Another Day, Another Coffee
The rumble of a large truck passing outside the house shook the bed, making the headboard bang against the wall. You groaned in annoyance as you felt it shake you awake from your dreamless sleep. This happened usually every morning, and as usual, you would end up being awake before your alarm even had chance to go off.
As your eyelids slowly opened to see the morning sun streaming in through the gap in your curtains, you let out a defeated sigh. Another night gone, and not a single dream happened. You were pretty sure now that you would be cursed like this forever, never to have another dream ever again for the rest of your life. What a dull world to look forward to.
Dragging yourself out of bed, you threw yourself into the shower to try and wake yourself up a bit more, deliberately turning it onto ice cold. After refreshing yourself, you slipped back into your room and began rummaging for something to wear. You didn't know whether to trust what you'd heard the weatherman say the other day, but decided it was worth the gamble. Slipping on a plain summer dress, you tied your hair up into a quick ponytail and grabbed your flat shoes, before putting on a little bit of make up, just to make yourself appear more human.
Hurriedly eating breakfast, you grabbed your bag and phone before making your way out. Despite having a dull night, and not really any plans, you had decided to make the most of it. Your mission; to try and find a job, to save you slipping further into this dull, adult depression that had began to sink in.
After taking a long bus ride into town, you stepped off and set off in the direction of the jobs centre. You weren't too sure what jobs you'd be able to find, but just hoped it would be something you could do to pass the time before the right one came along. After only spending a few minutes in there along with the high school drop outs and druggies, you departed back out into the sun unsuccessful. From being a truck driver or a carer, all the jobs were way out of your league. You'd just have to do it the old fashioned way.
After a quick stop off at the local internet cafe, you emerged with a load of CVs tucked under your arm. Even if places didn't have adverts up or weren't recruiting yet, you were determined to at least try. You went into every shop, cafe, pub, even the bank, talking to the staff, giving them your CV, just hoping there would be something. "We'll call you if anything comes up", they all said, but you knew they never would.
By now it was afternoon and you were beginning to feel a little hungry. Spotting a cafe, you crossed over the road, trying to balance your bag on your shoulder as it continued to slip off, as well as the pile of CVs under your arm. Thankfully, someone was exiting the cafe at the same time you approached. Not getting a chance to look up properly, you headed towards the door which was now being held open for you. "Thanks", you said a little flustered as you continued your balancing act. "No problem lovely", the man replied, his voice sending a rush through your spine. Now standing directly in front of the man, you look up to him, and gasped in surprise, dropping everything.
You recognised that voice, and just hearing it was enough to make your heart stop beating. Your knees became slightly weaker as you looked up into the most beautiful pair of blue eyes in existence, their deep pools looking straight into yours. Their gentle smile seemed to draw you in where their attractive features just made you feel even more breathless. Even if normal people couldn't recognise him in these everyday clothes, you identified him immediately. None other than Tom Hiddleston!
"Oh my god, I'm so sorry", you spluttered, flustered as you quickly bent down to pick up your things you'd dropped upon seeing him. Within a second he was kneeling beside you, helping you to pick up your things, despite his hands already being full. "It's alright. Here, let me help you", he chuckled reassuringly. You were transfixed as his long fingers easily picked up your CVs, the scent of his cologne filling your lungs, his breathe gently blowing across your cheek as he knelt there beside you. It took all your will power to contain yourself and not to squeal like a kid in a sweet shop.
"There we are", he said gently, standing up gracefully, towering over you from where you were crouched. Looking up at him from down there, you couldn't help but feel intimidated slightly. He was even taller than you remembered. "T-Thanks", you managed to say, quickly standing back up, noticing that he was looking down at you a little confused.
"I believe these are yours, and that is mine", he chuckled, grinning at you as he handed your things back to you. It was then you noticed that you had a film script in your hand, and realised that you must have accidentally swapped items in the scuffle. "Oh, sorry", you replied, flustered, quickly taking your things back, and carefully giving Tom back his script. He shifted on his feet as he rearranged the items he was holding, carefully tucking the script under his arm, out of view as he took a quick sip of his coffee. "A new film script?", you enquire, just out of curiosity, but also to kill the silent tension between the both of you. "Hmm? Oh yes, this thing. Yes, top secret, shhhh", he replied quickly, his free hand awkwardly scratching the back of his neck.
"What is it?", you ask eagerly, taking a tiny step forward, taking a quick look at it, just to see if you could read the title of it. "I can't say". "Why not?". "If I told you, I'm afraid I would have to kill you". His voice was very low and sent a shiver down his spine as his eyes turned very cold, looking deep into yours. You felt your stomach drop, a bead of sweat drip from your forehead. In a single second the mood had shifted. You had been chuckling quite happily together, and now, as he leaned over you, staring you down intimidatingly, you felt terrified. You'd heard him use that type of voice before, and it always sent shivers down your spine. Now you regretted choosing to wear a dress today, as you were sure your knees were knocking together.
Tom leaned in closer, so now his nose was merely centimetres from yours. "And trust me when I say this, I would rather not have to do that to you, my dear". You remained frozen on the spot as something deep inside you exploded. That voice, his eyes, and the mere closeness of the two of you. Regardless of him saying he didn't want to kill you, he just did.
"Eheheheheh, I'm joking don't worry". His face broke into the largest grin as the corner of his eyes wrinkled as he laughed playfully. You laughed a little with him too, although inside you were still a little shaky. "Anyway, I must be off. It was nice to meet you Miss ...?". He held out his hand for you to shake, looking patiently at you, waiting for a reply as you just stood there looking at him in some kind of trance, not really sure if this was actually happening. "Y/N. Yes, a pleasure Tom", you smiled back at him as you shook his hand, trying to stop your anxiety from showing.
Stepping aside, he gestured for you to step inside the cafe as he held the door open for you, giving you a wonderful smile. Your legs worked automatically as you moved past him, your shoulder brushing gently against him. You had to bite your tongue to resist saying anything or making a noise, and just remembered to continue breathing. "Y/N", he whispered just as you were about to take a step. "Yes?". You spun around to face him quickly. "I hear the bookshop around the corner is a nice place to spend a few hours in", Tom whispered in a hushed voice, staring intently into your eyes, before giving you a wink and a gentle smile. With that, he then turned around, and walked off down the street, leaving you standing in the doorway of the coffee shop, speechless.
[Don't worry, there is more to come! Please comment and vote, and don't forget to share. Love you all] xxx
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