Chapter 17
After showing me to the guest room, Thomas waved me goodnight and went to his own room. I hurried to take a shower and go to bed, eager to rest. I'm used to sleeping earlier, so the moment I closed the door, I was ready to crash.
Waking up on someone's bed is always weird. When I open my eyes, I take a second to understand where I am. I get my phone from the side table to check the time, and I'm surprised to see it's already ten in the morning.
I have no missed calls from the guys at the bakery, but I still make sure to send them a quick text to check on things before I change into a pair of cut-off jeans and a tank top. When they answer me back saying it's all running smoothly, I've already brushed my teeth, washed my face, and combed my hair.
The moment I step outside the bedroom, I smell of coffee and something baking in the oven. Following it as if by instinct, I smile when I see Thomas already dressed for the day in the kitchen, attempting to cook us breakfast.
"Morning." I lean on the counter behind him.
"Shit!" He burns his finger while trying to scramble some eggs. "Sorry, I was trying to cook you breakfast, but..."
"Not really your thing from where I can see." I peek inside the pan he's using to cook and smile. "Maybe you should invest in non-stick skillets."
"Sorry. I could make us some toast. I found some frozen cinnamon rolls in the fridge, but then I thought it would be stupid . I mean, you're a baker and probab-"
"Thomas! You're rambling." I bite my lower lip to keep my laughter inside.
"Sorry." He sighs and stops in front of me. "I'm sorry about yesterday, too."
"Me too." I sober up and give him a small smile.
"I get what you were trying to say and... I get it. You don't need to worry about being in the middle of anything. I still care about Rachel. I'm not gonna lie. But I'd never go there with her again. We have too much history. And well, I'm traveling tomorrow, and my dad already e-mailed me all the work I'll need to do for the shelter while I'm away. I'm sure the guys will be doing the same with the clinic paperwork too sometime this week. I'll be as busy as ever, so there's no way I can deal with a relationship on top of everything." He takes a deep breath, his eyes searching mine.
"Oh," I open my mouth, but nothing comes out.
He still cares about her.
They have too much history.
No denying he has no feelings for her.
All red lights explode inside my head.
"So.... Are we good? I really don't want us to spend today in a bad mood." He moves his hand as if to touch mine, but pulls away before he can actually do it.
"Of course." I shake my head, trying to understand why my heart is squeezing so tight in my chest.
"Good." He searches my eyes for a moment, then clears his throat. "So... are you up for toast, coffee, and frozen cinnamon rolls?
"Sure." I nod.
Friends, Lisa! You're just looking for friendship!
Get your shit together!
We eat outside and Thomas talks a little more about how he handles all his responsibilities when he's away. I talk about Daniel and Chloe and how well we work together. Right now, he's telling me about the places he's visited and a list of things he wants to do before he turns forty.
"Isn't it a little morbid to have a bucket list?" I refill our coffees.
"It's not like I'm waiting to die or anything. It's quite the opposite, actually. I met this guy in New Zealand once. He was a vet too but had this philosophy of how we should focus on things we want to do, on things we enjoy and love. It kind of inspired me."
"So, it's not like a finished list, more like an open-minded list of things you want to do in life." I take a sip of my coffee, studying him from behind my cup.
"Can I see it?" I ask, not hiding my curiosity.
"Ha! I knew you'd ask." He shakes his head.
"Come on, you got me curious." I laugh.
"Maybe one day..."
"Damn!" I give him an exaggerated sigh, making him chuckle.
"Would you believe if I told you I'm a little embarrassed to show it to you?"
"Nope!" I shake my head.
"Well, I am! You might think it's all big stuff, then you'll look at it and think I'm a dork."
"I already think you're a dork most of the time." I raise my eyebrows.
"See? You're already mean without a reason." He throws a napkin at me.
"Okay, I'll tell you what... I'll write a list of my own," I say, and he raises his eyebrows in surprise. "Will you show me yours if I show you mine?" I ask and he loses it the moment the words are out of my mouth.
"God, I'll show mine all right." He says in between fits of laughter.
"I'm serious!" I say, even though I'm smiling.
"Okay. You got a deal." He gets a hold of himself and offers me his hand, and I love how his eyes shine with humor.
"Deal!" I shake his hand.
