~A Defiant Duchess ~ Part 2
...He looked deep into her eyes, his heart warmed with the brightness of innocence that twinkled in their depths.
"What do you want for your birthday peach, I will get it," he whispered softly.
He watched intently as she lowered her head and smiled.
"Anything?," she repeated with a beautiful smile.
He chuckled and reached for her hands. Warm, petite, delicate fingers entwined with his.
"For you peach, anything," he repeated with so much emotion in his voice.
She hesitated, then slowly lifted her gaze to his. Grey stormy eyes darkened watching hers fill with tears. His chest tightened with each one that fell. He gently rubbed one away with his thumb and caressed her cheek.
"I....I want you to stay here and never leave me," she said.
"Oh Eva!" he pulled her close. There foreheads touched. He brushed his nose with hers and she tilted her head up and pressed her lips gently to his.
It was a kiss so pure. Filled with want, desire and love. Delicate fingers caressed his jaw as he closed his eyes shut and reveled in the touch.
"I can not imagine a life with out you Eva. I love you," his voice shook.
Their lips met once more. He savored the sweetness of it. He memorized the warmth of her tongue as it grazed his. All of her was engrained in him and he would never forget it.
As soon as the kiss deepened, she vanished into thin air.
He swallowed hard at the lump forming in his throat refusing to open his eyes and accept that she was gone. He would not accept it.
"Adrian," the soft voice pulled him to the present.
Again his name was called and he abruptly blinked twice and turned to where it came from.
He looked into the same color grey eyes as his. Caroline leaned forward and pat his leg lightly waking him up from his brief slumber just in time to feel the sudden jolt from the carriage stopping.
He sat up and noticed Arlington sitting up straight and Wesley, Evangelines fathers solicitor rubbing sleep from his eyes as well.
"Were here!" Caroline smiled at them all as she sat eargerly waiting for the coachman to open the doors.
They had docked a week ago in Calais after a long sail in bad weather. The May air was humid and warm. Finally they arrived he sighed.
They had booked passage for their sail to France the moment Wesley gave them information on her family.
"You are going to go find her and bring her home brother, she is your wife." Caroline spoke with determination in her voice.
"What if she does not want to return. What if I have lost her forever Caroline?"
"No...if you love her like you say you do. Then you will fight for her. Even if it means you bring her back hogtied...you bring her back." Caroline said.
For the first time he has ever seen this side Caroline he was surprised.
He looked around at the busy town. Carriages rode by and people walked about happily talking. None were the wiser of his plight. None knew of the agony he was in. They couldn't see how he had traveled so far to grovel at the feet of the one person that held his heart. He took in a deep breath and continued wallking behind Wesley towards the little inn he had procured for their stay.
As the sided up to the entrance a young boy with a bundle of newspapers at his feet, stood on the street corner not far from the inn's entrance calling out the days events in french and offering passerbys the paper.
Caroline approached him. And smiled at Arlington as he gave the boy a coin for the paper. The came near and all four of them peered at the large elegant font on the front page.
Venez, venez tous Pour la célébration digne d'une reine. Comme la jeune belle Evangeline Chenoweth à la veille de son 18e anniversaire aura le titre de la duchesse de Valois.
Une balle sera jetée en son honneur de cette délicieuse aventure sur Samedi 23 mai 1875
Au Château Le Livre
Votre présence serait un délice. J'espère te voir là bas....
(Come one, come all
To the celebration befitting a Queen. As the young beautiful Evangeline Chenoweth on the eve of her 18th birthday will take the title of the Duchess of Valois.
A ball will be thrown in her honor of this delightful endeavor on
Saturday, May 23, 1875
At Chateau Le Livre
Your presence would be a delite.
Hope to see you there....)
Caroline from the little french she understood translated it. Then slowly looked up to Adrian that still looked down at the paper.
In silence, they followed him towards the inn and they aquired their rooms.
Caroline sadly observed her brother. They made it in time for her 18th birthday and they honestly had no plan on how to get to her. They did not know what Reynaud had over her for him to be here with her. They were clueless.
