Drive of your life
You just wanted the world to swallow you up after all you'd gone through. It hurt to think about what had gone on today, not to mention that face that seemed to appear everywhere. Why wouldn't he leave you alone? As the elevator continued on its downwards journey, you wiped the tears out of your eyes. He'd made sure you were safe, even though you wanted to get out and run all the way back up to him, but there were no buttons on the inside for you to press. Finally, as you watched the numbers count down, you felt the lift begin to slow until with a thud, it reached zero.
When the lift doors opened however, it wasn't the sight of the lobby that greeted you, but the basement instead. Had Laing meant to send you this far down? Taking small steps out of the lift, you looked around to try and see your bearings clearer. Automatic sensors seemed to pick up your movement, and the bright fluorescent lights flickered into life, allowing you to see around more clearly. The painted white lines on the floor and the solid concrete pillars stretching up to the ceiling told you exactly where you were; the underground car park. Maybe there would be a sign telling you the way out, you thought as you stepped out of the lift. As soon as you did, the lift doors quickly snapped shut behind you, and regardless of the amount of times you hit the call button, the doors refused to open.
"Having a bit of trouble?", a low voice called out from over the other end of the car park. You gulped, feeling yourself tense. You recognised that voice. Of course you did. He'd been stalking you all day already. As you turned around slowly to see, your back pressed up against the doors, the lights in the darkened part of the car park came on, revealing him. Leaning against the side of a pillar stood Tom, a wicked grin on his face as he chuckled to himself, watching you. "You'll never get out that way dear", he remarked as you pushed at the lift call button again, not taking your eyes off him.
His chuckle echoed off the walls as you tried a further 10 times to call the lift with no success. Reluctantly, you sighed in defeat, crossing your arms, glaring at him. With his hands in his pocket, he looked very relaxed just leaning there, watching you, both staring at each other to see who would break first. Of course it would be you to turn your gaze away. There was only so long you could look into his dark eyes before your knees turned weak.
Thankfully, Tom didn't notice, as his attention was distracted by a door opening at the far end of the car park, and two strongly built men entered dressed in black suits, their muscles nearly bursting the seams as they walked swiftly over to him. "Got it?", he snapped at them sharply, bringing himself up to his full height, towering even taller up into the sky. One of the men nodded, holding up a black bag in his hand. "Put it in the boot. Now, you know the plan. See you in Paris", he said quickly to them, brushing off a bit of imaginary dust off the sleeve of his impeccable blue suit.
You hadn't even noticed the sleek, white car parked a few feet behind him, but couldn't help but stare at it in awe. It did look very beautiful, and very expensive. As you watched the two men open up the boot and put the bag inside, you hadn't noticed Tom beginning to walk towards you, his long legs striding towards you. "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and believe me Y/N. That car is nothing compared to you". His velvety voice only heightened the beating of your already fast-paced heart, your eyes widening as he came to stop in front of you, his hand effortlessly turning your cheek to face him.
"Now, shall we?", he smirked, offering out his arm for you to take. Too speechless to reply, you took his arm and he lead you with ease over to the car, your short legs struggling to keep up with his massive strides. The two men had departed to two similar black cars parked in the corner, and sat patiently, obviously waiting to follow orders. Opening the passenger door, you sat down in the seat, Tom kissing your hand before he shut the door, your eyes following him as he walked around the front of the car, before getting into the drivers side. The black and red leather interior with the gentle classical music playing in the background seemed so surreal. Everything just felt like a dream, but what was completely real was Tom's hand which now rested on the bare flesh of your thigh, gently stroking you.
"You've been crying darling. Has someone upset you?", he asked seriously in barely a whisper, his hand coming up and stroking your cheek. You shook your head but he reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out a handkerchief regardless, passing it to you. As you wiped your dried tears from before away, Tom's eyes never left your face, softening slightly as he gazed at you. "Don't worry. Whoever they were, they will never hurt you again. I will make sure that they are stopped, permanently." Even though his hand gently stroked your cheek, tucking a loose strand of your hair behind your ear, there was a hint of menace in his voice.
Without giving you any time to recover your thoughts or emotions, Tom quickly started the car, its engine roaring loudly before it set off, driving out of the car park and into the harsh sunlight of day. The two black cars followed quickly behind as Tom easily navigated through the traffic, barely sticking to the speed limit. People jumped out of the way of the road as he sped along at lightning speed, making you grip the seat tightly as he swerved around a corner. "Could you slow down, please!", you squealed as the sudden burst in acceleration pushed you back in your seat as the road widened into a motorway. Cars and scenery were passing by quicker than you could comprehend, all the while Tom remained perfectly relaxed, not even seeming to notice how fast he was driving.
"Slow down!", you nearly screamed at him as he weaved past a large truck, fearing that he was about to drive straight into it. "I can't slow down darling, not while I'm working. You know that Y/N", Tom replied calmly, one hand on the steering wheel, the other resting on your leg, gliding up and down to try and calm you. "W-Working?". "Yes? You didn't think I came to pick up just you, did you? I have to do some of this dirty work myself you know", he chuckled amused. Then you remembered the bag that you'd seen the two men carrying which they'd put in the boot of Tom's car. It must have been your slightly scared and confused expression which made him turn to look at you, that or the fact that you could both hear the sound of police sirens.
