Chapter 3
The gurgling percolator released its rich aroma when the hot water hit the ground coffee. Aviana filled her favorite cup and added one sugar and a double splash of cream. Just the way she liked it.
The smell brought back a sentimental memory of Mark. A time when he still loved her. Or maybe not. Her heart skipped a beat when she thought of the first weekend they woke up in Vienna. They decided to sleep in late as they had a hectic week sorting out all the boxes and settling in.
She had been rummaging through the cupboards for some instant coffee when he entered the kitchen.
“Looking for this?”
In his one hand he had a box wrapped with a big red ribbon and a Spar bag in the other. In the box had been the percolator that she still cherished as one of his love gifts to her.
‘Please tell me there is coffee and cream in there.” She squealed, ran over to him and gave him a kiss on the cheek. “You’re the best.”
Her eyes glazed over with tears. She blinked and it dripped from her eyelids and slid down her cheeks.
“I miss you Mark.” She whispered through quivering lips.
The sound of shuffling slippers at the door pulled her back to reality.
Ashamed she turned around and poured some more cream in her coffee. How could she stand here crying, after she told Zeke that they had finished crying over their father?
“You’re up early. Want some coffee?”
“Yes, please. Mom, are you okay?”
“I’m fine hon. I know I promised a picnic at the Danube river, but it’s snowing this morning. So, instead, I thought we could go visit the Sisi Museum and have breakfast at Café Hofburg. What do you think?” All the time she was trying to avoid eye contact.
“Yes, that would be fun!” He walked over to the cupboard, took out a cup and handed it to his mom. “Just like when dad was here.”
Aviana’s shoulders hunched forward like she wanted to disappear inside herself. With her eyes closed, she stood with her mouth frozen wide open in stunned surprise.
Tears suddenly filled her eyes but she was quick to rub them away.
“That’s not entirely true.” She said turning around. “Your father never took you to the Sisi Museum. This will be your first visit there.”
“True! But you must admit, that was our bimonthly routine. We would eat breakfast at Café Hofburg and he would take us on a tour through Alberta Museum to show us all the new exhibits. And all the same ones he loved so much.”
“Would you prefer us doing something different? I was thinking of stopping at the Schmetterlinghaus afterwards.”
“No. I would love to visit the Sisi Museum. You know I love all kinds of art. And Cyndel would love it too, and definitely The Butterfly House. That’s something dad never had time for.”
They arrived at Café Hofburg long before opening time.
Cyndel chattered, giggled and joked around. It was like trying to stop a popcorn from popping on a hot plate.
Her bubbly and happy mien had excitement pouring out of Zeke and Aviana like sunshine. “Calm down honey, the café will open shortly.” She laughed.
Before her mother could stop her she skipped over to one of the kids standing with his parents, and shortly thereafter she was playing hopscotch with three other kids.
Aviana felt guilty because she hadn’t taken the kids out for over eight months. She had been living like a recluse and by doing that, she had punished her kids.
“She is quite a bubbly child. Beautiful like her mother. If I remember correctly, you were a busy-body just like that.”
For a split second shock was clear on Aviana’s face and it looked like every muscle in her body froze. Then she forced a grin onto her face.
“Good morning.” She said stiffly. "What brings you here on a Saturday morning?”
“The museum is just here. I work there remember.” A small smile played on his lips.
“Why are you here?”
“Wait, you guys know each other?” Zeke’s brows creased and his face squinched up.
“Yes. Your mother hadn’t told you?” His eyes never left Aviana’s and the small smile was still lingering on his lips.
“Uhm… ye… yes. Mr Laurent and I went to University together.”
“Really?” It took a second for the information to sink in while his eyes flashed with realisation from his mother to the curator of Albertina museum.
“Are you guys having breakfast here this morning?”
“Yes!” Aviana said a bit too loud, evident that he is being intrusive.
“Mind if I join you guys?”
“No, we don’t mind. Do we mom? We would love it if you would join us Mr Laurent.”
“I don’t think Mr Laurent really wants to join us, do you Mr Laurent?” She said with a too nice tone and a plastered on smile.
“No, I really would love to join you guys!”
