Safe in the dark of night
Everything felt like a horrible nightmare that you feared you'd never wake up from. First Hal, then Marcius, now this. Your eyes flew open like a flash as a rumble of thunder pulled your out from the darkness of your unconsciousness. Lying down on the broken twigs and dead leaves of the forest floor, your eyes scanned the darkness. The tall trees towered above you, their canopy virtually blocking out the whole sky. The tree roots twisted and snaked all over the forest floor, with some trees lying uprooted and hollow around you. Your body was stiff and cold from being out for so long, and you managed to sit up, resting against the hollow inside of a tree as you hugged yourself tightly to try and get some warmth. Your legs were numb and scratched all over from where'd you'd been running, and your hands shook uncontrollably with the cold. Your head throbbed in pain and your throat was so dry it felt like sandpaper.
Again, the sky erupted in a sudden crack of lightning, making you jump in alarm as the sudden flash of light showed you your surroundings. The branches jutted out from the trees like hands, wanting to grab hold of you, just as the distant howl of a wolf carried along the breeze. This place terrified you, and all you wanted to do was just get out of the forest. Managing to climb to your feet, your climbed out of the hollow of the tree and looked all around in the hope you could find some kind of path, or sign to tell you which way to go. A twig snapped nearby, and you instantly froze on the spot. Again there was another snap of a twig along with the rustle of a bush. The noise was coming from behind you, and even though you turned to look in the direction of the sound, you couldn't see anything.
Then the hungry white eyes looked at you through the darkness between the trees, the wind howling above you, as it snarled, baring its teeth, glistening red in the faint light of the moon that cracked through the trees. Another crack of lighting thundered overhead, making you flinch. Now in the brief flicker of light, you could see the large wolf, its fur ragged and streaked in dirt and blood, claws like razors as it growled at you. Now it began to stalk closer towards you, sniffing the air as it went, licking its tongue hungrily as it crept closer. As quietly and calmly as possible, you slowly began to walk backwards, knowing that if you ran, I'd pounce and kill you. You flinched as twigs snapped underfoot as you backed away from the wolf, each noise seeming to make it's eyes grow hungrier with every step.
It snapped it's jaw in a bark, making you yelp in surprise as another crack of lighting thundered overhead, rumbling the earth. You took a step back in alarm, but stumbled, falling down onto the uneven ground, feeling your ankle twist underneath you. Unable to hold back to cry of pain, and now fear, you began to crawl backwards, not taking your eyes off the wolf as it snapped its teeth, beginning to get agitated. It let out a loud roar as it bared its teeth at you again, taking more powerful steps closer towards you. This was it, you thought, you were about to die. You had no where else to crawl to now, your back slamming into a tree. The wolf knew this, and roared again as you scrunched your eyes closed tightly, bracing for it.
You felt it come closer, its horrid breath blowing against you as you sat there still, curled up, waiting for the inevitable. A twig snapped nearby, and the wolf let out a low growl, making you flinch. Another growl came from not far away, another wolf you thought. Only the wolf in front of you, instead of growling back, whimpered. The other growl came again, and the snapping of twigs came closer. The wolf whimpered again and backed away from you. Peaking a quick glance, you saw the figure of a man with his back turned to you, placing himself between you and the wolf.Then you realised that the low threatening growl was coming from the man, as the wolf let out a whimpered cry, turned and ran away back into the darkness of the forest. You breathed a sigh of relief, before you caught a glimpse of the man as his head slowly turned to look down at you.
His rough black hair hid most of his features, but what captured you the most were his eyes, hazel with a reddish tint to them, and his teeth, his sharp fanged teeth, the trickle of blood down his chin. Your fear peeked as a scream formed in your throat, your gasp of shock becoming drowned out with the crack of lightning. "Shhh. Don't move", he muttered in barely a whisper, his eyes freezing you to the spot in fear as you'd tried to move. Instantly you froze, not daring to move as his slender fingers wiped the blood away, his eyes looking you up and down, studying you before turning his eyes away, scanning the trees. After looking all around, sniffing the air, his eyes scanning the darkness of the forest, he sighed.
"They've gone", he whispered, looking back to you reassuringly. Instinctively as he took a step towards you, holding out his hand, you flinched, backing away from this stranger. He frowned, puzzled by your reaction, until he noticed your eyes were looking at his lips, at his fangs. "You're a vampire", you barely spoke in a whisper, fear gripped inside you. First wolves, now this. He nodded slowly, looking uncomfortably at the floor, shifting on his feet as he wiped at his lips, making them disappear.
"I don't want to hurt you Y/N", he said calmly, his eyes gently looking at yours as he held out his hand again. You fought against what your mind was telling you to do, to run, as logically you couldn't right now. Your ankle was twisted and you were cold, injured, bleeding, lying in the middle of this forest. Maybe he was just trying to help, as he had just scared away the wolf that was about to attack you. He smiled gently at you, and you took his hand.
He helped you to your feet, putting an arm around your waist to help support you as you carefully hobbled on your foot. "You're hurt. Do you want me to carry you?", his deep voice asked quietly as he looked over his shoulder quickly, checking to see if there were any wolves. "No, I can walk", you replied defensively, attempting to walk but cried out as pain shot up your leg, causing you to collapsing into his chest. "Y/N, please. Don't do this. You're hurt. Let me help you". Nodding your head, he scooped you up into his arms.
You rested your head against his chest, nestling into his leather jacket as his strong arms carried you, taking long strides through the forest. "Don't worry. You have nothing to fear, I've got you", he whispered, kissing your forehead. As he carried you, you pressed yourself closer into him to try and keep warm as your body began to shake from cold and shock, the after effects finally catching up on you. You hadn't noticed that you'd both left the forest now, and were now walking down a deserted street, with derelict houses on either side.
Cautiously, Adam carried you into one of the houses set back from the street, and carefully placed you onto the sofa. Slowly, he methodically wrapped bandages around your bleeding wrist, but you couldn't help but notice how much his jaw strained on seeing your blood and watched his eyes darken. He felt you stiffen and cautiously backed away, observing you from afar as you finished doing it for him. "Thanks", you muttered, unsure whether you still trusted this vampire. Maybe he was different, or just his manner that you had allowed him so easily just to take you to his home.
"You should probably rest Y/N. It's late out", Adam said calmly, taking a peak outside through the heavy curtains. "But I just want to go home", you replied, attempting to limp towards the door. Within a second he was beside you, gently resting his hand on your shoulder. "Please, stay", Adam whispered into your ear, almost kissing you. Taking your hand, he leads you back over to the sofa, sitting you down. As you laid down, he pulled a blanket up over you, tucking you in, kissing your forehead. "Don't leave me", you found yourself saying as he stroked your cheek. True to your word, Adam sat beside you, allowing you to rest your head on his lap as he wound his fingers through your hair. As you allowed yourself to fall asleep, Adam began to hum a song, his deep voice vibrating in his chest, lulling you into sleep. He let his hand rest across you, protecting you as you curled up into him, letting yourself sleep, finally feeling safe. He kissed your forehead, entwining his fingers with yours before both of you fell asleep together in each other's arms.
[ I don't know why this one took so long to write. :S But anyways, I really hope you're enjoying this book, as there are only 3 more entries left to go! Ech! Thanks all of you for your comments so far, much appreciated xxx ]
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