~Road to Deceit~Part 3
Her world, her life and her heart as she knew had withered away to nothing in a matter of seconds. Darkness had claimed her and she succumbed to its never ending abyss.
Since that day she wasn't the same. She awoke to the swaying of the carriage that left with her and Reynaud. She lay on the opposite side of him in silence staring at nothing. She was an empty shell of a girl.
She did and said nothing as he helped her out of the carriage and made arrangements to leave for Dover to catch the next packet out to Calais.
In no time she was joined by her cousin, Reynauds two cronies and they left. It was as if she were no longer in her own body. She couldnt cry or speak. The image of Adrian and Alicia together, was a bitter sweet reminder of his betrayal that burned beneath her lids everytime she closed her eyes.
The eight hours of travel to Dover did little to improve her current state. Instead, it only worsened it.
They watched and observed her as if she were to wither away with the wind.
When they finally reached their destination they unloaded their belongings or what little they traveled with and were led to two seperate cabins aboard the ship.
Escorted in, she was to share it with her cousin and he would stay in the one next to theirs.
Because their sail to Calais depended on the winds, their journey would be at mercy to the tides.
It was a perilous trip, as the ship rocked and swayed across the channel. Each rough dip and swirve of the voyage had her closing her eyes tight willing the nausea and sickness of motion away.
Her cousins sweet voice tried in vain to sooth her and beg her to speak but she couldn't. Her heart was battered and her will to live on was only a tether thin because she would finally be with family. But, that was all.
She would soon find her self after hours of the nausous sway of the ship with her head hovered over a chamber pot wretching furiously all her content in her stomach. This continued on until she was weak and pale.
By then, when Wilks entered to check on them he was bombarded by the young girl who frantically spoke to him in french gesturing to Evangeline slumped on the floor. Immediatley, he called for Locksley that cleared the way threw them and bent down to pick her up and placed her on the bed.
She looked lethargic and frail. It worried him.
"She doesnt look well," Boggs spoke up from behind him.
Irritated, Locksley nodded his head.
"I am aware of that you fool," he spat out.
His eyes warily combed over her. He bit off a curse. He couldn't go through all of this now to come this far for her to get sick on him and possibly die.
"Find a physician on this blasted ship and bring him here this instant." he ordered.
Not a minute had past and one was found, dragged unwillingly into the cabin at the end of a dagger before he was pushed forward roughly by Boggs.
"Fix her," he waved the dagger away from the feeble mans nose pointing it towards the girl in the bed.
Quickly, Lockley stood and moved to the side so the man could come closer.
"My wife.... I am afraid is very ill with the trip. Can you give her something for the sickness," he spoke.
Boggs and Wilks exchanged knowing gazes and turned slowly to the physician that hesitantly stepped forward.
Within minutes a little tincture was mixed in her water and given to her to drink. She drifted off into a fitful peaceful sleep. Looking up to the two men that stood behind Locksley, he wiped away the sweat beading at his head.
"She should be right as day when she awakens by then the ship would be docked in Calais," his voice shook.
Locksley nodded his head then quickly looked behind him.
"Forgive my men for their callous way of aquiring your aid doctor but my wife is dear to them," the deadpan silence that followed with Locksleys narrowing glare of Boggs' behavior only got him a sheepish apology for the physician.
With those last apologies they ushered him out of the cabin with a warning to not mention anything to anyone.
It took nearly four days to reach the Harbor of Calais and with the assistance of small tugboats they were rowed ashore towards the beach.
Assisted by her cousin out of the boat onto the wet sandy floor she was followed by the three men behind so running wasn't option. Their awaiting carriage was accompanied by a familiar face she knew all to well. Seymore.
Another of Locksleys brutes that kidnapped her long ago.
They climbed in and sat huddled to one corner as the men sat before them and observed them. Locksley saw she still looked pale and leaned forward to reach for her only to see that she recoiled. His jaw clenched as he snatched his hand back with a gruff curse and looked away from them all towards the window.
She refused to open her eyes as she shut out the vast french country side the glided along their view. She felt empty and lost.
When they finally arrived at their destination after the harrid journey thankfully she was able to rest. They were staying on a shabby side of the town an inlet of ill repute that Seymore found. The shabby living quarters held a room above a pub where the two girls were hidden. They would stay there until Evangeline was well enough to leave which seemed like a hard task because as the days past her condition only worsened.
Now worried, Reynaud was surely pressed and anxious to get on with this ruse to present her with her family, see how long it will take to get a hold of her trust and then leave.
It wasn't two months later that he appeared before her dapper as ever and ordered Boggs to take her cousin out of the room they were in. Panick stricken she fought and pulled at her cousin as their fingers slowly slipped from their grasp. Still tired and weary she confronted Reynaud with a defiant glare as he tilted up her chin to look deep into her now dull brown eyes. There was no vibrance, or heat in their depths. He glowered down at her.
