"I left my songs in the other car, Daddy!" Yeonjun whined, kicking his feet angrily. "We have to go back!"
Taehyung sighed.
"No, we don't, Junnie. We're not going all the way back for your CDs. It's a 10-minute drive, so suck it up and sing in your head. Don't be a brat." Taehyung said, drumming on the steering wheel in annoyance.
"But Daddy we need to play the dinosaur song! We have to go back!"
For fucks sake Taehyung muttered under his breath.
"No, Yeonjun. You are not going to die if you don't play the same three songs every day! It's not that serious. Don't make Mr Gukkie uncomfortable next to you." Taehyung groaned.
"Let's play a game, yeah Junnie?" Jeongguk said. "It'll be 10 times more fun than your songs, yeah?"
"I'm sure Taehyung doesn't want to hear you complain any more, don't you think, Junnie?" Jeongguk said softly, "You can be a big boy and make it all the way to school without your music,
right? You can sing it yourself if you want to, but your Daddy already said no to going back, so don't make a fuss, yeah?"
Yeonjun pouted angrily. He crossed his arms and scowled.
"Game please." He sniffled.
"That's not how you ask someone to play with you, is it." Taehyung said. "I'm sure Jeonggukie would play with you if you asked him nicely, yeah?"
"Mr Gukkie will you like to play with me please?" Yeonjun asked hopefully.
Taehyung smiled at his son and Jeongguk. It was hard to deal with Yeonjun when he was in a bad mood. He was thankful for Jeongguk's help.
"I'd love to play with you Junnie. Let's play rock paper sissors, yeah?" Jeongguk smiled warmly.
The two continued to play together in the back while Taehyung drove them to Yeonjun's school. It was so incredibly domestic that Taehyung's heart felt so fuzzy and warm that he thought he could burst. Jeongguk seemed to get along with Yeonjun, and he was nice when telling him off. If Jeongguk's feelings for him were as strong as his own towards Guk, then Taehyung was sure Jeongguk and him could really lead to something.
"We're here." Tae informed, parking the car in a spot and getting out. A few heads turned, but he wasn't surprised. Everyone was used to seeing him getting out of an old Toyota, and here he was hopping out of a shiny red Maserati with a sex god with rippling muscles by his side, holding his kid.
It was quite the sight.
"BEOMMIE!" Yeonjun called, running up to his friend. The two boys were best friends and they did basically everything together. It was adorable.
Taehyung waved at Beomgyu's mother and father, and they smiled back at him. Most people's gazes were on Jeongguk and Taehyung couldn't help but feel a bit smug that he was the one by Guk's side.
The school bell rang and all the children and parents began to walk to the classroom to sign their kids in.
"Where are we going, Tae?" Jeongguk asked curiously.
"We have to sign Junnie into school so they know who's here and who's picking the kids up." Taehyung explained. "You'll have to sign in too."
"Like a parent?"
"Y-yeah. Like Junnie's p-parent." Taehyung said awkwardly.
"Cool!" Jeongguk grinned, taking Taehyung's hand into his own and walking beside the smaller male. "I've always wanted to be a father!"
They walked inside the bright yellow classroom and hung up Junnie's coat and bags, watching as Yeonjun ran up to both of them at full speed. He jumped into Taehyung's outstretched hands and gave him a big hug.
"Bye bye Daddy!" He said into Taehyung's chest, "I'm sorry I was bad in the car."
"It's okay, Junnie." Taehyung said, running a hand through his son's hair, "Just don't do it to Uncle Gummie when he comes to pick you up after school, okay?"
"Are you gonna be here too?" Yeonjun asked hopefully.
"Unfortunately not, bun. I've got other plans, so it's just gonna be you and Gummie until I get back, alright? Be nice to him when he comes to pick you up, yeah? If you're good you can have a lollypop." Taehyung said gently.
Yeonjun nodded in understanding and let go of Taehyung. It caught both adults by surprise when he enveloped Jeongguk in a hug too.
"Junnie." Jeongguk said, heart absolutely melting for the kid in his arms.
"Bye bye Mr Gukkie." He said, "Are you gonna be at my house later on?"
"I don't think so, Junnie. I have some work to do later on, so I don't think I can make it. Maybe next time, yeah?" Jeongguk said softly.
"Okay then. But you have to come back, okay? You have to hear the dinosaur song!" Yeonjun smiled.
"Of course."
