19 - A marathon of weddings?
"Gajeel proposed!" Levy shouted, bursting with excitement.
I smiled, happy for my best friends. It's just good news after good news. Well, it's good news surrounded by bad news since Zeref is always keen on ruining our lives.
"Congratulations!" we all chorused, minus Lucy.
"Dammit," the blonde haired girl muttered, annoyed.
She handed me a ten dollar note while I grinned smuggly. What can I say? I know my friends well – I'm like the mother of the group, sometimes.
"Congratulations, I'm really happy for you guys," Lucy continued. "But couldn't you have proposed after Gray?"
Gajeel expressed shock in a half joking manner. "What? You guys betted on who would propose first? Of course it woud be me."
"Only those two did a bet," Natsu jerked his thumb glummly in my direction and his fiance's. "I could have made some money too – how sad."
"That's cos you're guys and you probably tell each other everything," I responded, pocketing my profit.
"Yeah, we promised not to say who it would be and we kept our promise," Jellal said.
"How do we know you didn't tell Erza?" Gray accused.
"Nah, those two are honest and trustworthy," Lucy defended us, no longer upset about her loss.
After the others agreed, the conversation turned to Gajeel and Levy's wedding. Gajeel proposed to her on a pretty cliffside view by playing his guitar and singing. The wedding would be a small celebration a few months after Natsu and Lucy's wedding and Gajeel yelled that he was defintely going to play some music. We were all looking forward to the marathon of weddings – one after the other. I was particularly excited for all the food.
"Damn! That means our wedding is last! Gray! How could you?!" Juvia cried, quite upset about the fact.
True, it could be a bit confident that Juvia was talking about their wedding like that already by everyone knew that those two were soulmates and Gray was most likely going to propose sooner or later.
Gray's eyes widened in surprise as he tried to find the right words. "I wanted it to be really special. I was planning a big water display after the New Year's fireworks with lights and food and music and stuff."
"Ten bucks he made that up just then," Natsu pretended to whisper.
Juvia glared at Gray so he decided to take matters into his own hands and by that, I mean he tackled Natsu to the ground. They wrestled around for a bit before we decided to get breakfast together at a cafe.
We were in a rush because our exam results come out today and we decided to gather together so we could stress together. It was nerve wracking but due to doing exams already, it wasn't that bad. Some of us though were really worried but just the presence of each other and our soothing words calmed them a bit. To distract them from the anxiety, breakfast was accompanied with talk about the latest songs and movies like Frozen 2.
Everyone hurried through their breakfast of eggs, bacon, toast and the like. The exam results were coming out soon and we wanted to see them the second they came out. Once we were done eating, we stopped by the dorms for our friends to pick up some stuff and then we quickly went back to my house, since it was nice and big for everyone. We settled in the living room on the couch and the floor, wherever we were comfortable. With our laptops sat on our laps, waiting for the results, my heart beat faster.
"I'm nervous," Levy confessed.
"You did fine, I know it. You're super smart," Gajeel comforted her.
"But what if I failed and I have to repeat a year again? This is only my first year at university – same for you. We all took a gap year – except for Erza, Jellal and Lucy."
"That's true. At least you guys were getting paid and had a job," Gray added. "Juvia and I took a gap year to relax – and I think Natsu did as well. Lucy obviously knows her stuff since she went to a university last year but I think Jellal and Erza are the most prepared since they've already been here for a year."
Jellal and I exchanged looks. We did have more university experience than them and university is a lot harder than high school but I saw that they all did really well this year and worked hard. I believe that we can all pass with flying colours.
"I'm sure you guys all did good. Even though you don't have the experience like others, you're just as hard working and smart," I said.
"Thank you Erza," Levy smiled kindly at me.
"Hey," Gajeel whined. "Where's my 'thank you'? I know that you did amazing."
Levy apologised and thanked him with a kiss. We all cooed at the adorable affection.