"You're stealing!", you realised as you leaned away from him, trying to put as much distance between the both of you as possible. Tom's brow deepened as his jaw began to clench, his knuckles turning white on the steering wheel as the noise of sirens began to get louder. "Yes, you know this Y/N. How do you think I afford everything? An evil organisation doesn't just create itself you know", he hissed annoyed as his eyes widened looking in the rear view mirror, seeing blue flashing lights in the distance beginning to get closer through the traffic of cars behind. The two black cars that had been following close behind had begun weaving in and out of the cars, trying to distract the police cars which were getting closer by the second.
Something needed to be done. You couldn't let yourself be associated with someone who was like this, who was this thief, this criminal. "Stop the car Tom! You can't outrun the police, they'll catch you", you shouted at him. His eyes darkened, a mischievous grin forming on his lips. "Let's see them try", he chuckled darkly, before slamming his foot on the accelerator. You were pushed far back into your seat with the force of the speed the car was travelling it. The police cars were being left behind for dust.
"STOP!", you screamed at him, attempting to grab the wheel in some attempt to stop him and grab his attention. You certainly got his attention as he snarled at you, roughly grabbing your wrist tightly, yanking it away, but you'd already sent the car up a slip road, onto a quieter road. Tom slammed on the breaks and hurtled the car to a stop at the side of the road, just as you were thrown forward with the force of the sudden stop, the seatbelt thankfully saving you.
Within seconds Tom had leapt out of his seat and gotten out of the car, before pulling open your door, dragging you out. "Let go!", you shouted at him as his viper grip held you around the waist, your legs dangling, unable to touch the floor as you struggled in his grip. "I can't drive with you like this Y/N! Do you want us to get killed!?", he screamed down your ear, the veins in his neck jumping out as his face turned red with rage. With his free hand, he opened the car boot. Before you could even have chance to fight back, he dropped you into it, before slamming the boot shut.
That was when your mind filled with panic as you were surrounded in darkness in the cramped space. You heard Tom swear loudly as the car door shut as he put his foot down again. You clawed and banged desperately inside the boot, trying to find anything to help you escape, or to make Tom stop. As you felt the car take a sharp turn, the sound of police sirens deadly close, you felt something hit your leg. You felt around in the dark and found the bag. Without hesitation, you reached inside and pulled out something small and flat. It felt like a phone, but you couldn't feel any buttons. The car suddenly screeched to a halt, and you screamed as you were thrown to the other side of the boot, the wind being knocked out of your lungs as your head hit the boot lid.
Dazed, you couldn't make sense of what happened next. Your eyes burned as the boot was opened and the sunlight shone in, just as a pair of strong arms lifted you up, scooping you up into their strong arms. You felt their kiss on your forehead as you began to come back to your senses, then in the crook of your neck, then on your lips. Their kiss was hard, almost like a bite, their teeth sinking into your lips as their tongue roughly forced their way in, growling. You tried to push them away, but felt yourself slipping further into their passion. You grasped a handful of their hair, tugging at it as you pulled their lips closer to yours, moaning as you kissed them back.
"Mmm, perhaps I should lock you away more often", their deep voice whispered into your ear sending a rush up your spine as their lips danced across the nape of your neck. The sound of police cars returned again, getting louder the closer they came, making Tom groan in annoyance. "They always spoil everything", he moaned, resting his forehead against yours. You allowed yourself to stare into his hungry eyes, feeling the tension in his body tighten. "I don't want to leave you", he whispered, pulling you closer into him. "Then don't". "I have to. I can't risk you getting caught with me. Imagine how much fun they'd have with that, bringing me down to my knees because they have the only woman I love in their grasp". He kept his voice low as he rested his head on top of yours, just holding you in his arms.
When the noise of the police sirens became too close for comfort, Tom sighed and gently eased you down, allowing you to stand as he quickly shut the boot of the car, throwing a quick glance over his shoulder. "I have to make the ferry before they do. Otherwise I will have a lot of angry clients in the underworld", he groaned, loosening his hold on you so now he stood, just holding your shoulders. "I love you", he whispered, as he leant in and kissed your lips once more before the screech of tires made him pull away sharply. One of the black cars honked its horn as it sped past where you'd stop at the side of the road in the country lane. Tom looked one final time at you, before stealing another quick kiss roughly on your lips. Soon, he dashed off, jumping in his Jag and drove off, leaving you standing on the side of the road in the middle of no where with his kiss still firmly in your mind, and the sound of police sirens getting closer in your ears ....
[Now this is the bad part where I say I know exactly what it's like to drive that car, having driven an Aston Martin V8 Vantage around a race track in real life ;) *smirks like a bad-ass*. You can steer it with your pinky finger, and when you put your foot down, nothing beats the engines roar!
Anyway, moving on. Bad-ass Tom! I need some more of him in my life. Yes please. Well, they say always be careful what you wish for ... maybe one day. Hope you like it, and don't forget to vote and comment lovelies. Share the love] xxx
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