As the night came they stayed in town and took in the scenery. Wesley brought them in on the situation and Arlington put in his ideas. They had two days to come up with something.
And it had to work...
The night of the Ball
Found the four of them standing outside waiting to gain entrance into the event of the evening. The large structure loomed over them as music escaped the entrance doors. Guest after guest stood in their most elegant attire on a crimson colored carpet waiting to go in.
They desided to split up and seek her out. When they finally entered, each of them took into view the patrons infront of them. The walked through the crowd and went near the side of the ballroom.
By this time they arrived way past her grand entrance. He needed to find her when she was with less company preferably further into the evening. He caught sight of Arlington casually sipping champagne and walking towards him putting him on alert.
"I saw her enter the side door towards the east wing," he whispered pointing his gaze in that direction.
Casually he looked around as Adrian nodded and walked off.
He swirved and walked threw the crowd of dancers towards the double doors that Arlington pointed to. He gave a last glance around to make sure no one saw him enter as he disappeared.
He turned the latch locking the door as he entered the library. His eyes right away caught the slender figure standing by the window. He saw her shoulders stiffen.
Immediately she swirled around and her eyes widened and her color paled.
"Adrian," she whispered.
For a brief moment time stopped as he stood staring at her in silence. So many times he rehearsed in his mind all the things he would say to her once they saw eachother. But, he was at a loss for words.
He took in the young beauty that bloomed beyond his imagination. This was the elusive creature that graced his tormented dreams every night. She was breathtaking.
There were few lit lamps in the library, though a crackling fire at the hearth casted a warm glow giving her an ethereal appearance with her sparkling jewels.
He watched as her breathing increased and her eyes glittered with unshed tears. He stepped closer and she inched back.
He could tell the way her chest rose and fell that she was nervous. She peered around the room, biting her lip as if looking for a way to escape.
"Why did you leave?" he croaked.
His vision began to burn as tears threatened to fall.
She lowered her head.
"Answer me Eva. Why did you runaway with...him?" he clenched his jaw.
Her gaze mirrored his. Tears filled her eyes as she faced him.
"After what I saw Adrian you have the nerve to ask me why I left," she shook her head.
"What you saw was the bloody handy work of Alicia's deceit because I did nothing wrong," he spoke in a harsh tone.
"Tell me, Adrian, why did it take you so long to come after me? Is it because you could not pry yourself away from Alicia's arms?"
That comment won. His eyes glittered ominously. "That's not true."
"Isn't it!" she retorted, unheeding.
"Because you left Eva," he hissed.
She could feel the emotion coursing through him at that moment-the terrible anger, the feelings of hurt and betrayal and despair.
"You not only left...but with another man," he roared and advanced on her with the vengeance of hell burning in his eyes then paused.
His eyes widened as he gained a closer look of Eva. His eyes took in the round bump formed at her stomach.
It was as if the whole world had narrowed to only him and her. His chest tightened with the view of her. He then realized that she was glowing and radiant due to her pregnancy.
She was pregnant.
His eyes lifted immediately to hers. Then the cruel reality of what he was seeing fell over him like I bucket of ice water. If he did not come for her, he would have never known. And that sent a chill down his spine. She was going to keep his child from him.
"You weren't going to tell me were you?" he drew in a shallow breath, his eyes reddened with unshed tears as anger slowly began to rise within him.
She averted his heated gaze.
"Answer me," he continued closer. For a breathless moment, she thought he would back her right up against the window seat.
"No...."she croaked with her tears flowing heavily down her cheek.
Finally he stood before her, leaving mere inches between them. The heat of her body was a palpable thing, as feminine as the scent of vanilla and lavender clinging to her skin. She glared at his chest, trying to control her breathing as she protectively placed her finger above her belly. She was afraid and he could sense it.
He raised his hand and caressed her cheek then leaned forward pressing his forehead to hers. He swallowed hard. His jaw clenched and he tightly shut his eyes, he wanted to shout he was angry but... he could not.
