23 - Working with Jellal
As the months went by, I took a break on finding a job at a law firm. It was a job I always dreamed of as a kid but now as I grew up, I couldn't see myself doing that work and enjoying it for the rest of my life. Growing up and choosing a career is a hard job. When you're young, people always ask you what you want to be when you grow up but that usually changes. In high school, you already need an idea of what you want to do so you can do the subjects that get you into your desired university course. In year 9, I chose legal studies, thinking that that was my path I wanted but now, I'm not too sure.
"I'm glad you changed your mind," Jellal told me.
"You want to say 'I told you so' – I can tell," I replied.
"No, I don't."
My fiance offered ages ago for me to go to work with him one day to see if I wanted to work with him. At that time, I wanted to be independent so I refused. Today, I decided that I would give it a try. I know that sometimes couples who work together fight a lot and don't do well but other times, they work well together. Jellal and I have good chemistry and we generally work well together but on something like Jellal's business, I don't know. I guess we'll have to find out.
"Are you ready?" Jellal asked.
We were standing outside his building. It looked modern and was fairly big with a several storeys that towered over us. As I looked it up and down, I was slightly intimidated but impressed with everything my fiance has done.
"It feels like a 'take your kid to work' day," I simply commented.
Jellal laughed. "It's more like 'take your fiance to work' day, but sure, whatever you want."
"Okay, then. If it's like 'take your kid to work' day, I should get a piggy back ride."
I jumped on his back and he reflexively held my legs securely. However, he quickly took his hands away and I held on tightly.
"How about another time? We have work to do," Jellal said.
"Fine," I huffed and I got off him.
He's usually more than happy to give me a piggy back ride but I guess he was in serious mode for work. So, I decided to behave better and try to act more professional as well. Usually I am, but I think Jellal brings out the fun in me and makes me be more relaxed and playful. I don't know what was up with me today. I was meant to prove that I was hard working and independent yet here I am joking around with my 'boss' for the day. So far, it wasn't going how I had planned so from on now, I was going to try my best to be a good worker and show that we could work well together.
"Let's go in," I announced with a serious tone.
I started walking and Jellal followed. When I entered the building, I was even more impressed than before. The modern style was full of warm and wecoming colours.
"Wow, this place looks great," I said.
Jellal thanked me. He then led me to the lift and we went up to the fifth floor. Exiting the elevator, I was once again amazed by the beautiful layout of the space with several offices here and there. It seemed like Jellal did some decorating because his unique style shone through in the artistic architecture. We walked to the the furthest office, which was labelled as Jellal's.
Once inside, Jellal sat at his desk to prepare for the day and I inspected the room, my feet taking me to every inch of the place. On one wall was an abstract painting, on another was a picture of Jellal and I. His desk, just like I expected, was neat and almost empty with only the basic, essential things on it.
"Alright, are you ready to get started?" Jellal asked.
I nodded. Time to see what I would do in Jellal's job.
First, Jellal gave me a stack of papers. He instructed me on what to do and then I did my paper work by myself while he did his stuff next to me. It was interesting work and I found myself liking it more and more as I kept going. I didn't even pay attention to the time and I was startled when Jellal tapped my shoulder.
"Do you want to have lunch now?" he asked.
"Already? How long have we been working?" I responded, checking my watch.
"For almost four hours. I'm surprised you haven't complained that you were hungry yet."
"Well, now that you mentioned it, I am hungry."
So, we put our work aside and went out for lunch. There was a Korean restaurant close to our building so we went there. As we ate our food, we made small conversation.
"How do you like working with me so far?" Jellal questioned. "It's not that bad, right?"
"Yeah. It's actually really fun and I like it," I replied.
"That's good. I guess you might like to do it permanently and we can see each other more."
"I already see you enough at home and everyday. I'll probably be sick of seeing your face," I joked.
Jellal leaned closer, his handsome face a few inches from mine. With our intimate proximity, I could see every detail of his face – from the warm shade of his eyes to each strand of blue hair that framed his face. Just seeing him so close made me blush.
"No, I don't think I'll ever be sick of seeing your face," I replied truthfully.
"Good," Jellal leaned back again and ate some more of his lunch. "Because I love waking up to your beautiful face every morning and I hope I always wake up to your face."
No matter what the world throws at us, I think that we'll work together to overcome it. And in the end, we'll always be by each other's side. We've always had good chemistry and we always will. Like now, for example, I didn't need to say anything for Jellal to feed me a bit of his lunch and he didn't need to say anything for me to give him some of my lunch. It's our habit now that we always share some of the food we get, unless it's something the other person doesn't like.
After lunch, we returned to Jellal's building. As we waited for the lift to go up to Jellal's office, one of his employees walked by. She slowed down and clutched her files she was holding tighter to her chest. The girl looked around our age and she stared at my fiance in admiration and I could tell that she had a crush on him. She eventually decided to stop next to us.
"Hi, Jellal," she flirted shyly.
