Chapter 18 - Sabertooth
Erza's POV
I woke up to my alarm and turned it off, before turning the other way in bed and closing my eyes again.
Fifteen minutes later, I woke up again and saw the clock. I only had ten minutes to get ready but I was still feeling tired. Wiping my eyes groggily, I stumbled out of bed and started getting changed.
"Stupid alarm clock. Didn't even wake me up" I glared at my alarm clock.
My head hurt from last night and I was so sleepy. Great, I hate hangovers! I realised that I wore my red dress when I woke up and when I remembered bits of last night, I remembered that Sting put me to bed and then left. See? I could trust him and I promise you, he didn't do anything bad to me. Once I finished changing and getting ready, I noticed a piece of paper on my bedside table. It said:
'Hope you're feeling better. Can't wait to see you at school today
- Sting ;) '
A smile made its way on my face and then I realised it was Monday. Not just any Monday; the Monday where some students from Sabertooth are coming to our school! My spirits lifted and after grabbing some toast and drinking ginger tea, I set off for school. I ran as fast as I could – while trying to still look ladylike – and got to school late by a few minutes; a new record!
"Miss Scarlet, late" Makarov stated even though he didn't look angry about it at all.
"Sorry gramps, I promise I won't be late next time" I said.
He nodded and let it slip just this one time. "But while you were late, you missed our introduction with the Sabertooth students. We have three students from Sabertooth in this class: Yukino, Rogue and Rufus. I would like it if you could sit next to Rogue."
He pointed at a boy who sat near the back. I nodded and sat down in the empty chair next to the unfamiliar boy. He had messy black hair that covered his right eye and a small scar over his nose. Makarov gave out worksheets to do and we started doing it. I stole some glances at the dark haired boy next to me and after a while, I decided to introduce myself.
"Hi Rogue. I'm Erza Scarlet. It's nice to have you and the other Sabertooth people come to our school so I hope we can be friends" I said.
"It's nice to meet you too, Erza" Rogue said before going back to his work.
I suddenly felt awkward since he seemed not very talkative so I went back to my work. Soon, I finished the work since it was my best subject and I just observed the other two new kids. Yukino was a shy looking girl with light blue hair in a bob and a blue rose on the left side of her head. Rufus was a boy with long blonde hair, a cocky smirk and a red hat with a feather sat on his head (which kind of reminded me of the three musketeers).
Ding ding ding!
In the next class, there were some other students that I haven't seen before. One of them was rude and arrogant, Minerva was her name, but I felt like she could be a nice friend if she thought more of her friends. After more classes with Sabertooth people (but no Sting), it was lunchtime. I took a seat next to Lucy but my eyes were constantly looking around for Sting. As I looked around, I noticed that Jellal was sitting with Ultear and Meredy.
"Looking for someone?" Lucy raised an eyebrow.
"Uh, no, of course not" I stammered.
"Sure, sure" Lucy smirked. "So, how was your hangover?"
I groaned and put my head in my hands. "Don't even remind me. It was the worst, like a huge headache so I had to leave early... um, sorry about that."
"It's fine. I did wonder where you went and started panicking but Gray told me he saw you being taken home with a guy. Who was he? Was he hot? Do you have his number?" Lucy fired questions at me as she waggled her eyebrows.
I laughed. "His name was Sting and yes, he was hot. Unfortunately, I don't have his number. He's really nice and amazing and helped me get home though."
"You talking about me? Nice to know you think I'm hot" the familiar male voice said behind me.
I turned around to see Sting standing there, with his usual cocky grin. My mouth couldn't help but break into a smile when I saw the boy who felt like my best friend for years.
"How long have you been there?" I asked him.
"Long enough to know that you think I'm hot" Sting smirked and flicked his blonde hair playfully.
I rolled my eyes. "If I realised your ego was this big, I wouldn't have said that."
"Well, I hope you're feeling better from last night. I was also looking all over the school for you but I haven't been in any of your classes, but I met some of your friends here" he nodded to Lucy, Gray and Natsu. "Mind if I sit here?"
"We don't mind" Lucy piped up before I could say anything.
I glared at her but she just gave me a sly grin before excusing herself to the bathroom and dragged the Natsu and Gray with her. If she's doing what I think she's doing, I swear she won't hear the end of it from me. I turned away from them and faced my new friend since I couldn't leave him, like the others.
"So, how do you like our school so far?" I asked Sting, who took a seat opposite me.
"It's great, since you're here" he flirted with a wink.
For some reason, I kind of liked his flirting, but I hated it at the same time because my heart would always belong to Jellal.
"Is it different from Sabertooth?"
"Yes, very. Sabertooth is more... stricter and the teachers are much nicer here."
"Hopefully you'll be in one of my classes after lunch."
"I hope so. Do you remember any of the Sabers in your class?"
'Sabers' was a term most people called Sabertooth students. I searched through my memory and tried to remember the Sabers from my classes, though I just named a few.