“We’re going to the Sisi Museum afterwards and then we're going to the The Butterfly House. You could join us if you want.” Zeke said with a big grin on his face, looking from his horrified mother to Kace.
“No, no, no! We don’t want to impose on Mr Laurent like that!.”
“Seeing that you are going to work for me, I think we should leave all the formalities and just call each other by the name. Aviana, just call me Kace.”
Zeke was having fun with his mother’s distress. Laughing out loud made his mother give him a look that stopped him in his tracks.
“Kace, weren’t you on your way to work? You don’t have to join us.”
“Yes, I was. But that was when I had nothing else to do. Now, I would love to join you guys. If that is okay with you.”
“Sure.” She said after a long pause.
“I just love the Brioche breakfast.” Kace said while holding the menu up to them pointing out the breakfast. “The Landtmann Brioche is too die for.”
“Do you take a pot of coffee, tea or hot chocolate?” Cyndel giggled.
“Well, seeing that it is such a nice and snowy day out, I think I’ll take the hot chocolate today.”
“Mee too!” She squealed.
Their hot chocolate arrived and the moment Kace looked up from his cup he looked into the questioning eyes of Aviana. He didn’t look away until she diverted her eyes.
“Cyndel, would you like to share your jam with me and I’ll share my honey with you?”
“Yes Sir!” She squealed once again which made Kace laugh with a rumble.
At the museum Zeke went his own way and left his mother and sister with Kace.
“You’re good with kids. Do you have any of your own?”
“Thank you. Yes, I have two daughters. Twins.”
“Wow, that’s awesome. They must be a handful. How old are they?”
“Yes, they were when they were little. I’m not too sure how they are these days. They’re fifteen. They live with my wife in London. We divorced when they were ten and she moved to London with her new husband two years ago.”
“I’m sorry.”
“Yeah, it was hard for me in the beginning. She doesn’t want them to come visit me until they’re sixteen. She figures they’re too young.”
“That’s unfair.”
“I go visit them twice a year. Once for a week and another time I go for an entire month in the school holidays. I skype them every single day. I’m not going to allow them to forget about me.”
Aviana knew why she thought there was something sad about him yesterday.
On their way to The Butterfly House he picked Cyndel up onto his shoulders. She kicked her legs like she was riding a horse. Kace laughed just as hard as she did.
Zeke watched his mom and thought he saw some colour in her face. When she saw him looking at her she smiled. This time it was with real joy. Not the tired smile she always gave them. A real smile with real joy. And he smiled back at her.
The Butterfly house was warm and humid. A welcoming feeling after the icy wind outside.
The tranquil waterfall beckoned them inside. The cascades of water had a magnetic pull.
It conjured up some powerful emotions. Aviana’s heart cried out, it almost made her to gasp out loud when she remembered Zeke’s words of this morning, ‘That’s something dad never had time for.’
He neglected them as soon as they arrived in Vienna. Came home late, left before they got up in the morning and slept at the museum every other weekend. All while they sat at home waiting on him. And what made it worse, was the fact that she mourned him so much she too neglected them. She was so caught up in her own misery that she forgot that they also lost a father when she lost her husband.
The sight was awe-inspiring even overpowering. Instead of feeling happy she felt weak and sad. And that immediately made place for anger. She was furious at herself for allowing things to go this far. Why did it have to take something like Zeke’s vandalism to snap her out of her catatonic state.
The children didn’t seem to mind Kace walking with them and it didn’t seem to bother them that she stayed behind to catch her breath. She wandered off to a spot where she could focus her attention on the butterflies and pull herself together.
Watching the butterflies flit from flower to flower was relaxing and fun. Aviana calmed down and had control of her emotions soon.
As she watched the butterflies extend their proboscis deep into a flower to sip nectar she felt someone come stand uncomfortably close to her.
She turned her head in his direction and saw him staring at her while she was watching the butterflies.
Her heart was racing and she almost felt paralyzed. She moved suddenly and it startled the butterflies. Two butterflies beat their wings up and down sharp and loud and flew straight at her face and then lunged over her head. This made her aware of her surroundings and the man that stood next to her was gone.
