Mallory Roosevelt.
"Oh I'm so tired, I know I should've taken time to rest back there." Mallory whined as he finally walked into his home, Hilda behind him carrying baby Mikah. "You're the one who insisted we just go through with everything all at once." Hilda joked as she gently placed the one year old on the large couch still asleep. "The house needs to be ready, Harley agreed to host Reece and Matty here, plus I've been wanting to meet some of my husband's actual friends for a long while, you know him, cold and brooding but lovable as a teddy bear." Mal joked as Hilda laughed as well, it was a well known fact that Harley Roosevelt was a no nonsense alpha wolf, the toughest lawyer you could find in the growing semi rural vilage of Casterly, but above all the best husband and father to his growing family.
"Dont I know it." Hilda added causing a chuckle to escape Mal's lips. "So how goes trying for a baby, anything new?" Mal asked his closest friend and now partner at their vet clinic, the woman sighed before a grin broke out on her face."Remember that week I told you that Zach's soda pop made me dry heave in the morning and his cologne really made me nauseous?" Hilda questioned and Mal nodded. "I should've really listened to the signs, I met doctor Oldberg later that week and he confirmed it, I'm pregnant!" Hilda almost shrieked in her cheer and Mal joined her, the two of them well mostly Hilda was jumping up and down in glee. "Oh my Goddess, Hilda I'm so happy for you!" Mal cheered as he hugged his friend in a tight embrace.
"Now we can be pregnancy buddies." Hilda stated and the notion made Mal smile even more happily, with the excess amounts of sex Mal had with his husband it shouldn't have surprised him or anyone else that he was pregnant again with their second child when their first born was barely past a year old, but that didn't matter. "Bullocks." Mal suddenly muttered as baby Mikah whined and soon enough he choked and broke into a cry. "Oh my baby, daddy's here, don't worry, daddy is here." Mal cooed his son who didnt cry for long as he held him by his chest, soothing his cries. "Oh you're such a natural with him." Hilda commented as she looked at Mal and Mikah, then a scoff escaped Mal's lips. "He's kept me up most nights, and Harley too, never mind when he had a fever, I was so worried then I remembered my parent's notes, I'm so glad I have those, they helped immensely." Mal exclaimed as he still soothed his son whilst grabbing the apple mix baby food his own homemade recipe that seemed to do the trick with Mikah, for a baby he was large, it could be credited to him being a werewolf pup, an alpha werewolf pup.
"You have got to teach me how to make this." Hilda stated as she tasted the baby food which made Mal chuckle. "No worries, I'll teach you, so how's Zach and the new job?" Mal asked as Hilda sighed. "It's what he wants but it's exhausting, the reward is sweet in the end but I just wish sometimes he was home more often to enjoy the pregnancy with me." Hilda confessed and Mal comforted his friend with a back rub. "I'm sure soon he'll be done and you'll be yelling at him when your mood swings are literally everywhere." Mal added as both he and Hilda laughed, baby Mikah also joined in. "How did Harley deal with your mood swings?" Hilda questioned and a blush covered Mal's face, if only Harley could see it now, he'd be proud of his handiwork. "Let's just say we had to replace our bed and the larger dining room table, a few cabinets too, basically I gave way to the renovation of the house." Mal mumbled in absolute mortification as he recalled all the times Harley had fucked him, really just rammed his cock inside of him chased away the mood swings leaving him lucid.
The explanation to Hilda left her laughing hard, obviously she would laugh at his embarrassment. "I cant help it I'm sorry." She apologized as Ranger trotted into the kitchen. "Hey big boy, done sleeping for the day." Mal rubbed the dog, he was nolonger the puppy he adopted but Ranger's breed rarely grew to be large, he was still small. "I swear your dog doesn't age." Hilda finally cut in as she placed all of Mal's groceries into the proper shelves. "I know, it's like every time I look at him, I just see the puppy we adopted and thanks for the help." Mallory replied as Hilda waved it off. "Blimey, I have to go Mal, I forgot my mother in law is coming for dinner, I need to put on the facade that I actually care about her china, I mean seriously Zach broke half the set when he wanted to juggle them." Hilda blurted out and a snort came from Mal before full blown laughter.
