Chapter 15
Mike and Carlos arrived right after our first beer, adding even more to our talk. Thomas moved to water after his second one, but we were all laughing, talking, and joking around over the loud music.
I love how laid back and passionate his friends are and how they welcomed me to their group. We talked about deep topics like climate change and global warming. They told me funny anecdotes about their jobs, but they just couldn't let go of the fact I literally threw up all over Thomas on the day we met.
But boys will always be boys. So, when the clock struck ten o'clock and the mass of bodies were all tipsy and horny, they all made excuses to go to the dance floor. Everyone but Thomas.
"Are you sure you don't want to dance too?" I ask Thomas, who is studying me curiously.
"Nah..." He shrugs but keeps his eyes on me. "Do you want to dance?"
"Not really."
"I'm going to miss you, you know?" He smiles, his eyes searching mine.
"Yeah, me-"
"Thomas?" I hear a woman calling his name and when he looks past me, I see the moment his face pales.
"Rachel?" he asks, and I turn to the side to see a beautiful woman whose eyes are fixed on him.
"Oh, my God! I can't believe it's you!" she says.
"Uh... Yeah." He stands up at a loss, and soon she pulls him into a tight hug that might or not have lasted a little too long.
"Wow, it's been what? Three, four years?" She pulls a little to look at him but keeps her hands on his arms. He's shocked or whatever, and after a minute of awkward silence, I stand up to excuse myself to go to the bathroom.
"Uh... hi, I'm Lisa, Thomas's friend." I offer her my hand, and she seems to finally realize he's not alone.
"Oh, sorry! Sorry! Hi! I'm Rachel." She shakes my hand. "Thomas and I, we... Uh... I didn't mean to interrupt your date! Please, I..." She keeps looking from me to him.
"Not a date. We're here with a bunch of friends," I say, noticing how beautiful she is with her long curly hair and blue eyes. "I actually need to use the bathroom if you'll excuse me. I'll let you guys catch up." I give her a polite smile and look at Thomas for a moment. He's completely at a loss for words, so I just give him a small smile and leave.
The moment I start walking, I see Ethan coming in my direction. "Hey, Lisa! Are you okay?" He looks past me at Thomas and I don't miss the way his eyes harden.
"Yeah, just giving them some privacy." I motion to the couple behind me.
"He asked you to give them some privacy?" He raises his eyebrows, clearly surprised.
"No, I just... When the guy who's sitting by your side at a bar is stunned by another woman, you know there is something there. I'm just doing them a favor."
"Shit!" He looks at Thomas and Rachel again, prompting me to look too.
Thomas bends his head to hear whatever she's saying, but as if sensing us looking at them, he turns and locks his eyes with mine. I don't understand the emotion behind his eyes, but when he moves his attention to Ethan and nods slightly, I know there is a history there between him and Rachel.
"Come on, let's get some fresh air." Ethan touches my elbows softly, guiding me through a set of doors that leads us to a rooftop.
There are some benches and side tables all over the place, and people talking and smoking while having a drink.
"So, what's the history there?" I sit on a bench and turn to him.
"You know, you never really talked about your job? Thomas says you own a bakery and everything is just really delicious there." He sits on the bench opposite mine, a little grin on his lips.
"Smooth." I can't help but laugh.
"Not really my story to tell, sorry." He gives me an apologetic smile.
"I know..."
"Thomas is... He's my brother. He is one of the best fucking guys I've ever met. Loyal, fun, selfless... You name something good, and he has it in spades." He smiles and I love how his eyes shine.
"But he grew up idolizing his dad. I mean, don't get me wrong, Drew is the best man I've ever known. The father figure in my life since my own never really bothered. Anyway, I think his mission in life is to make his dad proud. Drew is just this wise man who has the answers for everything, you know? When we were at the top of our teenage years, and banging girls were our daily goal, his father just sat us down one day and had the talk with us." He raises his eyebrows, making me chuckle.
"Yeah..." he continues, "So, he sits us down and explains all the risks of unprotected sex for a good one hour. But then he starts talking about finding the love of your life one day, and how it finally makes you a man. And well, Thomas being Thomas took it really seriously. He cooled down with all that chasing-girls-thing and got himself a serious girlfriend through high school, another one in college, and then Rachel."
"I'm not sure I'm following you..." I say.
"I'm not saying he didn't like his ex-girlfriends, just that things with Rachel were different. He was different. Like I told it's his story to tell, I just... I've known him all my life, and I never saw him looking at a girl like he looks at you. I'm not even sure he understands it himself."
"We're just friends." I look down, suddenly overwhelmed by Ethan's revelations. I'm not sure I understand my feelings for Thomas, either.
"Whatever you guys say. Your relationship is no one's business but yours." He squeezes my hand for a second before standing up. "I don't know what her deal is, but you have nothing to worry about. He's just shocked to see her."
"Thank you." I smile.
"Now, let's fucking dance and stop with the sad eyes, Lisa girl." He offers me his hand and I take it, letting him guide me back inside.
We go straight to the dance floor, and I allow myself to get lost in the music and the familiar way my body pulses with the vibration of the song. I don't recognize the singer or the lyrics, but the electronic rhythm is one I know well, having spent most of my Saturday nights dancing at nightclubs.
Ethan is a wonderful dancer, and soon we find our rhythm. My back is dripping with sweat and my heart beating fast, but the pressure I was feeling in my gut is still there, telling me that whatever it is between me and Thomas will probably end up in heartbreak for me.
"I can't keep up with you," Ethan shouts in my ear, and I just smile at him. "Want to grab another beer?"
"Sure," I say as we make our way to the table. Thomas is sitting there by himself, his eyes fixed on me. I wish I could read him a little better, but as usual, it always seems like he's looking at me as if trying to figure out a puzzle.
"Hey." I give him a small smile as I sit in front of him. "Is your friend gone?"
"Yeah..." He clears his throat.
"Okay." Ethan clears his throat. "So, another beer, Lisa girl? Thomas?"
"I'm good, man. Lisa? Thomas asks.
"I think I'll get a bottle of water instead," I say.
"Done." Ethan winks at me before heading to the bar.
"Where are the guys?" I ask, looking around.
"Apparently found better company. They just left, saying they'll see us tomorrow," he says and I can feel his eyes on me.
"Oh." I look down for a second, feeling suddenly awkward and out of place. When I look finally at him, I notice his eyes are sad and he looks exhausted, as if he's carrying the weight of the world on his shoulder. "Are you okay?"
"Just a little tired, I guess." He gives me a small smile.
"I'm ready to call it a day whenever you are," I say and something in his eyes flicks. Only this time I know what it is. It's that feeling we've had before as we've just known each other. As if there's something familiar between us.
"You seemed to be having a good time on the dance floor." He looks down for a second before looking back at me.
"I love dancing," I whisper.
"Here you are." Ethan comes a second later with my water. "I don't know about you two, but I'm beat.
"We are just leaving, too." I look at Thomas and he signals the waitress.
I don't know who this Rachel is, but she's clearly done a number on him. He can put up a good front, but I know the pain behind his eyes.
I'm familiar with it myself.
He's heartbroken.
A/N: Oh Thomas... *sighs* What do you guys think his deal with Rachel is?
Thanks so much for reading! I loved the sweet comments you all left me in the last chapter! I wish I could express my gratitude better! You guys are the best! <3
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