22 - Shopping and preparations
"How about this one? It's too much, isn't it?" I asked.
The girls – Lucy, Juvia, Levy and Mavis – were sitting on the couch, staring at me in yet another wedding dress. I had tried on at least eleven dresses and this was the third store we had visited already. I never knew deciding a wedding dress would be so hard. I would think that one was good but then the girls would disagree and back into the changing room it was. It seemed that the girls had turned into serious people today and they were acting like judges.
"Hmm," Juvia tapped her chin in thought. "Turn around for us."
I sighed but did as told. The dress I had on had a ridiculously large, poofy skirt that was full of ruffles and sequins. It wiggled awkwardly as I turned and when I faced my friends again, they shared the same look of displeasure as I did.
"Yeah, I don't think it's working," Lucy commented, a serious look in her eyes.
"Something less... out there," Levy agreed.
I sighed but nonetheless waddled back into the change room. Earlier, we picked out many dresses that we thought might work and piled them into the fitting room. Now, the pile had shrunk since so many were already done and disliked.
I put on the next white dress, a slimmer shape with a weird wavy, silver pattern around the chest. The zip was a struggle but once it was good enough, I walked out to model it.
"What do you think?" I asked with an exhausted huff.
Juvia tilted her head to the side in thought and then scrunched up her nose in distaste. "It's not a really nice style I think. It doesn't suit your face and figure that well," she said.
"I agree. Now, next," Mavis instructed.
So I went back to the fitting room once more. I swear, these girls were having way too much fun – most likely because it was the first wedding we get to plan and they were excited. I couldn't wait until it was their turn; I wonder how they would feel when they have to try on so many dresses. But really, they act like they're experts or something. Since when did they know so much about dresses?
I know, they're being great friends and I do appreciate it. Planning weddings are just stressful, that's all. I love them and I'm glad they're doing this with me and helping me. I don't know what I'd do without them.
Unfortunately, the next dress was rejected. We went through a few more dresses and they still weren't good enough. I was starving and tired when I lazily tugged on another white dress. When I looked in the mirror, I was slightly shocked. The dress felt like my style – it was simple yet elegant with a subtle sparkly pattern and lace trimmings. I spun around, glancing at it from all sides. It was definitely something I could see myself wearing at my wedding. Maybe this was the one.
I walked out to show my friends as they actually looked pleased. Lucy twirled her finger and I turned around as per told.
Juvia nodded. "It hugs your figure nicely, no bad puffiness, and it has a sophisticated design. Yes, I think this could work."
"Indeed," Levy agreed. "What do you think Erza?"
"I like it," I said, a smile automatically appearing on my face.
"Great. Then this the one. You look absolutely beautiful and Jellal will think so too," Mavis told me.
I blushed and thank her shyly. Just thinking about Jellal and I's wedding was making me nervous yet excited. And to think that I was wearing the dress that I would wear on that day.
Now that my dress was sorted, I had a fitting to make sure it fit right and we adjusted anything that wasn't a good length or something like that. Next, I gathered the rest of the outfit. We journeyed to many different shops and bought shoes, and accessories. We bought silver earrings and a silver hair clip with a shiny flower on the end of the same colour. As cheesy as it was, I planned on wearing the necklace with the red gem that Jellal gave me. I cherished it greatly since I got it from Jellal and it reminded me of all our times together and I wanted to wear it on my special day.
"Can we have lunch yet?" I groaned after we dropped our shopping bags off in my car.
"Are you sure? We could go buy the bridesmaids dresses now," Lucy suggested.
"It's passed my lunchtime. My stomach gets hungry at a certain time and that was a while ago," I pouted, rubbing my growling tummy.
The others looked at me and giggled.
"Okay, we should let the bride rest and eat," Mavis said.
"Thank you!" I cried out in happiness.
I linked my arms through the two closest people – Mavis and Levy – and I dragged them to the food court. As we had lunch, we discussed more wedding arrangements. For the rest of the day, we spent looking for bridesmaids dresses but we didn't find anything we liked so we gave up for the day.