As he finished feeding Mikah, plus wanting to burp him, he stood up with his son, gave Ranger his food and walked Hilda out. "You sure you'll be okay, there's a lot to unpack." Hilda asked and Mal waved it off. "Harley will probably do it, I've already stopped doing most things since we found out about baby number two." Mal replied with a chuckle as Hilda hugged him bye. "Say bye bye auntie Hilda, Mikah." Mal spoke for his baby but he burped and and just babbled with baby laughter. "You are turning out to be just like your papa." Mal sweetly teased his baby as he got back into the house, placed his son in his play pen, then got to putting away most things he'd bought.
As Mal cleared out and cleaned, he couldn't remember the time when Harley wasn't in his life, the man had been an abrupt change, a welcomed changed though, he gave him a new life, a new meaning, he brought hope into his life and all the things love brought, he loved Harley with his whole being, he was grateful to all the divine beings for having granted him the miracle and blessing that was Harley, no one would ever be his more than Harley, and their family,their growing family, he cherished it more than anything. Harley cried when Orlando Mikael Roosevelt was born, his own pup, it was a beautiful sight and true to his word, Harley had gone above and beyond to show just how much he loved Mal, loved their child, he'd never doubt that love.
Harley was still a brooding extremely hot mess, but Mal was even more so attracted to him that way, they didn't agree on some things but it didn't mean they went to bed angry at each other and like Mal had vowed, it wasn't his place to try and patch things up with the Harolds, they were still the patriarch family of Casterly, with Trent trying as much as he could to reach out to Harley but Harley wasn't having it, he got a restraining order on his brother, Mal wasn't in support of it, but he didn't stand with Trent either, he just loved Harley. As for Riley, the oldest daughter was now relatively in good relations with Harley, she visited often and she had actually been at the birth of Mikah, video taping everything, Mal was happy with the gesture, the day he was born there was a video taken, he wanted that for his kids too.
The rest of the Harolds, well Mal barely saw them, maybe their avoidance of him was due to Harley warning them off or something but he didn't care, he just loved Harley. As for his own parents, they were absolutely ecstatic to hear that Mal had a mate, and that he was pregnant, they were travelling currently but when they were around, they awed and fawned over Harley and Mikah as if the world wouldn't turn without them, safe to say his boys had enchanted his parents, as for himself, he could barely escape his parent's doting, any chance they got they would pester him about everything, and now that he again was pregnant he knew the monent they came back they'd be joining Harley in putting him on strict diets, that truly was a bitch but he loved them, they meant well, he just tolerated it.
So as he finally sighed in content Mal smiled looking at Ranger guarding baby Mikah like the most precious thing ever, it was adorable to see, Mal wondered what his husband was up to, during lunch he'd been in a meeting, an hour after he still hadn't talked to him. So a quick visit was in order to make sure he wasn't overworking and had eaten. "Hey sweetheart, how about we visit papa, and bring him food, you Ranger need to go on a walk too, you're getting fat." Mal stated and like always when he called the dog fat it growled, Mal was sure Shadow his wolf soulmate was the one who taught the dog that when they played in the backyard. "No growling, —come my sugary chocolate covered strawberry." Mallory blew raspberries on Mikah's stomach, his baby giggles making him smile, he looked around for Ranger's leash and once it was on, after grabbing his son's baby bag and extra bag whilst also making sure he had enough diapers, they were in the audi Harley had bought recently, apparently it was bigger, more comfortable and had enough baby proofing, Harley was obsesed with baby proofing, more so than Mal actually, not weird at all.
Mal passed through village centre, grabbed Harley's favourite, double chicken burgers, with fries and sprite, he'd also packed a large piece of red velvet cake knowing how much Harley liked it and he was off for the firm. "Look Mikah, there's your dad's workplace." Mal pointed out as they passed the closed clinic, it had been closed early just for him and Hilda to have a good time shopping for his soon arriving guests, so Mallory smiled happily, the prospect of seeing his husband making him giddy, always.