We ride back to the shelter after breakfast, but today there's this new sense of awareness as I circle my arms around Thomas's waist. I can feel him tensing the moment my legs straddle the bike and when my hands touch his waist, he holds his breath; just letting it go once we are moving.
The shelter is visibly less crowded, but there are still a good fifty people mingling by the lake. I spot his parents talking to Ethan and smile when they wave at us.
"Lisa girl." Ethan offers me a smile.
"Hi." I smile back, then turn to Carmen and Drew. "Thanks again for having me today. This place doesn't cease to amaze."
"Lisa, nice to see you again." Carmen gives me a hug and Drews offers me a warm smile.
"Thanks. Can I help with anything?" I ask.
"It's all under control, thanks, sweetie." She squeezes my hand, her eyes moving to Thomas.
"So, you're leaving again tomorrow. It feels like I just got you back." She pulls him into a hug too, and I smile at Drew and Ethan, who are both rolling their eyes.
"Hello to you too, mom." He kisses her cheek.
"Don't sass me." She playfully hits his arms.
"Lisa, would you mind if I took Thomas away for a few minutes? We need to look at some things before his trip," his father asks me and I nod.
"How about some frozen margaritas?" His mother motions for a making shift bar by the lake. "I'd love to get to know you a little more, Lisa. Yesterday was so crazy, I feel like taking it easy today."
"I'd love to." I give her a smile and turn to Thomas, who is looking at me. "Go do your thing. I'll find you later."
Once it's just Carmen and me, she gets us two glasses and ushers me to a sitting area. "I love this place, but I feel like I'm getting too old to have everything running smoothly." She plops on a big, round lounge chair.
"Thomas says you've been running this place for over thirty years?" I take a sip of my drink.
"Yeah..." Drew and I met in college and having a place like we do today was our dream." She looks around as if taking it all in for the first time.
"The place is amazing and the things you have done to help society, in general, is just... It's incredible, really." I look around too and when my eyes land on hers again, she gives me a small smile.
"Thank you, sweetie." She smiles, her eyes searching mine. "I... I don't want to sound like one of those overbearing mothers..."
"But?" I can hide my curiosity.
"You and Thomas?"
"Just friends." I chuckle, my heart squeezing in my chest.
"He was hurt, you know? I just don't want him to get his heart broken again." She studies me and I sigh.
"Are you talking about Rachel?" I can help but ask.
"Has he talked to you about her?" She sits a little straighter, turning her full body to me.
"We ran across her yesterday." I study her curiously.
"I got there is a story there. And I have no intention of getting myself caught in the middle of anything..." I say, and she nods, her eyes warm and wise. "Look, I really like your son. But we're not together."
"He likes you." She chuckles and I frown. Hasn't she heard me?
"He does." She looks down for a second. "He'll kill me if he knows I'm here babbling about him and getting in the middle of his business, but it's the truth. He likes you."
"My life is here. He's traveling tomorrow and... He doesn't want to be here." I study her as I say the words, and my heart hurts when she looks away.
She knows he doesn't want to work for the shelter. That this is not his dream. But it' still hurts to see the confirmation in her eyes that he belongs to the world.
"He's running." She sighs, shaking her head. "I'm sorry, Lisa. It's been a long time since I saw a genuine smile on his face... He's all goofy and a joker, but he's hurting. And then, well, I see you two together and... Anyway, I guess I'm just a mama bear, I think. I can't help it. Can we start this conversation over? My children say you're the queen of cupcakes." She smiles as if she's fine, but I see the sadness in her eyes.
"They're just cupcakes." I smile.
"Just cupcakes, my ass." Thomas plops himself by my side, startling me.
"Show your parents some respect." I elbow him on the ribs when I see Drew behind him, shaking his head.
"Ouch! Ass is just a part of the body." He wiggles his eyebrows and I snort.
"Come on!" He stands up, pulling me up with him. "Horses are ready. Let me give you the ride of your life." He smirks, and I roll my eyes. "You know you want to." He grins, that adorable freaking grin of his.
"You're so annoying..."
"You love me anyway."
"You wish."
"You guys are already fighting like an old couple." Carmen laughs and I feel my face getting hot.
"Come on, you'll love it," Thomas ignores his mother's comment and looks into my eyes.
"Whatever." I roll my eyes.
"See you guys, later." He waves at his parents.
A/N: Would you guys go for a ride with Thomas? (no pun intended) hehe
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