Chapter 21 - Autumn Ball!
Erza's POV
I gently touched a finger to my lips, which had been kissed by Sting last night and by Jellal days ago. My date with Sting last night went amazing. He was literally one of the most romantic guy ever. I felt like it was a bit early kissing Sting, considering that it was our first date and also the fact that I don't like moving on from Jellal. His touch and kisses were also nothing like Jellal's.
"Erza? Erza?" Lucy asked, bringing me out of my thoughts.
"What?" I blushed.
"You were zoning out again. I just wanted to ask about your date with Sting."
Right now, I was sitting with Lucy at the food court in the mall, just talking about random things, but mainly boys.
"Oh yeah. It was great." I still wasn't fully paying attention.
"Great? Just great? I want the details girl."
"Well, it was fantastic. He took me to a rooftop dinner with lights and everything. The food was so expensive and the dessert was delicious. He also had fireworks specifically for me!"
"See? I knew your date was going to be better than great."
I frowned slightly. "It was but is that a good thing?"
"Of course it is! Why wouldn't it be?" Lucy asked confused.
"Well, I don't know. It's taking me a while to move on from Jellal."
"Of course it will take a while. Most people find it hard to forget their first loves but when you do, you'll be happier" Lucy told me.
I hoped she was right. It would just take time to get over Jellal. Maybe a year or so, since I can't stop thinking about him.
"That's it! The Autumn Ball! When Sting takes you to the Autumn Ball, you two will dance and then go outside to the garden alone and it will be so romantic!" Lucy exclaimed.
She had a sort of evil glint in her eye which told me she was up to something devious. I wasn't sure what her plan was but I was sure I was going to find out soon.
"That's a great idea." I said slowly even if I wasn't sure if it was a good idea. "Now, what are you up to?"
As I searched Lucy's face for some sort of clue as to what her plan was, she was staring into space and not paying attention but her face was still wearing a sly smirk. I waved my hand in front of her face.
"Lucy? Hello?" I asked.
"Hmm? What?" Lucy shook her head and the scheming smirk was wiped off her face.
"You spaced out."
"Oh, sorry. What were you saying?"
I rolled my eyes. "I was asking you what you were up to."
"Oh! Well, first. . . . we have to go shopping for the perfect dress!" Lucy shouted as she grabbed my hand.
"Woah! Slow down!" I cried.
Lucy ignored me and continued dragging me along.
"This place first!" Lucy declared and we stopped abruptly in front of a prom dress shop.
She dragged me again into the store and then she left me alone as she went to find a dress for herself. I decided to join her and started searching for a dress. There were plenty of red dresses that I liked, but none that I loved. In case you forgot, I have a thing for red dresses. Other dresses caught my eye but none of them I fell in love with.
"Lucy, have you found anything yet?" I asked her.
Since I didn't find anything in this store, I was just walking around aimlessly and annoying Lucy.
"Be quiet!" Lucy yelled.
My eyes widened as I stepped back. Lucy wasn't one that was known for yelling. She saw the look on my face and she calmed down.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean that. I meant shut up!" Lucy yelled.
I could tell she didn't mean it in a mean way so I started cracking up. An angry Lucy was a funny Lucy. Most people would find her scary when she's mad, but not me because I'm scarier when I'm angry.
"Sorry. I just need time to look for the right dress because to find the one that's perfect, it takes me a long time" Lucy apologised.
Wow, it was like she was bipolar. I guess we learn something new every day. It was actually taking a really long time for Lucy to decide whether or not she liked any of these dresses. A few minutes later, Lucy decided that she didn't like any of these dresses so we moved to the next store. I looked around and then at the back, I saw the perfect dress. It was like I knew where to go and it was calling out to me.
"Would you like to try it on?" one of the workers here asked me.
"Yes please" I replied.
She got the dress in a size that she thought would fit me and I went into the changing room. When I put it on, it was a perfect fit. I looked in the mirror. The dress was a strapless red ball gown with a sweetheart neckline and poofed out a bit at the bottom. It had silver beaded designs that went across the chest and down the middle, to the waistline. The silver designs were also dotted here and there on the bottom part of the gown.
I paid for the dress and found Lucy at the front of the shop.
"I found the perfect dress!" Lucy told me.
"Me too."
"What does it look like?"
"I'm not ruining the surprise. You and everyone else will just have to wait until the ball to see my dress."
"Well then, I can't wait."
Tonight was a big night. A huge night. An exciting night. It was the night of the Autumn ball. It's kind of like prom but not prom. Prom is a big event where girls and boys go together and have fun and that is basically the same as this Autumn ball. Since it was the night of the ball, it meant that it was the last day of term 1. That meant that the students from Sabertooth would be leaving.
"Oh my god! You look beautiful, Erza!" Lucy exclaimed.
"Wow, that dress is gorgeous!" Juvia agreed.
"Thank you. You two look amazing as well" I blushed red as my hair.