I put a big smile on my face, trying not to glare at her. "I'm sorry, who are you? I don't think we've met. I'm Erza, Jellal's fiance."
I hugged Jellal's arm affectionately. I could tell that Jellal was going to speak up before but after I said something, I think he wanted to see where this was going. And maybe I was being too mean but I felt happy when the girl's smile fell from her face in surprise.
"Oh. I didn't know he had a fiance," she said.
Before I roasted her too much, the elevator dinged to announce it's arrival and the doors opened for us.
"Well, I guess you learn something new everyday." I waved at her as I pulled Jellal with me into the lift and then I pressed our floor number. "Bye."
She lifted her hand to wave and opened her mouth – most likely to return the farewell – but the lift doors closed right at that moment. Finally, I let out a sigh.
"Wow. Who knew you'd get so jealous like that?" Jellal said amusedly.
I scoffed and crossed my arms. "I was not jealous. She was obviously crushing on you because of your looks and that... would make her work distractedly so I told her the reality to make sure that all your employees are working hard and not flirting with you."
"Jealous," my fiance repeated in a sing-song voice, a smirk on his face.
"I am not jealous. I'm-" I protested.
The sentence was never finished as the lift door opened and Jellal stepped out. I huffed and followed him to his office. We finished up some paperwork and tasks from this morning and other things. I felt like a proper adult doing my job but at the same time, it felt chill and casual with my fiance next to me.
Later, Jellal said that we had something fun to do and we went down to a lower floor. I was surprised when I looked around. This floor was like a kids playroom with a small indoor playground and lots of toys. A group of children then came in along with some workers and other people – who I found out worked at the orphanage nearby. Lots of these kids were kids who Jellal had helped and found a home for them at the orphanage. The rest of them were kids Jellal had recently helped and was helping them out today. Jellal explained to me that some days, the kids from the orphanage come to play here with the new kids.
As Jellal sorted out things with the new kids, he told me to play with the others. I approached a young girl and asked what her name was.
"My name is Rina," she said cutely.
"That's such a beautiful name," I commented. "I'm Erza."
"Are you a strawberry?" she asked, touching my red hair.
"Maybe, but I'm not a yummy one."
Rina giggled. Then I asked what she wanted to play. She pointed at the playground so we went on the equipment and joined some other kids. I talked with lots of the children and together, we played tag and other fun games. I've always loved kids and I've always known that I wanted kids when I was older and this was making me more excited. We were having so much fun and I felt truly happy.
Jellal even joined later on and everytime we met eyes, I turned away shyly. It almost felt like we were parents playing with children. He was really good with kids and I knew he would be a good father.
When we settled down and passed snacks around, Rina approached me, tugging on my shirt softly.
"Thank you for playing with me, Erza," she said.
"Thank you for playing with me. I had lots of fun and I hope we get to do it again," I replied with a smile.
"I hope so too. I never had anyone to play with because I don't have any parents. I was living in the street when blueberry man helped me. Now I have lots of people to play with."
My heart clenched. This poor girl, just like all the others had a sad childhood until Jellal or someone else helped them. Him and his business was really helping them and others kids all around the world. He was donating and sharing supplies to kids in need across the globe. And here, even just playing with these kids and making them feel loved was making a small difference to make them happy. This was the kind of work that I wanted to do – I wanted to help people and make people happy, have a home and a family.
The orphanage leader called for her kids and they gathered around her. Rina quickly hugged me good bye and ran to be with them. I said farewell to all the children and the workers and then they left, with the new kids who were joining them as well. Now, it was just Jellal and I in the room as the employees went to do their other work.
"So, how did you like that? I could see you were having a lot of fun. The kids were really cute, weren't they?" Jellal asked.
"Yeah," I nodded.
"But they've been through so much."
"The girl I was talking to – Rina – she reminded me of myself when I was younger. Rina and all these other kids are orphans but you help them live and be happy. It's a really good thing that you do."
"Rina was actually living in an alleyway when we helped her. Apparently, her parents left her there and she's been surviving on her own with only a few people sparing her some food," Jellal told me.
Abandoned by her parents in an alleyway. That reminded me even more of myself since my mum abandoned me in an alleyway when I was a baby. Rina was so strong and mature though she was still young. Giving these kids a childhood and watching them grow up – this was what I wanted to do.
"Jellal," I started. "I think... I think that I really like this job and I'd like to come and work here again."
Jellal smiled, happy with my choice. "That's good. I'm glad there's something you want to do that you like."
The day at work with Jellal ended great and when we went home, we treated ourselves to popcorn and a movie. And for the next few months, I worked with Jellal and we lived happily like normal young adults. Our job was going smoothly and we worked well together. The only thing that wasn't in the usual schedule of our daily lives though was coming up. Finally, it was here - the big day that we've been waiting for and thinking of since highschool.
I'm sorry it's been so long and this probably wasn't really interesting but at least you know what's coming up next! This chapter also wasn't edited. I'm sorry. Please VOTE and COMMENT!! Thank you so much for reading!
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