4 - Clubbing
"Alright, that's the end of class. Remember to work on the assignment that's due in two weeks," my teacher said.
All at once, students packed up their belongings and rushed out the classroom. A few were on the slower side as they chatted with their friends in a leisurely manner.
"See you tomorrow, Erza," one of my friends said to me.
"Bye," I waved good bye to her before she left the room.
It was sad that I didn't have any of my old friends in my class but I made new friends who I hung out with from time to time when I wasn't with Jellal. Now, since my old friends are back, I'll probably be spending more time with them than my new friends.
I quickly gathered my stuff in my bag and went out of the room. All my other friends had classes today and we all agreed to meet at the Magnolia Café at 1pm. It was a hot sunny Monday as I walked to the café, which was only a few blocks away from the university.
When I entered the café, a soft bell chimed above my head. I looked around the big café, instantly spotting the cakes in the display on the side of the room. Most tables were already filled with people, mainly university students since it was close to campus and has good food.
"Erza! Over here!" Lucy waved at me from a booth near the back.
I smiled at her and made my way over. Once there, I sat down in the seat next to Jellal on the right. It was only those two here right now and they were already looking through the menu.
"Hey, Erza," my fiancé kissed me on the cheek.
"Hello to you too, Jellal. How was class?" I asked.
Jellal shrugged. "The usual; so much work."
"Yeah," Lucy agreed. "It's exhausting but I love the work. Every day, I'm getting closer to being an author and I have you guys with me every step of the way."
"Same. I love being here with all you guys," I said.
"Shouldn't we wait to do the sappy talk until everyone's here?" Jellal intervened, playing with the salt shaker on the table. "Speaking of which... here they come."
The small twinkling of the bell sounded throughout the room and I swivelled around to see five people walk in. It was, of course, my friends. Lucy waved them over as she did for me and they instantly headed over, quickly settling into a seat around the table.
"Hey, everyone!" Natsu greeted us cheerfully.
Once we exchanged 'hello's, we browsed the menu and then ordered lunch. The waitress did a small bow as she took the menus before scurrying off. Chatter from surrounding tables blurred into the background as we started our own conversation.
"So, how was the first day of class?" I asked my friends who started uni today.
"It was surprisingly fun," Natsu said.
"That's because you slept half the time!" Gray shouted.
"I did not! I was tired from all the hard work so I just took a short break with my eyes closed."
"A short break? It was more than 15 minutes!"
"Can both of you shut up?" I slammed both of their heads together.
They rubbed their own heads with a groan. Honestly, how many times do I have to do that for them to stop fighting with each other? I guess it'll never stop.
"Well, I though class was good," Levy said. "There were really nice people in my class too."
"Same," Juvia said, not taking her eyes off Gray as she hugged his arm.
"She didn't pay attention either. All she did during the whole class was stare at Gray," Natsu muttered.
What a troublesome bunch. For their sake, I hope they do well in university.
"I guess my class was pretty good," Gajeel said before anyone could start another argument.
Gajeel seemed pretty happy about uni. Even though he might seem lazy and laidback, he's actually hardworking and determined for things that he is passionate about – which made him a great boyfriend for Levy.
"Yes! The food's here! I'm starving!" Natsu exclaimed. "All the thinking and working I did is making me hungry."
"You didn't do any thinking or working," Gray commented.
"Boys. Stop fighting – we're eating now," I demanded as the waitress stood in front of our table.
The waitress placed our food and drinks on the table and we didn't hesitate to start eating. As we ate, we talked more about our day and other things that people talk about. I finished my burger and soufflé before most people so I leisurely sipped on my strawberry milkshake while I waited for them to finish.
"Hey, Erza?" Natsu asked me.
"When's your wedding?"
Of course, I forgot he lost all communications with us for a year so he wouldn't know about my wedding with Jellal and our decisions about it.
Before I could say anything, I felt something in my hand and looked to see Jellal's hand in mine. His hand fit perfectly in mine; it was so comfortable and natural as if it was always meant to be there. On my ring finger of my left hand, my engagement ring sparkled in the light as it showed off the beautiful diamond it held.
I smiled at my fiancé before I turned back to face Natsu. "We're probably thinking of holding it off until we finish university," I told him.
"Cool. Am I gonna be the best man?" Natsu eagerly asked Jellal.
"Maybe. I haven't exactly thought about that yet," Jellal replied honestly.
"What about the maid of honour?"
"I was thinking of Lucy," I said and then asked Lucy, "if you wouldn't mind of course, would you want to be my maid of honour?"
"Really? I'd love to!" Lucy exclaimed.
"So... since I'm dating Lucy and she's the maid of honour, shouldn't I be the best man?" Natsu asked.