Harley Roosevelt.
"Get out!" Harley hissed as he looked at Doug Mason, his father and mother along with Trent. They had all unexpectedly visited out of the blue, it had been a surprise when he heard from his assistant that he had visitors waiting on him. These people he'd told to leave him alone, to stay away, especially his brother whom he'd actually filed a restraining orded against. "Harley don't do this, we made mistakes, we've owned up to them, don't do this mate." Doug begged as Harley's eyes shifted to his childhood and mostly likely teenage friend aswell whom had betrayed him. "You were supposed to be my friend, stand by my side, defend me like I defended you when your father thought being with a male lover was degrading, when your sister almost sold you off to hunters, I was there, I stood by your side, but the one time I needed you to just be there, what did you do, you poured wolfsbane into my water, and riled me up to face this shitty wanker who can't take a bloody no!" Harley was redfaced as he yelled.
His body could be steaming right now but he didn't care. "So I want nothing to do with you, get out!" Harley screamed as his fist slammed on his desk and its cracks seemed to scare his mother, his brother and Doug but not his father. "I didn't raise such a hateful man, I taught you that we all make mistakes, that at times those mistakes seem like goodwill, I taught you to forgive even when it was for your own benefit, I made the mistake, I acknowledge that pup, not your mother, she didn't do it, she never knew my plans until it was too late, spare her your wrath, I will accept your anger." The patriarch, the proud lord Harold begged, it was truly new for Harley, he reigned himself back and scoffed.
"Spare me your pretty words and spit on me as you did before when the son you admired did what you wanted." Harley replied softly an old wound opening, something he'd never told any one, except his husband, he'd told Mal everything and he'd helped him forgive his parents, not for them, but for himself and his mate and their children. "Trent, I'll call the police in less than two minutes if you don't crawl back to the pack which you desperately wanted to rule, it's yours baby brother, enjoy the crown now get out, Doug, snitches get punched in the face, but even snitches aren't shitty wankers like you, you're just a rat, scurry out of my office, —as for you father, I got nothing to offer you, or give you, your choices, your bed, —like my mate and that annoying best friend of his would've likely said, fool me once, shame on me, fool me twice shame on you, we're past the twice mark, and it's pretty fucking written on the wall by now, I'm done, I just want my life away from you lot." Harley finally said it, the healing words that brought peace to him.
"Harley." Lord Harold began. "I'll be back brother, you're still my blood and I'm nothing without you." Trent mumbled before leaving, along with Doug. "Oh my boy." Harley's mother began as she stepped away from her husband to Harley whose eyes were sharp again so she stopped in her tracks. "Just let me caress your cheek once, my first born, you've always been stubborn, so set in your ways like your father, I'd told him once that he'd lose you, the old idiot never took me seriously." She muttered and Harley's father scowled much to Harley's pleasure. As Harley's mother reached out again three very familiar scents made it to Harley's nose, it seemed both his parents picked up on them too as Mal walked into his office.
"Oh thank you so much dear, you know I could never really get here whilst carrying all this." Mallory was oblivious to the three of them looking at him whilst he, the baby pram, and the dog Ranger along with his assistant made their way into his office. "You're welcome mum, if you need anything at all, I'll be by my desk." Harley's assistant replied before leaving and Mal finally noticed the people with his husband. "Oh, seems we might've interrupted." Mal awkwardly chuckled but Ranger broke the silence as he ran over to Harley, jumped up to his desk. "Oh —Ranger." The now seven foot Harley whined as Ranger had stepped on his documents, barking happily and licking him. "I can't stay mad at you now can I." Harley uttered as he scratched the happily barking dog.
"Is that—." Lady Harold muttered as she took in the sight of her son's mate, their grandchild, a spitting image of Harley when he was a baby. "You're, pregnant." His father seemed to be more in shock and delight as his eyes also drifted to the baby babbling away with curious eyes. When the lady stepped forward a growl emanated from Harley as his quick strides made sure he was by his family's side protectively. "May I?" Mal's mother in law asked, a hopeful look in her eyes. "My love, it's the first time they're seeing him, ofcourse its not convenient, but try as we might, they are still his grandparents, albeit shitty grandparents but we can't keep them away, avoid yes, just this once, I won't ever ask again." Mal pleaded with a hopeful look. "I could never resist you." Harley replied and indeed he could never resist his mate.