Juvia, Lucy and I were at my house getting ready for the ball and waiting for our dates to come pick us up. Juvia was wearing a beautiful blue gown while Lucy was wearing a gorgeous pink dress. My red hair was done in a bun on the top of my head with a silver ribbon wrapped around it. I had minimal make up on, just lipstick, some blush and mascara. Around my neck lay my heart necklace from Jellal.
"The boys are here! Let's go!" Juvia called and we hurried downstairs.
"Sting!" I shouted happily when I saw him.
The other girls greeted their dates and we got into the cars. Since there was six of us, Sting and I went in one car while the other four went in the other.
"You look beautiful Erza" Sting complimented me.
"Thank you. You look handsome too" I replied with a blush as red as my dress.
Since my dress was kind of poofy, it was hard to sit in the car but I managed it. Sting was wearing a tuxedo and he had his blond hair gelled up neatly. The car ride didn't take long and we just chatted about what was going to be happening next term, and how we could maybe meet up in the holidays. Sting was a great friend and I'm going to miss him a lot.
We entered the building and walked in looking grand. I held onto Sting's arm and tried to look for my friends, and Jellal. I spotted Jellal by the far side of the room with Ultear and Meredy. Tonight, I was putting my plan into action. What plan? My plan to win back Jellal. When Lucy suggested I go outside with Sting, I thought that it would be a better idea if I got Jellal to come outside with me alone. Then I would tell him how much he means to me and give him a photo frame I made with a photo of us together on our first date and a love letter on the back. Hopefully, Jellal would understand and come back to me. I did feel kind of bad for Sting though.
Sting's POV
Erza and I glided through the crowd and found a nice spot in the middle, where we started dancing. She did look beautiful but while I was dancing, I couldn't help but sneak glances at another girl who looked more beautiful. The thing was, I don't actually like Erza. I thought I did but now, there's another girl I like. The girl I like is . . . . Lucy.
The other day, I was talking with Lucy and I found her the perfect gift. My plan was to ask her to come outside with me where I confess my love and give her a hairclip I found, since she always wore a hair clip. It's a pink flower clip and I thought it would be perfect for Lucy. As I danced with Erza, we passed by Lucy and Natsu.
"I'll see you soon, Erza" I whispered before spinning her to Natsu.
Natsu caught her and danced with her while Lucy spun into my arms. I twirled her around and we swayed to the music. My tummy fluttered at the feel of her in my arms.
"Hey Lucy" I smiled.
"Hi Sting. How's it going? I'm sure Erza will fall in love with you when you confess your love and give her a gift. You did get one for her, right? 'Cause girls really like jewellery and pretty things but I don't know if Erza does, wait, she's a girl so she should like-" Lucy rambled.
"Lucy! Did you forget to breathe?" I chuckled.
Lucy blushed cutely. "Sorry."
"It's okay. I forgot to mention you look absolutely stunning" I dipped her.
Lucy's POV
My cheeks turned red as Sting pulled me up and spun me around.
"Thank you. You look really good in a suit" I commented.
It was true, the suit made him look handsome and like a gentleman. I also really liked the way he gelled his blond hair (but Natsu's hair looks better).
Tonight, I was hoping that my plan I set up for Erza would work. She was always so stressed and depressed from the break up with Jellal that I thought I would be a good friend and talk to Sting. I organised with him to take Erza outside and maybe they would start dating, since I knew Sting liked Erza and Erza liked him. I saw how happy Erza was with Sting and this ball was the perfect opportunity for them to get together.
"How are you and Erza?" I asked him.
"We're good" Sting shrugged.
"That's great! I'm sure you two will be together by the end of the night!" I gave him a closed eye smile.
Jellal's POV
I stood by the side of the room – with the tables full of food and punch, with Ultear and Meredy by my side. I tried many times to tell them to dance but they were being stubborn and would stay by my side. It was pretty lonely but I didn't want to dance; I'd rather watch Erza dance, even if it was with that Saber boy. Erza just looked so pretty in her ball gown and I loved watching her dance.
"Instead of watching her, you should go up to her" Ultear sighed.
I shook my head. Usually I would be confident to go up to her but this was one of my shy moments.
"Seriously Jellal, you look like a love sick puppy just staring at her" Meredy added.
I raised my eyebrow at her. That comment was unnecessary and so not true. I didn't look like a love sick puppy . . . did I? Maybe it was time I talked to her. Tonight, I kind of planned to get back together with her, maybe. I realised that she didn't kiss Simon and she didn't like him. But, I wasn't sure if she liked Sting or not so I was just going to tell her that I still loved her and hope for the best.
"Alright, I'll go. Wish me luck" I took a deep breath.
"Good luck" Ultear and Meredy chorused. "Even though you won't need it."
I sucked in a deep breath and let it out before weaving through the dancing people to Erza. She was standing on the other side of the room with a cup of punch in her hand and next to her was Natsu and the speakers were on the other side of her.
Erza's POV
As I was chatting with Natsu (who was very angry at Sting for dancing with his girlfriend), I saw Jellal approach us and I started sweating nervously. I wasn't sure if it was from heat or just because I was nervous but I was worried if I stuffed up. What if Jellal doesn't forgive me and ignores me for the rest of my life? I don't know if I could live with that. What if he humiliated me in front everyone? Sure I said my plan was to win back Jellal but I don't think I was ready yet.
