So here I am!! It's me!!!! I have updates for everyone as my Christmas present to you guys!! You know what could be an awesome Christmas present to me in return?! COMMENTS AND LOTS OF THEM!!!
Also, purchase my books ;-) I have posted both chapters of the first book and its sequel here on wattpad! After you do so get ahold of me and I'll let you know how to get one!!!
Thank you for over 22,000 reads, over 900 votes, and over 500 comments, and THANK YOU for over 21 comments on the last chapter!!! It's much appreciated!
I am once again dedicating this chapter to everyone that has been sticking with me!! It is all much appreciated! I know my update schedule is nuts now but THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU for sticking with me!!!!!
Here is the next chapter, Nords! I hope you enjoy!
Reedus kisses for everyone! Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
To say going out with Norman was nerve wracking was an understatement. I did have a fun time but I could barely talk the whole time I was around him. He made me nervous. The good kind of nervous but nonetheless nervous. I couldn't tell if I loved or hated it.
It had been a few days since we had been out and it felt like we were being even more awkward around each other. No we didn't kiss if that's what you were wondering. We had went to the next town over, ate a tiny whole in the wall restaurant before going to a bar on the corner and grabbing a couple beers while shooting pool.
Now we were back filming the movie and it seemed like it was hitting me more than ever. I was still awake late at night and only getting a few hours of sleep before having to be up early the next morning to meet Norman outside to head to set.
I was still barely eating too. I wasn't eating breakfast. I was only picking at food from the catering tent at base camp and by the time I came home I was way too tired to even think about food but instead of sleeping I would just stay up late and try to write a little bit more.
I yawned as I looked up at the clock that was sitting on the end table by my couch. I was currently sitting in the floor of my trailer at base camp. My guitar was in my lap and my notebook was sitting in front of me. I needed to keep writing and finish this song.
But I could barely keep my eyes open. They were on fire and at this point I was slightly okay with using my guitar as a pillow and taking a nap. I glanced at the clock again to see that it was now lunch time. I had at least an hour to take a nap if I wanted too.
My stomach growled reminding me that I should probably eat but I couldn't even make an effort to get off the floor to think about going to the catering tent. Suddenly my door swung open and I looked up to see Norman standing in the doorway.
He walked in without a word. He set a couple plates of food down on the table before swinging the door shut behind. He sat down on the couch still silent and looked down at me in the floor. I felt like an ant right now looking up at him. He gave me a soft smile.
"I know you're not hiding out in here again," he said. I shook my head and shut my notebook hoping that he hadn't caught anything that was wrote in there. "No I was just brushing up on some things. When I looked up at the clock to see it was lunch time. I was about to go grab some but it looks like you beat me to it," I said while nodding towards the plates.
I set my guitar in the stand that was by the couch before Norman handed me the plate. He was making a habit out of this. Visiting me in my trailer and bringing me lunch I mean. I sat the plate on the floor in front of me and picked up my fork before I started pushing my food around my plate.
"I know better than that," Norman said softly. I looked up at him with a look of confusion. "You know better than what?" I asked him curiously. He pointed at my plate with his fork. "You're pushing your food around like you're not hungry. I know better than that," he said before taking a bite of his food.
I shrugged slightly. "I'm not really that hungry," I looked up to see that Norman had finished his plate quickly. He threw it in the trash before lowering himself to the floor with me. "Do I have to force feed you again?" he asked me rhetorically. I shook my head.
I poked a piece a meat with my fork before sticking it in my mouth. I chewed a few times before swallowing. "See I'm eating," I said slightly sarcastically. Norman rolled his eyes. "Good now take another bite," he said. I rolled my eyes but took another bite seeing the look of satisfaction on his face.
Before I knew it I had finished the plate. I felt slightly sick but I knew I needed it. Norman threw my plate away before sitting back down. I glanced around him to see that we still had another 40 minutes left of lunch. Norman caught me off guard when his hand reached out towards me.
I flinched away used to a hand coming at me in a harming way. His hand touched my cheek gently. "You're tired," he whispered softly as he ran his thumb gently under my left eye. I shook my head slightly. "I'm alright," I said softly. I was once again lying to him.
"Vi, your eyes are blood shot and you have dark circles underneath of them," he said softly continuing to run his thumb under my eye. "Norman, I promise, I'm fine," I said. He sighed and let his hand drop before standing up slowly. He offered a hand to me and I hesitantly took it.
He fell back on the couch making me fall with him. Shifting a little to get his own self comfortable he laid me in between his legs and pushed my head gently onto his chest. "You don't have to lie to me," Norman said as he wrapped his arms around me.
I sighed and nodded slightly. "I know but it's what I do," I said softly. It was true. Lying always helped me through some things slightly. Norman squeezed me gently. "Get some sleep. I'll wake you up when they need us," Norman said while leaning his head against mine. I closed my eyes and let his heartbeat lull me into a deep sleep
I hope all of you enjoyed this!
Awe look at Norman being all sweet and taking care of Vi! Why do you think he's doing it? Is it just the way he is or do you think flanery is putting him up to it? Watching out for her I mean :P
COMMENT! Check out the first chapters and then get ahold of me to buy my books!
Comment. Vote, fan, follow, add to reading list, spread the word! I hope you guys enjoyed reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it! I would love to do another pre apocalyptic story again!!! Reedus kisses for everyone! xxxxxxxxxxx
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