iii. listening
As the morning arrived Caroline felt a little giddier than normal. She didn't even need Mercutio to wake her up, the excitement of what the day might bring- or who the day might bring- put a spring in her step.
Humming as she skipped down the stairs, fully dressed and ready for today's workload. She moved quickly towards the turntable, knowing exactly what she wanted to listen to. "Questions 67 and 68" by Chicago filled the shop. The song explaining her feelings perfectly.
The sound of keys jingling in the lock snapped her back into reality, "Good morning, sunshine," Nancy smiled, handing Caroline a cup of coffee. She sat her things behind the counter before pausing, "A love song?" Nancy raised an eyebrow, sifting through her belongings before pulling out a magazine, "This wouldn't be because of a certain dystopian novel seeker, would it?"
Caroline bit her lip, arranging the pamphlets from local businesses and events that sat at the checkout counter, "No, definitely not."
"Come on, Line," Nancy pouted, "I always tell you about my love ventures."
Caroline rolled her eyes, switching the sign in the window to say they were open, "It's nothing, Nance. I'm just in a good mood, that's all."
"Mhm," Nancy nodded before mumbling, "a good mood my ass."
Caroline was about to retort, but the sound of the bell above the door ringing cut her off, "Hi Nancy, Caroline," Todd, one of their regulars, smiled.
"Hey, Todd," Nancy smiled briefly at him before looking back at her magazine.
"Anything I can help you with?" Caroline asked, turning to face him. His round glasses were covered in fog from the transition from cold to warm air. Some of the dark, curly hair peeking out from his cap had snow melting in it.
"I just thought I'd stop in before work to see if you had anything new, and see how you two are doing," he shrugged, chuckling awkwardly.
"Well feel free to look around," Caroline smiled.
"Will do," He murmured before wandering the aisles.
Caroline sat next to Nancy behind the register, sipping her coffee and turning to look at the snowfall outside. Her mind seemed to leave her, falling into a daze as she watched the white flakes fall.
"I like the music today," Todd said from the other side of the counter, making Caroline jump, "Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you."
He placed his book on the counter, and Caroline was shocked at the title, "Fahrenheit 451, eh? Moving away from your classic English novelists?" She asked, raising her eyebrow.
"Never," Todd smiled, "I just saw this on your book of the week display a few weeks ago, and I've been meaning to read it."
"Well it's an excellent read," Caroline told him before beginning to check the book out.
The door's bell rang again, signaling a new customer, "Hello," Caroline called, not looking up from the register.
"Hey, Caroline," The voice made her head shoot up immediately, "and Nancy, right?"
"Yep," Nancy smiled, nudging Caroline lightly with her foot.
"Neil," The blonde woman beamed, "What brings you back again so soon?"
"Just came to browse," he grinned as Mercutio ran toward him, "I didn't have enough time to yesterday."
Handing Todd his bag and receipt, she wished him a good day before returning her focus to Neil, "Well, feel free to look around. Let us know if you need anything."
As the tall man entered one of the aisles, Nancy made sure he was still within earshot before saying, "Todd likes you, y'know?"
"What?" Caroline looked at her, shocked, "No he doesn't."
"You're blind," Nancy shook her head, glancing towards Neil to see if he was listening. And much to her delight, it looked like he was, the way he was lingering in a certain spot.
"I wouldn't go for Todd anyway," Caroline shook her head, "He's too... Todd."
Nancy laughed, "Okay, what does that mean? He's nice!"
"Sure, yeah, he's nice!" Caroline shrugged, "But that's just it, he's plain. No surprises or excitement will come with a man like Todd," Caroline wrinkled her nose at her statement, "That sounded a little mean. He's a good guy."
"No, keep going!" Nancy grinned, leaning forward, "You're finally letting me inside your head."
Caroline shook her head, "I've said enough for today," she smiled, nudging Nancy, "Besides if I told you everything about me I'm afraid you wouldn't want to stick around."
"Trust me, Line, there's nothing you can do to get rid of me," Nancy smiled, "You're stuck with me," The brunette watched as the man went toward the book nook. She hoped that he'd take Caroline's words as advice instead of criticism, even though it wasn't directed toward him.
Caroline went to take a sip of her coffee, but she noticed it was empty, "Well that went fast," she muttered to herself, "I'm gonna go upstairs to make some coffee. Do you want some?"
Nancy shook her head and Caroline turned to the stairs to her apartment, but courage bubbled in her chest as she walked back to the book nook.
Neil greeted her with a small smile, Mercutio making himself at home by his side, "Would you like a cup of coffee? I'm going up to make some."
"That would be great. I missed my cup this morning," He told her.
"Alrighty, I'll be down with it in a minute," she grinned before turning on her heel.
Coming back with two hot mugs of coffee, she set his down on the small end table next to him, "Mind if I sit with you?" Caroline asked, surprised at her own boldness, "And I wasn't sure how you took your coffee so I-"
"Black is completely fine," He nodded, "and I don't mind at all."
Mercutio sat up from Neil's side and sprung over to Caroline, the blonde careful not to spill her drink, "I'm starting to think if I don't give him enough attention," she gestured to the cat, "He'll leave me for you."
Neil chuckled at the thought, "Well, he does seem to like me quite a lot."
There was a bout of comfortable silence, Caroline didn't dare look up from the cat or her coffee, suddenly regretting her boldness, "So how are those poems finding you?"
"I must admit I haven't had time to read much of them," He confessed, "but from the ones I have read, I can see why you admire her so much."
"She does have a brilliant way with words,"Caroline scratched the tabby cat's ears before he flopped down onto the floor, baring his stomach to her, "I'm not falling for that," she told him, because as soon as she would reach down to pet his stomach he'd attack her hand.
"That is one strange cat," Neil told her, watching the pet's antics in amusement.
"I think he's in his rebellious teenage stage," Caroline furrowed her brow as the cat playfully bit at her finger, "He stuck his face in my bowl of cereal last week."
Neil chuckled, the sound causing Caroline to laugh lightly as well, "Well, soon he'll be off to college and you'll miss that teenage phase," Neil joked.
"Oh, Mercutio isn't going to college," Caroline shook her head seriously, "No, he's decided he's joining the meow-nties," she told Neil before snorting into her cup. The man let out a loud laugh as Caroline shook her head, "I have to apologize for that one, it was awful."
"No need to apologize," Neil shook his hand, "he's only serving our country."
This caused Caroline to laugh even more, Mercutio running away from the sudden noise. When she caught her breath she noticed Neil was staring at her, making her go red. "I-" she tried to form a sentence in her head, but she couldn't. Her courage was wearing thin and the nerves returning.
Neil looked at his watch, his expression going from peaceful to shocked, "Oh, shh.." he trailed off, setting his coffee cup down and standing quickly, "I'm sorry, I have to be somewhere right now, but thank you for the coffee!" He called back as he exited the shop.
Caroline watched him leave with a sigh, she grabbed his half empty mug and slowly made her way to the checkout counter. Nancy watched her as she approached, smiling softly, "He'll be back, Line. Don't you worry."
Caroline furrowed her brow, "Are you busy after work?" She asked her friend.
"Can't say I am," The brunette quirked her head to the side, "why?"
"I need a drink."
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