"Hi Erza, Natsu" Jellal said.
"Oh! Hey Jellal!" Natsu exclaimed before winking at me. "I better get my girlfriend back."
Yep, Natsu left me alone with Jellal. To say it was awkward was an understatement.
"I'm sorry" Jellal and I apologised at the same time.
"You first" again, we said it at the same time.
I blushed and gestured for him to speak first.
"Erza, I'm really sorry for everything. I know now that I was wrong and you were right. I just got scared that you wouldn't want to be with someone like me since you're so much better than me so I started doubting myself. Now that I know that you didn't kiss Simon, I want you to know that I still love you. You probably like that Saber boy or whatever but I just need you to know that I still have feelings for you. It's okay if you don't want to get back together or anything, I completely understand" Jellal rambled before stopping to take a deep breath.
When I heard he still liked me, I was so happy and I felt like I was complete again.
"Jellal, what you said wasn't true. I mean – the part about me not kissing Simon was true, but I'm not better than you. You have to stop doubting yourself because I love you just the way you are. I still love you and I never really had the same feelings for Sting. There's also something I have to give you, to show you my love for you" I handed him the photo with the love letter.
Suddenly, the worst thing happened: I was accidently bumped by someone behind me and fell on Jellal. My hands landed on his chest as we started to fall down. It would have been perfectly fine, if I didn't have a cup of punch in my hands, which spilt all over Jellal. To make things worse, there were wires from the speaker under where Jellal fell so you know what happened. I just electrocuted Jellal! Oh my god.
Let me explain it again so you can picture it. I, Erza, electrocuted Jellal. I got pushed from behind so I fell on him, causing my drink to spill on him and there were wires under him. How I didn't get electrocuted, I'll never know. I quickly stood up and tried to think of what to do while Jellal was wriggling around on the floor, looking like he was having a seizure. I started panicking and waved at the teachers to come help.
"Jellal? Are you okay?" I asked him dumbly.
Of course he wasn't. I mentally face palmed. It looked kind of cool though, since there was like electricity sparks that you could see around his body. Finally it stopped and Jellal lay there, struggling to breathe.
"Jellal? Talk to me! I'm so so so so so sorry" I knelt down beside him.
"I'll be fine" he pushed me away.
His action stung my heart but I didn't leave his side. "Do you need to go to the hospital?"
"I said I'll be fine. I'll take care of myself."
He managed to stand up and then Meredy and Ultear rushed over. They put his arms around their shoulders and walked him away, without giving me another glance. The teachers rushed over to them and helped Jellal as well. People who saw it started talking about it and staring at me. Great, it was the new gossip.
Lucy's POV
I just finished dancing with Natsu and I looked over to the side to see Erza electrocute Jellal. I would have been laughing, had I not been feeling sorry for Erza. My smile turned upside down and I started to head over to her but she ran out the door. I guess she really didn't want to move on and I was too busy trying to be a good friend and hooking her up when she didn't want to.
"Hey Lucy. Can I talk to you outside?" Sting asked me.
Thinking he was going to tell me how he was with Erza, I nodded and walked outside with him.
"So, what did you want to talk to me about?" I asked him.
"I know this is unexpected and I know you're trying to hook me up with Erza but I just don't like her anymore. My feelings have changed and I now like someone else" he started.
My eyes widened. Was he saying what I thought he was saying? It couldn't possibly be me, could it?
"I really like you Lucy, in a romantic way. Ever since that day, my feelings for you have been growing and I can't stop thinking of you. I know you have a boyfriend but. . . but I just want you to know that if Natsu ever stuffs up, I'll be here for you. And I bought you a present."
Sting handed me neatly wrapped gift. I politely took it, pulled off the ribbon and unwrapped it. It was the pink flower hairclip we saw at the shops and I really wanted it but it was too expensive. I was speechless but I managed to speak after a minute or so.
"Sting, as nice as it is, I can't accept it" I give it back to him.
"But-" Sting protested.
"How dare you talk to my girlfriend like that and give her gifts, you bastard!" Natsu appeared and punched Sting in the face.
"Natsu! Don't!" I yelled when they started fighting.
I pulled them away from each other and then Sting left, after glaring at Natsu. Natsu pulled me into a hug and then told me he had a gift for me. When I saw what was in his hand, I laughed.
"That's stealing, Natsu!" I shouted jokingly.
His present to me was the hairclip which he stole from Sting when they were fighting. He put in my hair and then kissed me. Even though the Autumn ball was hectic and horrible for Sting, Erza and Jellal, it was the best ball ever for me. Sting got punched, Erza didn't get back with Jellal and Jellal got electrocuted. What a night!
I got bored with the story so I twisted it a bit to make it more interesting! Soooooo sorry for the long wait! Starting school was horrible and there is sooo much homework! I started watching Kuroko no Basket and I got Pinterest because I was bored. I don't know anything about being electrocuted so I hope it was alright and I'm sorry for so many POVs. Please VOTE and COMMENT!!!
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