iv. lightweight
"I'm not drunk!" Caroline slammed her fist down on the bar counter, making the drink next to her shake, "I'm simply..." she tapped her chin, thinking almost comically as she tried to form a word, "inebriated."
"Just because you use a bigger word doesn't mean that I won't be able to understand that you're drunk," Nancy crossed her arms, "We've only been here an hour."
Caroline shushed Nancy, bringing a finger to her own lips before pushing it onto Nancy's, "You've seemed to forget, my dear, sweet, Nancy, that I hardly ever drink."
"No, it clearly shows," Nancy swatted the blonde's hand away. Letting out a breath of air, her mouth formed a line, "Okay, now I see why you don't go out."
"Yes, because you're my only friend," Caroline said before laying her head down on the bar counter, "Do you think I could eat that whole bucket of peanuts?"
"Oh my god," Nancy laughed to herself, shaking her head as she looked towards the entrance of the bar. Her heart stopped, "Oh my god."
Neil was entering the bar. He had two other men with him, and they were walking their way.
"He cannot," Nancy whispered to Caroline sharply, "cannot see you like this!"
"Who sees me like what?" Caroline turned her head, her flushed face turning an even brighter red than before, "Why is Neil here?" She gasped before groaning, "Nancy, why'd you let me drink so much?"
"Let you drink so much?" Nancy exclaimed, "Caroline you had, like, three drinks!"
"That's not important," Caroline slapped her friend's arm before lifting it over her head, "Hide me."
"Caroline, I can't-" Nancy struggled against the drunken girl before turning with a smile, "Oh, hi Neil."
Caroline's eyes nearly bugged out of her head as she turned to see the tall, handsome bookshop patron. She dropped Nancy's arm in shock before letting out a drawn-out, "Heeey."
Nancy could tell Neil was trying to hide his amusement as he bit his smile back, "Never expected to see you two here."
"Yeah, well, here we are," Nancy chuckled, "And who's your friends?"
Neil raised his eyebrows as he looked behind him at his friends, "Oh, this is Geddy and Alex my, uh... coworkers," He turned to the two men, who were amused at something he had said because they snickered to each other, "This is Nancy and Caroline, they run the bookstore down the road from the stu- our workplace."
"So they're real," Geddy exclaimed jokingly and Alex let out a laugh. Neil closed his eyes in silent frustration for a moment, before giving the two girls a toothless grin.
"Nice to meet you both, any friend of Neil's is a friend of ours. Right, Line?" Nancy flitted her eyes over to Caroline, who was trying really hard to act casual.
"Yeah, right!" Caroline grinned before hiccuping, her eyes went wide as she covered her mouth, "Oh god, excuse me."
"Are you okay, Caroline?" Neil asked, a sparkle of amusement in his eyes.
"Peachy keen, ay-okay, hunky dory, I'm-," the barstool began to turn from under her as she almost fell from her seat, she gripped the edge of the bar before smiling in embarrassment, "Alright."
"How many drinks has she had?" the blond named Alex asked, smiling before ordering a drink and sitting at the bar.
Nancy grimaced, "Less than you think, she'll be fine though."
Caroline groaned in her seat, turning around and setting her head on the bar counter, "I'm sorry your first impression of me is this."
"She's still amiable when she's drunk," Neil laughed, sitting down beside the blonde woman.
"Well," Alex grinned, "I'm looking to get right about where she's at right now," He told them before downing his drink.
Nancy smiled, and the man named Geddy sat down beside her. As the two began small talk, Caroline turned her head towards Neil, "I'm so sorry you had to see me like this," she frowned, "I'm a mess."
"You're human," Neil chuckled, "I'm a mess too, don't worry."
"Neil, you couldn't be a mess if you tried," Caroline pouted while poking his arm, "You're perfect."
"I'm all but perfect," Neil nodded towards the bartender as he set his drink in front of him, "You're drunk."
"Now we're both just stating the obvious," Caroline snorted, before letting out a loud laugh. Which, in turn, caused Neil to laugh too.
As the night was slowly turning to day, the group of twenty-somethings left the bar. Nancy waved at Caroline as she hung off Geddy's arm, "I'll see you tomorrow, Line!"
"Goodnight Nance, Geddy," Caroline smiled, still swaying slightly from the alcohol in her system, the fact that she had drank more didn't help.
"Hey man, I'm gonna take off," Alex told Neil as he started walking down the sidewalk, "It was nice meeting you Caroline," he called.
"You too!" Caroline shouted, giggling as she stumbled slightly.
"Hey," Neil said, clearly being the most sober one out of the group, "I'm gonna walk you home, alright? You're in no shape for walking home alone."
"Neil, you don't have to," Caroline shook her head, "I can get a cab."
Neil shook his head, "Caroline, I want to."
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