"I'll think about it," Jellal said.
It was kind of weird why Natsu was so excited about our wedding. When I asked him why that was, he said it was because weddings always have lots of nice food. Of course – trust him to only think about food. But to be honest, I was looking forward to the food as well; there was definitely going to be a strawberry cake - or several. However, the wedding was still about 2 years away. You never know what might happen in those 2 years.
After everyone finished eating, we headed out and decided to walk around town for a bit. I walked beside Jellal with our hands entwined as the wind whipped through my hair and the sun shone from its high perch in the sky. I felt like a model with my hair blowing behind me, until we turned the corner and some hair got stuck in my mouth. Jellal let out a laugh and helped me pull it out of my mouth.
"You know, I like it when other things are in your mouth," he whispered to me, his voice low and husky.
I choked.
Wow. Straight away, I understood what he was thinking about. That is one smooth boy and damn, does he make it sound incredibly sexy. I thought of a comeback as I recovered from that sexiness overload.
"You mean cake?" I asked innocently.
It sounded much better in my head but out loud, it sounded pathetic compared to what he said.
"Not exactly, but something just as nice."
I coughed.
Alright, this was slowly crossing the line between PG and not PG. I let go of Jellal's hand and started walking faster so I was next to Lucy, who was talking to Levy about books.
"... I also joined the book club at the university and it's really good. You should join too," Lucy was saying to Levy.
"Clubs? I almost forgot about those," I joined in their conversation. "We should all join some clubs at school."
Everyone else shared my enthusiasm and so we decided to go to our school campus and check out the clubs. Around this time of day on most days near the start of school, all the clubs advertised themselves in booths on the big lawn area at our school.
I was currently in a lot of clubs but that didn't mean I went to meetings. I think I joined the book club, the movie club, the sports club, the anime club, the food club, the sweets club and more. I joined so many because I loved getting involved in things but I didn't go to any of the meetings except the food and sweets club ones because they give you free food.
We finally made it back to Fairy Tail Uni and as we walked on the grassy lawn, I could see lots of peopled milling about by the club stalls up ahead.
"Come join the photography club!"
"Wanna play basketball?!"
"Learn to dance with the dance club!"
Students from various clubs shouted different phrases of persuasion to recruit more members. Reaching them at last, we joined the crowd among the stalls and strolled through the first row of booths, browsing the numerous clubs on our left and right. Each stand was decorated differently but brightly and was filled with posters and cards or books on the table.
"Woah! There's so many different clubs! This is so cool!" Natsu exclaimed as looked around.
He was staring intently at one of the tables and I thought he must be very interested in it... but then he turned around with an armful of chocolates. I chuckled to myself. It reminded me of myself the first time I came here last year.
Most stalls used food to bribe people into joining them. There would be heaps of yummy treats at the front of the table such as lollies, cookies and cupcakes. It was good for business but also bad because there were some people (like Natsu) who would go around eating all the food and not even sparing a glance at the club information.
"Hey, you! You look like an intelligent person. Do you want to join the chess club? At every meeting, there's free chips and carrots," a nerdy looking guy with glasses said to Gray.
"Uh, sure," Gray replied slowly and filled in a registration form as the guy instructed.
"Ha! He said you look like a nerd!" Natsu laughed at Gray.
When Gray handed the guy the completed form, the guy smiled at him. "Thank you. Just for joining us, you get a $25 gift card to Magnolia Mall."
"What?" Natsu stared dumbfounded as Gray was given a gift card. Then Natsu turned to the boy with glasses. "Hey! Hey! I bet you want me to join too, right?"
The other boy simply stared back with a blank face and pushed his glasses higher up his nose. "No. You look like you've never done anything intelligent in your life."
Damn, what a burn.
"What bullshit," Natsu mumbled.
"Language," I said sternly.
Natsu sneakily gave me the rude finger as he ate a muffin he got from one of the stands. He started walking off and Gray followed after him to make sure he didn't do anything stupid. Before we continued after them, Jellal and Levy decided to join the chess club too.
For the next few minutes, we walked through the rows of booths, eating food and joining clubs (except for me – I was in enough already). As we neared the end of stalls, one particular stall caught my eye. It was a singing club and it was one of the most decorated ones. In front of the table stood a good looking, blue haired guy who was holding flyers. He looked sad and desperate yet passionate as he tried giving the flyers to students but they simply ignored him.
"Are you good at singing? Do you like singing? Then join the Fairy Tail Voices. Are you bad at singing? Are you looking for something to do? Then join the Fairy Tail Voices," the blue haired guy said.
We were now right in front of the stand and we stopped, all noticing the guy who seemed to be begging more than the others.
