Chapter 18
As Thomas and I approach a big black horse, I let out a quick breath. "Is it weird that I'm scared and excited at the same time?"
"You have nothing to be afraid of. Star is the sweetest girl ever." He pets her head and looks at me. "Here, let her smell your hand." He shows her his hand and I mimic him.
"She's so tall," I murmur as I look into her eyes and pet her head. I've never been so close to horses before and It feels like she's looking into my soul.
"Are you ready?" Thomas asks as he gets a small ladder to help me mount the horse. He goes first and soon I'm following him.
"Oh my God!" I squeal, hugging him tightly. "This is so weird but so cool!"
"Come on." He chuckles, squeezing my hands. "Remember to sit up straight and relax your legs so you don't startle her."
"Okay." I take a deep breath and soon we're moving.
"Are you good?" he asks, with that ever-so-present humor in his voice.
"Yeah." I smile and the moment the words are out of my mouth, we're galloping away.
As expected, Thomas is confident and daring. He waits until he realizes I'm comfortable before going faster, and it's the most amazing experience. Men and nature connected in a way that really humbles me.
It feels like we've been riding for hours when Thomas finally slows down. We stop near a pond, and the moment we dismount, I have to hold on to him.
"My legs feel like jelly." I laugh and he chuckles, scooping me bride style.
"Come on, princess." He walks us further, stopping under an enormous tree before putting me down.
"Thank you, kind sir." I punch his biceps playfully and sit down on the ground, massaging my legs.
"Ouch." He sits by my side, smiling, and I shake my head. "Are you okay?"
"That was so amazing! Really! I'm saving money to buy a small ranch!" I grab my phone and open my note app.
"What are you doing?" Thomas sits by my side and sneaks a glance at my phone.
"Making my Life To-Do List." I type the title, and he smiles when he sees me typing the items.
* Learn how to ride a horse.
* Buy a ranch.
* Ride my new horse on the ranch.
"All done!" I turn to him and catch him studying me.
"Yeah..." He chuckles. "So, you're really doing it, huh?"
"It sounds fun." I shrug, feeling my face getting hot.
"Yeah..." He gets his phone and types something, before snapping a photo of Star drinking water from a pond.
"What are you doing?" I ask, curious.
"You're so nosy. Has anyone ever told you that?" He grins, a carefree look on his face.
"Another amazing personality trait." I bat my eyelashes.
"It's cute you think you're cute." He snaps a photo of me.
"Come on, what secrets are you hiding?"
"I was just adding something to my list." He shrugs and I gasp dramatically.
"I just showed you mine! Sorry, but you'll have to show me yours now, dude!"
"Does that line ever work for you?"
"Every. Damn. Time."
"You're too much. Seriously." He shakes his head and hands me his phone.
"There's just one item..." I start, but the words die in my mouth when I see what he's typed.
Things I want to experience with Lisa:
* Teach her how to ride a horse.
I keep looking at his phone, trying to stop my heart from beating so fast. I read the words three or four times and my brain is having a hard time processing them. I've never met a guy like him before. He's everything I never knew I was looking for in a man. And at the same time, he's completely out of my reach.
He's traveling tomorrow, Lisa. My subconscious screams. And he made it clear he's not ready for more than a night together.
"Say something," he whispers. "You're freaking me out.
"I..." I clear my throat. "Do you have a list for all your friends?" I smile or try to. At this point, I might be frowning.
"Just the special ones." I feel his eyes on me, but I'm afraid to look at him. To fall even deeper under his spell.
"Oh..." I keep my eyes on his phone.
"I can always delete it-"
"No!" I look at him and I'm sure he thinks I'm a crazy person. "I mean, this is really cool. Uh... I mean, if you could teach me how to ride a horse. I'd like that and-"
"You're rambling." He gives me a small smile.
"Am not!" I hand him his phone and untie and tie my hair. "What else are you thinking of adding to the list?" I glance at him, then get my phone to snap a pic of Star myself.
