Cheater Cheater (사기꾼 사기꾼)
"It's movie night!" J-Hope announced excitedly as he finished doing the dishes, "Come on guys! What's the pick for tonight?"
Jimin stretched, "True, but Rika wants us to do a live tonight. We can't just livestream us watching movies."
"Well, we haven't showed any of our choreography practices in a while. How about we stream some of that?" Jin suggested, "And I don't think that Nari's ever been in a live with us either. Kiddo, you should lead the practice with Hobi."
"Am I allowed?" Nari asked, looking to J-Hope for permission.
The boy grinned excitedly, "Of course! I would love for you to help me!" He turned to Namjoon, "Is that okay, Joon?"
"Yeah, go ahead," Namjoon replied, "But I'll have to sit this one out, sorry guys. I have a lot of paperwork to do. I'll do the next one, okay?"
Suga got up from the table, "Me too. There's a song that I've been working on and I feel like if I don't finish the lyrics tonight I'll lose it."
"Aw, okay," Jungkook answered disappointedly as the two headed upstairs, "We'll have enough fun for the both of you! Right, little Nari?"
"Uh huh!" The girl nodded excitedly.
"Well, I guess we can't have a full practice since Nam and Suga are gone," Taehyung said, "So we should do something a little more laid back. Don't we have a Wii somewhere? Let's play some old video games. I'll hook it up to the projector in the dance studio."
Murmurs of agreement sounded from the rest of the table and before long the boys were busy dragging filming equipment and various video game systems down to the lowest level of the house. Nari smiled. She wasn't really a big fan of video games, but it made her happy to see them so excited.
"Sweetheart, can you help me for a little?" Jimin called to the girl, nudging a dusty cardboard box by his foot, "Would you mind taking this down to the studio? I think it has some old games in it."
"Sure." Nari agreed and took the box downstairs, setting it beside Jungkook; who was sorting through a tangled mess of red and black cables.
The boy's face lit up as soon as he saw her, "Hey Nari! Whatcha got there?" He brushed the dust off of the top of the cardboard and opened it, "God damn, look at this!" Jungkook pulled out a shiny plastic item about the size of a checkbook, "My old 3DS! I haven't seen this thing since like 2013."
"Is that a DS?" Taehyung popped up behind the two of them, "Dude, what game is in it?"
"Lemme check. Oh my god, it's New Super Mario Bros 2. That came out when I was 14!"
"What? Mario?" Jin peeked over the younger boy's shoulder, "Jungkook, where did you find that? I want mine."
Already one step ahead, Taehyung eagerly dug through the rest of the cardboard box, pulling out a pastel pink DS covered in stickers, "I think this is yours." He opened the game cartridge, "Whoa, Ace Attourney. You never finished it? My respect for you just dropped."
"I finished Ace Attourney!" Jin argued and grabbed it out of his hands, "Gimmie! That's mine! Go find your own."
"Focus!" Jimin stood above the three boys huddled around the box on the floor, "We need to get this live ready! You can play with your DS later."
Taehyung looked up at him, "Jin never finished Ace Attourney."
"What!" He exclaimed, "Kim Seokjin! I loaned you that game 6 years ago and you didn't even finish it? That's disrespectful as hell."
Unable to hold back her laughter any longer, Nari collapsed into giggles. They really are just like big children. Hobi knelt beside her and shook his head disapprovingly at the older boys, "Guys! Stay! On! Task!" He plugged in the rest of the cords, causing the big projector screen in front of them to light up with the Just Dance title screen.
"Okay! Let's go! One, two, three!" J-Hope pressed record on his phone, "Hellooooooo ARMY! It's J-Hope!" He slung his arms around Nari's shoulder, pressing a quick kiss against the side of her face, "And this is my Nari-bun! Say hi to our beautiful ARMY!"
Nari blushed as she managed a little wave to the camera, a little overwhelmed by the comments flooding the screen, "Hi ARMY."
"Hobi! Gimmie that!" Jin grabbed the phone, "Hi ARMY! How are you guys today?" The oldest boy positioned the phone beside the projector screen, "We're gonna do Just Dance!"
"But first we need to stretch!" Jungkook exclaimed, "Nari! Hobi! Let's get started!"
J-Hope nodded as the rest of the boys gathered in a semicircle around him and the girl, "Alright guys, we're gonna start with a butterfly stretch. Do you know how to do that, Nari-bun?"
"Nope." She shook her head.
"It's like this!" Taehyung smiled brightly as he demonstrated, "Sit down and put your feet together so that your legs bend outwards, like the wings of a butterfly. Look, it's cute!" He rested his elbows on his knees, "And if you want to, you can push down a little or lean forward to stretch your hamstrings. Don't hold it for very long though."
"That's right," Jimin agreed and gently but firmly extended the exercise, "No more than 5 seconds!"
Curiously, Nari followed his lead and leaned forward for a deeper stretch. She winced as her muscles burned, "It kinda hurts."
"Little Nari! Be careful!" Jungkook reminded her, "Like Jimin said, just 5 seconds. No more."
"Alright, stretch your left leg out and touch your toes!" J-Hope instructed and easily grabbed the edge of his foot, "How are you doing, Nari-bun?"
The girl reached as far as she could with her left arm, falling only a little bit short of her periwinkle sock, "Bad I think. I can't touch my toes like you guys can."
"Aw, don't worry, you're doing just fine. Here, bunny, I'll help you." He scooted over and gently pressed her shoulders, encouraging her body to reach a little father. As soon as she touched her toes, J-Hope smiled and let go, "There you go! You did it!"