"Get married to Daddy so we can play in the car all the time!" Yeonjun giggled.
Taehyung went bright red in the face and laughed softly in embarrassment.
"I'm working on it, okay Junnie?" Jeongguk laughed.
"Go play with your friends now, you troublemaker." Taehyung smiled, kissing his son on the head and waving him off as he ran into his classroom.
Jeongguk took Taehyung's hand and they left the classroom together, a shy blush on Tae's cheeks. Guk opened the car door for Taehyung and they got in and left, on the way to their little icecream date. They conversed back and forth in the car and everything was so comfortable and smooth that Taehyung could've cried with how perfect it was going.
"Wait where are we going?" Taehyung spoke up. "My house is the other way."
"Why would we go to your house? I thought we're still going to go get ice-cream?" Jeongguk asked.
"Yeah. But I've got ice-cream in the freezer at home!" Taehyung said in confusion.
"Absolutely not." Jeongguk gawked, "There is no way you're being serious. We are NOT eating freezer ice-cream on our first date."
"What's wrong with that?" Taehyung mumbled.
"Oh dear God. When was the last time you went on a date, Tae?"
"Like t-two years a-"
"No way!" Jeongguk gasped, "That's why your date ideas are so fucking stale."
Taehyung went red in the face.
"It wasn't that bad."
"Aww, Taehyungie you're so cute." Jeongguk grinned, "I wonder how nobody's tried to snatch you up all this time."
Ah shit. I forgot about Bogum Taehyung thought. He pulled out his phone and shot Bogum a text saying he wouldn't make it since Namjoon had an emergency. He was sure Bogum would forgive him soon since he'd never cancelled on their plans before.
"Anyways since apparently you don't know what a real date is, I've decided to take you to an ice-cream parlour about 10 minutes from here. I have a feeling you'll love it." Jeongguk laughed softly.
"Do you even like ice-cream?" Taehyung asked, "I feel like you'd be an ice-cream person."
"What the fuck does that mean" Jeongguk laughed, "How can you tell?"
"I really have no idea. I just guessed." Taehyung giggled. "What about me? What do you think I like?"
"Painting." Guk said confidently.
"Painting? Why painting?"
"Your hands are always really steady, I guess. There was also a painting hanging up in your house. I figued you did it." Jeongguk said calmly.
"Ah. Well. You're right. I do like to paint. What else do you think I like to do?"
"Hmm." Jeongguk thought. He was having a great time, and they were still only on the car-ride there. "Singing?"
Taehyung snorted.
"Hard PASS. I can't sing to save my life. I bet you can sing though, Gukkie. Like a hidden talent kinda thing."
Jeongguk stayed silent.
"No way!" Taehyung said in awe, "You have to sing for me, Gukkie!!"
Jeongguk shook his head.
"I'm not that good, Tae."
"I bet you are, Gukkie. I bet you sing really well."
Jeongguk laughed softly. He wasn't used to getting compliments.
"What else do you think I'm good at?" He asked.
"Building." Taehyung said.
"Building? Why building?"
"Well I don't really think so; I'm trying to speak it onto reality so that you can come and fix the bell outside my shop." Taehyung cackled.
Jeongguk also burst out into laughter, and the two continued to giggle and talk until they arrived to the ice-cream place.
"God this is so cool." Taehyung said in amazement at they made their way inside.
"I went here once with a friend but I didn't really have much fun. I made a promise to come back here with someone special, so here we are." Guk grinned, watching as a shy smile danced over Taehyung's face.
He took the blonde's hand and led them over to the colourful blue chairs across the room. They ordered waffles and ice-cream, at Jeongguk's recommendation, and they continued to talk and exchange numbers, finding out more about each other until their food came.
Taehyung was having the time of his life.
That is until, the bell of the shop chimed and a familiar customer walked in. His hair was ruffled in a lazy yet attractive way, and there were a few bright red marks littered shamelessly along his neck. Dark red sunglasses sat neatly on his face, complimenting his tight-fitting black dress shirt. His hands were in his pockets and he was clearly relaxed, but his presence put everyone in the shop on edge.
There was a man trailing behind the newcomer, and he was basically walking muscle. His abs were slightly visible, even through his loose-fitting polo shirt. The aura of the first man was so strong, that it was as though he was holding an invisible leash that the muscular guy was attached to. They walked into the shop and Taehyung wasn't going to lie, it was kind of intimidating. It was obvious they'd hooked up, but the fancy man clearly gave no fucks about it.