"What else would you like to add to the list?"
"Maybe we could add riding a bike often. That was fun, right?"
"I loved it."
"Me too."
So that's what we do for the next couple of hours. We talk about things we'd love to see around the world and simple things like teaching him how to cook a decent breakfast or how we have to make more time to visit the beach.
Every moment that we spent together under this tree will be forever ingrained in my mind. Maybe I'm being silly and just setting myself up for disappointment, but I can't help but enjoy the little bubble we created for ourselves today.
At some point, my phone beeps with a message from Daniel saying they're ready to close the bakery and if they should wait for me. I text them back, saying they should go home, and I frown when I realize it's time to go back to reality.
"It's getting late." I give him a small smile and he sighs. Maybe realizing himself our time is up
"I feel like I monopolized all your time. Your mom is sad you're leaving again and I'm sure they'll want to spend some time with you..."
"They'll probably stop by my place later today to help me pack and lecture me on the dangers of traveling alone."
"They're nice people."
"The best." He sighs. "My mom can be a little too much, just like my sister, but they have their heart in the right place."
"What time is your flight tomorrow morning?"
"At seven." He looks at me as if he's about to say something else but then looks away.
"Should we get going? I'd like to spend a bit of time with your parents and friends, so they don't think I'm totally rude." I stand up and offer him my hand.
"Let's get going, then."
Riding the horse back to the main area of the shelter was as much fun as I had hoped, and soon we're stopping at the stable to get Star settled for the night.
"Thanks for the ride, girl." I pet her head and I swear I hear her sigh. "Yeah, it was nice meeting you, too."
"Lisa girl, there you are!" I hear Ethan approaching us. "I've been looking for you forever. Are you hungry? I stole the best beer for you so we can hang out a little before you go."
"Aw, aren't you sweetest? But I'm driving home later. Rain check?" I say.
"Sure thing. It will be Carlos's birthday in three weeks, so we're all going out to celebrate."
"Uh..." I look from him to Thomas, who is watching us with a neutral expression. Only, I know better and I know the caveman in him is trying to keep his cool because he knows I don't fall for his macho bullshit.
"You should go." He offers, his voice nonchalant and cool. Not.
"I'll see if I can get away with another night out so soon." I smile at Ethan and hand him my phone so he can type his number. "Here, give me your number so we can get in touch."
"Great." He types his number down, then calls his own phone. "So, I can have your number." He smiles but then frowns the moment he turns to Thomas.
"I'm going to save you guys a beer before Ken boy here attempts to kill me." He waves us goodbye.
"Looks like I'm the only one you friend-zoned," Thomas murmurs as he gets Star settled.
"I can't believe you're jealous of Ethan." I laugh, but when I realize he's serious, I sigh. "Thomas?"
"Just saying." He shrugs, petting Star one last time.
"I told you I'd never get in the middle of a relationship and I meant that! Ethan is really nice and charming and yeah... he's good-looking, you'd have to be blind not to see- Anyway, he's your best friend."
"I know I sound crazy and that I have no right to ask anything from you. I just worry about you here alone. I know Ethan won't make a move on you, but it doesn't mean other guys won't. After everything you said about what happened to you when you went out with that guy and he tried to... fuck... it kills me. I..."
"Thomas..." I touch his arm. "I don't know what to say. I mean, I want to move past him. And I love you care, but I've been doing it on my own for a long time. You don't need to worry about me."
"Just... if you need anything or whatever, just call me or Ethan or..." He shakes his head, his eyes sad.
"Is this goodbye already?" I joke.
"Fuck no! Just a see you later. You're not getting rid of me so soon."
"I have a feeling you'll still be able to annoy me from afar."
"You love it!" he whispers, his eyes turning soft, that trace of humor I love making an appearance again.
"You wish!" I try to sound serious, but my voice sounds weird.
"I'll miss you." He touches my hand, pulling me into a hug.
