The Emp'r'r's Thoughts
I has't been s'rving this Empire f'r longeth
My work became easi'r because of my Empress
The lady truly is the most wondrous
Tis sore to see through people
I can nev'r bid if't be true someone is trying to fool me
But mine own Empress is the mast'r of reading people
Ruling becomes easi'r f'r me
Mine own Empress hast a soft heart like a moth'r
So I need to keep a hard heart so people shall listen to me
How can one ruleth if't be true they art not assertive?
I knoweth somebody is trying to make mine own Empress misprise me
And I knoweth this p'rson v'ry well
Once I receive a confession from this p'rson I shall kill them
But for now, I wilt expand mine own landeth
So ev'ryone knoweth what a most wondrous Emp'r'r I am
With my Empress by my side
I can nev'r beest wrong
All right, I'm done with this *cough cough* trilogy. I won't bore you guys with any more of this weird Shakespearean or Victorian English.
Writing poems 23, 24, and 25 was a blast (and a headache but okay)!
I hope you enjoyed them!
The picture is from Google. If you know the person in the picture, you are officially my most favourite person and I wanna hug you right now!!! We can talk a lot about him if you want! <3
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