No longer strangers
You remained in the field for several minutes after watching Nicholls ride off, part of you leaving with him. By now the sun was beginning to get low in the sky, and you needed to get back home before it got dark. You managed to find a gap in the tall hedge, and climbed up the old wooden fence. As luck would have it, seeing as it had been against you most of the day, the wooden fence groaned and snapped, making you tumble face first onto the grass on the other side. Now you really had had enough. Both emotionally and physically in pain, you began to cry, refusing to move from where you lay lying on the grass.
"Darling, please don't cry". The gentle yet rough voice came from above you, and as you lifted your tear stained face, your mouth dropped in surprise. "Hal?", you asked, looking up at him. Sitting on top of a beautiful white horse, a red cape draped over his shoulders sat a man who seemed very familiar. His brown hair curled on top of his head, a short beard making his cheekbones seem even more redefined. He still wore the same red leather jacket as before, but he seemed older now, a lot older.
"You remembered me Y/N", he chuckled, dismounting from his horse effortlessly, before kneeling down beside you. "I told you I would come back for you, remember my love", he said, taking your hand, kissing it as he stroked a loose strand of your hair behind your ear. Taking your hand in his, he helped you up onto your feet, holding you close in his arms. "Please Hal, I just want to go home", you confessed, sinking into his embrace. He held his arms supportively around you, your head resting against his chest as he kissed your forehead tenderly. "My precious Y/N, for your love and heart, allow me the honour of your company. Don't run when I have longed and searched for your hand to be entwined with mine". His velvety voice whispered into your ear as his hand wound itself through your hair, before tilting up your chin to look into his eyes.
Speechless by his awe and confession of love, you allowed him to simply lead you over to his horse, scooping you up into his arms, and lifted you up into the saddle. He held your hand, kissing it, his beard tickling against your skin, making you giggle a little. He grinned at you, before gathering the horses reigns in his hand, and began walking, the horse walking alongside him. You both walked in blissful silence, as Hal would occasionally look up to you and smile, checking that you were okay. The sun was beginning to get lower in the sky now, and the wind had began to pick up a little. You had to hold onto the bottom of your dress as you sat in the saddle to make sure it didn't blow up, and you were constantly having to brush your hair out of your face as it wafted around. Hal however, seemed unaffected by the wind, walking purposefully down the county lane, holding his head up high, his red cape billowing out behind him.
Now the trees and hedges running along the path thickened, and part of the sun now began to get blocked out from the trees. Sometimes you had to duck your head down a bit to avoid hitting your head on the low overhanging branches. As Hal lead you deeper into the wood, the temperature beginning to drop around you, it crossed your mind that at this rate, you might not make it home at all before nightfall. As well as that, you had no idea where Hal was leading you. "Fair Y/N, do you remember our last meeting?", Hal asked, looking up at you as he changed course, leading the horse down a narrower path into thicker trees. "Yes I do. And how awkward it was", you replied, a smile on your lips as you remember the last time you'd been with Hal in the tavern, and how he had made out with you in front of those strangers.
Just as you thought the trees around you would become so thick that you wouldn't be able to breathe, you emerged into a clearing, an opening in the trees which overlooked a valley, the sunset catching across the tops of the trees against the crimson sky. "It's beautiful", you gasped, looking at the view before you as Hal stopped the horse, and helped you dismount. "It is, but my eyes lie elsewhere", he whispered. Hal held your hands gently, his eyes glistening like sapphires as he looked at you. He bit his lip, uncertain as to how to say the next part, but smiled gently as he made up his mind.
"I know no ways to mince it in love, but directly to say...", he paused as you held onto his every word with painted breath, as he leant in closer, his lips close to yours, before whispering, "I love you". His lips brushed against yours in a gentle kiss, so soft and carefully as if you were made of glass. Even such a delicate, and long kiss left your breathless, looking longingly into his eyes for more. "Oh Y/N, there is witchcraft in your lips. I am undone in a single kiss. An angels kiss", he moaned. "I said I would return to thee, did I not Y/N, upon my appointment on the throne?", he said, looking deeply into your eyes. You remembered he had said that when he had left you what felt like years ago, yet now, standing here together, hand in hand, it felt like you had never been apart.
"Do you love me Y/N?", he asked in barely a whisper. You nodded, pulling him closer to you, wanting to get lost inside his eyes. He smiled, letting go of your hands, knelt in front of you, offering out his hand openly to you. "Therefore tell me, most fair Y/N, will you have me? Put off your maiden blushes, avouch the thoughts of your heart with the looks of an empress, take me by the hand, and say "Harry of England, I am thine," which word thou shalt no sooner bless mine ear withal". Speechless, and overwhelmed in shock, you let his words sink in. Hal, the man who you'd fallen for, who was now King Henry, was offering you his hand ... in marriage!
"Wilt thou have me?", he asked, the words rolling eloquently off his tongue as he looked up loving you at you. You could not bring yourself to words for the choked up happiness inside you, but nodded your head, feeling yourself become complete as you placed your hand into his. "Upon that I kiss your hand, and I call you my queen", his voice whispered, his face bursting with happiness and joy as he laid his kiss upon your hand, before swiftly rising and placing the kiss on your own lips.
The next moments passed by in a clouded bliss, as nothing could make you feel any happier or at peace than what you did now. Lying on top of his cloak, both of you lay together, arms wrapped around each other as you watched the distant sun set. Both of you were happy and contented, madly in love, not wanting to let each other go. You snuggled your head further into the nape of his neck as he wound his fingers through your hair, kissing your forehead. "Y/N, my queen. Stars in their heavens hold no beauty like yours", he said softly, stroking your cheek as you began to feel sleepy. "Sleep here awhile, under such stars that let your beauty shine". He carefully got up, taking off his red cape, wrapping it around you to keep warm as you curled up on the grass, eyes fluttering up at the stars. With a soft kiss upon your forehead, you closed you eyes and allowed yourself to slip into this pleasant bill you had only dreamed of, as Henry went to fetch his horse to take you back to the palace as his queen.
[There are no words I can say here ;) Hope you all enjoyed this one. But this story is not over yet ... oh no ... there are a few more still to come ;)
Remember to leave your thoughts and comments lovely peeps, and remember, sweet dreams x]
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