Only a minute later, our smiles were replaced with blank expressions to hide our worry. The results were to be uploaded onto the website any second now and everyone was silent, already logged onto the page and eagerly waiting. My fingers tapped my leg impatiently. Jellal, sitting a few feet away from me, kept clickling his laptop – most likely refreshing the page over and over again like what I was doing before.
Finally, our laptops simultaneously made a soft 'ding' sound as our exam results appeared. We all made eye contact briefly before our heads turned to our devices. My gaze immediately zoomed in on my results. In a second, my heart dropped and my breath caught in my breath.
I couldn't believe it. I failed. I failed my second year of university. I would have to repeat a year while my friends moved to their final year. But how? How did I fail? I was so sure that I would do well. I was so confident and the exam seemed fairly easy.
"How did you guys go?" Juvia asked, breaking the tense silence.
"I... failed," Levy admitted.
I bit my lip, wondering whether I should share my result. Normally we wouldn't say what we got but Levy did for some reason and it gave me courage. I mean, why not? Maybe they can make me feel better rather than having me keep it to myself.
"I failed as well," I confessed.
Natsu looked at us in shock. "What? How is that possible? You two are like super smart! I think something's wrong with the system. It said that I failed and that's understandable but you guys can't have both failed."
We all exchanged looks of confusion. Did the system make a mistake? I didn't want to believe it too hard in case I got my hopes up but it did seem possible.
"I actually failed too," Gajeel added.
"Me too," Gray chimed in.
And soon, everyone said that they had failed. Knowing that I wasn't the only one who failed made me feel slightly better but at the same time, it was weird how we all failed.
"Surely this is a mistake. We can't have all failed," Lucy said.
"But a university wouldn't make a mistake like that, would they?" Levy asked.
"Everyone makes mistake. It could be some sort of technical malfunction," Jellal answered.
I frowned, deep in thought. Sure, it could be our real results or it could be a mistake. But down in my heart, I wondered, what if someone did it on purpose? And yes, I was thinking of Zeref. What if this was his big plan? What if he somehow managed to hack into the system and changed everyone's score into a fail?
Just as I focused on that idea, my computer notifed me of a new email in my inbox. I clicked on it. As my eyes skimmed over the words, my heart did a flip and I had to reread it again and again.
"Did anyone else just get that email?" Lucy asked.
I looked up to see that everyone else was occupied with something on their laptops. We all glanced at one another and responded in unison with a 'yes'. It seemed that the email's contents were true.
"Fairy Tail University is getting shut down," Jellal stated in shock.
That's right. We were notified, by email, that our school would be shut down next year due to circumstances. Apparently, there was a "lack of learning" as nearly all of the school's population failed their exams, showing that the university is no longer as good as it used to be. On top of that, there was an anonymous tip that led the police to find drugs and alcohol in teachers' possession and on school grounds. And with all the money spend on rebuilding the burned down buildings, they don't have enough funds to keep the university running, especially since many people failed the exams so the school's reputation dropped and hardly anyone would want to go there anymore.
"That's not fair. It's Zeref's doing. This has Zeref written all over it," I complained.
"I'm confused. The email doesn't mention his name anywhere," Natsu said.
I face palmed. "I didn't mean it literally, Natsu. It just seems like something Zeref would do. He hasn't done anything in a long time so we thought he was planning something big and I think this is it."
I know, it's crazy. How could Zeref manage to get away with it so that our school is actually getting shut down? But he must've done it. Nothing else could explain this.
"What if this is actually real? Maybe Zeref hasn't done anything for a long time because he stopped and he wants to be a better man," Juvia suggested.
"Do you really think that?" Gajeel asked her, eyebrows raised as if already knowing the answer.
"No," was Juvia's predictable response.
"He just needs someone to help him become a better man," I said quietly.
Sure, he's basically a criminal and went to jail, but people can change. Mavis wasn't here because she was busy but I wondered how she would feel when she read the email. I know she's smart so she would figure out that Zeref was responsible but what would she do? Mavis is the only person who can show Zeref how to change. Since she's not here now, we have to start planning something.
