Christmas (크리스마스)
(a/n: this takes place between parts two and three!)
"Nariiiiiiiii! Wake up wake up wake upppppp!"
The girl shot up in bed as soon as the door to her room slammed open, revealing a very excited Jimin. He grabbed her hand and pulled her out of bed, "Come on! It's Christmas Eve! We can't waste any more time!"
"But we already put up a tree," Nari yawned as she allowed herself to be dragged down the hallway, "What else is there to do?"
"A lot more!" Jimin exclaimed and stopped in front of the messy living room, where all six of the other boys sat in a circle, where they seemed just as confused as her, "Ok everyone! Wait here!"
He scampered off to somewhere else in the house, leaving Nari to take a seat between J-Hope and Taehyung. The younger boy eagerly gave her cheek a good morning kiss, "Hi princess! Are you ready for today?"
"I guess," Nari rubbed her still tired eyes, "Do you know what we're doing, Tae?"
"Maybe a little," He admitted, "But it's a surprise! We need to get ready for Santa!"
She shook her head, "It's okay, Tae, you don't have to-"
"Kiddo! Help me get breakfast ready!" Jin scooped the girl up in his arms from behind, not waiting for an answer, and set her gently on her feet as soon as they arrived in the kitchen. "Sorry," He whispered, "It's just, I have a favor to ask you."
"What is it?" The girl asked and let out another yawn. It wasn't even 8 yet. It's too early for this.
"Okay so, I know it's childish, but can you please just go along with the Santa thing?" The boy pleaded, "Taehyung and Jimin want your first Christmas here to be perfect, so they're getting really into all that cliche stuff. Like I said, it's kinda dumb, and please believe me when I say that we all tried to convince them out of it, but they about you a lot and they're being a little stubborn in the process."
Nari couldn't help but let out a giggle, "It's okay. I can believe in Santa for just one day, for their sake. I know all they want is for me to be happy."
"You're the best," Jin breathed a sigh of relief, "I promise that next Christmas they'll be normal." He handed her a plate of red and green sugar cookies, "Bring these. Hopefully this will smooth things over a little."
She nodded and brought the plate to the living room, which was now covered in Christmas colored fabric, ribbons, rhinestones, and other supplies that Nari couldn't even name.
"Whoa." Jin said from behind her, "It looks like a craft store threw up in here. Jimin, what did you do?"
"We're making new stockings!" Taehyung exclaimed and held up two stockings; a purple and a pink one, "All of ours got lost when we moved last year, remember? Here! Pink for Jinnie and purple for Nari," He noticed the plate of treats in the girl's hands, "Yay! Cookies! Wait, we can't eat them! We gotta save some for Santa, he won't come if we don't have cookies."
The older boy took his stocking, "We'll make some later tonight."
"That's a great idea!" Namjoon spoke up from the floor as he attached some lace to his creation, "What do you think, darling? Also please give me a cookie. I didn't get breakfast yet."
Nari smiled and took her stocking from Jin, placing the cookies carefully on top of some felt on the floor before settling down herself, "Here, Namjoon. Can you pass me the glitter gel marker?"
"Here, you can use this one," Suga handed her the shiny gold cylinder, "I'm done with mine anyway."
"No you're not!" J-Hope protested, "All you did was put your name on it! Make it look more like mine," He held up his stocking, which spelled HOSEOK in sparkly rhinestones, "If that's all you're gonna do, at least make it pretty."
Jungkook eagerly showed the older boy his stocking that said KOOKY in bright and shiny letters, accompanied by little felt hearts, "Hobi! Look at mine! What do you think?"
"I love it!" J-Hope grinned, "Nari-bun, lemme see yours!"
"All I have is my name," The girl replied and held up hers, which now sported the word NARI neatly printed across the front, "But I'm gonna make it pretty, just like you said."
Taehyung bounced beside them, "That's the spirit! Suga, you need to put more effort! Come on! Santa won't bring you presents if you have a boring stocking."
"It's not that boring," Suga argued and lazily leaned backwards, picking a candy cane off the big Christmas tree and sticking it in his mouth after tearing off the wrapper, "I wrote Yoongi in gold marker. It has glitter in it."
"Here, I'll decorate it then." Nari declared and grabbed a handful of fabric markers and rhinestones, "You can't look though. Close your eyes."
Suga smiled and agreed, "Whatever you say, lovely."
"I swear you have that boy wrapped around your finger," Namjoon shook his head, "Nari, you can't even begin to understand the power you hold. You've won the heart of Min Yoongi. It took the rest of us years to even get half as close as you are, you know."
"Namjoon. Shut up." Suga whined, "I'm hungry. Give me a cookie too please."
J-Hope shoved a treat into the shorter boy's mouth, sending crumbs everywhere, "Here! Cookie!"
"Dude! What the hell?!" Suga coughed, "I said to hand me a cookie, not shove it down my god damn throat!"
"Language." Namjoon sternly reprimanded him.
"Hobi just tried to kill me! I should at least get to say one swear word!"