"Until when are you going to weep and pine over that excuse for a man, St. James." he squeezed her chin.
The pain in her chest clenched of Reynauds callousness.
She pulled her chin out of his grip and looked away.
"Do you think he is doing the same," he sarcasticly bit out.
She tightened her eyes shut refusing to let his words affect her.
"I don't doubt one minute he went crawling back into Alicia's bed after so many weeks of your abscense." he chided.
"Be quiet," she mumbled under breath pressing her hands to her ears. He was tormenting her.
"What, does the truth pain your poor heart?" he wrenched her roughly around to face him.
Their gazes collided and for that brief instant the fierceness that she possessed sprung free and she wildly fought back and he loved it. He hissed as she clawed at his arms and tried to catch his face but sadly she couldnt. She was no match for his strength.
Her eyes brimmed with tears as she wept and angrily fought against his hold. He shook her furiously until the fight was out of her. It was only then he made his intentions clear and demanded her utmost cooperation or she and her cousin pay the consequences.
"You are not going to ruin this for me. Do you understand?" he pulled her close.
"I don't care if you have to appear before your family half drunk, on opium or clutching on deaths door with your life, but I want you right as rain or atleast appear half alive by the time I return for you am I clear?" he wrapped his hand roughly on the back of her neck and pulled her closer.
Limp in his hold her fists squeezed his lapels tightly. How she wanted to scratch his eyes out as they lowered hungrily to her lips. An unnerving silence grew between them. His jaw clenched at her defiance and a part of him as cynical as he was loved this side of her.
Soon he hoped to have her just like this beneath him. She could see his desire and hunger in his gaze and she shuddered with disgust. She tried to pull out of his hold, she knew his intention but it was to late. His lips closed over hers and he took by force what he craved from the moment he saw her long ago at fairhaven.
She cried out into his lips as he deepened the kiss. Fright and horror crept up her spine as she felt his hands all over her. When his hands roughly squeezed her sore breast she bit out a scream and shoved him away. Bile and a rancid taste formed at the back of her throat as she covered her lips and backed away from him. She paled as he stepped closer determined to finish what he started but miraculously jumped out of the way as she doubled over and wretched at his feet.
With a curse he cringed stepping away and covering his mouth as she continued on her hands knees lurching forward with her content from her stomach pouring out of her mouth.
Turning away furiously her marched over to the door, yanked it open and bellowed for a serving girl to come.
Within seconds a humble petite maid appeared with dowey eyes before him. Angrily he pointed at Eva on the floor.
"Clean her up, and be sure to clean all that up as well," he hissed in disgust.
By the time he turned to look at Eva, he watched as the maid bent at her side crooning and mumurring words of comfort and helping her towards the bed.
"Remember what I said Evangeline," he warned her then left.
Two and a half months later....
The time had come when she would forge on reluctantly in decieving her family members by presenting herself to them and lying to them about Reynaud.
He appeared one morning with a large box and a servant. The box was uncovered and what it contained was presented to her. An elegant gown of the finest silk.
It was breathtaking.
The servant was left to assist her. In a matter of minutes she was sitting before a mirror staring at the girl before her. She did not feel the way she looked. But then again it was what deceit looked like. Hungry eyes brushed over her from the open door before announcing his presence.
When he stepped forward and stood behind her, their gazes met. Her eyes fell to his fingers that rose to caress her neck and gently grazed her collar bone.
She swallowed hard and looked up to his eyes that met hers in the mirrors reflection. A hateful gaze clashed with his more lascivious ones as they lowered to her dangerous decolletage.
"Unless you dont want me to ruin this gown, I suggest that you do not touch me," she managed to say underbreath loud enough for him to hear.
With that he snatched his hand away.
And waited for her to stand. Before she could walk out he stopped her and tightly held her arm.
"Remember what I said, this little charade of your sickness will end if you know what is good for you. And I suggest you make our union believable," he whispered in her ear.
With that said they were off....
The silent half an hour ride to their destination was bareable as Eva sat quietly looking through the window curiously gazing at the beautiful french countryside she would now call home. She swallowed at the lump that was beginning to form at her throat at the thought of this being her final place of living. She would never see Adrian again.
She refused to shed the tear threatening to fall. She would show no sadness regardless of the circumstances.
She could feel Reynauds penetrating gaze but refused to acknowledge him as her eyes stayed transfixed on the view before her.
Shortly after, the carriage turned on to a cobblestones drive way down the long road where a country estate come into view.
The opulent structure was grand and beautiful. A large floral guarden bloomed before it with a large fountain. As they pulled up, four footmen stood to attention awaiting their arrival.