"Right now, we need to do something to stop Zeref and right the wrong," I announced. "We are not letting Fairy Tail University get shut down when they didn't do anything bad."
"Yeah. And I'm not repeating a year of university. What if other universities don't even let me transfer in? Then it'll be hard to get a job and a life – and oh my god," Juvia started freaking out.
Gray kissed her and told her to calm down. Cuddling together and reassuring each other, they were couple goals.
"Let's go talk to Zeref now! We can storm their university! Let's protest!" Natsu cried, pumping his fist into the air.
Once again, I face palmed. Just imagine a group of students marching into their school with signs. It could go bad and police might come to arrest us or it could surprisingly go well. Scratch that – a protest won't phase Zeref.
"Maybe not a protest but we could go and talk to Zeref and negotiate – just us and ourselves, no flashy signs," Lucy suggested.
Now that was probably a better idea. Sure – it might not get any results but at least it was something and something that didn't draw unneccesary attention towards us.
"Alright. Should we go now and text Mavis to see if she can come as well?" I asked and the others all agreed.
After a few minutes, we arrived together at Alvarez University. Mavis told us that she would be able to come soon so we decided to wait outside the school. We also waited because we had no idea how to find Zeref and we realised that it wasn't the best thought out plan. We were just kind of winging it as we went along.
My fingers played with my jacket zipper as I surveyed my surroundings. Inside the university, a dozen or so students and teachers walked about, most likely getting things for the end of the year or needing to talk to someone. As my head slowly turned back around to my friends, it whipped back to the other side when something caught my eye. A red haired lady was strolling though the grounds at a leisurely pace. Staring longer, I realised that it was my mum. I checked my friends and saw that we were still waiting for Mavis. In the next second, I quickly made a decision.
"Guys, I'll be back. I just need to talk to someone," I told my friends.
They nodded their acknowledgement and I walked into the rival school. My legs moved faster as I caught up to my mother. She turned around when she sensed me coming and her eyes flashed with surprise.
"Erza! What are you doing here? Not that I didn't want to see you, of course – I'm so happy you're here," Irene said as she smiled at me.
"Yeah. Nice to see you too mu – Irene," I replied plainly.
I wasn't sure if I'd forgiven her yet for abandoning me and then wanting to be my mother again. Sure, I sometimes craved a mother figure but I don't think I'm ready to accept her just yet.
Irene showed surprise once again when I almost called her 'mum' and I could see the corner of her mouth twitch up into a smile. Something in my heart flickered – happiness, I think it was. She was the only blood related family I had left and seeing her react to what I said made it feel more like we were family. But like I said, I wanted to take things slow and figure out my thoughts and feelings completely before we took a step further in our relationship.
"So, um, what brings you here?" Irene asked.
I wondered whether she knew about what Zeref did.
"I wanted to ask you about my school," my voice dropped to a softer volume. "Do you know about our university being shut down? Did Zeref do it?"
I observed my mother intently. Her expression changed for less than a second but I managed to catch it – something like shock and regret. I could tell in an instant that she knew all about it and Zeref most likely did it. She looked around her swiftly, as if making sure no one was listening. Her body language screamed that she was nervous and scared about getting caught but she tried to hide it.
"What are you talking about?" Irene asked, feigning confusion. "I didn't know about your school shutting down and Zeref would never do something like that."
"I know he did," I stated. "Your face gave it away – I'm not oblivious. You always get worried whenever I mention Zeref. Please, just tell me why he's doing it."
Irene bit her lip, knowing she was caught. "Erza, I'm sorry, but like I said before – I can't say anything."
"Because he'll fire you or something?" I interrupted. "I'm your daughter. I failed my university exam, I have to leave my university, I might not be able to transfer into third year at another university. Don't you care for me at all? Please, mum."
I know, I was playing the daughter card but right now, I wanted answers. I was angry at Zeref and everything that he's done. It's unfair to Fairy Tail University and all the students there – they don't deserve it.
Irene didn't say anything for a while. Then, she said, "I'm sorry, Erza. But I have to go now."
