~We have eachother~
Adrian had arranged for The Baron to be brought to his home accompanied by Frederick and Harold the magistrate.
A slight tap at the door broke him from his thoughts as he continued to get dressed. He listened to Penniford enter and announce the arrival of The Baron, Frederic and Harold.
With a nod he ordered Penniford to show them into the drawing room and offer them refreshments.
"I will be down in a moment," he said.
Giving his image a last approving look he sighed bracing himself for the unknown.
He was thankful that Rosie took them to the park that way he could attend to them with no interruptions.
He descended the steps and made his way to the drawing room. He paused nervously before the door and closed his eyes letting out a deep breath before entering.
He entered slowly and stepped inside. Familiar eyes turned to greet him as they stood from their chairs.
Quickly Frederic smiled and extended his hand to shake his and immediately introduced him the gentleman that came into view.
"May I present to you Lord Brendan Hayes."
Adrian nodded and shook his hand.
he observed the man before him and saw that Tonk undeniably had a resemblance to the older man.
"My lord how good of you to come," Adrian shook his hand.
It was a very tense moment for him as he saw the Baron sit before him and listened to the conditions his son lived in before Adrian took him in.
He went on to describe Thomas. With eagerness The Baron sat and listened at how he was sharp as a knife. Full of life and very resourceful and the men chuckled at his mischievous ways. The Baron sat up and cleared his throat and nervously rubbed his hands on his pants.
"I am pretty sure Margarette has had a handful with him," he chuckled briefly then slowly looked at each of them puzzled at their uneasy stares.
"About that m'lord with deep regret I must tell you something," Adrian grimly looked from him to the magistrate.
Brendan listened without judgment with a calmness as Adrian relayed to the Baron of what Tonk had told him. He saw the Barons features pale as if a beam of light suddenly went out of him with the news that Tonks mother was not alive.
The eerie silence that followed was short as the Baron tried to assimilate this news. He wiped at his face in desperation and stood abruptly in anger.
He hissed under his breath and spoke of how his father interfered with Margarette ,Tonks mother and he and that's why he knew nothing of Thomas's existence.
She was a beautiful girl he met in Bath when she was visiting an aunt. They fell in love and wanted to get married. But, his father would hear none of it.
A little over a week after he had spoken to his mother and father of his plans to marry her, he was sent away to Paris to complete his studies and he never heard about her again.
It was his unfortunate luck that things turned out this way, because he never stopped loving her.
"Who knows how much she suffered," he choked.
"But, I am to blame because I was not man enough to stand up to my father," he shook his head.
He turned to face the men before him as much as he tried to school his features and hide his grief, he couldn't.
He stood silent for a while searching for words to ask Adrian. Red rimmed eyes filled with anguish looked at him. He suddenly looked around and walked over to him as he heard the voice of a child laughing on the hall.
"Is that him?," he began.
Adrian stood with a reassuring smile and nodded as he walked towards the door. Brendan watched as Adrian opened the door and called for Thomas.
He nervously stood to the side and saw a young boy playfully run towards Adrian followed by a young girl and older woman.
His breath hitched at the very image of his son. He had his Margarette's eyes he breathed. He was the very image of his former self when he was a boy.
The long mop of tawny curls bounced about as Thomas anxiously began to relay his day to Adrian.
Adrian knelt before him and chuckled at his story and nodded enthusiastically with the tale.
Once Tonk finished talking he suddenly grew serious as he watched Adrian's features grow weary. Hidden behind a nervous smile.
Silently he watched Adrian lower his head before looking directly into Tonks eyes. With a smile he rubbed his head and playfully pinched his nose.
"We must talk Tonk," Adrian spoke softly.
Tonk stood waiting for him to continue.
Adrian hesitated then continued.
"Do you remember a while back we spoke about the possible chance of a relative coming for you?" He looked into Tonks eyes and smiled trying to hide the sadness he was feeling.
Tonk began to fidget and nodded his head.
"Well I have great news. I have here someone that is very eager to meet you," he whispered.
He leaned forward and regarded Brendan behind him.
"That gentleman you see there. I want you to meet him," Adrian stood and walked Tonk forward.
Father and son stood silently staring at one another.
Tonk looked up at the tall man wearily observing his features. He looked at Adrian and turned away satisfied with his smile then regarded the man before him.