"I should get going while it's earlier. I hate driving when it's dark." I murmur, my face buried in his chest. And yep! He smells way too good! I can't help but breathe him in.
"Okay." He hugs me tight for a second longer before letting me go.
We walk back to the main area and I smile when I see everyone laughing and having a good time. It looks like most people went home already, but by the way Ethan, Carlos, and Juan are all laughing and joking around, there's no way this party will end anytime soon.
"What? You're already leaving?" Ethan asks while I say goodbye to everyone.
"I hate driving in the dark. I should really get going if I want to be productive tomorrow. Waking up at four a.m. every day sucks every time." I give him a hug.
"No kidding! I'll text you with the details for next weekend." He gives me a kiss on my cheek.
"Okay." I wink at him.
"Lisa, don't be a stranger. You're welcome to stop by anytime you want." Drew offers.
"Yes, sweetie," Carmen says, pulling me into a hug. "We loved meeting you."
"Me too." I nod. "I had an amazing time. Thanks for everything." I smile at them, then turn my attention to Thomas.
"I'll walk you to your car," he says.
"Bye guys," I say before heading to where my car is parked. Thomas following quietly by my side.
"So, I guess this is it." I give him a small smile when we get to my car. "Thanks for inviting me and for the wonderful weekend. I had a great time."
"Lisa..." He searches my eyes and opens and closes his mouth, but nothing comes out.
"Yeah?" I force myself to keep my eyes on him.
"I want to kiss you so bad..." His eyes drop to my mouth and I take a deep breath.
"I..." I lick my lower lip as if I could taste him already, my brain having a hard time understanding why this is all a bad idea.
"But I don't want to mess with what we have." He holds my waist, pushing my body so I'm leaning against my car.
"You keep playing hot and cold. You're already messing with me." I raise my eyebrows, and he swallows hard. His eyes on my mouth tell me he's having a hard time trying to figure us out, too.
Taking a deep breath, he whispers, "Do you think this attraction we have will always be there? I keep telling myself it will go away with time, but..."
"What if it doesn't? What if, even when I'm miles away from you, I keep thinking about how good you might taste?" He touches his forehead to mine and my lower belly clamps so hard, I think I let out a soft moan.
"God, Thomas." I touch my hands to his chest and I can feel how fast his heart is beating. "I... God, I deserve more than to be a quick lay." I say the words out loud for the first time since I last slept with someone.
I've never had problems with just enjoying the physical aspect of a relationship. Heck, it was always the best part of it for me, to be honest. But the way I felt after Greg and I slept together still stings even after all this time. And dear God, I do deserve more.
"Fuck! I'm sorry!" Thomas pulls away, rubbing his face. "I'm an idiot! I'm sorry! Fuck, I promise I'll never make you feel like you're just a lay. Shit! You're right, I'm sorry!"
"I think I should go." I give him a small smile. My heart so tight in my chest, that I think it might burst.
"Will you text me when you get home?" He shoves his hands into his pockets, his eyes searching mine.
"Of course. And please be safe out there!" I nod, a lump forming in my throat.
"You're not getting rid of me that easily, you know that, right?" He lets a smile.
"I'm counting on that, Bubbles." I wink at him and get inside my car.
"Don't forget to bring me a present. And I'm not talking about that souvenir bullshit you buy at a convenience shop. I want something special." I fasten my seat belt and start the car.
"Noted." He gives me that smile full of mischief that I learned to enjoy.
"Be safe." I look at him and he nods.
"You too." He taps the roof of the car before taking a step back.
As I drive away, everything in me is telling me to turn back.
But then...
He doesn't have time for a relationship.
He has a history with this Rachel girl that he refuses to talk about.
He's traveling tomorrow for two months, and he has probably another trip lined up when this one is over.
I deserve more than to be just a quick lay.
I deserve more. Period.
A/N: Do you guys hate he's traveling as much as I do? **not sure it's healthy for a writer to get this involved with her characters** sigh
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- Celeste
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