Quick on your feet
After having a big drink, you'd finally managed to calm down after the brief encounter. Thinking over what he'd said, you walked around the corner from the cafe to the book store, and would you believe it, there was an advert in the window, just like Tom had said. You quickly dashed inside and spoke to the woman behind the counter, who without even looking at your CV, gave you the job straight away.
You began working right away inside the cute little book store, unboxing the books in the back room, before stacking them on the shelves. "Y/N, would you mind perhaps delivering this to one of my customers?", the bookstore owner asked. She was not a very elderly lady, but you wanted to help. "Sure", you said as you picked up the slim package of the book, putting it into your bag. The lady gave you directions on how to find their place, and you set off out.
The sun was shining, you were happy because you had a job in a place that was actually pretty cool. You couldn't help but smile as you began to practically skip along in happiness. That was, until you saw the bus you needed up ahead of you. It had it's indicator on, signalling that it was about to pull away, the last of its passengers leaping onto it. "No! Wait!", you shouted as you sprinted towards it. Instantly you regretted your poor choice of footwear, as there was no way you could sprint fast enough to get there in time. Your muscles were already burning in protest, your lungs bursting, your hands outstretch in the hope that it would stop. Just a few more feet.
Suddenly the ground came up in front of you, your hands and knees slamming down hard onto the concrete. The lung was immediately knocked out of you as you lay there in shock, your body screaming in pain as the bus continued pulling away, before it was gone. "Oh my god, I'm so sorry. Are you alright?". The alarmed voice beside you came closer, and before you knew it, their strong hands had grasped your shoulder, turning you over so you looked up at them. At him. At Bill Hazledine.
His golden noodle hair seemed to pop out of his head and his headphones dangled around his neck. His blue eyes sparkled with worry and concern as he looked down at you, his grip gentle but firm on your arm. His white vest top was drenched in sweat and he knelt down next to you.
"Tom?", you asked confused. "No, I'm not Tom hunny. I don't know who he is. I'm Bill. Sorry about this", he said, frowning slightly. "Huh?", you asked confused, yet again, looking at him. What on earth was going on? "I-I bumped into you. You were running so fast that I didn't see you". You just looked at him blankly, having no clue what to say or do. "Erm, maybe you hit your head when you landed?", he suggested with a little chuckle as he helped you to sit up, seeing your blank expression. "Yeah, maybe...", you muttered, agreeing with him. Maybe you did hit your head and this was all just some really weird dream, or hallucination.
"Do you think you can stand Y/N?", Bill asked, putting a hand under your arm to lift you up. You nodded, suddenly realising that everyone standing around was looking at you. With surprising strength, he lifted you to your feet. At first you swayed slightly, experiencing a little vertigo, but Bill quickly put his arms on your shoulders to steady you so you could focus on his eyes. "Easy there. Don't want you having another accident, do we Y/N?", he chuckled smiling at you. Then something clicked in your head as you began to adjust.
"Hold on, when did I tell you my name?", you asked him, frowning. A little crease appeared on Bill's brow as he looked at you. "Y/N, we've known each other for years, remember ... we live next door to each other ...". He spoke very calmly and gently, as if talking to someone who was deaf. You felt a sense of doubt fill your stomach. Had you hit your head and forgotten? Surely you couldn't have ...
"Come on. Let's get you home". Without warning, Bill swept you up into his arms, much to the crowds amusement at your sudden alarm. "Bill, no! Put me down. I can walk", you protested, trying to wriggle out of his grasp but he just held onto you tighter, until you groaned in defeat. "Bill, please. I'm fine, I can walk. I'm just a little shaken, that's all. Now put me down!". Your order was final as you crossed your arms in a huff. Bill just laughed, throwing his head back in laughter as he carried you like a bride in his arms down the street.
He carried you like this for several minutes, his gaze meeting your eyes as he occasionally glanced down at you as he walked. You had given up trying to resist now, and had just laid back into him, resting your head in the crook of his neck. Your limbs weren't hurting as much now, but still Bill continued to carry you, regardless of the bead of sweat now growing on his brow.
You closed your eyes briefly, just to savour this moment, only for a quick kiss to be pecked onto your forehead. "What was that for?", you asked, looking up at him. You could tell now he was struggling to carry you now, his hands trying to cling onto your legs and back, perhaps a little to tightly. "Because I could, and in all honesty, I've been waiting to give you that Y/N for a long time", he chuckled, biting his cheek as he tried to shift your weight in his arms.
After only a few more minutes of you silently giggling, watching Bill put himself through this straining physical exercise, you offered him a suggestion. "How about a piggy back instead? It'll make me a lot easier to carry, seeing as you are refusing to let me walk". His face immediately lit up like a puppy, and he helped you down, before allowing you to leap up onto his back.
With your arms wrapped tightly around his neck, and your legs around his torso, he began walking a lot quicker now, happily smiling, turning his little face around to look at you every once in a while. Regardless of the fact you were wearing a dress and that this position was a little awkward, you didn't care. You felt like a kid again, and couldn't help but giggle. "You're laughter is the sweetest thing on earth Y/N. I could listen to it all day", Bill laughed, joining in with you as he spun around on the spot, the world becoming a blur.
You could quite happily have become lost in this world, if it hadn't have been for your bag repeatedly banging onto your side. Then you remembered why it was so heavy. You were suppose to deliver the book to the customer like you'd been asked too. You quickly glanced around and soon spotted the large, tall modern looking building you were suppose to drop it off at. "Bill, can you drop me off here. I need to deliver something", you whispered into his ear as you tugged at one of his golden curls.
"Ouch, alright. I guess I have carried you for long enough", he sighed in defeat as he came to a stop directly outside the building, becoming lost in its intimidating shadow it cast by blocking out the sun. Climbing down off his back, you were just about to turn away when he leaned over and kissed your cheek. "I'll see you back at your place then", he chuckled, giving you a playful wink, before his long legs sent him running forwards, dashing off down the street. You watched him leave, as you stood outside the high rise, his golden hair growing dimmer before he vanished out of sight. Now, you reminded yourself, turning back around to look at the building, time to deliver this book ....
[There aren't really any words I can say about this, apart from playful golden retriever puppy ;). Hope you are all enjoying this. I wonder who you'll run into next. Remember to vote and comment. Share the love] xxxx
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