Brendan held in the sudden urge to grab him in his arms for fear of scaring him.
He slowly knelt before Tonk and looked into his eyes. All stood by as he looked into his sons eyes with a loving smile.
Tonk cocked his head to the side confused at the redness in his eyes as if he were crying.
"My God, you have your mothers eyes," he whispered softly.
Confused Tonk looked at him.
"You knew my mother," Tonk asked with wide eyes.
The Baron nodded quickly trying to contain the tears. Emotionally overwhelmed he smiled at Tonk and pulled him closer.
"Sir, why do you cry?" Tonk questioned.
Brendan looked up at Adrian then to Tonk. He paused as to find the right words for him to understand what he was about to say.
"I knew your mother long ago, and I loved her so much. I.....I went away and never saw her again...," he paused.
Trying to control the urge not to cry he drew in a deep breath to continue but he stopped as Tonks eyes grew wide, his expression solemnly alert.
"M'lord, are you........my father," Tonk whispered.
A small smile curved at the corner of his lips. He gently lifted his hand to smooth away the dark unrully hair from Tonks eyes.
"Yes.....I am your father," he nodded.
He pulled Tonk into a tight embrace and closed his eyes tightly, pent up tears fell freely as they hugged each other.
"I am your father Thomas," he wept.
Adrian averted his gaze and turned away from the touching sight. His eyes immediately caught Rosie hugging Evangeline close.
Before he could say anything Rosie sadly pulled Evangeline closer and turned with her to leave.
By the time it was time for Tonk to leave, Evangeline found hugging her dear friend in a tight embrace. Adrian stood by and watched how she straightened his hair and fixed his cravat.
She made him promise that he would visit her. And begged The Baron not to mistreat him.
She stood in tears as he knelt before her with a beautiful grin on his face.
"I Thank you for being there for him and loving him very much. I give you my word we will visit often and you have no worries, Thomas will have all the love and care from me. I promise.," he wiped away a tear and gently kissed her cheek.
She lowered her head and nodded.
She stood to the side of Rosie as Adrian and the rest of the men said their good-byes.
Not able to contain the tears she slowly walked off towards the Library and sat alone by the window.
She cried as Tonk disappeared into the waiting carriage with the rest of the men. It slowly rolled away and she felt her heart ache. Again another person she cared for is gone.
She sat there for a while engrossed in her thoughts. The door slowly opened and Rosie entered.
"There you are Evangeline," she whispered.
Evangeline turned to watch Rosie come closer. Silently Rosie stood before her.
"Oh! Rosie he is gone," Evangeline cried.
She walked over into Rosie's arms and wept in her embrace.
"Now, now love. He will come visit," she pulled her close.
Rosie murmured words of comfort as she hugged Evangeline tight. She walked her out of the Library.
Not having much of an appetite she went straight to bed.
There she wept all she could until she fell asleep.
It was well into the evening when she awoke. Looking around she sat up in her bed. She slid from the bed and padded softly towards her door.
The house was silent and dark all the servants were asleep.
Entering the dark corridor she tip toed two doors down to the familiar door that she crept too most nights when she could not sleep. She stood before the door and lightly touched the handle.
He was no longer here, she remembered. Many a nights when she could not sleep she normally crawled into bed next to Tonk. He was like a baby brother she grew to love and care for regardless of their petty fights.
She stood there for a while. Turning away she continued towards the stairs and slowly walked down until she reached the last step.
The soft glow of light coming from the study caught her attention. Biting her lip, she walked slowly towards the door. She hesitated and took deep breath before pushing it open slowly. She peek in and looked around.
The room was warm and lit by a blazing fire in the hearth . She skimmed the room halting when she spied Adrian's long legs sticking from a large chair near the hearth.
She stepped closer, pausing before the chair, she stood in silence waiting for him to notice her.
"Adrian," she whispered.
He slowly stirred and opened his eyes. His irritable gaze softened as he focused on her standing before him.
"You can't sleep either?" He murmured softly.
The lump that grew in her throat would not let her speak.
She shook her head.
He sat up, and stretched out his hand and pulled her close.
She followed and he placed her on his knee. It hurt him more than he thought possible to see her this way. Wiping her tears away he pulled her close and pressed her head to his chest wrapping his arms around her.
"No more tears from you little one, tonight I've seen enough tears from you to last a life time," he whispered pressing his lips to her forehead.
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