The man stopped dead in his tracks and made eye contact with Taehyung, who squeaked and looked away. His gaze trailed to the man beside Tae, and a smile broke out onto his face.
"Jeonggukie!" He called, shooing the hunk away and walking up to the two. "What a surprise seeing you here!"
Jeongguk turned around. "Hobi!" He grinned, "What are you doing here?"
"I wanted some ice-cream, and I remember coming here with you on our date, so I decided to come back, for old times sake." Hobi sing-songed.
Taehyung froze.
So he used to date Hoseok. Taehyung pieced together. I can't believe he re-used a place for our first date. He could've at least waited a couple dates before doing that, damn.
Jeongguk coughed awkwardly.
"Well that was a long time ago, Hobi. Almost two years ago. Don't dwell on it too much." He said. "It-"
"I didn't realise you had company." Hobi interrupted, "I swear I've seen you before. Tae-ying, was it?"
"I-it's Taehyung. We met at the fundraiser event." Tae mumbled.
"Oh yeah! The baker boy with the kid!" Hoseok recalled. "How is she, by the way? Ying-jin, I think?"
"Yeonjun. And he's fine." Taehyung said.
"Cute." Hobi said insincerely and pulled up a chair beside Jeongguk. He snatched the spoon from his hands and began eating from Guk's plate.
"Anyways Tae, you were telling me about your friend Yoongi?" Jeongguk said, hoping to shift the conversation.
Taehyung smiled a bit.
"Yeah. He's the best. We've been friends since I was like 18; he's my best friend ever. He's known Jimin for like 3 years but I've-"
"Anyways, Guk, I'm so excited to go to Paris with you." Hobi smiled. "It'll be so romantic, like-"
"It's a business trip, Hoseok. Literally the whole team will be coming. Please don't make it into something it's not." Jeongguk sighed angrily. "Sorry, Tae. What were you saying?"
"Jimin and Yoongi are-"
"Yeah, but it'll be like the other time we went to Paris together! Remember that, Guk? It was our little getaway. You fucked me against the-" Hobi interrupted again.
"I-I'm gonna go." Taehyung mumbled, standing up abruptly and leaving the table. He left some money on the counter and rushed out of the ice-cream parlour, feeling as though the bright colours were mocking his dark mood. He pulled out his phone and dialled a number.
"Will you come pick me up, please?" He sniffled, tears brimming in his eyes and making it hard for him to see. "I'll tell you later. But please just hurry." He said, sending the address and walking away from the shop, ignoring Jeongguk's frantic calling of his name.
A shiny black car pulled up beside him, and the window slid down and the door opened, revealing a man with long brown hair and a dazzling smile. He rolled his eyes at Jeongguk in the distance.
"What're you doing here, Tae? This is so far from your shop. You're so lucky I was in the area." The voice sighed.
His expression was sympathetic, and he felt bad for Taehyung as the blonde got in the car and immediately burst into tears.
"It's gonna be alright, Tae." He soothed, running a gentle hand through his curly blonde hair. "Don't cry. It's not your fault he's an ignorant barbarian. Let's just go home, Taehyungie, okay?"
"T-thanks G-Gummie hyung." Taehyung said sadly.
"No worries, babe. It'll be alright." Bogum said, flipping Jeongguk off through the window and driving away.
Taehyung deserved better.
And he'd be damned if he wasn't the one to give it to him.
Long chapter for you guys 😚
Sorry about all the pictures but my thumb said no thanks to typing out the description 🤣
Percentage wise, how much do you think Jeongguk's responsible for Tae leaving? (e.g. you think it's his fault 30% because___________)
If you were Jeongguk, what would you have done in this situation?
What are your opinions on the way Bogum treats Taehyung?
What do you think will happen between Tae and Bogum now?
Anyways if you guys pass a mirror today or whenever you read this, look inside the mirror and tell yourself you're a bad bitch. Coz you are. Period. It's not up for discussion. You are a big bad boss bitch and don't let anyone convince you otherwise. Things may be shitty right now, but that doesn't matter. You're here today and that's all that matters. You woke up today and that is a massive achievement, even though it might not feel like it. You're alive and you're breathing and I couldn't be prouder of you all.
Here's a cute picture to help you through the day. You've got this!!
Lots and lots and lots of love
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