"I sent word of your arrival, they will be expecting us," Reynaud spoke breaking her from her musings.
With an astonished gaze she turned to look at him. There was no deterring him from this crazy plan. That much was evident his gaze. Angrily she looked away in time to calm herself when the pulled up before the Estate.
Before she could move he quickly grabbed her arm and their gazes met.
"I expect you to make all of this convincing.You know what hangs in the balance if you do not," he warned tightening his grip.
She lowered her eyes to his hand that wrapped mercilously around her arm. She tried to pull it free but he squeezed it harder.
"I am not the one that needs to keep up with the lie Mr. Locksley. I am not an imposter. You are my Dear husband.," she bit out.
Her words sparked something in his stare. Dangerous.
"DONT. Test me Evangeline," he hissed.
A deadpan silence followed with their heated glare. Before he could say another word the door swung open and they were me by a tall footman that immediatley placed a stool for them to step down on.
Reynaud stepped out first and greeted them then turned to hold out his hand for her. She reluctantly grabbed it and was led out of the carriage up the stairs by another footman to the entrance door.
She braced herself. Her nerves at tgis point were becoming a tattered mess as she slowly felt the small trickle of sweat down her back.
The door slowly opened and they entered into a large foyer with marbled floors and white columns.
In the middle, large steps led to another part of the home. And from those steps a tall man descended to greet them. Her heart quickly thumped in her chest as he cleared the last step and came closer.
He was a very handsome man. Dark curly hair neatly combed back, strong masculine features and his eyes. He had her mothers eyes.
He silently took in the features of the young woman before him and there was no doubt in his mind she was his sisters daughter. his neice.
She had all the features of a Von Beuran that was evident.
"Evangeline," he whispered her name and came closer.
He stood before her with a loving smile he looked over her aa if making sure she wasnt an aparition.
"I am your Uncle, Christopher Von Beuran. I am your mothers younger brother," he smiled.
She stepped closer on shakey legs into his outstretched arms. With a tight embrace she felt so overwhelmed with joy, sadness, nostalgia too many emotions to name but they bombarded her.
"Welcome home," he whispered.
She reluctantly pulled back to look up at him as he smiled down at her.
His eyes a little lighter than hers slowly redened and began to mist.
"My goodness you look so much like her," he chuckled his voice deep and husky.
There was not hint of french accent in his tone she noticed.
"I assumed you spoke french," she whispered looking up to him.
With a smile he nodded.
"I do but I was born in London, like your mother. Shortly after we were old our parents returned here after your great-grandmother had become ill. But, we will get into all the details later," he rubbed her hand.
Suddenly, a wave of warmth washed over her. And the room before her began to spin. Shutting her eyes tightly she tried hard to calm herself.
Remembering Reynaud, she slowly turned to him and made a proper introduction. She stood by and watched the two men shake hands and speak. Another wave hit her and she took in a sharp intake of air.
Slowly Reynaud smiled at something her uncle said then they turned to look at her. Her uncles gaze grew concerned while Reynauds grew impatient stepping corward to look at her now paling complexion as she began to sway.
Immediately, he caught her as darkness claimed her.
"Eva," he called her name out as she went limp in his arms.
In a panick nearby servants began to sprint forward at Christophers commands. He watched Reynaud lift her up into his arms and directed him up the stairs.
"This way follow me," he walked in fast strides up the stairs towards a large room and pointed towards the large poster bed.
He quickly spoke to a nearby servant girl in french.
"Apportez un médecin , rapide,(bring a physician, fast)" he ordered.
Reynaud placed her on the bed and stepped away.
"She has been sick the whole journey here. What could be wrong with her?" he asked pasting a false concerned look on his face.
Immediately, Christopher stepped closer to her and placed his palm above her forehead. With relief he sighed, it was cool to the touch. She had no fever. But she was so pale.
Within minutes of impatiently pacing and waiting a physician appeared and ordered them to step out for privacy to examine her.
They complied reluctantly and waited in the hall. There they anxiously stood and continued to pace. The angry look on Reynauds face was taken as a worried concerned husband but in reality he was enraged at her antics.
A short time after the door opened and the stout old man stepped forward with a smirk on his face that did not humor Reynaud.
"Well? What is wrong with her," he asked looking passed his shoulders into the room towards the bed where she sat staring into nothing.
He patiently waited for the physician to speak. The old mans eyes twinkled with glee as he chuckled and clapped Reynaud on the back hard that he nearly fell forward.
"Félicitations, Elle est avec l'enfant...vous allez être un père( congratulations, she is with child...you're going to be a father)."
Hello My lovelies
Hope you enjoyed this short one.
Thank you so much for the comments and likes ....
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