Chapter One
The way he looked at me made my heart stop. I've never experienced anything so intimate before. When he gazed at me with such adoration, I finally felt like a grown up- like all of my preteen years were officially over.
William ran his finger up and down my arm, causing my heartbeat to slow down. I loved it. He made me feel special.
"Molly." My mother's loud, bold voice called out to me. "I need you to come help set the table."
I froze for a moment, hoping maybe she'd assume I was asleep and leave me be. That didn't happen.
The sound of her shiny heels clicking against the wooden floors, caused both Will and I to jump off my bed, and put our clothes back on.
If she caught him in my room, my life would be over. Will and I would never be allowed to set foot in the same room again- not if my parents could help it. They thought I was so pure.
"You said they wouldn't catch us!" Will snarled, pulling his legs through the old, washed jeans he's had since freshman year.
I rolled my eyes as I unlocked the large window, and forced it open again. "They still haven't."
He grabbed his backpack just as my mother's footsteps told me she was on the second floor- my floor. "Pass me my keys."
I picked up his keys, and tossed them to him. Will threw his bag out the window, and slowly climbed out of my room.
"I'll see you tomorrow." He kissed me real fast and ran off into the woods behind my house- just before my mom opened my bedroom door.
"There you are. I've been calling your name." She said, noticing my body halfway out the window. "What are you doing?"
I pulled my head back inside, awkwardly wiping the dirt off my hands. "Observing nature- it's a- school project....?"
My mom furrowed her brows, but quickly shook it off. "Can you come help your brother set the table?"
"Why can't Lindsay do it?" I questioned, bringing up my 15 year old sister who always gets away without doing anything to help around the house. She could be the laziest person I know- yet always gets away with not contributing.
"Yes mother." She mocked, pretending to be me, her child, as I obeyed to help her out.
Once again, I rolled my eyes. "I'll be there in a second."
She smiled in approval, and left my room- making sure to keep the door wide open. That's what she always did when she wanted to make sure I'd actually come help.
"That was close." I whispered to myself, sighing in relief once my mother was no longer near. I began to head downstairs, but my phone started to blast my obnoxious text-tone.
I backed up, checked the device, and saw a new text from my father. 'Be home in ten minutes. Please set an extra plate for me. Love you.'
I questioned his text. Who was the extra plate for? Our rule was supposed to be no company on school nights. It was a Monday.
Whatever. I guess when you're old, and make the rules- you can break them, too.
I ran downstairs, and started to help Carter with setting the table.
"Grab an extra plate." I told him, "We're expecting someone else."
Carter stopped placing the napkins down, and stared at me. "What did you just say?"
I huffed, "Just grab an extra plate when you get them. Is it that hard to understand?"
"Who's coming over?" He asked.
I shrugged my shoulders. "Dad just said to do it, okay?"
Carter shook his head with a sigh, "Whatever."
I have to admit, at his age of 13, Carter was already beginning to act like me. I like to consider us the carefree, just go with it type- the ones who break the rules, but will also follow them. Not to mention, the whole town thinks we're Angels.
Little did they know, that I sneak off to have sex with my hotshot boyfriend- and Carter disappears into the woods everyday to smoke a cigarette.
My sister Lindsay, on the other hand, was a tragedy in my eyes- but unlike Carter and I, she didn't have a wonderful reputation to live up too. Everyone already knew that she was a lost cause- even my parents. We've all just kind of given up on her.
Lindsay gets to do whatever Lindsay wants too. I don't have that luxury. That infuriates me.
"Make sure you line up the setting properly." My mother called out from inside the kitchen, "Otherwise it doesn't look good."
I stared down at the old, country floral table set that rested before my eyes. It was tacky, and unnecessary- but because my mother loved it, and because the rest of families in this goddamn place had table sets- we had one, too.
I hated how everything here had to be the same. It's like we're all on one, same timer that goes off each night.
Bernice, Oklahoma couldn't accept change- variety. No new traditions, or foreign concepts. No wild flavors, or interesting restaurants. No vibrant colors, or characters when it comes to people.
Just the same, old, boring bullshit that's been around for hundreds of years.
The sound of car doors slamming shut caught everyone's attention.
"Molly Jane Woods! That table better be set properly!" My mother cried, rushing into the dining room and setting a bowl of mashed potatoes down on our dinner table. "Carter, help me with the food."
Carter rushed into the kitchen, and assisted my mother with putting the food out. My dad liked to come home to find dinner already prepared and ready for him to sit down and eat.
My father had one of the hardest jobs around. Him and a few other men would drive hours each day in order to sell their products down in Calgary. That's how they made a living.
When you drive constantly, the last thing you want when you get home is to have to wait for dinner to be ready. You just want to eat- to clench your undying hunger.
Expecting an important guest, my mother dusted off her apron and stood behind Carter and I- both her hands on our shoulders.
The back door swung open, and in walked my stressed father- 6 pm sharp just like every night.
He smiled upon sight of us all, dropping his bag and hugging each of us tightly. My mom urged him to introduce him to the sudden guest- and that's when his smile fell.
"Now, Angelica- I know we didn't get to talk about this, but its something I felt like I had to do." He said, sticking his head out the door and waving the anonymous guest over.
My mother furrowed her brows. So did Carter and I. What on earth was my father talking about?
But once he stepped out of the way, and our visitor came forward- I knew what he meant. I understood why he thought my mother would freak out.
Up the steps, trudged a tall, handsome, beat- up man. I wouldn't even consider him that.... he looked about my age. And you're probably wondering what's the big deal, right?
Well, to my mother- anyone with torn up clothes, and a big ole bruise on his face meant trouble. Just like all the moms around here, trouble wasn't acceptable- not to mention, my mother already has to deal with Lindsay, who is trouble enough.
"Who is this, Albert?" She asked, forcing a wide smile that I could tell was consisted of gritted teeth. She didn't want this slacker in her home.
My dad rubbed the back of his neck, before pulling out his chair at the head of the table. "Call Lindsay, please. I think we should sit down and eat."
My mother stiffened up, but did as he said. Lindsay came barreling in the room, and we all sat down- including this mysterious stranger.
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