we walked hand in hand to the beach, we caught up about what happened during the term. I told him about me and Sting's not-finished-relationship and he told me that he just hung out with Ultear and Meredy but never dated anyone. We walked down some stone steps and onto the sandy shore.
"Would you like me to carry your shoes?" Jellal asked, holding out one of his hands while his other held his shoes.
"Yes please" I took off my shoes, stuffed my socks in them and handed them to Jellal. "Thank you."
He grabbed them and we resumed walking, after I tied my denim jacket around my waist. His arm wrapped around my shoulders and I leaned my head on his shoulder. I loved the feeling of my scarlet red hair fluttered behind me and I loved the feeling of the sand between my toes. The outdoors was my favourite place, especially the beach.
"It was both our faults, so we shouldn't blame each other" Jellal said out of the blue.
"That sentence made you sound like you were blaming yourself" I pointed out.
"No it didn't" Jellal argued.
"Let's not talk about this anymore. We're here on a date" I said quieter.
"How about selfies, like on our first date?"
I nodded and took out my phone. We posed, did silly faces, Jellal kissed my cheek and after a few photos, I put my phone away.
"Come on" I giggled, dragging Jellal to the shallow water.
"Hey! Slow down" he cried and let go of my hand.
Jellal rolled up his pants, put our shoes on the sand and waddled into the water. I tucked my phone into my shoe, and Jellal did the same, before I headed back to the water. It was easier for me since I had a skirt and the waster went up to just below my knees. Jellal finally made it to where I was, although the ends of his pants got wet. He wrapped his arms around me and his lips met mine in a passionate kiss. A minute later, Jellal pulled away and with a cheeky glint in his eyes, he started splashing me with water.
"Jellal!" I cried and splashed him back.
My nice clothes were soaked but I wasn't complaining. I ran away from Jellal but everyone knows that running in water, on sand at the beach is a difficult thing to do so Jellal was gaining up on me. I was laughing as I tried to run faster but then I started falling.
"Eeeeek!" I shrieked.
The last thing I thought was 'Jellal's going to catch me'.
Nope. That didn't happen. I went splash into the water and got completely drenched. Oh my god. Now I'm complaining. Jellal finally came to my rescue and helped me up to my feet. I wrung out my hair and my clothes so the water would get out. I was seriously wet everywhere and my clothes were uncomfortably sticking to my skin. With a sigh, I slowly walked to the shore, where our shoes were. Lucky I put my phone with my shoes. I turned to see Jellal behind me on the sand, stifling a laugh.
I raised an eyebrow and cross my arms. Jellal put his hand up as if to say "wait" and then covered his mouth, laughing. Once he was done, he wiped an imaginary tear from his eye and calmed down.
"I'm sorry. I was going to help you but it got too funny. You were fine though, you always say you don't like being saved" Jellal panted.
"Well, you should've saved me. I'm all wet now!" I huffed.
"Don't worry. I have towels in the car."
"Why do you have towels in your car? Did you think we would fall in?"
"... Something like that. Anyway, just stay here and I'll get them" Jellal went back to his car.
I waited for a few minutes before I saw Jellal return with some towels in his hands. He laid one on the floor and handed the other to me.
"Thank you" I kissed his cheek.
I wrapped the towel around my body and sat down on the other towel with Jellal.
"Are you cold?" Jellal asked.
"Yes" I smiled.
He hugged me, even though I was still wet and he kissed me. It was probably the most passionate and loving kiss ever. Fireworks shot through my body and it was just Jellal and I in the moment. We broke apart and I fell into his warm brown eyes.
"Erza. I've loved you my whole life and I always will love you. You're perfect to me in every way and I never want to be away from you ever again. We're technically not boyfriend and girlfriend again, since we broke up and I only asked you on this date. So, will you, Erza Scarlet, be my girlfriend again?" Jellal held my hands.
Oh my god. I gasped in surprise. This was what I always wanted. We were grown up now (by a few months) but he was ready for a serious relationship. This was where our path together started. I was exploding with excitement.
"Yes, Jellal Fernandes, I would love to be your girlfriend!" I cried.
That, my friends, is the last official, long chapter. The next one is just the epilogue, which would be shorter. I apologise for the long wait! It's now the holidays, yay!!! Also, any anime recommendations? Please VOTE, COMMENT and keep reading :)
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