"Okay! I'm done," Nari announced, "Shu-ger, you can open your eyes now." She held up his cream colored stocking, which now had a crown drawn on it and was adorned with small shining stones.
Suga grinned widely, "Thank you so much! I love it! You're such a good artist, Nari." He grabbed a marker and wrote neatly on her purple stocking, "Here. A little message for you."
The girl felt her heart grow warm as she read the scribbled words on the fabric.
Suga ♡s Nari. Your prince forever and ever.
"Hey! I wanna draw!" J-Hope pouted, "Here, Nari-bun, let's switch!"
The boy eagerly gave her his stocking and she gave hers back. Nari thought for a little and then wrote the word HOPE in big sparkly letters surrounded by star stickers. She smiled at her creation. A stocking fit for a boy as bright as the sun.
Nari counted down the seconds on her watch. 56, 57, 58. 59, and 60. It was now 4:37 AM. The ribbon of light from beneath the boy's doors in the hallway had gone dark for an hour now. She was safe now and her plan to play Santa could begin.
The girl grabbed a couple bags of brightly wrapped Christmas presents from her closet and carefully tiptoed down the stairs. It had been a lot of hard work getting presents and hiding them from the boys, but it would all be worth it when she saw their faces in the morning. Nari heard soft voices from in the kitchen and cautiously peeked her head around the corner to see Taehyung and Jimin whispering furiously to eachother under the dim lighting of their phones.
"Dude! That's Hobi's pile! That one is for Namjoon!" Jimin exclaimed as he took a package out of the other boy's hands.
"No it's not!" Taehyung hissed and grabbed it back, "This is Hobi's! It's those new shoes he wanted."
"Are you sure? That box is way too small to be shoes."
"I swear to god that's what they are. I wrapped all the presents from Santa last night."
Jimin shook his head, "I still don't get why we had to give ourselves presents from Santa."
"Well it's not believable unless we get stuff too," Taehyung explained patiently, "And besides, we've been very good boys this year. We deserve them."
Nari couldn't help but let out a giggle from her hiding spot around the corner, causing the two boys to stop in their tracks and turn a watchful eye to the kitchen.
"Yes, Jimin?"
"Go to bed. You're up too late."
She cautiously stepped into the living room, her bags of gifts in tow, "But I have presents for you."
"How long were you there?" Taehyung eyed her suspiciously.
"Long enough," Nari laughed and started placing her presents under the tree, "It's okay, Tae. You don't have to pretend to believe in Santa anymore."
"God dammit! Who snitched?!"
"No one snitched," The girl assured him, "I haven't believed in Santa since I was like 7. Sorry."
Jimin chuckled and ruffled her hair, "It's okay, sweetheart. It'll be more fun to have you help us anyway."
Suddenly, the three of them heard the kitchen door open with a bang. She froze. Who could it be now? Everyone else was asleep. Soon after, a tall boy wearing a light jacket poked his head into the living room, "Huh? What are you guys doing up?"
"I should ask you the same question, Joon," Jimin fired back, "Dude, what the hell?"
"It's nothing!" Namjoon insisted as his face flushed red, "I just went out for a little walk, that's it."
Nari spoke up, "You're wearing makeup."
"Yeah! Why are you wearing makeup if you're just going for a walk, Namjoon?" Taehyung teased, "It looks to me like you were on a date."
"Yeah! A date!" The girl repeated excitedly, "Was it with Ms. Bradley?"
Namjoon tried to refute their claims, but found it extremely difficult due to the blush spreading across his cheeks to the tips of his ears. Finally the boy gave up and admitted defeat, "Fine," He said with a sigh, "I was on a date with Chelsea. But don't tell anyone, okay?
"I won't tell!" Nari assured him, "And I think that you two are very cute together. When is she going to come over to the dorm? I want to show her Sonia and all my books."
"I don't think that's going to happen for a little while, darling," Namjoon managed a smile and patted her head, "We're taking it slow for now. Oh, Nari, that reminds me: I bought something for you." He pulled a small package out of his jacket pocket, "We walked through the Christmas market for a little and I got you some gingerbread."
The girl eagerly unwrapped the treat and took a bite from the angel shaped cookie, "Thank you so much!"
"Hey! That's not fair!" Taehyung complained, "I want some!"
"Here," She broke the rest into two pieces and handed him one of them, "Take this. Jimin, do you want some too?"
"Nari, darling, save some for yourself," Namjoon shook his head, "You don't have to share if you don't want to."
"It's okay, I don't mind," Nari replied, "I have to share you with Ms. Bradley now so I might as well get used to it."
Jimin burst into laughter, "Get 'em, Nari! Tell him how it is!"
The the oldest boy just let out a good natured sigh, "Don't worry too much about that. You'll always be my number one." He placed a quick kiss on the top of her head, "Oh, and merry Christmas, darling. I hope that you get everything you asked for."
christmas is my second favorite holiday (besides halloween) and i love it so much.
hope yall are doing well 💜
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