Lucy picked up a handout that was lying on the table. "Come join the Fairy Tail Voices. It's the best singing group at Fairy Tail University. Join us in singing competitions against the country's best singing groups," Lucy read out loud.
"Singing? I love singing," Gajeel commented as he inspected one of the flyers.
That made the blue haired boy turn to us. He thrusted a pen and two pieces of paper into Gajeel's hand.
"Great! Join the singing club! Here's the form to sign up – just write your name, email address and phone number. And here's information to contact me and the first few meeting dates and time, and we always meet in the music room in building B," the blue haired guy said. "Oh, and my name's Brendon, by the way."
"Uh, thanks," Gajeel said as he filled out the form.
"No, thank you," Brendon insisted before he faced the rest of us. "Please, all of you, please join as well."
None of us said anything; we just looked at each other, not sure what to say but we were all thinking the same thing: we sucked at singing. Then finally, Lucy said, "Sorry, I can't sing."
"Please. If we don't get any more recruits, the university is going to force us to shut down," Brendon begged.
The heartbreak on his face was so clear and it made me feel sorry for him.
I reached out and put my hand on his shoulder comfortingly. "Okay, we'll join you, but what do you mean 'force you to shut down'? Is the school even allowed to do that?"
"It's because of the Alvarez Acapellas, which is the singing club from Alvarez University. Every year at the Regional Singing Competition, they'd win and we'd come second or below. We've never won and because of that, people started dropping out and we hardly have any members now. We were taking up too much time, space and money for Fairy Tail Uni so they told us that if we didn't win this year's Regionals, we would have to disband," Brendon explained.
Alvarez University was a university not too far from us. It was quite popular but not as popular as us.
"Why don't you ask Alvarez to let you guys win?" Juvia suggested.
Brendon immediately shook his head, looking scared for his life. "No way! Alvarez hates Fairy Tail Uni. They've been out to get us for years. They used to be a small university but then they started getting more well-known and now they want to be the most popular. But worse than that, they want to shut Fairy Tail down for good. It could be because we're their biggest competition or because they have a grudge against us – no one knows."
Wow, I never knew about this rivalry before. I guess I would know if I participated in clubs. This Alvarez University sounds awful and I have a feeling they're worse than awful. I mean seriously, what kind of people want to close down a perfectly good university? It's ridiculous.
"Well, now you have Gajeel and he's a really good singer. Maybe you can win now," I said optimistically.
Brendon shook his head. "Firstly, we need at least 10 people to qualify for Regionals. There's only me and three other people who couldn't come today. That would make 5 with Gajeel. Even though it's 10 people, not everyone has to really sing so bad singers can join - like you guys. Secondly, there's a female solo part in the competition and we don't have any good female singers."
"So, please, I'm begging you, if you're good singers or you know any good female singers, join us or tell them to join us." Brendon looked at all of the girls in hope.
"Wait a second," I said as an idea sparked in my mind, "Do members have to go to Fairy Tail University?"
The blue haired guy took a second to think. "No, they don't."
I exchanged glances with all my friends. We nodded at each other – we all had the same idea. There was only one person I could think of who was a girl and was a good singer and she was an old high school friend of ours. I hadn't seen or talked to her since high school but I think she stayed in town.
"Okay, Brendon," I said, catching his attention. "We'll all join so you have enough numbers and we know a good female singer."
Brendon's eyes lit up with happiness as his smile grew bigger. "Really? That's amazing!"
"Um, shouldn't we ask her first?" Lucy asked me.
Oops. Of course. It would be sad if she said 'no' and we got Brendon's hopes up. Brendon had high hopes now and I was not planning on bringing them down any time soon.
"Yeah. Do you think you could call her?" I answered Lucy.
She nodded and stepped to the side, taking out her phone to call her. Hopefully she had the same number. Hopefully she answers. Hopefully she agrees.
We all watched intently as Lucy talked on the phone. Almost a minute later, she put her phone away and approached us again, a smile on her face.
"She said yes!" Lucy exclaimed.
"Yes!" Brendon punched up in the air with joy.
I smiled at the sight of seeing someone so happy and knowing we helped cause that. I was now going to reunite with another one of my high school friends while being part of a choir. Can you believe it? I was going to sing in a big competition in front of an audience. Let's hope it's not as scary as it sounds.
I'm really sorry for the long wait! Japan was freaking amazing! I highly recommend that you go if you haven't already! I went skiing in Niseko and Tomamu and also visited Sapporo. I bought a Boku no Hero manga book but it was in Japanese and I can't read Japanese... oh well.
Hope you all had a great Christmas and New Year! Hope you enjoyed this chapter! Please VOTE and also, if there's anything you want to see happen in this story, feel free to tell me! Thank you!
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