The next day, I had a job interview. Yep, my life was busy as hell right now but that's life. I needed a proper career so I was applying at a lawyer firm. My friends were steadily building the start of their work life as well and I was really proud of us, especially Jellal. True to his goal, my fiance was creating a business. It was a business to help orphans and young kids in need. While I helped him with some ideas and statistics of the business, I still thought I should look for another job.
Since my girlfriends and I had different plans at different times and part-time jobs, we couldn't all meet up again for a whole day until a few weeks later. Of course, it was another day spent at the shops looking for bridesmaids dresses. Like last time, it was harder to shop for them since all four of them had to try on the same dress because we decided that we wanted them to wear the same dress. This would take a lot of time because shops didn't always have a lot of the same dress and sometimes only had one, so they would have to try it on one by one.
"How's this one?" Lucy asked. "It feels kind of nice."
She was wearing a strapless, purple dress that touched the floor. It looked good so then we had the others try it on. When Juvia tried it on though, we came to another common difficulty of them all having the same dress.
"I don't think the shade of purple goes with your hair and eyes," Mavis said thoughtfully.
"Yeah, I agree," Juvia added.
So, there was another dress that we couldn't have because it didn't suit all of them. After trying on another dress and having another fail, we moved to the next shop. This one seemed to have a nicer selection of dresses. The first dress we chose was by far one of my favourites. The strapless dress nearly reached the floor and it had a slit at the left leg. It was a beautiful violet shade with silver sparkles around the top.
One by one, they tried it on and each time, it got me more and more excited because they all looked good in it. The girls seemed to feel the same way and by the end, they were all smiling happily.
"I really loved that one," Lucy started.
"Me too," Levy commented.
"I think it looks good on all of us," Juvia added.
Mavis nodded in agreement.
"Yep, I think we found our dresses," I finished.
So now the outfits were done and all that was left was planning the actual day. We took a break for lunch and ended it with a movie at my house.
The next few weeks, we did some more planning and worked. Lucy was successfully doing journalism for a magazine and Levy was writing her own stories. Juvia surprisingly got a job as a weather lady and Mavis was already doing something with maths or statistics. For me, however, things weren't looking as good. I didn't get the job at the law firm so I tried at another place but I didn't get in. At the same time, part of me knew that I wouldn't like the job so I might've been purposefully failing the application and interview. Maybe I was just applying because it was the degree I got from university and I didn't know what else to do.
"Erza, you know you can just work with me," Jellal said. "It'll be an actual job and you can work hard so don't think that you're just getting paid from me for doing nothing – I know you're the type to worry about things like that."
"It's fine," I told him. "I have a job interview tomorrow."
Jellal was getting ready for work while I was getting ready for my part time job.
"I know but I just want you to know that if there isn't anything that you really like, you can try one proper work day at my business," Jellal offered.
"I'll think about it," I replied. "Thank you, though, for the help."
Even though I helped him a bit at home when he asked me for ideas, I've never been to his office building and actually worked like an actual employee would for him. I think a reason why I didn't want to take his suggestion was because I'm an independent person and I wanted to try and find my own work.
"Well, have fun at the cafe today. I'll see you when I get back home," Jellal kissed my cheek before grabbing his bag and leaving for work.
I sighed and got ready for my job as well. It was a usual day at the cafe but I was excited for what came after. When my shift was over, I met up with the girls at a cake store. Yep, we were planning the food for my wedding.
"How about this traditional one? It looks so elegant and beautiful," Juvia pointed at a three-tiered, white cake with a man and woman figure on top.
"That looks kind of boring," I said, wandering to another display.
"What about this cake?" Levy asked.
I looked at the one she was gesturing to and I shook my head.
"I feel like it's not really... us," I answered.
Maybe I was the one being difficult now but food had to be chosen carefully because we had to have the right one. I wanted a cake that was perfect for Jellal and I.
"I wonder what Jellal would think if he was here with us," Lucy joked.