"Remember what I told you, this doesn't change anything." Mal warned them as he changed the direction of the pram, and gently took out his son. "Orlando Mikael Roosevelt, meet your grandmother and grandfather." Mal introduced as his baby squealed then tentatively he handed him over to the hands of lady Harold, she gasped feeling his weight. "Oh my he's a big boy, just like Harley." She stated fawning over Mikah who giggled when the patriarch made faces at him. "Of course you'd have an alpha pup." He added as his mate gently gave over the baby to him, there was so much pride in the wolf's eyes, you could see the regret that lay there as well. "He'll be teething soon, and I'm pretty sure like Harley he'll use a lot of diapers, and be cranky a bit." The patriarch stated surprising both Mal and Harley, the large man scoffed whilst he held the most precious thing to him, a grandchild, a grandson no less, the perfect alpha heir, he'd be a fool to let this slip by.
Even with how he'd disappointed Harley and hurt him, the patriarch knew, this was the reason to keep fighting for his son, and also the coming baby, his son wasn't playing, he'd truly taken after him.
As for Harley he watched his parents interact with his son, adore him, praise him, a part of him had wanted this, to show off his achievements to his father, not in a malicious way but for them to know that even when they had basically disowned him, he could still rise and bring something beautiful into the world, his baby Orlando, the apple of his eye, his first born but the first of several siblings that was for sure, he and Mal had agreed on a large family, they both wanted a large family. Then Orlando began to cry. "He must be irritated, I meant to change his diaper when we got here but we got occupied, come to daddy my big boy." Mal cooed and soothed his baby, he looked into the patriarchs eyes, the hint of disappointment in his eyes and to those of his mother in law, a longing.
"My love, my bag, and the extra." Harley quickly grabbed what his mate requested, he also offered the other bag with supplies he kept at the office. "That's too much silly, I have enough." Mal reprimanded as a chuckle escaped him and the woman in the office. Harley held the door open for his mate who slipped out. "He's the most precious thing I've ever seen, and I'm so proud." The patriarch asserted as he looked at Harley. "I wasn't really aiming to garner your approval, so if we're done here, I'm sure my mate would like you to be gone when he comes back." Harley harshly replied and the man just slightly as tall as him, his father, — scoffed. "We aren't going anywhere until we say goodbye to your mate and our grandchild, unlike your bitter output, your mate is the sensible one clearly, so we'll wait." The man exclaimed as he smiled to his mate who held the same firmness.
"You are aware I can still have restraining orders placed against you both right?" Harley muttered and his father chuckled. "Harley, stop." His mother warned."Atleast let us be civil when your mate and child are here, in his condition it's not good for him alright. " She exclaimed and Harley resigned to just a nod as Mal came back. "Harley, I'm pregnant and carrying things again, come help!" Mal called out as Harley shook his head at his husband's antics whilst his parents laughed lowly. "You shouldn't even be carrying the lot of these but you always insist, come here big boy, feeling better." Harley soothed his son, his heart melting in absolute adoration for his child. Mikah babbled more held in his father's large protective arms.
"Ranger, you're asleep again aren't you." Mal snorted as he nudged the dog. "He's fat, I told you, —you spoil him too much." Harley inserted and Mal ignored him as he faced the parents. "I guess we should be going, thank you for letting us see our wonderful grandchild, and I do hope we can see the next ones to come." The patriarch stated as his hand rubbed both Harley and the baby. "Bye sweethearts." Lady Harold muttered as she hugged Harley and son. "If he ever fusses, or anything don't hesitate to call, I know you'd rather not but I gave birth to five kids and Harley was the most troublesome, so I'll definitely try and help." She asserted and Mal nodded. "We'll be seeing you, goodbye." The large intimidating wolf was rather gentle as he said those words to Mal, it somehow felt as if he upheld him for some reason.