"Well, I remember there was the light haired girl: Yukino; the musketeer blondie: Rufus, I think; the silent, raven haired guy: Rogue; the slightly not-friendly looking girl with blue eye shadow and black hair with two loop buns: Minerva; and the big and buff green haired guy: Orga" I listed the people I remembered.
I also described them, in case I got the names wrong. Hopefully, he doesn't think I'm being mean when I described Minerva.
"I know all of them; they're my friends. Rogue, my best friend, doesn't like to talk much but he's actually a great friend. Don't worry about Minerva though, she can be nasty at times but she's really awesome" Sting chuckled. "Hey, how about you come meet them now?"
"Are you sure? What if they don't like me? What if they hate me?" I started to panic.
Sting rolled his eyes. "Calm down, drama queen. Of course they'll like you. Now come on."
He grabbed my arm gently and led me to a table full of some Sabers. I recognised Rogue, Orga, Yukino, Rufus and Minerva sat at the end of the table. She had long black hair down her back with two little buns on top of her head and a plait on the side. Minerva had blue eye shadow and small eyebrows which were pulled down over her eyes which held a smug look.
"Guys, I would like you to meet Erza. Erza, I'm sure you know everyone here, right?" Sting double checked with me.
"Yes. It's nice to see you all again. Um, I hope you're fitting in well and liking this school" I gave a sincere smile even though I felt a bit awkward.
"You can sit here, if you like" Rufus said politely and patted the empty seat next to him.
I thanked him and took that seat while Sting sat opposite me. Yukino was very interested about our school so like Sting and I did, we traded information about our school and it seemed like most of the Sabers thought our school was great.
The bell rang and after saying good bye, I started to head to my classroom before someone tapped my shoulder. I turned around to see Sting standing there with his schedule in his hand and slightly outstretched towards me.
"Hey Erza, I was wondering if you could help me find this classroom" he handed me his schedule and pointed to one of the rooms on the paper.
"Sure" I replied.
I looked at it and realised that it was art, the same class I had!
"You're in the same class as me!" I exclaimed. "Follow me."
I gave him back his schedule and took him to the art classroom. After finding a good seat, Sting and I sat down. All we did in class was painting objects in abstract - I mean, that's all we were meant to be doing. We were talking and laughing (quite loudly if I may add) and flicking paint at each other. The flicking turned into throwing and I knew that my hair would be in need of a desperate wash.
"You just threw paint in my beautiful hair" I glared jokingly at him.
"You can't even see it! In case you didn't notice, it was red paint and you have red hair" Sting rolled his eyes before getting some paint from his palette.
"Payback time" I grinned.
I put paint on my paintbrush and with great aim, flicked it onto Sting's face. A laugh escaped my mouth when I saw his face with green splotches. Sting frowned and threw some yellow paint at me but I quickly dodged. Then I got some more paint and threw it at a wide-eyed Sting, who didn't even move, and it landed perfectly on his chest.
"Sting?" I asked.
Instead of shooting back or replying, Sting stood there gaping at something behind me. Oh shoot! Don't tell me it's what I think it is. I cringed and slowly turned around. A hilarious sight met my eyes, I mean, horrible sight. The art teacher stood there fuming, with yellow paint splattered over her face and I think steam was coming out of her ears. Ohhh, so that's where the paint went.
"Umm, Miss-?" I started.
One look at Sting and we ran out of the classroom, in laughter.
"Oh... my... god! That was hilarious!" I exclaimed.
"I know! Even if we got detention, that was fun" Sting agreed.
"Wow, you get a detention on your first day of school. Such a bad boy" I said playfully.
Since the teacher told us to get out, we went to get cleaned up in the bathrooms. We went our separate ways to our next period.
After school and after my detention, I was walking home with Lucy. She stayed at school because she wanted to study in the library, and I guess she also wanted to walk home with me.
"So, I see Sting has taken a liking to you" Lucy smirked.
"Yeah, he's a great friend" I said, emphasizing 'friend'.
"Sure, sure. I bet he likes likes you" Lucy wiggled her eyebrows at me and made kissy faces.
"No way. I still, um, like Jellal" I admitted.
Lucy gave me a small, sad smile. "Maybe you need to move on. I say that you should give Sting a chance and maybe he'll make you forget Jellal."
I bit my lip and my walking slowed. Do I want to forget Jellal? No. Lucy should know that I don't want to move on but... maybe she's right. Sting seems like a great guy and I guess I'll give it a try if Sting does like me like that.
"Maybe Lucy, maybe. He might not even like me like that but if he does, you're right. I need to start moving on" I said even though I knew I couldn't move on.
"Trust me, he likes you and you guys would look so cute together!"
I rolled my eyes and I saw my house up ahead. "Fine. I might try to, you know, go on dates with him or whatever but he might not like me like that."
Lucy giggled. "We'll see Erza, we'll see."
Sorry for the not-so-good chapter (in my opinion), but hopefully the next will be better. Ha ha, most of you thought that Sting and Erza would do something the night before but they didn't. As I am the author, I assure you that they did nothing, absolutely nothing.
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