Hospital Visits...Food
Kaoru's P.O.V
I'm sitting with Hikaru and the rest of the host club in the waiting room of the hospital, Kyoya had told the doctors three words and they all immediately began snatching Jamie away. "There's good news and there's bad news." The doctor walks out, speaking to us. "The good news is you've gotten Jamie here in time to save her life. The bad news, she's pretty broken, not to mention shaken up from the incident. It seems the boy had used torture methods on her that were used a long time ago."
"Like what?" I ask. "He had poured salt water in her wounds and carved his name into her multiple times, she has asked for this to be removed. Would you like more details or..." The doctor trails off. "Are we able to see her?" My voice cracks slightly and the doctor gives me a sympathetic look before nodding.
We all move to her room quickly without another glance at the man. "Jamie...." Honey-Senpai mutters, Jamie is sleep and her small figured looks beaten horribly. Her lips are swollen and cracks skim her lip's dry skin. She's breathing slowly with a tube coming from her nose, Honey-Senpai picks up one of her arms and unwraps it.
He growls and tears flow from his eyes, Jamie's hand moves to his cheek and caresses it gently. "Hey...Mitsukuni, I'm fine." Jamie's voice is scratchy and she winces when she hears it herself. "N-No you're not...if only I'd been there sooner-."
Jamie's hand flies across Honey's cheek. "Shut up, you couldn't have done anything more than you already did. Stop blaming yourself, that road always ends horribly." Her eyes are hard and she's glaring. "Ja-chan...." Honey tackles her in a hug. "M-Mitsukuni!" She yelps. "Uh....Honey-Senpai? I think that might hurt Jamie...." I say with a sweat-drop.
"Ah! Sorry Ja-chan!" Jamie smiles and hugs him anyway, "its alright." I know then, she likes Mitsukuni Haninozuka... Maybe even loves and the thought crushes me. "Kaoru..." My head snaps up at the sound of Jamie's voice, "c-can I speak to you alone?" Her ears turn a light shade of red and I nod.
Everyone leaves and I sit down next to her bed. "Wh-What's wrong Jamie-senpai?" I ask. "W-Well....I'm scared. Y-You seem like y-you'd understand me the most... You see, this entire full of g-guys.....I've never h-had friends e-except for M-Monti and I-I don't know how to act around everyone. I mean, you-you're all my friends right?" I clench my fists so she can't see and look down.
"We're your friends Jamie-senpai and-." She cuts me off, "then as my friend... Don't call me senpai, I know that's Japanese culture but just call me Jamie." She looks at her hands thoughtfully, "I like someone but I'm scared it might end the same way as my relationship with Monti." I stop her before she can say anything else, "no one in the club would do that Jamie-Sen- Jamie."
She doesn't look up and I see a tear land on her hand, "I-I know.....I was just so sca-." I stop her by hugging her. "Kaoru..." She gasps. "Just....let me stay like this....just for a little while." She says nothing, just holds onto my shirt lightly. "Thank you, Kaoru." She mumbles and I know she falls asleep soon after soaking my shirt in tears.
Mitsukuni's P.O.V
"I promised her!" I hit the dummy with force. "I said nothing would happen to her!" I let my anger out on the inanimate object. "Mitsukuni," Takashi calls. "I told her.....I TOLD HER IT WOULDN'T HAPPEN AGAIN! I PROMISED RIGHT BEFORE SHE WAS KIDNAPPED!" I hit the dummy so hard, it flies off its post.
"Then, I couldn't save her in time...." I curl up and bury my head in my arms. "Mitsukuni, it wasn't your fault. None of us could do anything." Takashi tells me, placing a hand on my back. "Maybe but....I still promised." A thought crosses my mind. "Takashi....if Monti had tried to rape her before....what's stopped him this time, if anything even did?"
Both of us coming to the same conclusion, we hurry to get back to the hospital.
Jamie's P.O.V
I groan as I turn over, waking up slowly. "Maybe I should call the nurse..." I speak out loud, I'm hungry. "Jamie-chan!" I plop my head back onto the bed when I hear Mitsukuni's voice. "Yeah?" I ask in a tired tone. "Did Monti try to....hurt you?" I furrow my brow, "uh yeah...that's the reason I'm in the hospital."
He clenches his fists, "did he try to rape you again?" The blood drains from my face. "He...." My breath catches in my throat. "He what Jamie?" I swallow, "n-nothing...." I don't want to speak of something as humiliating as that. "Jamie, don't lie." Takashi speaks next to Mitsukuni and I close a fist around my chest.
"He d-didn't go that far b-but...." I close my eyes tightly. "Please tell us Jamie," Mitsukuni pleads. "I c-couldn't stop him, he t-touched me. H-He p-pinned me and he t-touched me wh-wherever he w-wanted!" The tears fall from my closed eyes as I try to push the thoughts of him above me, doing what he wanted.
I feel arms wrap around me and pull me close. "I'm so sorry Jamie....." I don't say anything but hold onto him tighter. Then I realize....he's in his karate uniform and dang, I never knew about his chest being this hard.
Mitsukuni's P.O.V
"I'm so sorry Jamie...." I mumble to her as she sobs. 'Damn, if only she hadn't already killed that bastard.' I growl in my head. I feel a light slap on my chest and I look down at Jamie. "Three things, one put on a actual shirt, two don't blame yourself, three get me food." I sweat-drop, "you're thinking of food now?"
"Correction, I was thinking of food before you came here. Now please get me food Mitsu-Kun?" She pouts cutely. I blush horribly and hurry out the room, 'she looked so..... sexy.'
~End of Chapter~
Mitsukuni obviously had bad thoughts as well as Jamie XD sorry about all the P.O.V changes, at least I got JamiexKaoru in there.
Reaper- I have no words.....
Hehehe xp
Reaper- She literally thinks it means the fan that makes wind go 'woosh'.
~ Animeandmusic
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