"You gave birth to his heir, and are giving birth to his blood, you're probably the most precious thing he has now, even my mother can't hold a candle to you." Harley explained the moment they left and Mal snorted a laugh. "Dont be daft, —so we assumed you'd be hungry, we've brought food for papa." Mal finally stated as he kissed the man he loved. "Someone's naughty today, if you weren't already carrying my child, I'd make you pregnant all over again, fucking you sweetly, till your hole was filled with my seed." Harley teased his mate as Mal blushed hard. "Not with the baby present." Mal protested. "Oh please, kiddo's barely speaking, you just don't want me to remind you how you wanted to try it out with Shadow in wolf form." Harley went on and Mal was mortified as Harley placed sleeping Mikah in his adjustable seat.
"You promised you wouldn't mention that." Mal argued as Harley laughed before kissing his mate. "Why, because it happened and Shadow mounted you, or that you wanted to do it again, in human form." Harley teased further as finally Mal walked the door and locked it, before Harley could truly process anything, Mal was naked. That led to a lot of sex and also to Harley's desk finally shattering as Harley had rammed his cock into Mal ontop of it, roughly, hard and it just couldn't survive the exercise.
"You little minx, here I thought having our dog and child in the same room would deter you from letting me fuck you." Harley teased as he trailed kisses along Mal's neck before moving to grab his jacket and helping him wear it. "Both asleep like the dead, plus you do it sweeter when you're riled up, couldn't resist." Mal confessed and a belly laugh escaped Harley. "Well now, your knowledge of me seems to have worked husband, I'm thoroughly satiated, and full, thank you for the food." Harley added as he kissed Mal, even after all this time, loving him was like breathing, it came easy and always felt like the first time, it was timeless, something he would always cherish.
"Wanna take a walk, then go home later, its sunset plus both you and Ranger are getting fat." Mal stated and a scowl crossed Harley's face. "The dog is fat, I'm beefy, you told me yourself." Harley argued and Mal grinned. "I lied." He started and Harley gasped dramatically. "Okay love, then this fat wolf isn't cuddling with you tonight." Harley stated and Mal scoffed. "Please, you wouldn't last a minute in the spare bedroom." He inserted as they packed up and left, whilst waving goodbye at Harley's assistant. "Bullocks, why are you so damn good at this, you know I can't last in there alone, you'd probably be naked in bed too just to make sure I can smell your arousal." Harley commented as Mal kissed him deeply when they started their walk. "You know it alpha." He supported and Harley was smitten right then.
"How did I get so lucky." He mumbled kissing his husband's head, his hair still a fiery head like their son, he loved it, the walk was one of many, loving, and in each stride his heart would beat for Mallory Roosevelt, the man who had loved him at his lowest. Their hands tightly held together, Harley never needed reassurance, Mal would love him until death did part their flesh, but he also knew in the life that came, or the lives that came, he would also love and be loved by Mal, he would never belong to anyone else. "Hey doc?" Harley asked. "My lord." Mal replied with a smile. "You're the best." He whispered with a wink. "I love you more Harley." Mal replied as he just grinned widely like a fool, Goddess how had he been so lucky, things may change, even with his parents, but his Mal, his everything, that was a constant, as rose and earth, home, filled his whole being.
"So, when are Savage and Matteo getting here?" Mallory asked. "Tomorrow I think, you ready to put them to work babysitting." Harley happily exclaimed. "You bet.
oh ma goodness, you guys have no idea how I wrote this literally in the middle of the night, a spur of the moment inspiration. I had thought of rereading Sweet Exile, honestly I dont know why, maybe it's because I related to these characters so much or missed them I don't know but it gave me inspiration and I wrote this lovely second epilogue to just spoil my readers. I hope you guys loved it, I loved reading Sweet Exile and writing about Harley and Mallory, along with baby Orlando, so sweet.
I Am Lyfeo_M_Jay aka the Saint Jay.
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Saint da Jay.
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