"Why did you not want me to know. Why did you not send word of this?" he whispered.
He felt her tremble but her silence only angered him more.
"Is it because the child...,"his eyes darted accusingly to her abdomen with a slight frown and the shadow of disgust.
He stepped back to look down into her eyes that were his weakness.
Her gaze rose immediately to his.
"The child is mine and mine alone," defiance and anger briefly came through her quivering lips.
It was insulting he asked her if he was the father, he was very much aware of that because it was evident in her eyes. Regardless, deep down he knew it was his.
"I had a right to know Eva." his voice softened.
With shivering delicacy, his callused hand grazed her belly beneath her fingers. And they lingered there just in time for him to feel slight movement then a kick. They both gasped and looked up into eachothers eyes.
So much raw emotions swirled between them at that moment.
He watched and felt his world tilt as her nose reddened, and her face contorted into the beginnings of a heartwrenching cry. He pulled her close and buried his face in her hair. Relief washed over him holding her in his arms.
"I did not mean to hurt you. But when I saw...." she cried.
"I wanted to die.....I thought you and her...." she struggled so much to form the words.
At her tormented words, Adrian emitted a strangled, heartrending cry, as if all the restraint of months past had suddenly gave way. He thrust his hands into her hair, forcing her head back, compelling her to meet his anguished gaze.
"My God! Eva," he cried raggedly.
"Why would you ever think I would. You are the love of my life. I want no one else,"
She wasn't able to utter a word because he was crushing her against him and kissing her with savage, consuming need.
The hard thumps of knocking on the door, pulled them away. A slight panick within her formed as Reynauds voice angrily came through.
"Evangeline are you in there. Open up," he ordered following more thumps.
His hold tightened on her as she tried to pull away.
"Why is he still here Eva?" his eyes heatedly searched hers.
"Please....you must leave. Dont let him find you here," she frantically tried to pull out of his hold.
A wild violent light formed in his eyes and refused to diminish as he held her tighter.
"Has he harmed you. Has he touched you?," he demanded.
She quickly shook her head.
"Has he tried to? Tell me the truth now, damn it." he gripped her chin forcing her to look at him.
"No." As much as she feared the violence in Adrian's eyes and body, Eva knew that showing any signs that he tried would only confirm his suspicions it would put at risk the life of her cousin.
"Please...Adrian I beg you," she looked at the door with a frightful gaze as the pounding became louder.
Taking in her current state of nervousness he nodded his head. If she looked this way then she was terrified of Reynaud. He would not put the lives of his wife and unborn child at risk.
He would find a way to bring her back home and eventually kill that bastard.
Reluctantly he agreed. He did not want to leave her. Having his wife before him after so long with out her only to find her radiant and round with his child dissipated his pain and anger then replacing it with possesiveness. He moaned and buried his lips against her throat, nipping her soft flesh and inhaling her scent as she clung to him.
He pulled away and looked down into her eyes.
"I am at the inn on the main. I want to to see you in the morning. If you do not come so help me God Eva I will return and there will be hell to pay." he grounded out angrily with a warning.
He did not pull away or loosened his grip until she agreed. With that he pulled her into a dizzying kiss and before she could respond he disappeared behind her through another door.
Just as she lifted her finger to her lips. The door swooshed open with her uncle stepping in first. His concerned look pulled at her as he walked towards her and pulled her into his arms whispering his worries that something had happened to her.
Her eyes roamed over towards Reynaud that held her equally vicious glare before suspiciously narrowing his gaze to look around.
She trembled in her uncles hold of all what had happened. He came.
Adrian came for her. Suprisingly she was ecstatic as she was afraid.
Reynaud was in for a big surprise.
Hello my Lovelies
I hope all is well with all of you...
I would like to thank you for all the support and comments .
I cant stress it enough that your comments move me so please give me your feedback...
I want to give a huge shoutout to my new followers and supporters
Below for following this story.
Again Thank you guys!!!
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