I didn't have the chance to say anything else as she sped off in a random direction. Once again, I was feeling my sad emotions rolling around in my gut at my mum leaving me. With a heavy sigh, I turned around and walked back to my friends, who were now talking with Mavis. They smiled at me when I returned.
"Hey Mavis," I greeted her. "How are you?"
"Hi Erza," she replied, though not as cheerfully as usual. "Not as good as I could be with the exam results and all."
Of course – I almost forgot about that. Just talking with my mum again made me so focused on my mother issues.
"I was telling them about what Zeref told me a while ago about why he was doing this. He said something about wanting to see someone again – someone who was separated from him," Mavis explained.
"Like a family member or a friend?" Lucy asked curiously.
"Yes! We should look for his school file!" Natsu cried.
"What? Break into the school office to get it? How are we going to do that?" Gray responded.
As my friends started thinking up plans and conspiracies, my mind subconsciously fluttered to thinking about my mum again. Was she really interested in me and my life? Should I introduce her to Jellal? Would she like him? Should I invite her to my wedding? I mean – I should, shouldn't I? She's my mother, though she hasn't felt like one yet.
In my right hand, I felt a warm, familiar feeling that eased my heart. I glanced down to see Jellal's hand comforting mine, asking if everything was okay. I squeezed his hand to let him know that I received his message and that I was fine. Quickly, I tuned back into the conversation at present, a smile still on my face because of my fiance.
"So, it's decided then?" Mavis questioned.
I blinked. "I'm sorry – I zoned out. What are we doing?"
The short, blonde girl smiled at me, not annoyed that I wasn't paying attention. "We're going to sneak into the school office and find Zeref's files."
"Wait, seriously?" I asked surprised.
How were we going to get away with that? And was it really right to look at his personal files?
"As much as I'm scared to do it, I know we can't do nothing. This might help us find out more about him. And besides, he's the leader of a gang – killing people, dealing drugs and now closing schools for fun. We have to do something," Mavis said.
We all agreed that this was the best thing to do right now so we decided to start right away. We walked into the big school and to the main office, trying to look natural. My arm was linked with Jellal's as we all went to the reception. While Natsu, Lucy, Gray and Juvia distracted the receptionist by asking questions, the rest of us pretended to go look for a bathroom or something. Around the corner and down a hall, we found the office. I took out a bobby pin and surprisingly managed to open the door. With Gajeel and Jellal waiting outiside as a lookout, we snuck inside. There was a table in the middle with a chair and shelves and cabinets lined the walls around it. We set to work at once – spreading out and looking for Zeref's files.
"Have you found it yet?" Mavis asked.
"No, no yet," I replied.
Levy elicited a smiliar response. I had to keep myself from telling Mavis that we only just started looking. I knew she was worried about Zeref because she cared for him but we would do anything we could to help him while helping ourselves. If Mavis believed in him then we had to try something.
"I found it!" Levy exclaimed, though keeping the volume to a minimum so that she didn't attract any attention from outside.
We rushed to her at once. She was standing in front of a cabinet and she held a file in her hand. On closer inspection, I saw that the folder had the name Zeref printed on the front. Levy opened it up, Mavis and I both looking over her shoulders curiously. I skimmed through the paragraphs until the word 'family' caught my eye. There it was. The file said that Zeref came from an orphanage, where he was separated from his younger brother. The mother and father were unknown. I tried looking for other useful information and Mavis helped me out.
"Oh my god," she whispered under her breath, pointing to a word on the page.
I'm really sorry for the long wait. I haven't really been motivated. I wanted to rush to the next "phase/arc" but I want to write this properly and not rush so I'm trying to write what I can when I'm in the mood. I started university today! It was scary but not that bad, though I still haven't made friends yet. I also got a part time job and it's so stressful and I want to leave. I don't want to work or go to uni but this is life so yeah.
Next update probably won't be for a while since I'm so busy and I'm going camping this weekend, so I'm sorry. Please VOTE and COMMENT! Thank you for sticking by me all this time.
(This chapter isn't edited.)
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