“Oh my goodness, Aviana. Get a hold of yourself.” She scolded herself. She decided that she had to get out more often, she can’t react this way every time someone comes near her.
After she settled down she started looking for the kids.
The cozy little hothouse was thick with tropical trees, shrubs and flowers. Darting about the garden was the most beautiful butterflies. Butterflies of all shapes and sizes and colours.
Kace was holding Cyndel’s hand and guided her to a chair near one of the feeding tables.
They sat quietly and watched the butterflies feast on the fruit.
Aviana approached them softly and stood speechless next to Zeke as Cyndel let Kace explain the butterflies eating habits to her.
Zeke stood next to her with his hands in his pockets smiling broadly. Looking content with what was going on around him.
“You seem very happy.”
“I haven’t felt this good in months, mom. This trip did us all good. Look, you even have a blush on your cheeks. And… and look at Cyndel. I haven’t seen her cry once today.”
A shadow crossed her face and she quickly averted her eyes.
She saw Kace pointing out a colourful butterfly sitting perfectly still on a flower just a few inches away from Cyndel. A soft giggle escaped her lips and the butterfly flew away. She grabbed her mouth with both her hands and had an alarmed look on her face.
Kace reassured her that it was okay and pointed to another butterfly. Immediately the fear was replaced with another joyous smile.
Aviana was glad she left her coat on the racks at the back of the shop because she was getting hot. She didn’t know if it was because of the heat inside the glasshouse or was it the joy Zeke so wisely pointed out.
After they had spend more than an hour in The Butterfly house she insisted they head home. But not before they stopped at the little shop to buy some souvenirs.
Kace bought Cyndel a stuffed butterfly pillow and a book on butterflies. Aviana had to stop him otherwise he would have bought her everything she wanted. She was allowed to choose two items or nothing at all. Aviana wanted her to have one item only but Kace insisted on at least two.
When Kace and the kids met Aviana at the door she was transfixed to the spot and pale in her face.
“Are you okay, mom? You don’t look so good.”
“The weirdest thing just happened to me.”
“What… What happened mom?” Zeke enquired alarmed.
“A strange man just grabbed my arm and said the strangest thing. He… he said… mmmmm something about a stolen kiss.”
Kace that hadn’t been paying attention because he was preoccupied with Cyndel, was alert and paying attention now.
“Who? Where did he go? Did you take a good look at him? Will you recognize him when you see him again?”
Aviana, evidently shocked, was even more confused by Kace’s questioning.
“I… I don’t know.”
“Aviana, think! Will you recognize him? See if you can still see him outside.” He practically dragged her outside to see if she could spot the man in the crowd outside.
“No… no, I can’t see him! He’s gone! I want to go home now. I’m tired and my kids are tired.”
In silent panic, heart raced, and with quick movements she took both kids by the hand and started dragging them down the street. A startled Cyndel began crying and Zeke wanted to pull his hand free.
“Mom!” He shouted. “Stop! What are you doing?”
“Please calm down, Aviana. I’m sorry I startled you. I just wanted to speak to the man. I’m sorry if I made the situation worse.”
“I’m sorry too. I over reacted.” She let out an exhausted breath. “We have to head home now. We’ve had a long day. Thank you for spending the day with us. And thank you for the gifts you bought Cyndel.”
“You’re welcome. Let me walk you home.”
“No, it’s okay. We will be fine. You've already spent so much time with us today.”
“Please, Aviana. I just want to make sure you get home safe. Please.”
“Okay.” She let out another sigh. This time soft like she was surrendering. It was evident that the tension had lifted and she felt some sort of relief. And, although she didn’t want to admit it, glad that he wanted to walk them home. The same guy that stood too close to her inside The Butterfly House had grabbed her arm.
Well, that was chapter 3. What did you think about it? What did you think about the strange guy at The Butterfly House?
If you guys know me, you would know I love History and like to write it into my stories, as well as real live places. And yes, the Sisi Museum and Café Hofburg are real and do exist. As do Schmetterlinghaus, The Butterfly House. One day when I'm big I would love to visit Vienna and difinitely The Butterfly House, hahahaha.
The picture up top is of Julianne Moore, and I have chosen her for Aviana.
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