"Let's do it again!" Nari's eyes shone brightly as a big grin stretched across her face.
J-Hope couldn't help but place a kiss on the top of her head. She was just so cute. "Alright! Let's switch sides!"
So after a few more stretches, they were finally ready to start the game. Jin tightened the strap on his wrist and held the Wii remote securely as he scrolled through the song options. "I'm the oldest, so I get to pick the first song!" He declared, "Kiddo, are you playing this round?"
She shook her head, "Nah. I'll just watch."
"Here princess, you can read through the comments," Taehyung suggested and handed her his phone, which had the live pulled up on it, "Tell us what ARMY is saying."
"Okay," Nari agreed and squinted as she read the small letters that flew across the screen, "Tae, someone just asked if they could marry you."
The boy laughed, "Well, what do you think?"
"Um. No?"
"There's your answer!" Taehyung announced to the camera, "I can't marry anyone without Nari's blessing. Sorry, but that's the rules."
"Hey! What about my blessing?" Jimin protested and playfully elbowed him in the ribs, Wii controller in hand, "And get your remote. Jin chose a song."
"Alright, alright," The taller boy replied and grabbed the final Wii remote, "What song is it?"
Jungkook read off of the projector screen, "She Looks So Perfect by 5 Seconds of Summer."
"Huh? Isn't that the one about underwear or something?"
"Shh!" J-Hope shushed them, "It's starting."
Nari giggled as she watched the boys strike a pose when the music started. They all seemed to move in sync according to the screen, but according to their mumbles of frustration, it wasn't going as well as it looked.
"How did I get just ok?!" Jimin complained as he mirrored the figure in front of him, "I did that last one perfect! And Jin, how did you just get like three excellents in a row? I just saw you mess up at least twice."
"ARMY says that Jimin is being too mean," The girl read from Taehyung's phone, "And they said that Hobi is 'throwing it back', whatever that means."
"I don't know what that means either, but thank you!" J-Hope cheered, "Bunny, what else are they saying?"
Nari continued from the endless stream of comments, "Uh, they said that they like Tae's new hair. And they want Jungkook to start wearing Timberlands again."
"No!" The youngest boy shouted from the other side of the room as he tried to keep up with the dance moves on the screen, "I am begging you guys, please let them die."
"You did look pretty good with them, " Taehyung argued, "And hey! Jin! You just screwed up that entire section, there is no way that you're in second place. You're cheating."
"I don't cheat!" Jin exclaimed, "Suga cheats, not me."
Nari looked up from her phone and shook her head, "He does not! Suga doesn't cheat!"
"He doesn't cheat when he's with you," J-Hope replied, "But with the rest of us it's a different story. Never play monopoly with Suga. He's a tyrannical dictator and we all go bankrupt within an hour."
"ARMY wants a family board game night now." The girl laughed as she read the comments.
"We'll think about it," Taehyung answered, "But if we do that we need everyone, including you, so Suga plays fair."
The boys struck their final poses as the music ended and the placings appeared on the screen. Not surprisingly, J-Hope took first place with Jin, Jungkook, Taehyung, and Jimin following. Jimin shook his head, "I still think Jin cheated. Nari, ARMY, what do you think?"
Nari looked back down to the phone, "ARMY says that Jin deserves it and that you're bullying him. Also they want me to go next." She blushed, "Sorry guys, I don't really dance."
"You know what we should do?" Jungkook spoke up, "We should do Mariokart. Nari, you've played that with us before on the switch, so how about that?"
"Okay," She nodded shyly, "I'll do it."
Jimin dug around in the dusty box of mid 2000s video game equipment and pulled out a handful of Mariokart steering wheels, "That's a good idea." He handed one and an extra Wii remote to the girl, "Be careful," He warned her, "Jungkook and Jin get very, very, competitive."
Just as Jimin had told her, as soon as the starting bell rang, the two boys yelled with excitement (and a couple curse words) as they raced eachother. Nari couldn't help but laugh along. She didn't care if she won or lost, they always held back and let her win when she played video games with them anyway, so it was fun to see them finally let loose and compete with everything they had.
"Kiddo, do you want some help?" Jin asked as he was halfway though his third lap, with Nari only just starting on her second.
"Maybe a little," The girl admitted, "But don't you want to win?"
"It's okay, we can both win. Watch this." Jin suddenly grabbed Jungkook's controller, as he had been so focused on the game that he didn't notice their conversation, and threw it across the room. The plastic wheel hit with a bang against one of the mirrors on the opposite wall.
"DUDE! WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU?!" The youngest boy screamed and made a mad dash for the other side of the dance studio, "That is definitely cheating!"
"Sorry," He laughed and took Nari's remote, smashing on the buttons eagerly, "But Nari needs me!"
J-Hope shook his head, "That was a dirty trick, Seokjinnie."
"Hey! I'm helping!" Jin replied as he expertly maneuvered the girl's car through the racetrack, "Does it really count as cheating if I'm helping someone else?"
"Yes." Taehyung and Jimin answered simultaneously.
Jin sighed and handed Nari the remote back after completing a lap for her, "So negative. Haters gonna hate."
thank u all for ur patience and support <3 heres the first bonus chapter of this book! this was originally an alternate version of the getting better chapter in part 2, which is why it sounds kinda the same in the beginning, but as i added to it i realized that i could just make this a bonus chapter instead. also i feel bad for all my readers who don't stan namjoon, suga, or tae, so i wanted to give yall a scene with the other boys that i dont focus on as much.
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