"He would see that he was marrying someone who's only true love is cake," Juvia said and the others laughed.
"I can't wait to see you all preparing for your weddings. Trying on dresses and choosing everything isn't as easy as it looks," I threw back.
"That's true," Lucy admitted. "Jellal has been helping you when you need help and he pays a good amount of things too. I don't think Natsu would help if I asked him."
We shared a good laugh and made fun of the boys. Just as Lucy said, I was happy that I had Jellal. He was organising the clothes for him and the boys and he was helping me with seating arrangements, music and location. He was my only true love.
"This one looks nice," Mavis spoke up.
I glanced over to the cake she was standing in front of and I immediately liked it. It was a two-tiered sponge cake with strawberry cream and fruits decorated everywhere. The design on top was crafted out of fruits, with strawberries and blueberries in the middle in a beautiful pattern.
"I like it, too. Let's try it," I said.
We asked the worker for a cake sample and it tasted delicious. It was almost like the cake Jellal and I made for our 6 year anniversary but it tasted even better. We decided that it would be the cake for our wedding. Next on the to-do list was the food that we would have at the wedding.
So the following week, we organised with some caterers and chefs the food we wanted. My girlfriends all chipped in with some food ideas that they wanted and we put together a delicious menu that got me hungry just thinking about it. The tastings and choosing took a really long time but it was fun for everyone.
A cold winter day in July, Jellal and I finished booking the music and all the other necessities for our wedding and the location was booked a while ago. Little did I know, he booked a surprise as well.
"Guess what?" Jellal asked me.
I swivelled around to look at him on the couch and I crossed my legs comfortably. "What?" I asked.
"You have to guess."
I hugged a pillow while I thought. Jellal, now facing me on the same couch, played with my feet, tickling me affectionately.
"You won the lottery?" I guessed.
Jellal laughed lightly. "Why do you always go for things like that? I don't think I'm ever going to win the lottery."
"Then are we getting a cat?"
Jellal sighed at my puppy dog eyes and my obvious hint about what I wanted. I've been begging Jellal for us to get a cat since most of our friends have one but he won't let me. Since I was little, I've always wanted a pet because they're so cute.
"You know I don't want a cat. It's going to be too much work and we're hardly at home to look after it," Jellal said. "But if you're giving up on guessing, I'll just tell you. I bought our flight tickets for our honeymoon. We're going to... drum roll please..."
A smile taking over my face, I hit the pillow quickly in a drum roll.
"... France," Jellal announched dramatically.
I gasped in excitement. "France? I've always wanted to go there! How long will we be there for?"
"2 months. We'll travel around all of France and maybe a bit of Europe if you want."
"Thank you so much, Jellal! I'm so excited. It's going to be the best honeymoon ever!" I jumped onto Jellal and hugged him tightly.
He was surprised at my sudden attack and patted my back awkwardly. Then he started coughing.
"Erza," Jellal choked out. "You're squeezing me too tight. We won't be able to go to France if you kill me now."
"Sorry," I apologised, quickly getting off my fiance.
I sheepishly laughed and Jellal cracked a grin.
"I'm just so excited. Think of all the food we'll be able to eat there. French food always seems so nice," I said.
"Food? Is that all you think about?" Jellal asked.
"No. I think of you and cake and our wedding and our friends and strawberry cake and our honeymoon and desserts," I replied.
Jellal then climbed onto me, tickling me teasingly. "I'm sorry. Can you answer that again? I didn't get it the first time."
I rolled around laughing, failing to avoid Jellal's hands that aimed at all my ticklish spots. My high-pitched bursts of laughter caused Jellal to chuckle.
"Okay, okay," I huffed out. "I think about you and I don't think about food."
"That's better," Jellal stopped tickling me.
I hugged him, leaning on his strong chest. He wrapped his arms around me in response and kissed my head.
"So, what's for dinner?" I asked.
Thank you for reading. I think this chapter was kind of like a filler, probably really boring. I'm sorry! Please VOTE and COMMENT!! Thank you!
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